SIGNED! Colorado Comeback Bill to Address Homelessness Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a Colorado Comeback bill into law that aims to address homelessness and promote affordable housing throughout Colorado. 

HB21-1271, sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales, will establish grant programs to encourage local governments to utilize affordable housing strategies, and will direct money to local governments for the acquisition or restoration of underutilized properties to house people experiencing homelessness. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic made exceedingly clear just how critical access to stable housing is to public health, educational wellbeing of children, and economic stability,” said Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver)“This session, I championed multiple housing bills to advance tenants’ rights, to make bold investments in affordable housing, and to ensure that we address the needs of Coloradans experiencing homelessness. These laws will keep Coloradans housed, and I am so proud of the broad and diverse coalition who lent their voices to each of these vitally-important housing justice policies!”

Specifically, HB21-1271 creates three different programs in the Department of Local Affairs to promote innovative solutions for the development of affordable housing across the state. Together, the programs provide for $13 million in state stimulus funds to jump start development in the next three years.


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