JOINT RELEASE: New Law Will Save Coloradans Money On Epi-Pens

DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed HB23-1002, sponsored by Representatives Javier Mabrey and Iman Jodeh and Senator Dylan Roberts, which will save Coloradans money on epinephrine auto-injectors by limiting the cost for the devices to $60 for a two-pack.

“Coloradans who rely on Epi-pens for life saving medical interventions should not be subjected to corporate price gouging, this legislation caps the price of epi pens for Colorado consumers making them far more accessible,” said Rep. Javier Mabrey, D-Denver. “I’m proud to continue our work to hold pharmaceutical manufacturers and insurance companies accountable to protect consumers from excessive price gouging that forces many lower-income Coloradans to use expired Epi-pens or make life or death decisions whether to use one or not because they aren’t sure they can afford to replace it.”

“Colorado families like the ones I represent on the Western Slope are getting charged an arm and a leg for the EpiPens they rely on to save their lives in emergency situations, and it’s unacceptable,”
Sen. Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, said. “Nobody should have to choose between paying the bills and affording their prescriptions. This new law will lower costs and make life-saving EpiPens much more affordable for working folks.”

“From the Colorado Option to new laws cracking down on the pharmacy benefits industry, we’ve taken bold action to drive down the cost of health insurance and prescription drugs and improve access to life-saving care,”
said Rep. Iman Jodeh, D-Aurora. “As someone who relies on emergency medication, I know the fear and anxiety that can come with not knowing if you’ll be able to afford the next prescription. The law Governor Polis signed today will break down the cost barriers that prevent many lower-income people, often people of color, from affording the medication they need.”

An epinephrine auto-injector is a medical device that is used to dispense epinephrine, a hormone that quickly combats life-threatening reactions including swollen airways and rapidly dropping blood pressure. It is commonly used by people with moderate to severe allergies, in addition to other medical issues, to prevent a fatal anaphylactic reaction. Epinephrine auto-injectors are commonly referred to by the trademark name “EpiPen”, which was acquired by one company in 2007. Since then, prices have increased over 660% to $690 for a 2-pack. Because Epi-pens expire a year after purchase, Coloradans have been forced to spend hundreds of dollars annually for medication that can save them from potentially lethal reactions.

HB23-1002 creates the Epi-Pen Affordability Program, where uninsured Coloradans with a prescription can apply online through the Colorado Division of Insurance to obtain low-cost epinephrine auto-injectors. Under this bill, manufacturers would be required to provide access to the program on their websites. The bill also requires insurance carriers that provide coverage for epinephrine auto-injectors to cap the out-of-pocket cost to $60 for a 2-pack.

With over 500,000 Coloradans experiencing severe food allergies and over 430,000 Coloradans with asthma, this bill will help nearly a million individuals and families across the state get low-cost access to the emergency medication they need.

This legislation is modeled after successful policy passed by Colorado Democrats in recent years to limit profiteering off essential medication. Senator Dylan Roberts sponsored HB21-1307, creating the Colorado Insulin Affordability Program and successfully reducing insulin prescription costs without shifting them to the marketplace or insurance policy consumers. The bill caps monthly insulin costs at $100, regardless of the number of prescriptions a person may have. Insulin is used similarly to EpiPens in regulating bodily reactions. Without insulin or EpiPens, individuals can experience dangerous and potentially fatal symptoms.


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