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Colorado Comeback Legislation Moves Forward, Recovery Gets Two Steps Closer

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate Local Government Committee approved SB21-229, a bill sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson and Tammy Story, that directs $3 million to the Rural Jump Start Grant Program, which helps economically distressed communities – particularly communities that will be affected by the energy market’s transition away from coal to more renewable energy sources – attract new businesses and jobs.

Bipartisan stimulus bills clear committee aiming to jump start rural Colorado & invest in environmental restoration

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate Local Government Committee approved SB21-229, a bill sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson and Tammy Story, that directs $3 million to the Rural Jump Start Grant Program, which helps economically distressed communities – particularly communities that will be affected by the energy market’s transition away from coal to more renewable energy sources – attract new businesses and jobs.

“As we work to help Colorado recover, we must prioritize directing targeted relief to parts of our state that are too often left behind: small communities, places with particularly low unemployment or income levels, and fossil fuel areas in transition,” said Senator Story (D-Evergreen). “This bill will help ignite local economies from the Western Slope to the Eastern Plains, and will ensure that Colorado’s economic recovery is both equitable and sustainable.”

Specifically, SB21-229 prescribes a tiered grant program where new businesses can receive up to $20,000 for establishing operations in rural jump-start zones and up to $2,500 for each new job they create. Furthermore, businesses establishing operations in coal transition communities (as identified in the Office of Just Transition Action Plan) can receive up to $40,000 as well as up to $5,000 for each new job they create.

SB21-229 will now be heard in the Senate Finance Committee. 

Additionally, this afternoon the Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee approved SB21-240, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senators Danielson & Simpson, that transfers $15 million to the Colorado Water Conservation Board to help watersheds recover from the impacts of wildfire.

“In 2020, Colorado endured the worst wildfire season in state history – devastating countless homes and thousands of acres of forest land. This has severely impacted our watersheds in the state and only increased the adverse effects of Colorado drought conditions” said Senator Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge). “As a part of our economic recovery, we are working to restore and strengthen our natural environment so that it can better withstand wildfire impacts and save our state painful costs in the future.” 

In addition to direct funding for watershed restoration, the bill sets aside funds to conduct a statewide watershed analysis that investigates the susceptibility of life, safety, infrastructure, and water supplies to wildfire impacts.

SB21-240 now heads to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

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JOINT RELEASE: Democrats Unveil Lifesaving Gun Violence Prevention Bills

DENVER, CO – During a press conference today, House and Senate lawmakers were joined by local advocates to unveil a package of three bills designed to curb the gun violence epidemic and respond to the Boulder King Soopers mass shooting.

DENVER, CO – During a press conference today, House and Senate lawmakers were joined by local advocates to unveil a package of three bills designed to curb the gun violence epidemic and respond to the Boulder King Soopers mass shooting. The bills would save lives by creating an office tasked with preventing gun violence, expanding background checks and closing loopholes in the system, and giving local governments the tools they need to craft community-based solutions to gun violence. All three bills will be introduced later today.

Local Preemption, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Fenberg, Senator Moreno and Representatives Hooton & Daugherty
This bill allows local governments to implement laws around gun ownership that are broader than state statutes – granting municipalities the right to decide regulations befitting their community.
(Starting in the Senate)

“Just ten days before the King Soopers shooting, courts struck down Boulder’s citywide assault weapons ban. This was the culmination of years of advocacy and bravery from community members, and it made residents feel safer. It’s time we give the power back to our localities so they are able to craft their own tailored, community-based responses to gun violence,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder. “Our state includes a diverse set of communities and we need to allow each of these communities to look out for the safety of their residents.”

“Just over a month after the tragedy that rattled Boulder, Arvada, and the state of Colorado, we’re introducing a bold package of bills to respond directly to the mass shooting and save lives,” said Representative Lindsey Daugherty, D-Arvada. “By giving local governments the authority to implement community-driven gun violence prevention measures, we’re doing things the Colorado way. I’m honored to be a part of the effort to honor the lives of the Boulder King Soopers victims with action.”

Office of Gun Violence Prevention, sponsored by Representatives Sullivan & Bacon and Senators Fields & Hansen
The bill establishes the Office of Gun Violence Prevention under the Department of Public Health and Environment. The Office would be responsible for conducting public awareness campaigns about gun violence prevention. It would educate the public about existing state resources and laws, including how to file an Extreme Risk Protection Order, how to access mental health resources, and how to store firearms securely.

The office would also fund proven community-based violence intervention programs that are focused on interrupting cycles of gun violence through competitive grants.

Finally, the Office would be tasked with researching and presenting on gun violence prevention tools and resources that would be available to the public and to create and maintain a database of research regarding gun violence in Colorado.

(Starting in the House)

Mass shootings grab headlines, but gun violence rips families and Black and Brown communities of color apart with no fanfare every single day,“ said Representative Jennifer Bacon, D-Denver. No single policy will be the cure-all that resolves the public health crisis of gun violence once and for all. But by leaning in and taking several coordinated and bold steps, we’ll be able to make progress and save lives in communities like mine. This bill creates the Office of Gun Violence Prevention and tasks it with leveraging existing gun violence resources and community-driven violence intervention programs to make the greatest impact.

“True gun violence prevention requires that we start thinking bigger and more holistically,” said Senator Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora. “Making top-down regulations without investing in grassroots education will only limit our policies’ effectiveness. We need to build broad public awareness that empowers communities to take action – protecting their loved ones in moments of crisis and implementing evidence-based initiatives that will interrupt cycles of violence and trauma.”

Expanding Background Checks, sponsored by Representatives Amabile & Woodrow and Senators Pettersen & Gonzales
This bill prohibits a person who has been convicted of specific violent misdemeanor offenses from purchasing a firearm for 5 years. These specific criminal offenses show a propensity for violence or illegal usage of a weapon and include charges like child abuse, hate crimes, cruelty to animals, sexual assault, and third degree assault.

The bill also closes the “Charleston loophole”, which allows an individual who may not have otherwise passed a background check to obtain a firearm if the results of said background check take longer than three days to process. This bill avoids that by creating a state requirement for a firearms dealer to receive approval from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation prior to transferring a firearm.

(Starting in the House)

“We often hear the refrain ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people’ as an explanation for why we shouldn’t pass common sense gun safety bills,” said Representative Steven Woodrow, D-Denver. “The bill we are introducing today does exactly that: focuses on the people. We’re improving and expanding our background check system to ensure that people convicted of hate crimes, sexual assault, child abuse or similar violent misdemeanors are barred from accessing a firearm for a period of time. This shouldn’t be controversial.”

“Background checks are one of the most effective tools we have to keep deadly weapons out of dangerous hands,” said Senator Julie Gonzales, D-Denver. “By ensuring that those who have committed violent offenses are unable to purchase a firearm, we will undoubtedly save lives. But this bill doesn’t stop there - we are also closing a critical loophole that has long allowed firearms to be purchased without any background check if there is a national backlog. No matter the wait, background checks should be non-negotiable for gun purchases and this legislation will ensure that.”

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Bill to Address Opioid Epidemic & Save Lives Passes Senate!

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate gave bipartisan approval for legislation sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields that aims to create more transparency and safety around prescribed opioids in Colorado. The bill, SB21-011, is a patient safety initiative that would increase the amount of opioid antagonist rescue medication available to at-risk patients in Colorado.

Legislation would require pharmacists to alert patients of the dangerous effects of opioids & expand access to the life-saving remedies

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate gave bipartisan approval for legislation sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields that aims to create more transparency and safety around prescribed opioids in Colorado. The bill, SB21-011, is a patient safety initiative that would increase the amount of opioid antagonist rescue medication available to at-risk patients in Colorado.

“The opioid crisis was prevalent far before COVID-19, but has been exacerbated since the start of the pandemic,” said Senator Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora. “Equipping patients with the information and resources they need prior to taking opioids is a common-sense step that will deter overdoses and save lives. This bill will simply create more transparency around the dangerous impact of these substances while expanding access to life-saving drugs that will help prevent overdoses in our communities.” 

The legislation would require pharmacists to offer an opioid antagonist when filling a high-dose opioid prescription or an opioid prescription alongside another medication that could place the patient at risk of an overdose. This will ensure that people have life-saving medicine on hand in case of an overdose.

In addition, the bill would ensure that patients are more knowledgeable about these powerful drugs and have the information necessary to protect themselves. 

Over the past year, there has been a surge in the number of U.S. residents who have died of a drug overdose — 81,230 in the 12 months. In Colorado specifically, overdose deaths increased 37% between January and June 2020, as compared to 2019. In the Denver Metropolitan Area, this increase now stands at an astonishing 293%, according to the Vital Statistics Program of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Senator Fields continued“This bill is a patient safety bill that will not only save lives, but will provide valuable patient education to vulnerable patients and reduce overall healthcare costs. As the rate of opioid overdoses continues to climb throughout our country, the need for this legislation couldn’t be more clear.” 

Studies show that access to opioid antagonists saves lives. When states pass laws increasing access to an opioid antagonist, there is a 9% to 11% reduction in opioid deaths while simultaneously reducing overall healthcare costs. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently estimates that more than 1,000 emergency department visits daily are related to the misuse of opioids. Moreover, a landmark observational study in safety settings found that those who were prescribed an opioid antagonist had 63% fewer emergency department visits after one year.

SB21-011 now moves to the House for further consideration. To track the progress of the bill, visit the Colorado General Assembly’s website.

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Bills to Protect Renters & Promote Affordable Housing Move Forward

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee passed two priority housing bills. HB21-1117 and HB21-1121, both sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales, will restrict the power of landlords, empower tenants in eviction court, and promote the development of affordable housing.

Legislation to protect renters and encourage affordable housing clear important hurdle before heading to the full Senate

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee passed two priority housing bills. HB21-1117 and HB21-1121, both sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales, will restrict the power of landlords, empower tenants in eviction court, and promote the development of affordable housing.

Specifically, HB21-1121 prohibits landlords from increasing rent more than once in a 12-month period, extends eviction notices from 21 to 60 days for tenancies between 1 - 6 months long, and strengthens legal proceedings to give tenants more support in eviction court.

“When we return power to renters, we not only reduce housing instability but break down socioeconomic barriers and combat racial injustice as well,” said Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver). “Colorado’s housing crisis exacerbates every issue our communities face – from economic insecurity to child hunger. By strengthening protections for renters and increasing access to affordable housing, we begin to tackle a systemic vulnerability that traps Coloradans in endless cycles of poverty and in so doing, mend the fabric of our community.”

HB21-1117, also sponsored by Senator Robert Rodriguez, clarifies the existing authority of local governments to promote the construction of new affordable housing units.

“The affordable housing crisis is a multidimensional issue that will require diversified approaches to solve, but a key component of any solution is ensuring that local governments can expand the supply of affordable housing in their community,” said Senator Rodriguez (D-Denver). “This bill will give municipal governments the power to provide localized solutions to housing affordability, and ensure that any new development can be equitable.”

To read the bills and find updates regarding their status, visit and

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Connecting Colorado: Front Range Passenger Rail Legislation Clears Committee!

DENVER, CO - Today, a bipartisan bill establishing the Front Range Passenger Rail District passed the Senate Transportation and Energy Committee on a vote of 6-1. Sponsored by Senate President Leroy Garcia and Senator Rachel Zenzinger, chair of the Transportation and Energy Committee, SB21-238 lays the groundwork for an interconnected, high-speed passenger system along the Front Range corridor.

Legislation outlines plans to create a district tasked with constructing a passenger rail line from the New Mexico to Wyoming border

DENVER, CO - Today, a bipartisan bill establishing the Front Range Passenger Rail District passed the Senate Transportation and Energy Committee on a vote of 6-1. Sponsored by Senate President Leroy Garcia and Senator Rachel Zenzinger, chair of the Transportation and Energy Committee, SB21-238 lays the groundwork for an interconnected, high-speed passenger system along the Front Range corridor.

“I have worked on transportation and transit issues for nearly twenty years, and I am incredibly proud to see our bill to create the Front Range Passenger Rail District make it through committee. With the White House proposing historic investments in the expansion of passenger rail, the timing of SB21-238 couldn’t be better,” said Senator Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada. “Front Range Rail is a smart solution that helps lower emissions and improves the transit experience for the hundreds of thousands of Coloradans that travel along the Front Range. It is also a good economic investment.”

“Front Range Passenger Rail is a crucial opportunity for us to prioritize the long-term economic health of Southern Colorado,” 
said President Leroy Garcia, D-Pueblo. “A high-speed train will connect Coloradans with new communities, and facilitate stronger investments in communities that have been overlooked. Now that SB21-238 cleared its first committee, we are one step closer to having a public transit system that addresses our growing population needs and increases mobility throughout the Front Range.”

The bill proposes creating a Front Range Passenger Rail Board to research, develop, construct, operate, and maintain the rail system and instructs them to work collaboratively with RTD as well as Amtrak to ensure interconnectedness and compatibility with existing services and projects. SB21-238 also outlines different modes of funding including sales and use tax increases for rail districts (subject to voter approval) as well as federal investment.

SB21-238 will now head to the Senate Appropriations Committee. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Bill to Protect LGBT+ Community, Fight Discrimination PASSES! 

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate passed legislation sponsored by Senator Dominick Moreno that seeks to protect LGBTQ+ Coloradans from discrimination. HB21-1108, which passed with bipartisan support, would expand existing discrimination protections to include “gender expression” and “gender identity.” The bill would also revise the current definition of “sexual orientation” to be more comprehensive and inclusive.

Legislation will provide necessary protections for Coloradans as hate crimes continue to rise across nation

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate passed legislation sponsored by Senator Dominick Moreno that seeks to protect LGBTQ+ Coloradans from discrimination. HB21-1108, which passed with bipartisan support, would expand existing discrimination protections to include “gender expression” and “gender identity.” The bill would also revise the current definition of “sexual orientation” to be more comprehensive and inclusive.

“As hate crimes continue to rise, we need to implement policies that safeguard our LGBTQIA+ community and protect them from discrimination,” said Senator Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City“With this bill, we are saying loud and clear that LGBTQIA+ folks are welcome in Colorado and deserve the same protections under the law as other marginalized groups. We have the ability to create a safer, more inclusive Colorado with the passage of this critical bill, moving us a step closer toward a more welcoming community where everyone feels safe to be who they are.” 

According to the FBI’s 2019 Hate Crime Report in Colorado, attacks against an individual's sexual orientation have increased 49% from last year and now account for the second-largest number of bias-motivated attacks in the state. In addition, crimes targeting an individual's gender identity have consistently risen since 2017 and increased 40% last year.

Since the passage of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) 15 years ago, it has become apparent that an individual's gender identity or gender expression can have a negative impact on their lived experiences in the same manner as other factors that are currently covered under the state’s anti-discrimination protections. This bill would ensure that gender identity and gender expression are included in the state’s ant-discrimination statute, paving the way for a more just and inclusive society for those in the LGBT+ community. 

HB21-1108 now moves to the Governor's desk for final approval. Track the progress of the bill here

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Colorado Comeback Legislation Clears Committee, Increasing Access to State Resources

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate Health & Human Services Committee unanimously approved a bill to transfer $1 million to the Department of Human Services to expand the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative to include necessary referrals for mental health services and other resources for Coloradans.

Bill to expand the necessary human referral services authorized by the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative passes through its first committee unanimously

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate Health & Human Services Committee unanimously approved a bill to transfer $1 million to the Department of Human Services to expand the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative to include necessary referrals for mental health services and other resources for Coloradans.

SB21-239, sponsored by Senators Rachel Zenzinger & Chris Kolker, is a part of the Colorado Comeback state stimulus, a package of legislation that will invest roughly $800 million into helping Colorado recover faster and build back stronger.

“When Coloradans find themselves in tough times, our state has a number of amazing programs and services to help folks get back on their feet. But navigating the maze of programs and eligibility requirements can often be confusing and time-consuming. That’s why resources like 2-1-1 are so critical.” said Senator Zenzinger (D-Arvada). “By working  to compile and clarify assistance opportunities for Coloradans, the 2-1-1 Colorado database connects vulnerable people to the essential resources they need right when they need it.”

“Over the last year, Coloradans’ lives have been upended. Businesses and schools have closed, families have faced financial uncertainty, and thousands have lost loved ones or faced a medical crisis themselves,” 
said Senator Kolker (D-Centennial). “This bill ensures Coloradans in crisis can get the help that they need to recover – connecting people to all of the incredible opportunities our state has to offer without the burden of sifting through them alone.”

The Colorado 2-1-1 Collaborative is a confidential and multilingual service connecting people to more than 11,000 vital resources across the state, including resources for COVID-19, aging & disability, mental health & addiction, food assistance, housing & shelter, employment, tax assistance, and childcare services.

This bill provides additional funding to the 2-1-1 service for mental health services, and also requires the Collaborative to coordinate with the Department of Labor and Employment to target, conduct outreach, and market to individuals who are unemployed -- regardless of whether they receive benefits -- and may need referrals for behavioral health services and other resources.

SB21-239 will now head to the Senate Appropriations Committee before being heard by the full Senate. To read the bill and find updates regarding the bills’ passage, visit

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Signed! Bill to Expand Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program Becomes Law

Denver, CO – Today, Governor Polis signed a bipartisan bill into law that would expand the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program. SB21-123, sponsored by Senator Joann Ginal and Representative Karen McCormick, seeks to increase access to affordable prescription drugs for Coloradans, as health care costs continue to rise throughout the country.

New law works to lower the cost of prescription drugs, expand access to affordable medications & improve patient outcomes

Denver, CO – Today, Governor Polis signed a bipartisan bill into law that would expand the Canadian Prescription Drug Importation ProgramSB21-123, sponsored by Senator Joann Ginal and Representative Karen McCormick, seeks to increase access to affordable prescription drugs for Coloradans, as health care costs continue to rise throughout the country. 

“As pharmaceutical costs continue to skyrocket, it is becoming harder and harder for Coloradans to afford the medications they need to maintain their health,” said Senator Joann Ginal, D-Fort Collins. “No one should be forced to ration or forego medications all together simply because they are too expensive. This law will pave the way for a more equitable and affordable healthcare system that prioritizes the well-being of patients over profit.” 

“Even the most successful drug on the market becomes zero percent effective when a patient can’t afford it,” 
said Rep. Karen McCormick, D-Longmont. “This meaningful proposal will help us meet our goal of lowering health care costs for all Coloradans by ensuring that we are ready to implement an innovative program to implement safe and affordable drug imports. Now we need the federal government to act.” 

Drug prices continue to increase in Colorado and throughout the nation, resulting in many patients struggling to afford medications. A 2020 analysis of 2018 claims from the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (CO APCD) shows that Colorado spent nearly $4 billion, or 13% of total health care spending ($23 billion), on prescription drugs – an increase of over $300 million since 2016.

HCPF estimates that drugs imported from Canada are on average, 63% cheaper compared to Colorado prices. This new law authorizes the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to expand its current drug importation program to include other countries in addition to Canada – ensuring Colorado’s readiness to increase opportunities for consumer savings on prescription drugs if and when the federal government approves such a program.

Under the law, all prescription drugs approved for importation through the Colorado program will be the same as the current FDA-approved versions, which are produced worldwide for the U.S. market today. They will meet federal supply chain laws and U.S. labeling requirements, and be tested for authenticity and degradation.

Currently, a majority of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) or finished drugs sold in the U.S. are already manufactured overseas. About 80% of active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturers are located outside of the country and 70% of popular brand name drugs are imported.

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Nothin’ Going to Break Senate Democrats’ Stride as Legislative Session Marches on

DENVER, CO - Senate Democrats have a spring in their step as they get to work this week, hoping to clear a number of priority bills through legislative committees.

Bills on tenancy protections, affordable housing, mental health services, data privacy, and transportation, as well as stimulus bills on agricultural resilience, behavioral health services, and watershed restoration all head to committees this week

DENVER, CO - Senate Democrats have a spring in their step as they get to work this week, hoping to clear a number of priority bills through legislative committees.

Several of the bills being heard are a part of Colorado’s recovery package including:

SB21-239: 2-1-1 Statewide Human Services Referral System, sponsored by Senators Kolker & Zenzinger.

  • The pandemic has taken a severe toll on our collective mental health. As our lives have been disrupted, many have faced economic uncertainty, including businesses and schools which have been forced to close. This bill transfers $1 million to the Department of Human Services to expand the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative to include necessary referrals for mental health services and other resources in the state for Coloradans, particularly for individuals who are unemployed. 

This bill will be heard by the Senate Health & Human Services Committee at 1:30PM today, Monday, April 26th in Senate Committee Room 357.

SB21-234: General Fund Transfer Agriculture And Drought Resiliency, sponsored by Senators Jaquez Lewis & Sonnenberg.

  • In 2020, each of the 64 Colorado counties was experiencing a drought. Major drivers were an absent monsoon season, increased soil moisture deficits, record-high temperatures, and extreme evaporative demands from winds and low humidity. This drought exacerbated many of the financial impacts on the agriculture sector, and as climate change worsens, drought could cost Colorado an additional $511 million dollars in expected annual damages to agriculture. To help plan for and mitigate future droughts, this bill establishes the Agriculture & Drought Resilience Fund in the Department of Agriculture and allocates $3 million to engage in activities that promote the ability of the state to anticipate, mitigate, or respond to droughts.

This bill will be heard by the Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee upon adjournment of morning floor work on Wednesday, April 28th in the Old Supreme Court Chambers.

SB21-240: Watershed Restoration Grant Program Stimulus, sponsored by Senators Danielson & Simpson.

  • Last year was the worst wildfire season in Colorado state history. As we work to rebuild and revitalize our economy, we must also focus on restoring and strengthening our natural environment to withstand wildfire impacts in the future. This bill transfers $15 million to the Colorado Water Conservation Board to help watersheds recover from the impacts of wildlifes. Additionally the bill sets aside funds to conduct a statewide watershed analysis that investigates the susceptibility of life, safety, infrastructure, and water supplies to wildfire impacts.

This bill will be heard by the Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee at 1:30PM on Thursday, April 29th in the Old Supreme Court Chambers.

Other legislative priorities headed to committee this week include:

SB21-238: Create Front Range Passenger Rail District, sponsored by Senate President Garcia and Senator Zenzinger.

  • For decades Colorado’s transportation infrastructure has been notably underfunded, an issue that has only intensified with the massive population increase over recent years. Some experts believe that the over-used and subsequent deterioration of Colorado’s roads and bridges have also led to depressed economic growth. The bill proposes creating a Front Range Passenger Rail Board to research, develop, construct, operate, and maintain the rail system and instructs them to work collaboratively with RTD as well as Amtrak to ensure interconnectedness and compatibility with existing services and projects. 

This bill will be heard by the Senate Transportation & Energy Committee at 2:00PM on Tuesday, April 27th in Senate Committee Room 357.

SB21-190: Protect Personal Data Privacy, sponsored by Senators Rodriguez & Lundeen.

  • The lack of regulation around big tech companies has resulted in the monopolization and control of our data that corporations use to profit off of us, without passing down any of the benefits to us. To help reign in this power, we must return rights to consumers. This bill will provide consumers with the right to opt out of their personal data being processed, as well as the right to access, correct, delete, or obtain their personal data from various entities in Colorado that utilize and profit off of their data.

This bill will be heard by the Senate Business, Labor, & Technology Committee at 1:30PM on Wednesday, April 28th in Senate Committee Room 352.

SB21-154: 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline Network, sponsored by Senators Kolker & Simpson.

  • Mental health is health care, and people need to know that they can and should seek help in times of crisis. This bill creates an emergency hotline for mental health and suicide prevention – aligning Colorado with the nationally designated three-digit response number, 988. Implementation of 988 will improve quality and access to behavioral health crisis services – especially for underserved populations – as well as reduce stigma surrounding suicide, mental health, and substance use conditions.

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PASSED! Bills to Enhance Equity for Marginalized Communities in Colorado 

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate unanimously passed two bills to protect and broaden the rights of Colorado’s Indigenous and IDD communities.

Legislation would eliminate the subminimum wage for those with intellectual & developmental disabilities & increase access to higher-ed for Indigenous Coloradans

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate unanimously passed two bills to protect and broaden the rights of Colorado’s Indigenous and IDD communities. 

SB21-039, a bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger that would eliminate the subminimum wage in Colorado – an unlivable wage that is legally allowed to be paid to employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

“Individuals with disabilities are valuable members of our communities and our economy. Paying them a lower wage than their counterparts for doing the same work is an unfair and discriminatory practice that must end,” said Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada). “This bill will carefully address this inequity while ensuring that the individuals in these programs are successful in transitioning to competitive employment by meaningfully enhancing employment supports overall."

Currently, some employers hold certificates that authorize them to pay people with intellectual and developmental disabilities a subminimum wage -- currently set at 15% lower than the minimum wage. Starting this summer, the bill would prohibit any employer from hiring employees at the subminimum wage, and would require those with subminimum wage employees to submit a plan to the Colorado Department of Labor & Employment (CDLE) detailing how they plan to phase out the subminimum wage by 2025. 

SB21-029 sponsored by Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, would require public state colleges and universities to offer in-state tuition to students who are a member of an American Indian tribe with historical ties to Colorado.

“Today brings us one step closer to ensuring educational opportunities are accessible to American Indian students with tribal ties to the land we now know as Colorado,” said Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder). “This is an important step in appreciating the tribal nations historically tied to Colorado, as well as acknowledging Colorado’s painful history and the forced removal that has had a severely negative impact on Native nations.”

The Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs as well as History Colorado maintain the list of tribes with historic ties to Colorado – including at least 50 distinct communities. According to the United States Census Bureau population survey, approximately 19% of college-aged American Indian tribe members were enrolled in college in 2016, compared to 41% of the total college-aged population – the lowest percentage of all race and ethnicity groups surveyed.

Both bills now move to the House for further consideration. To track their progress, visit the General Assembly’s website.

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Bill To Strengthen Colorado State Parks Introduced!

DENVER, CO – Today, Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg and Senator Kerry Donovan introduced their bill to create a discounted, Colorado parks pass that will help finance increased conservation of and access to Colorado’s 42 state parks and public lands.

Senate Bill 21-249 creates a discounted, vehicle-displayed “Keep Colorado Wild Pass” – increasing access to & and investment for state parks, public lands.

DENVER, CO – Today, Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg and Senator Kerry Donovan introduced their bill to create a discounted, Colorado parks pass that will help finance increased conservation of and access to Colorado’s 42 state parks and public lands.

“Our state parks and public lands represent the very fabric of our state and our people. Increasing Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s capacity to maintain our state’s outdoor resources is essential to building a more vast and accessible parks system for all Coloradans,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder). “The Keep Colorado Wild Pass will ensure we have the necessary resources to take care of our parks, while giving even more Coloradans the ability to enjoy our great outdoors.”

Over the past year, Coloradans have increasingly enjoyed state parks and public lands as a safe and socially distanced option for recreation. With increased use and a growing demand for outdoor recreation, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is struggling to keep up with its mission to ensure the benefits of the outdoors and wildlife are sustained for future generations.

"As more Coloradans enjoy our state parks and public lands it's important that we do what we can to secure their unique legacy for generations to come," said Senator Kerry Donovan (D-Vail). "The Keep Colorado Wild Pass will provide critical funding support for the public lands that make our state such an incredible place to live."

Revenue from the Keep Colorado Wild Pass will be used to make investments in public lands, outdoor recreation and safety, and wildlife conservation. Passes will be purchased at the time of vehicle registration as well as renewal of registration and will cost no more than half the full price of a state parks pass, with a goal to achieve a $20 price via high participation.

“Colorado simply isn’t Colorado without our world-class outdoors, and the wild places, wild activities and wild people that make our home so special. Yet our inspiring public lands have been under an unprecedented level of strain with increased visitation, and we must act with urgency to improve conservation and chart an even more fun path for outdoor recreation,” said Governor Polis. “Caring for our treasured outdoor areas is a key priority of my administration. The Keep Colorado Wild Pass will be a game-changer for Colorado’s outdoors; lowering the cost of not only enjoying our world-class outdoor resources but also helping us care for our special places and keeping Colorado wild for generations to come.”

In the coming weeks, SB21-249 will be heard in the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. Information and updates regarding the bill can be found at

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Bill to Ban the Use of Discriminatory Mascots Passes Senate

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate passed SB21-116, a bill sponsored by Senator Jessie Danielson that will prohibit the use of American Indians as mascots in Colorado public schools.

Senate approves Senator Danielson’s bill to end the use of American Indians as mascots in Colorado public schools

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate passed  SB21-116, a bill sponsored by Senator Jessie Danielson that will prohibit the use of American Indians as mascots in Colorado public schools.

“Not only have Indigenous Peoples had their homeland stolen but their culture has been continually trivialized and appropriated,” said Senator Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge). “For decades schools and sports teams have used degrading imagery as mascots – calling themselves the “Savages,” “Reds,” or “Indians”. Not only is this practice harmful and offensive, but it is in direct defiance of requests from Indigenous Coloradans, who have demanded for years that these derogatory mascots be discontinued. It’s time that we listen to Native leaders and end this practice.”

Specifically, the bill prohibits any K-12 school or institution of higher education in Colorado from using an American Indian mascot after June 1, 2022. A failure to comply would result in a one-time $25,000 fine for the school district or charter school institute and subsequent monthly fines for institutions of higher education. These fines would then be collected in the State Education Fund.

SB21-116 comes five years after former Governor Hickenlooper established the Governor’s Commission to Study American Indian Representations in Public Schools which found that the use of derogatory American Indian mascots across Colorado creates an unwelcome and hostile learning environment for American Indian students by having negative impacts on those students' mental health and safety. 

Additionally, American Indian mascots were found to impress upon non-American Indian children inaccurate information about American Indian culture and legitimize the participation of culturally abusive and prejudicial behaviors.

Following Cheyenne Mountain High School’s decision to change their mascot earlier this year, there are still 24 K-12 schools across the state that use American Indians as mascots.

The legislation now moves to the House for further consideration. Information and updates regarding the bill can be found at

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Colorado Comeback Legislation Moves Forward with Unanimous Support

DENVER, CO – Two bipartisan pieces of legislation from the Colorado Recovery Plan passed through committee unanimously today. The bills aim to help Colorado build back stronger by supporting our critical agricultural industries and ensuring our kids have the resources they need to thrive.

Legislation would strengthen local agricultural industries & increase resources for early childhood education & care.

DENVER, CO – Two bipartisan pieces of legislation from the Colorado Recovery Plan passed through committee unanimously today. The bills aim to help Colorado build back stronger by supporting our critical agricultural industries and ensuring our kids have the resources they need to thrive.    

SB21-203: Funding For Colorado Proud, sponsored by Senators Bridges & Simpson grants $2.5 million to the Department of Agriculture for use in the Colorado Proud program, which provides new opportunities for Colorado's food and agricultural producers to increase sales globally and helps support the growth and resiliency of Colorado food systems.

"No matter where we live in this state, we value our Colorado ag producers," said Senator Bridges, D-Arapahoe County. "The Colorado Proud program connects folks in grocery stores, farmers markets, and restaurants with food that's grown, raised, or produced right here at home. By increasing funding for this program, we're helping one of Colorado's largest and most important industries recover from the devastating impacts of COVID, strengthening our local businesses and setting us up for a more resilient future. So next time you go shopping, keep an eye out for that Colorado Proud logo to support our Colorado ag industry. Buy local, buy Colorado!"

SB21-236: Increase Capacity Early Childhood Care & Education, sponsored by Senators Story & Sonnenberg establishes three new grant programs to increase childcare capacity and works to improve recruitment, retention, and compensation for early childhood educators. Additionally, the bill allocates $8.8 million in state funds and $4.2 million in federal funds to help get these programs up and running.

“Early childhood caretakers and educators are some of the most valuable and influential figures in children’s lives – helping to not only prepare them for K-12, but also shape their critical thinking abilities, social skills, and general wellbeing,” said Senator Tammy Story, D-Evergreen. “Over the last year, the pandemic has disrupted both educators’ ability to teach and children’s ability to learn – making the re-ignition of early childhood care and education an integral component of our recovery.”

Both bills now head to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. To follow their progress visit the General Assembly website:

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Bill to Enhance Media Literacy in Colorado Schools Clears Committee! 

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Education Committee approved HB21-1103, sponsored by Senator Brittany Pettersen, which seeks to strengthen media literacy in Colorado schools. This bipartisan legislation would make relevant resources available to students and prioritize media literacy part of school curricula throughout the state.

Legislation would expand access to media literacy resources to help students decipher between credible news and misinformation

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Education Committee approved HB21-1103, sponsored by Senator Brittany Pettersen, which seeks to strengthen media literacy in Colorado schools. This bipartisan legislation would make relevant resources available to students and prioritize media literacy as part of school curricula throughout the state. 

“The era of ‘fake news’ and ‘alternative facts’ have severely disrupted our understanding of the truth, making it considerably harder to tell the difference between credible news and misinformation,” said Senator Brittany Pettersen, D-Lakewood. “This lack of understanding is concerning and, frankly, dangerous. This bill will ensure that our students have the resources necessary to tell fact from fiction so they can become well-informed, thoughtful, and engaged members of our society.”  

With the accelerated growth of social media and its integration into the media diet of Coloradans, the dissemination of misinformation has become all too common. To help reduce the spread of falsities, we must equip young Coloradans with the critical thinking skills necessary to analyze the information, claims, and sources presented to them through the media in an effort to empower them to make more informed decisions and strengthen our democracy. 

As such, this bill would require the Department of Education to create and maintain a bank of media literacy resources and for the State Board of Education to bring a renewed focus on media literacy by integrating it into K-12 curriculums.

HB21-1103 now moves to the Committee of the Whole for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Signed! Bills to Create Behavioral Health Admin. and Prevent Suicide Deaths

DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed two bills into law that will expand access to behavioral and mental health services for Coloradans and reduce suicide deaths.

DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed two bills into law that will expand access to behavioral and mental health services for Coloradans and reduce suicide deaths.

“The tragedy and devastation of a suicide death or attempt is something that far too many Coloradans have endured,” said Rep. Lindsey Daugherty, D-Arvada. “Today, we’re taking a great step forward with a comprehensive approach to reduce youth suicide deaths and ensure our communities have the resources they need in the aftermath of a suicide attempt to prevent future tragedies.”

“Far too many of us have seen firsthand just how devastating and widespread the impact of a suicide can be on a community,” said Sen. Kerry Donovan, D-Vail. “This bill empowers the Suicide Prevention Commission to proactively prevent, intervene, and react to suicide in Colorado by recognizing and addressing the full scope of the problem. We are meeting the moment with the urgency it requires and I’m proud to see the bill signed into law.”

HB21-1119, which is sponsored by Representatives Daugherty and Rich and Senators Donovan and Coram, expands the Crisis and Suicide Training Grant Program to include “‘train-the-trainer” programs at public schools and funds peer-to-peer specialist programs that help students support their classmates. The bill incorporates postvention and follow-up care into the state’s comprehensive suicide prevention approach to support individuals and communities in the aftermath of a suicide attempt. Importantly, CDPHE will update the department’s suicide prevention resources to include region-specific information for primary care providers on how to recognize and respond to suicidal patients, including information that can be shared with patients and information for health facilities to share upon a patient’s release.

Research shows that people who have known someone who died by suicide were 1.6 times more likely to have suicidal thoughts, 2.9 times more likely to have a plan for suicide themselves, and 3.7 times more likely to have attempted suicide. Suicide has become a far more common cause of death among peace officers, medical professionals, and school-aged children. Children or adolescents who know about a friend’s suicide attempt are nearly twice as likely to attempt suicide themselves.

“Too many Coloradans have suffered because our state has not addressed gaps in our behavioral health system that prevent people from accessing the care they need,” said Rep. Young, D-Greeley. “Today, Governor Polis signed legislation to create the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration, bringing about critical reforms to address gaps and access challenges in our health system to ensure that Coloradans can get the mental health care services they need. This new administration will oversee and administer behavioral health programs in Colorado, creating a more comprehensive approach to connect services with those who need them.”

“Mental and behavioral health is critical to Coloradans’ wellbeing, but too often it is treated as a luxury rather than a necessity – with prohibitive costs restricting access to those who need care the most,” said Sen. Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora. “HB-1097 sets the groundwork for a more connected, convenient mental health system in our state so that people can receive high-quality, professional help no matter their income level. I am incredibly proud to see this bill signed today and look forward to the difference it will make for our state.”

HB21-1097, sponsored by Representatives Young and Pelton and Senators Fields and Gardner, would create the Behavioral Health Administration to ensure that every Coloradan experiencing behavioral health needs has access to timely, high-quality services in their communities that they can afford. It tasks the Department of Human Services with creating a plan for a single state entity that would be responsible for administering and overseeing behavioral health programs in Colorado.

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Bill to Expand Multilingual Ballot Access, Increase Equity Clears Committee

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee passed HB21-1011, a bill sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales & Dominick Moreno that will expand multilingual voting resources around the state and will require the Secretary of State to create a multilingual ballot hotline.

Democrats on the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee approve legislation that will ensure multilingual voters have equal access to democracy

DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee passed  HB21-1011, a bill sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales & Dominick Moreno that will expand multilingual voting resources around the state and will require the Secretary of State to create a multilingual ballot hotline.

“Even with Colorado’s gold-standard election system, there’s still work to be done so that everyone can make their voice heard,” said Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver). “With thousands of Spanish-speaking citizens across the state, it is critical that we provide multilingual ballot options – ensuring that every eligible Coloradan has the resources they need to fully participate in our democracy.” 

“Colorado has some of the most free, fair, and open elections in the country, however, we cannot confuse eligibility with access,” 
said Senator Moreno (D-Commerce City). “This common-sense legislation will enfranchise countless voters and ensure our governing institutions more accurately reflect the will of the people.”

Specifically, the bill provides eligible voters with access to a statewide interpretation hotline which will provide over-the-phone translation in the same languages that the census is offered in. Additionally, the bill requires the Secretary of State and county clerks to provide sample translated ballots and the ability to vote with translated ballots in counties where at least 2,000 citizens or 2.5% of citizens do not speak English proficiently. 

According to the American Consumer Survey, over 80,000 eligible voters in Colorado do not speak English at a high degree of proficiency, but in reality, this number is likely much higher. Although some may be able to read English to a degree, complicated ballot language can render a ballot nearly impossible to ready for many. These voters are excluded from full participation in our democracy and do not have a voice in deciding the people and policies that determine the future for our families, communities, and state.

Currently, only four counties in Colorado are required to provide ballots in different languages, but if this bill becomes law, an estimated 22 counties will fall under this requirement. This would enfranchise over 48,000 eligible voters who need access to Spanish ballots.

The legislation now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Information and updates regarding the bill can be found at

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Five New Colorado Comeback Bills Introduced

DENVER, CO – House and Senate leadership today introduced five state stimulus bills that will boost startup businesses, expand access to broadband, support arts and cultural organizations, and ensure workers and communities in regions transitioning away from coal-based economies have the tools they need to thrive. The bills are part of the legislature’s $800 million Colorado Recovery Plan.

DENVER, CO – House and Senate leadership today introduced five state stimulus bills that will boost startup businesses, expand access to broadband, support arts and cultural organizations, and ensure workers and communities in regions transitioning away from coal-based economies have the tools they need to thrive. The bills are part of the legislature’s $800 million Colorado Recovery Plan.

“As a leader of a community that is going through an economic transition, I’ve long sought to ensure workers have the tools and support they need as we transition to cleaner energy sources,” said House Majority Leader Daneya Esgar, D-Pueblo. “With the bipartisan Colorado Recovery Plan, we’re going to provide $15 million to the Office of Just Transition to create jobs and boost impacted communities like Pueblo and Moffat counties. This package of bills helps solve the problems of today and looks to the future by making historic investments in broadband access and helping entrepreneurs access the capital they need to grow their businesses and succeed.”

"As we work to build back a stronger, more resilient Colorado, we must strengthen the sectors of our state that will help stimulate our economy and ensure our communities thrive,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder. “These stimulus bills will bolster our local businesses, support vital community services, and uplift our workforce with the resources they need to succeed – putting Colorado on track to recover faster.”

HB21-1285: Supporting Artists, Venues, Film and Cultural Organizations, sponsored by Representatives Benavidez & Herod and Senators Jaquez Lewis &Buckner:
Venues, artists, and so many other culturally vital organizations have struggled to make it through the last year. This bill provides $10M to support artists and cultural organizations that have been impacted by COVID-19 throughout the state. This includes funding for the performance based film incentive, cultural facilities and the CO Creative Industries grant program set up during the 2020 special session.

HB21-1288: Creating Access to Capital for Startups, sponsored by Representatives Bacon & Duran and Senator Coleman:
Business closures have impacted communities across our state, often in different ways, leaving gaps in services and the availability of basic goods. To help fill the need created by COVID-19 related business closures, this bill provides $30 million in lending capital to entrepreneurs who face barriers to accessing traditional sources of capital and entrepreneurs wishing to restart or reorganize after facing pandemic related financial challenges.

HB21-1289: Expanding Access to Broadband, sponsored by Representatives Kennedy & Baisley and Senator Bridges:
Colorado has an opportunity to help bridge the digital divide exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic by increasing broadband access for our students, communities and businesses. This bill provides $75M to increase internet access across Colorado through the deployment of devices, and the development of middle and last mile infrastructure to support services that have become a necessity during the pandemic, like telehealth. It specifically includes $20M for the Ute Mountain and Southern Ute Tribes.

HB21-1290: Funding Just Transition Office, sponsored by House Majority Leader Esgar & Representative Will and Senate Majority Leader Fenberg & Senator Rankin:
In 2019, Democrats in the legislature created the Office of Just Transition to guide communities transitioning from coal toward economic resilience. This bill provides $15 million in funding for workforce programs, local capacity grants, transition-related economic development grants, and critical infrastructure investments to boost economies that have been dependent on coal.

SB21-248: Loan Program For Colorado Agriculture, sponsored by Senators Donovan & Simpson and Representatives McCormick & Holtorf:
Agribusiness provides more than 170,000 jobs in Colorado and contributes over $40 million annually to our economy, but the pandemic has dramatically reduced this growth. This bill allocates $30 million to create and implement the Colorado Agricultural Future Loan Program which will provide low-interest loans to beginning farmers and ranchers as well as farm-to-market infrastructure loans for businesses – putting Colorado on a pathway toward a sustainable and prosperous future for the agriculture industry.

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Bill to Protect LGBT+ Community, Fight Discrimination Clears Committee! 

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation sponsored by Senator Dominick Moreno that seeks to update existing law to ensure that Coloradans are protected against discrimination.

Legislation would provide necessary protections for Coloradans as hate crimes continue to rise across nation

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved legislation sponsored by Senator Dominick Moreno that seeks to update existing law to ensure that Coloradans are protected against discrimination. 

Current Colorado statute protects individuals from discrimination based on a variety of factors including: race, gender, age, and religion. HB21-1108 would update the law to include protections related to an individual’s “gender expression” and “gender identity.” The bill would also revise the current definition of “sexual orientation” to be more comprehensive and inclusive.

“As hate crimes continue to rise, we need to implement policies that safeguard our LGBTQIA+ community and protect them from discrimination,” said Senator Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City“With this bill, we are saying loud and clear that LGBTQIA+ folks are welcome in Colorado and deserve the same protections under the law as other marginalized groups. We have the ability to create a safer, more inclusive Colorado with the passage of this critical bill, moving us a step closer toward a more welcome society where everyone feels safe to be who they are.” 

According to the FBI’s 2019 Hate Crime Report in Colorado, attacks against an individual's sexual orientation have increased 49% from last year and now account for the second-largest number of bias-motivated attacks in the state. In addition, crimes targeting an individual's gender identity have consistently risen since 2017 and increased 40% last year.

Since the passage of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) 15 years ago, it has become apparent that an individual's gender identity or gender expression can have a negative impact on their lived experiences in the same manner as other factors that are currently covered under the state’s anti-discrimination protections. This bill would ensure that gender identity and gender expression are included in the state’s ant-discrimination statute, paving the way for a more just and inclusive society for those in the LGBT+ community. 

HB21-1108 now moves to the full Senate for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here

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Senate Gives UNANIMOUS Approval to Legislation that Protects Immigrants From Blackmail & Extortion

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate gave final approval to HB21-1057, sponsored by Senator Robert Rodriguez, that seeks to protect immigrant communities and promote public safety. This bipartisan bill would ensure that a victim's immigration status is not used as blackmail to keep them from reporting domestic violence, child abuse, sex trafficking, forced labor, wage theft or other illegal activity.

HB21-1057 will expand protections that prevent a person's immigration status from being leveraged as a form of extortion

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate gave final approval to HB21-1057, sponsored by Senator Robert Rodriguez, that seeks to protect immigrant communities and promote public safety. This bipartisan bill would ensure that a victim's immigration status is not used as blackmail to keep them from reporting domestic violence, child abuse, sex trafficking, forced labor, wage theft or other illegal activity.

“This bill is about public safety. If we value public safety and want to ensure that crimes are prosecuted, then it is vital to ensure that victims of crimes, regardless of immigration status, never have to worry about reporting crimes to law enforcement for fear of retaliation from the perpetrator,” said Senator Rodriguez, D-Denver“We have a responsibility to redress the social harm that many undocumented individuals face. This bill will address the nuances of discrimination by implementing an additional layer of protection that reflects the social realities undocumented communities across Colorado regularly face.”

Overall, this bill would expand SB06S-004, which created a criminal extortion crime specific to threats made based on a victim’s immigration status, but was too narrow because it did not provide protection for some other common extortion scenarios. Two recent cases in Boulder County illuminate scenarios in which money or a thing of value is being held over the head of victims.

In one case, there was a domestic violence incident in which the perpetrator told the victim not to report the assaults, harassment, and other violations to the police or they would contact ICE to get the victim deported. In a second case, a contractor refused to pay their subcontractors earned wages, and when the workers demanded payment, the contractor threatened to call ICE.

With the Governor’s signature on HB21-1057, these scenarios and more would be covered to ensure that no person's immigration status will be leveraged as a form of extortion.

To read the bill in more detail, visit

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Senate Members of the Black Caucus Respond to Chauvin Conviction

DENVER, CO – Today, following the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, Senate members of the Black Caucus released the subsequent statement.

Emotions run high as long-awaited verdict comes back guilty on all charges

DENVER, CO –  Today, following the conviction of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, Senate members of the Black Caucus released the subsequent statement: 

"For centuries, the abuse and murder of Black people at the hands of law enforcement have gone unpunished, but today justice was served – allowing the excruciating pain in our chests to subside. We can finally breathe. Until now there has been virtually no precedent for a police officer to be found guilty on all charges, making this an utterly historic day. But while this decision may be groundbreaking it will not bring George Floyd back to his family, his life is forever lost. All we can hope for now is that the magnitude of his death will lead to meaningful, lasting change. Change that will transform the way in which we hold perpetrators accountable, enshrine systemic protection of Black lives, and put us on a path towards ending the scourge of racism in this country once and for all."

Senate members of the Black Caucus include Sen. James Coleman (D-Denver), Sen. Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora), and Sen. Janet Buckner (D-Aurora). 

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