Senate Approves Roberts Bill to Incentivize Economic Development in NW Colorado and Advance Mountain Passenger Rail

SB24-190 would facilitate the success of mountain passenger rail by incentivizing businesses that use rail to move freight to locate in coal transition communities in Northwest Colorado

DENVER, CO – Legislation sponsored by Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Frisco, that would support both the realization of mountain passenger rail and economic diversification efforts in transitioning coal communities in Northwest Colorado was approved by the Senate today. 

SB24-190 would make the design and use of mountain passenger rail more sustainable by incentivizing the transportation of freight from companies that establish operations in coal transition communities along the potential rail line, particularly Craig and Hayden. The bill would allocate up to $10 million in incentives per year for Hayden and Craig, and Grand, Moffat, and Routt Counties to attract and retain large-scale businesses. 

“This bill is a transformative win-win for Northwest Colorado,” said Roberts. “As the region’s State Senator, prioritizing economic opportunity and resources for transitioning communities is a top priority. Further, representing all the communities that would be served by mountain passenger rail from Craig to Winter Park, I’m excited to do whatever I can to make that happen – and this bill does both. The financial incentives created by this bill could attract large employers to Craig, Hayden, and Grand County, create dozens, if not hundreds, of new jobs, give Northwest Colorado even more targeted economic support, and will be a crucial part in making passenger rail from Craig all the way to Denver a reality by the end of the decade.” 

Colorado has a once in a generation opportunity to bring passenger rail to Northwest Colorado and connect the region as well as generate new economic opportunities for communities facing economic transition. The federal government has already committed billions of dollars to rail development nationwide, and there is a growing coalition of support throughout Northwest Colorado. The region is uniquely prepared for this moment, with an existing rail line that can be expanded and equipped for passenger use. 

The proposed mountain line will connect Denver to Winter Park, Steamboat Springs, Hayden, and Craig and allow for commuter transit between the towns. However, continued freight use of the rail line is key to the financial viability of passenger rail service. Bringing new businesses into Northwest Colorado will expand economic development, create new jobs in the area, and provide essential support for the rail line.

SB24-190 would create an income tax credit through the Colorado Office of Economic Development & International Trade (OEDIT) for businesses that choose to locate in a coal transition community and use rail to transport their freight. It would also make more of the region eligible for economic support from OEDIT, creating opportunities for economic diversification in the region and offering needed support for mountain rail development. Potential mountain rail would also facilitate increased tourism in the region, create additional economic growth, and allow locals to commute safely to and from Winter Park to Craig, with stops in between. 

“Historically, rail has played a key role in helping Routt and Moffat Counties export freight to other parts of the country,” said Sonja Macys, Routt County Commissioner and Chair of the Mountain Rail Coalition. “Securing new freight driven industries will provide needed economic development and also support existing businesses, including the housing industry, whose costs continue to rise in part due to their dependence on expensive, fossil-fuel intensive, transportation costs. Roberts’ bill creates multiple opportunities to support local businesses, existing and new, and help underwrite the revival of mountain rail for passengers.” 

SB24-190 will now move to further consideration before the House. Track the bill’s progress HERE.


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