Legislation to Clean Up Colorado’s Air Wins Senate Approval

HB22-1244 would improve air quality through increased monitoring of hazardous air toxics

DENVER, CO - Legislation to clean up Colorado’s air and reduce emissions of deadly chemicals won final approval by the Senate today.

HB22-1244, sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, will improve Colorado’s air quality through increased monitoring and regulation of hazardous air toxics. The bill requires the identification of priority air toxics and sets protective health-based standards to prioritize public health. 

“Every Coloradan deserves safe and healthy air to breathe, but too many of us - especially in low-income communities and communities of color - are exposed to deadly emissions from polluters that spew chemicals into our air," said Gonzales. "This legislation both empowers our state to ensure the health and safety of Coloradans and holds corporations accountable for their pollution. I look forward to working with my colleagues and the Governor to get this policy signed into law.”

Colorado is facing an air quality crisis - last month, the Northern Front Range was declared a “severe” violator of federal ozone standards by the EPA. HB22-1244 will work alongside SB22-180 and SB22-193 to build a healthier Colorado through air quality improvements and transit investments.

HB22-1244 now heads back to the House for concurrence. Track the bill's progress HERE.


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