Zenzinger Honored for Work to Prepare Foster Youth for Educational Success

DENVER, CO Senator Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada, was recently honored by Young Invincibles (YI) with their 2022 Legislative Champion award for her work to support Colorado’s foster youth seeking higher education opportunities.

During the 2022 legislative session, Zenzinger championed SB22-008, a bipartisan law which helps college-bound students who have been in foster care attend college by requiring higher education institutions to waive their undergraduate fees and tuition.

“Foster youth across Colorado typically face extraordinary obstacles which is why we took action this year to further our support and help these young folks chase their dreams and attend college,” said Zenzinger. “I’m grateful to be honored for my work to support foster youth, and will continue fighting to break down barriers for them so they can excel and thrive in their communities.”

"Young Invincibles is proud to honor Senator Zenzinger as one of our Legislative Champions for 2022 for her tireless efforts towards making education accessible and affordable for young adults in Colorado,” said Sarah Staron, Policy Coordinator, Young Invincibles Rocky Mountain. “Senator Zenzinger centers the voices of the populations furthest from opportunity, and uses her power to champion greater equity for all Coloradans. Thank you for your work Senator!"

Starting in the 2022-23 academic year, SB22-008 requires the state to provide financial assistance to cover the total costs of higher education for students who have been in the foster care system in excess of what financial aid provides.

To increase the likelihood of student enrollment in postsecondary education, the law also designates navigators at school districts and universities to serve as points-of-contact to help students choose programs, navigate the grant and tuition assistance programs, and submit applications.


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