Pair of Bills to Save People Money, Support Colorado Families Clears Committee

Legislation will bolster cash assistance and help families put food on the table

DENVER, CO - The Senate Finance Committee today cleared a pair of bills to save people money and better support Colorado families in need.

HB22-1259, sponsored by Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, aims to help families in need by increasing monthly basic cash assistance payments under the Colorado Works Program by 10 percent. 

"Even though cost of living has steadily increased, the cash assistance provided to Colorado's parents and kids in need has not changed since 1996," Moreno said. "By making it easier for families to get the assistance they need and putting more money in their pocket, this bill helps lift Colorado's families out of poverty, and set them up for success."

Starting next year, HB22-1259 would increase cash assistance for families living in extreme poverty by 10 percent, and expand eligibility for the assistance to more vulnerable Coloradans by removing restrictions on single parents with children below the age of one. 

The bill also increases funding for the Employment Opportunities with Wages Program, which helps Colorado Works participants find permanent employment with a living wage.

The Finance Committee also approved HB22-1380, sponsored by Senator Jeff Bridges, D-Greenwood Village, which would direct $14 million in federal pandemic relief funds to save people money on healthy food and increase critical services for low-income individuals. 

“Colorado is making great strides as we work to recover from the pandemic, but there are still families who need our help,” Bridges said. “This bill is a smart investment that will save families money and put food on the table while supporting Colorado’s farmers and small food retailers. Working together, we can ensure that no Colorado family is left behind.” 

HB22-1380 invests $8 million to create the Community Food Access Program to support small food retailers and small farmers to ensure underserved communities have access to healthy, fresh food through a consortium and grant program. The program supports small food retailers and grocery stores with technical assistance, and one-time grants of up to $25,000 to strengthen Colorado’s food value chain.

The bill also directs $2 million in federal relief funds to better identify SNAP recipients who are also eligible for utility bill assistance; $3 million for a universal high-quality work management system to reduce administrative costs and streamline the application process for various benefit programs; and $1 million to support technology upgrades and integrate the Double Up Food Bucks Program in local food retail stores and increase access to healthy foods for SNAP recipients.

Both bills are part of a package of legislation to invest millions into our state’s economic recovery and deliver urgently-needed relief to Coloradans, and will now move to consideration before the full Senate. 

Track HB22-1259 HERE, and HB22-1380 HERE.


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