Senate Advances Legislation to Crack Down on Deceptive Practices by Anti-Abortion Centers

Bill will prohibit deceptive advertising by anti-abortion centers

DENVER, CO – Legislation sponsored by Senator Faith Winter, D-Westminster, and Senator Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, to protect Coloradans seeking reproductive health care by prohibiting the use of deceptive advertising by anti-abortion centers (AACs) cleared second reading in the Senate today.

SB23-190 makes it a deceptive trade practice to share information or advertise providing abortion care, emergency contraceptives or for referrals of either of these services when the service is not actually provided. This bill also clarifies it is a deceptive practice to advertise providing a “medication abortion reversal”. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists describes “medication abortion reversal” as “unproven and unethical,” and says that “claims regarding abortion ‘reversal’ treatment are not based on science and do not meet clinical standards'' of care.

“We’ve made tremendous progress in Colorado to protect reproductive rights, but marginalized communities like people of color, low-income folks, young people, LGBTQIA+ communities, and immigrants still struggle to obtain the care they need - and AACs only make matters worse,” said Winter. “AACs use deceptive advertising practices to lure folks in and steer people away from abortions and other time-sensitive care by not providing them with the full, medically accurate spectrum of options. I’m proud of this legislation to crack down on AACs’ deceptive practices and make reproductive health care more attainable and equitable for all Coloradans.”

“Anti-abortion centers present themselves as legitimate family planning reproductive health care clinics, but these fake clinics use deceptive advertising to draw in vulnerable people seeking care to harass them with biased and inaccurate information about abortions and contraceptives,” Marchman said. “People who go to these clinics looking for help report being shamed and lied to – the exact opposite of the safe and accurate care we are beholden to protect as elected officials. The Safe Access to Reproductive Health Care Package is a proactive step we can take towards a future where Coloradans' freedom to access essential and affirming reproductive health care is truly protected.”

In Colorado, AACs outnumber abortion-providing clinics 51 to 20. Further, AACs particularly target locations that may lack a comprehensive clinic, often posting Spanish-language billboards in neighborhoods with large immigrant populations and offering free services to low-income communities.

Anti-abortion centers are the on-the-ground presence of the national anti-abortion movement. Also known as crisis pregnancy centers or anti-abortion counseling centers, AACs pose as comprehensive reproductive health care clinics to intercept patients seeking abortion care, provide false information, and prevent people from seeking abortions.

SB23-190 will now be heard on third reading before moving to the House for further consideration. Follow the bill’s progress HERE.


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