Hinrichsen Bills to Cut Fees, Save People Money Go Into Effect

Senator fought to support working Pueblo families, provide relief from pandemic-induced inflation

PUEBLO, CO - A package of bills to reduce fees and save working Pueblo families money championed by Senator Nick Hinrichsen, D-Pueblo, went into effect today.

The new laws cut fees on everything from license plate renewal to professional licensing fees for nurses and will save working Coloradans millions of dollars over the next two years.

“Pandemic-induced inflation is putting folks in a pinch, which is why we fought to pass this slate of fee relief bills that will help save people money,” Hinrichsen said. “From helping local restaurants hold onto thousands of dollars on their sales taxes, to slashing fees at the DMV, to reducing professional licenses for health care providers, we’re helping families and businesses deal with rising costs and putting money directly back into the pockets of hardworking Coloradans.”

Hinrichsen’s bills to save people money include:

HB22-1406: Qualified Retailer Retain Sales Tax

Small restaurants and businesses are the backbone of our communities, and they need support as the economy continues to recover. This law will save nearly 9,000 restaurants and retailers up to $40 million this summer. Businesses will be allowed to deduct up to $70,000 from their net taxable sales, saving them about $2,000 in sales tax collections in July, August and September of this year.

HB22-1298: Fee Relief for Nurses, Nurse Aides, and Technicians

Our health care heroes have faced immeasurable challenges over the last two years, but regardless of these challenges, they have stepped up to the plate every day to care for Coloradans. This bill will help alleviate the pressure essential workers have faced by providing licensure and certification fee relief for nurses, nurse aides, and psychiatric technicians. $11.7 million will be used to fund the State Board of Nursing expenses to regulate nurses, nurse aides, and psychiatric technicians starting in FY22-23 until the funds have been fully expended. 

HB22-1351: Temporarily Reduce Road User Charges

In a state like Colorado, easy and affordable transportation is critical, but pandemic-induced inflation and the rising cost of living caused by global economic forces have sent transit costs soaring. This bill will save Coloradans $45 million at the gas pump and nearly $34 million in vehicle registration costs while still funding needed road repairs and infrastructure work across the state.

This urgently-needed relief will help working families afford everyday necessities and make life more affordable in Colorado. Read more about Colorado Democrats’ work to save people money HERE.


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New Laws Passed by Democrats to Save People Money Go Into Effect