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Senate Approves Stimulus Bills to Support Seniors, Domestic Violence Victims & Communities Transitioning from Coal
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate approved a package of stimulus bills to help Colorado recover and build back stronger. One of the bills is part of the Colorado Recovery Plan, while the other two are recent additions to the legislative agenda as a result of American Rescue Plan federal funding.
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate approved a package of stimulus bills to help Colorado recover and build back stronger. One of the bills is part of the Colorado Recovery Plan, while the other two are recent additions to the legislative agenda as a result of American Rescue Plan federal funding.
SB21-290, sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson and Janet Buckner, dedicates $15 million to support Colorado’s aging population. These funds will go towards a variety of senior-focused programs that will expand housing assistance, increase access to health services, subsidize nutrition programs, and improve transportation opportunities to medical appointments.
“Seniors were one of the hardest-hit populations during the pandemic. Not only were they most susceptible to COVID-19, but their lives were upended – forced to endure severe social isolation as well as significant disruptions in critical services they rely on,” said Senator Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge). “This bill will help support aging Coloradans’ ongoing recovery by providing resources to ensure they have access to medical care, nutritional services, and socialization activities.”
“An integral part of our job as legislators is protecting the most vulnerable and marginalized among us. This means looking out for groups like seniors, who have been particularly devastated by this pandemic,” said Senator Janet Buckner (D-Aurora). “This bill seeks to support aging Coloradans throughout our state by ensuring they have access to the housing, health and transportation assistance they need to not only fully recover but thrive in their communities.”
SB21-292, sponsored by Senator Faith Winter, seeks to support victims of domestic violence. Stay-at-home orders and other pandemic responses have increased instances of domestic violence and reduced the ability of victims to access services. This bill seeks to fill that void.
Specifically, the bill will allocate $15 million across various programs for victims of domestic abuse, including the Address Confidentiality Program, which will help protect domestic violence victims who may be threatened by having a public address; the Domestic Violence Program, which will provide grants to local nonprofits for rapid rehousing, flexible financial assistance, and retrofitting of shelters for domestic violence victims; and Victims Assistance & Law Enforcement programs, which provide crisis intervention services, victim services referrals, victim assistance programs, and counseling to those in need.
“When the pandemic hit last year, we asked Coloradans to stay home and stay safe. For many of our residents, however, staying home did not necessarily make them safer,” said Senator Faith Winter (D-Westminster). “Instances of domestic violence increased when we implemented stay-at-home orders, which tragically put many Coloradans – particularly women – in danger. This bill seeks to support victims of domestic violence, providing them with the resources necessary to ensure they are protected from further abuse and trauma.”
HB21-1290, sponsored by Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, seeks to assist communities transitioning from coal. In 2019, Democrats in the legislature created the Office of Just Transition to guide communities transitioning from coal toward economic resilience. This bill provides $15 million in funding for workforce programs, local capacity grants, transition-related economic development grants, and critical infrastructure investments to boost economies that have been dependent on coal.
“If we truly want to build Colorado back stronger than before, we must be responsive to our changing economy," said Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder). “Communities and workers who have traditionally relied on fossil fuel industries are experiencing growing pains as Colorado makes the shift to clean energy projects. Allocating funding to the Office of Just Transition will help ensure that we’re doing everything we can to protect Colorado workers and the main streets they call home.”
SB21-290 and SB21-292 now move to the House for further consideration, while HB21-1290 heads to the Governor’s desk for final approval. Track the progress of the legislation by visiting leg.colorado.gov/.
Senate Unanimously Passes Legislation to Establish Universal Pre-K In Colorado
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate unanimously passed legislation to implement universal preschool, improve education outcomes, and support families in expanding access to enriching early childhood experiences.
Legislation would promote alignment and quality, and improve access to high-quality early childhood education
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate unanimously passed legislation to implement universal preschool, improve education outcomes, and support families in expanding access to enriching early childhood experiences.
HB21-1304, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Fenberg and Senator Buckner, will expand access to high-quality, affordable early childhood opportunities, support parents in accessing programs and services, and coordinate the availability of those services.
“Today was a huge step forward in providing quality education to every child in Colorado,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder). “With this bill, we’re laying the foundation for how we fund, coordinate, and address early childhood education. Access to child care not only supports critical early development and future educational outcomes, but also the very well-being and success of families across our state.”
Voter-approved investments in early learning, including Proposition EE – which was overwhelmingly supported by Colorado voters – as well as new federal funding targeted to child care, provide the state with a unique opportunity to elevate and streamline our early childcare education system.
“This bill is the culmination of decades of hard work and advocacy from so many in our communities,” said Senator Janet Buckner (D-Aurora). “We remain inspired by Anna Jo Haynes’ leadership on this issue and are so happy to be able to honor her life’s work in the bill’s title. The implementation of HB21-1304 will build on the progress she has made, and will have life-changing effects on Colorado’s youth for generations to come.”
The bill’s shorthand title honors a long-time advocate of early childhood education in Colorado, Anna Jo Garcia Haynes. Ms. Haynes was the driving force behind the creation of the Head Start early childhood education program in Denver, and co-founder of the Colorado Children’s Campaign, a non-partisan advocacy organization.
The bill now heads back to the House for final concurrence. To read the bill and find updates regarding the status, visit: leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb21-1304.
Senate Approves Colorado Comeback Bills to Support Clean Energy Projects & Invest in SNAP
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate approved two stimulus bills that will help fund renewable energy projects as well as invest in Colorado’s successful SNAP program. These bills are part of the Colorado Recovery Plan.
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate approved two stimulus bills that will help fund renewable energy projects as well as invest in Colorado’s successful SNAP program. These bills are part of the Colorado Recovery Plan.
HB21-1253, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senators Faith Winter & Bob Rankin, invests $5 million into local government grants for shovel-ready, job-creating projects in the renewable energy sector. Market forces, consumer choices, and environmental consciousness have moved Colorado’s economy toward a sustainable clean energy future, and this bill will help support and accelerate that transition.
“While the transition to a clean energy economy is already in motion, we must continue coordinating with both the public and private sectors to develop renewable energy to decarbonize our electricity grid and create good-paying jobs,” said Senator Winter (D-Westminster). “This bill will reduce adverse human and environmental effects from fossil fuel pollution and support businesses transitioning to clean energy, all while accelerating Colorado’s workforce development.”
HB21-1270 directly contributes to Colorado’s economic recovery by investing in Colorado’s successful Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) program. Colorado’s SNAP E&T program, known as Employment First, promotes long-term self-sufficiency and independence by preparing SNAP recipients for meaningful employment through work-related education, training activities, and work-based learning.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has cost countless Coloradans their jobs, many of whom have had to rely on critical support services to get by,” said Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora). “As we work to build back a stronger, more resilient Colorado, we must take action to uplift those who have been hit hardest by the pandemic. This bill will help get Coloradans back to work by filling critical gaps in this successful and proven program.”
Both bills now head to the Governor's desk to be signed into law. Track the progress of the legislation by visiting leg.colorado.gov.
Senate Approves Bills to Increase Community Safety, Address Gun Violence Epidemic
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate approved two pieces of legislation that seek to protect victims of domestic violence and establish a first-of-its-kind statewide Office of Gun Violence Prevention to help address the epidemic of gun violence and keep communities safe.
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate approved two pieces of legislation that seek to protect victims of domestic violence and establish a first-of-its-kind statewide Office of Gun Violence Prevention to help address the epidemic of gun violence and keep communities safe.
“Gun violence is an epidemic in the country,” said Senator Pettersen (D-Lakewood). “Every year it seems we are shocked by a horrific mass shooting that shakes us to our core. But it’s the countless other shootings happening every day that represent the deadliest component of this crisis. Domestic abusers and other violent offenders are largely unobstructed from buying a firearm – putting vulnerable families and communities at increased risk of lethal violence. This has to change. By preventing dangerous people from purchasing or owning a gun, these bills will help stop tragedy before it starts.”
HB21-1255, sponsored by Senators Brittany Pettersen & Sonya Jaquez-Lewis, would strengthen and streamline procedures for the relinquishment of firearms by someone who has a domestic violence-related protection order issued against them. Current law already requires domestic violence offenders who are subject to a protection order stemming from an act of domestic or intimate partner violence to forfeit their firearms and refrain from possessing or purchasing firearms for the duration of the order. This bill simply clarifies the way in which defendants must comply with this requirement, and establishes requirements for courts.
“More than 30% of Coloradans experience physical abuse at the hands of a domestic partner – a threat made five times more deadly when their abuser owns a gun,” said Senator Jaquez Lewis (D-Boulder County). “We must do everything in our power to protect victims by ensuring that perpetrators remain unarmed. This includes passing measures like HB21-1255, which will strengthen current laws that require domestic violence offenders to relinquish their firearms.”
HB21-1299, sponsored by Senators Chris Hansen & Rhonda Fields, establishes the Office of Gun Violence Prevention under the Department of Public Health and Environment. The Office would be responsible for conducting public awareness campaigns about gun violence prevention. It would educate the public about existing state resources and laws, including how to file an Extreme Risk Protection Order, how to access mental health resources, and how to store firearms securely. The Office would also fund proven community-based violence intervention programs that are focused on interrupting cycles of gun violence through competitive grants.
“Gun violence continues to plague our communities, and for too long Coloradans have been crying out for their leaders to do something about it. We need more than thoughts and prayers, we need action,” said Senator Hansen (D-Denver). “With this bill, we are investing in community-sourced solutions that will combat the root causes of gun violence rather than its symptoms. I am incredibly proud of Colorado’s leadership on this issue and look forward to a day when gun violence no longer stalks our streets, haunts our homes, or terrorizes our public spaces.”
“True gun violence prevention requires that we start thinking bigger and more holistically,” said Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora). “Making top-down regulations without investing in grassroots education will only limit our policies’ effectiveness. We need to build broad public awareness that empowers communities to take action – protecting their loved ones in moments of crisis and implementing evidence-based initiatives that will interrupt cycles of violence and trauma.”
These bills now head to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law. Track the progress of the legislation by visiting leg.colorado.gov.
Senate UNANIMOUSLY Passes Package of Bills Creating Pathways for $3.8 Billion in American Rescue Plan Act Stimulus Dollars
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate passed several bipartisan bills utilizing federal funding allocated to the state through the American Rescue Plan.
Bills will set aside nearly $380 million for transportation funding and create frameworks carefully designed to absorb federal stimulus funding and power the Colorado Comeback for years to come
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate passed several bipartisan bills utilizing federal funding allocated to the state through the American Rescue Plan. Two of these policies will establish mechanisms to manage the influx of federal dollars – allowing the state to remain agile and able to respond to the changing needs in the economy over the coming months. The third bill will preserve over $800 million for future investments following an interim stakeholder process this summer.
SB21-291, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg and Minority Leader Chris Holbert, creates the Economic Recovery and Relief Cash Fund to respond to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19 or its negative economic impacts. Specifically, the bill allocates $848 million for future legislative investments to be made following a robust community stakeholding process over the next six months. In addition, this bill allocates $40 million for small businesses grants economic development following the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as $10 million to incentivize small business development in rural Colorado and those that hire remote employees in rural areas of the state.
“Effectively deploying this substantial amount of federal funding must strike a balance between urgency and deliberation,” said Senate Majority Leader Fenberg (D-Boulder). “This carefully crafted package of legislation will accomplish both goals by immediately investing in Colorado communities, as well as preserving considerable funding for longer-term investments that can respond to the growing needs of the state’s recovery.”
SB21-288, sponsored by Senators Dominick Moreno & Bob Rankin creates the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Cash Fund to hold $3.8 billion that the state is receiving from the Federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund. Additionally, this bill sets aside nearly $380 million from this fund to support the state highway and multimodal transportation infrastructure projects, as well as fulfill initiatives set forth in SB21-260.
SB21-289, also sponsored by Senators Moreno & Rankin, creates the Revenue Loss Restoration Cash Fund, which will receive $1 billion in federal funding and will go towards supporting K-12 education, housing, asset maintenance, seniors, criminal justice, state parks, agriculture, and transportation infrastructure in the 2022 legislative session. Overall, this legislation works to fortify the state budget and maintain fiscal integrity as Colorado’s Comeback continues.
“A major lesson learned over the last year has been how dynamic the state economy can be, and how strategically our recovery efforts must be crafted. Careful planning, creative investments, and fiscal responsibility got us to where we are today, and we must continue these efforts to ensure long-term prosperity for Colorado,” said Senator Moreno (D-Commerce City). “As state legislators, we are incredibly grateful for this infusion of federal funds, and these bills will help provide a pathway for a sustained and lasting recovery that incorporates stakeholder input and outreach to every corner of the state.”
All three bills now head to the House for further consideration. To learn more about the legislation and track their status, visit leg.colorado.gov.
Senate Charts Legislative Pathways for $3.8 Billion in American Rescue Plan Act Stimulus Dollars
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate introduced and quickly took action on several bills utilizing federal funding allocated to the state through the American Rescue Plan.
Bills will allocate $70 million in additional funding for new stimulus proposals, set aside nearly $380 million for transportation funding, and create frameworks carefully designed to absorb federal stimulus funding and power the Colorado Comeback for years to come
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate introduced and quickly took action on several bills utilizing federal funding allocated to the state through the American Rescue Plan. Of the five bills introduced, two will establish mechanisms to manage the influx of federal dollars, allowing – the state to remain agile and able to respond to the changing needs in the economy over the coming months. Another two bills will utilize the infusion of federal dollars to create funding mechanisms for several new stimulus bills this legislative session. And an additional bill will preserve over $800 million for future investments – enabling the funds to be deployed wisely and effectively following an interim stakeholder process this summer.
“Since the passage of The American Rescue Plan we have been working diligently on investment initiatives for this once-in-a-lifetime funding. Our creative collaboration has enabled us to move quickly and efficiently for the people of Colorado – ensuring that our state is set up to not only repair what the pandemic has broken, but build back even stronger,” said Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo). “The bills introduced today will support Colorado’s most vulnerable populations – especially those who have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic – and fortify the state’s fiscal integrity for years to come.”
“Thanks to the hard work by our federal delegation in DC, help is here for the people of Colorado. Now it’s our turn to take up the torch and make transformational investments in affordable housing, mental health, and workforce development – ensuring Colorado emerges from the pandemic stronger than ever before,” said Senate Majority Leader Fenberg (D-Boulder). “This is a historic opportunity to invest in the long-term prosperity of Coloradans today, to make sure we’re not leaving anyone behind in our pursuit of a better tomorrow.”
Specifically, SB21-288, a bill sponsored by Senators Dominick Moreno & Bob Rankin creates the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 Cash Fund to hold $3.8 billion that the state is receiving from the Federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund. Additionally, this bill sets aside nearly $380 million from this fund to support the state highway and multimodal transportation infrastructure projects, as well as fulfill initiatives set forth in SB21-260. This bill was passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee this afternoon with bipartisan support.
SB21-289, a bill sponsored by Senators Moreno & Rankin, creates the Revenue Loss Restoration Cash Fund, which will receive $1 billion in federal funding and will go towards supporting K-12 education, housing, asset maintenance, seniors, criminal justice, state parks, agriculture, and transportation infrastructure in the 2022 legislative session. Overall, this legislation works to fortify the state budget and maintain fiscal integrity as Colorado’s Comeback continues. This bill was also passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee this afternoon with bipartisan support.
SB21-291, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg and Minority Leader Holbert, creates the Economic Recovery and Relief Cash Fund to respond to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19 or its negative economic impacts. Specifically, the bill allocates $848 million for future legislative investments to be made following a robust community stakeholding process over the next six months. In addition, this bill allocates $40 million for small businesses grants economic development following the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the bill sets aside $10 million to incentivize small business development in rural Colorado and to provide cash incentives to businesses that hire remote employees in rural areas of the state. This bill was also passed by the Senate Appropriations Committee this afternoon with bipartisan support.
SB21-292, sponsored by Senators Faith Winter and Bob Rankin, seeks to support victims of domestic violence. Stay-at-home orders and other pandemic responses have increased instances of domestic violence and reduced the ability of victims to access services. This bill seeks to fill that void. Specifically, the legislation will allocate $15 million across various programs for victims of domestic abuse, including the Address Confidentiality Program, which will help protect domestic violence victims who may be threatened by having a public address; the Domestic Violence Program, which will provide grants to local nonprofits for rapid rehousing, flexible financial assistance, and retrofitting of shelters for domestic violence victims; and Victims Assistance & Law Enforcement programs, which provide crisis intervention services, victim services referrals, victim assistance programs, and counseling to those in need. This bill was passed by the Senate Finance committee this afternoon with bipartisan support.
SB21-290, sponsored by Senator Jessie Danielson and Janet Buckner, dedicates $15 million to support Colorado’s aging population. These funds will go towards a variety of senior-focused programs that will expand housing assistance, increase access to health services, subsidize nutrition programs, and improve transportation opportunities to medical appointments. This bill was also passed by the Senate Finance committee this afternoon with bipartisan support.
After being passed in Appropriations Committee, SB21-288, SB21-289 and SB21-291 were given preliminary approval by the full Senate on second reading. Meanwhile, SB21-290 and SB21-292 await further consideration by Senate Appropriations.
Senate Democrats Stand Up for Public Safety and Pass Legislation Expanding Background Checks for Firearms
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate passed HB21-1298 on third reading and final passage. This landmark piece of legislation, sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales and Brittany Pettersen, will help ensure that people with recent violent criminal convictions cannot access firearms.
HB21-1298 will close the Charleston Loophole in Colorado and help keep guns out of the hands of people with violent histories
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate passed HB21-1298 on third reading and final passage. This landmark piece of legislation, sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales and Brittany Pettersen, will help ensure that people with recent violent criminal convictions cannot access firearms.
“The statistics are clear: the expansion of background checks is a highly effective tool in preventing gun violence. But it’s the stories of people who have been traumatized by such violence that truly move us to meaningful action,” said Senator Gonzales (D-Denver). “We’ve heard from people that survived being shot by intimate partners, from those who narrowly escaped the King Soopers massacre, and from parents who’ve lost children to drive-by shootings – all begging us to act. This bill is in response to these stories. By protecting our communities from this violence that haunts them, we will be paving the way for a safer, more just Colorado.”
“While one crisis begins to subside, another continues to ravage our country: gun violence. Thoughts and prayers are supportive sentiments, but effective policy is what our communities are begging us for,” said Senator Pettersen (D-Denver). “This common-sense legislation will keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous people and ensure that Colorado’s background check system is even more effective – a policy that, had it been in effect, would have surely saved Boulder from the horrific tragedy it suffered.”
HB21-1298 prohibits a person who has been convicted of specific violent misdemeanor offenses from purchasing a firearm for 5 years. These certain criminal offenses show a propensity for violence or illegal usage of a weapon and include charges like child abuse, hate crimes, cruelty to animals, sexual assault, and third-degree assault.
Colorado would join 13 other states that have some form of violent misdemeanor firearm prohibition. State laws that prohibit the possession of firearms by people who have been convicted of a violent misdemeanor crime are associated with reductions in homicide rates.
The bill also closes the “Charleston loophole”, which allows an individual who may not have otherwise passed a background check to obtain a firearm if the results of said background check takes longer than three days to process. With the Governor’s signature, Colorado will join 20 other states that have taken action towards closing the Charleston Loophole.
The bill now heads back to the House for final concurrence. To read the bill and find updates regarding the status, visit leg.colorado.gov.
In addition to HB21-1298, the Senate also gave preliminary approval to a measure that would strengthen and streamline procedures for the relinquishment of firearms by someone who has a domestic violence-related protection order against them (HB21-1255), as well as a bill that would establish the Office of Gun Violence Prevention (HB21-1299).
Bills to Increase Access to Insulin, Address Opioid Crisis Clear Committee!
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee approved legislation to ensure that all Coloradans who need it have access to affordable insulin – a life-saving policy in response to egregious price hikes perpetrated by big pharma. The Committee also approved legislation yesterday to require that insurance companies provide coverage for opioid alternatives.
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee approved legislation to ensure that all Coloradans who need it have access to affordable insulin – a life-saving policy in response to egregious price hikes perpetrated by big pharma. The Committee also approved legislation yesterday to require that insurance companies provide coverage for opioid alternatives.
HB21-1307, sponsored by Senator Kerry Donovan, increases access to insulin by clarifying that the current $100 cap on a person’s monthly insulin supply applies regardless of the number of prescriptions a person may have. Furthermore, it allows eligible consumers to access one emergency prescription insulin supply for no more than $35 per 12-month period.
“In Colorado, 40% of patients report having to ration their insulin,” said Senator Kerry Donovan (D-Vail). “This bill builds upon the work that we did in 2019, when we passed legislation capping the price of insulin in Colorado at $100. We can take this next critical step by ensuring that uninsured and underinsured Coloradans have access to the medication that they need at a price they can afford.”
The bill also creates the Insulin Affordability Program in the Division of Insurance to help eligible individuals obtain prescription insulin for $50 a month for 12 months. The findings of an investigation conducted by the Colorado Attorney General’s office released in November 2020, found that over 40% of Coloradans using insulin rationed their medicine due to cost and that over 37% use expired insulin to stretch their supplies due to high costs.
HB21-1276, sponsored by Senator Brittany Pettersen, passed through committee yesterday. This bill requires a health benefit plan to provide coverage for non-pharmacological treatment as an alternative to opioids. It also seeks to limit the supply of benzodiazepines, sedatives commonly prescribed for anxiety and as a sleep aid. Further, the legislation aims to improve education around prescribing benzodiazepines and the potential harm of inappropriately limiting prescriptions to chronic pain patients.
“The culture of overprescribing opioids has created a public health crisis that has resulted in widespread exposure to highly addictive narcotics for far too many Coloradans,” said Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood). “If we truly want to prevent substance use disorders in our state, we need to limit over-prescribing while covering alternative treatments so patients are able to treat their pain without taking an addictive pill. And that’s exactly what this bill seeks to do.”
HB21-1307 will now head to the Committee of the Whole, while HB21-1276 will be heard by Senate Appropriations. You can track the progress of the legislation by visiting leg.colorado.gov.
Senate Votes to Curb the Criminalization of Poverty & Over-Policing!
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate approved legislation to promote liberty and equal justice under the law by enacting pretrial reform. SB21-273, sponsored by Senators Pete Lee and Dominick Moreno, works to curb detainment for low-level offenses – addressing perpetual cycles of abuse and mistreatment of vulnerable populations.
SB21-273 works to dismantle long-entrenched policing and jailing practices that lead to racial discrimination, unjust detainment, & the destabilization of vulnerable communities
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate approved legislation to promote liberty and equal justice under the law by enacting pretrial reform. SB21-273, sponsored by Senators Pete Lee and Dominick Moreno, works to curb detainment for low-level offenses – addressing perpetual cycles of abuse and mistreatment of vulnerable populations.
“Freedom should never be based on finances. But tragically our criminal justice system has held the poor hostage for far too long,” said Senator Pete Lee (D-Colorado Springs). “Over-arresting and cash bond practices have led to low-level detainees being kept behind bars for days, even weeks – resulting in job loss, mental instability, and even death. This bill takes important steps to unravel unjust policies within our criminal justice system that: criminalize poverty, increase racial discrimination, and undermine our fundamental allegiance to liberty.”
“In Colorado, our jail population has grown 800% in the last 50 years, largely comprising of low-level, non-violent detainees who simply can’t afford cash bonds – forcing presumably innocent people to languish in jail for days, weeks, or even years,” said Senator Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City). “This is not only immoral but goes against our constitutional right to liberty. Pretrial reform is one of the most important ways we can stop the destructive cycle of over-policing and mass incarceration. We must restore trust in our criminal justice system."
Colorado’s jail population has grown 800% in the last 50 years, largely comprising of low-level, non-violent detainees who simply can’t afford cash bonds. Black people have been disproportionately affected by this trend – being 8x more likely to be arrested than white people for lower-level offenses and 4x more likely to be killed in police custody. This has perpetuated cycles of instability among vulnerable communities and deteriorated society’s relationship with law enforcement.
SB21-273 prohibits a court from issuing a monetary bond for a misdemeanor offense; municipal offense; class 4, 5, or 6 felonies; or a drug felony unless the court finds the defendant will flee prosecution or threaten the safety of another. The bill also requires peace officers to prioritize the issuance of a summons for low-level, non-violent misdemeanors. Finally, SB21-273 establishes a Community Response Working Group to study and recommend safe, effective alternatives to law enforcement responses including incorporating mental health professionals and social workers.
The bill will now head to House for further consideration. To read the bill and find updates regarding its status, visit leg.colorado.gov.
Bill to Address Workplace Harassment & Discrimination, Advance Equity Passes With Bipartisan Support!
DENVER, CO – Today the Senate passed the Protecting Opportunities and Workers Rights Act (POWR Act) with bipartisan support. The bill would provide necessary anti-discrimination protections for workers throughout Colorado, as well as make updates to the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) in an effort to protect more workers from sexual harassment and discrimination, hold bad actors accountable, enhance equity in the workplace, and deter predatory actions from happening in the future.
POWR Act would protect survivors of sexual harassment and discrimination, improve accountability measures, and enhance equity in the workplace
DENVER, CO – Today the Senate passed the Protecting Opportunities and Workers Rights Act (POWR Act) with bipartisan support. The bill would provide necessary anti-discrimination protections for workers throughout Colorado, as well as make updates to the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) in an effort to protect more workers from sexual harassment and discrimination, hold bad actors accountable, enhance equity in the workplace, and deter predatory actions from happening in the future.
“Women are disproportionately impacted by sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace, yet our state still lacks adequate policies to protect them and hold perpetrators accountable,” said Senator Faith Winter (D-Westminster). “This bill will take an important step forward in supporting victims of sexual harassment and discrimination by improving accountability measures and enhancing equity in the workplace.”
“Women and caregivers have paid some of the highest economic prices during the pandemic, with women losing nearly one million more jobs than men over the last year,” said Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood). “In order for us to fully recover from the economic devastation of the last year, we must safeguard our vulnerable workforce. This bill provides critical protections for women, caregivers, and older Coloradans – ensuring that they cannot be discriminated against by employers.”
Due to antiquated harassment standards, women across Colorado are routinely subjected to offensive or coercive behavior without recourse. This legislation would strengthen worker protections against sexual harassment – eliminating the excessive “severe or pervasive” hostile work environment requirements, empowering victims to set the terms of any settlement agreement, and extending the amount of time a worker has to file a claim. The bill also requires businesses with 20 employees and more to provide annual anti-harassment training that includes bystander coaching.
Moreover, the bill would extend protections against ageism in the workforce; prohibit employers from discriminating against caregivers, like mothers and fathers; and fix a loophole that allows businesses to opt-out of anti-discrimination laws for some employees.
In short, the POWR Act ensures everyone can show up to work and expect to be treated fairly and perform their job without being harassed or discriminated against.
Having passed the Senate, SB21-176 now moves to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
$45 Million in Relief for Small & Local Businesses Advances
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate advanced two stimulus bills through committees that are part of Colorado’s recovery package.
Bills creating a Startup Loan Program and continuing the COVID-19 Small Business Grant Program clear committees
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate advanced two stimulus bills through committees that are part of Colorado’s recovery package.
HB21-1288, sponsored by Senator James Coleman, establishes the Colorado Startup Loan Program to provide loans and grants for people seeking capital to start, restart, or restructure a business. This program is intended to support businesses in recovering economic losses incurred over the last year and provide easier-to-access capital for entrepreneurs across the state. The bill allocates $30 million to fund and administer the program. HB21-1288 passed the Senate Finance Committee bipartisanly, 5-1.
“With the rapid increase in vaccination rates and the repeal of capacity restrictions, Colorado small businesses are primed for an economic recovery. However, many are still picking up the pieces after the recession of last year,” said Senator Coleman (D-Denver). “This program will help accelerate Colorado’s Comeback by providing small businesses with access to capital, supporting entrepreneurs, and prioritizing financial assistance to disproportionately impacted communities – ensuring our recovery is equitable and lasting.”
HB21-1302, sponsored by Senator Faith Winter, provides $15 million to the successful Energize Gap Fund. Colorado established the fund to support as many Colorado businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic as possible, but it specifically prioritized rural businesses and those that are majority-owned by veterans, women, and minorities. HB21-1302 makes modifications to the program to also prioritize businesses that missed out on the initial cycle of funding, businesses in economically distressed areas, and for-profit sole proprietorships. Additionally, if the Energize fund is to receive more funds in the future, preference will be given to businesses that rent or have a mortgage payment for the business premises or where the business resides at the same address at the business premises. HB21-1302 passed the Business, Labor, & Technology committee unanimously.
Both bills now head to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. To read the bills and find updates regarding their status, visit leg.colorado.gov.
Senate Democrats Advance Tax Fairness Package, Fight for Hardworking Families
DENVER, CO - Last night, the Senate Finance Committee approved a pair of bills working to reform our tax code by supporting families and local businesses; investing more in education, public health, and other basic state services; and closing regressive special interest tax loopholes.
Two bills seeking to provide tax relief to working families, seniors, and small businesses advance out of the Finance committee and on to Appropriations
DENVER, CO - Last night, the Senate Finance Committee approved a pair of bills working to reform our tax code by supporting families and local businesses; investing more in education, public health, and other basic state services; and closing regressive special interest tax loopholes. The bills, both sponsored by Senators Dominick Moreno & Chris Hansen, seek to build on progress made with tax relief legislation last year and aim to ensure Colorado’s economic recovery is efficient, equitable, and sustainable.
“The pandemic has both exposed and deepened existing inequities as well as created new ones,” said Senator Moreno (D-Commerce City). “As we recover, we can either continue business as usual, with decades-old special interest tax loopholes benefitting a handful of entrenched interests, or we can reform our tax code and uplift hardworking families, small businesses, and the most vulnerable Coloradans. The choice is clear.”
“Colorado’s tax code has been deeply unfair for far too long. Between our flat income tax structure, TABOR, and other restrictive fiscal policies, our state has underinvested in our children and support for hardworking families,” said Senator Hansen (D-Denver). “These bills will insert equity and integrity into our tax code by expanding tax credits like the EITC, and the child tax credit as well as limiting ineffective and outdated tax loopholes for corporations.”
Low wage workers and Colorado’s small businesses that make up the backbone of our economy are struggling to climb the economic ladder, put food on their tables, pay for housing, or afford higher education, while high-powered corporate interests protect an outdated tax system that gives handouts to those who’ve already reached the top.
HB21-1311 takes a critical look at the tax code to modify or eliminate provisions that have objectively failed their intended purpose or are broadly disadvantageous to local businesses and families. Instead, the bill prioritizes hardworking Coloradans by expanding tax credits for low and middle-income earners while curbing unjust tax-avoidance practices by big business. This includes prohibiting corporations from hiding their earnings in off-shore tax-havens as well as reinstating itemized deduction caps for the wealthiest Coloradans.
According to a non-partisan legislative analysis, the provisions in this bill will raise approximately $110 million in revenue for the state and will pay out over $450 millions to working families, low-income Coloradans, and small businesses over the next 3 years.
Meanwhile, HB21-1312 seeks to adjust other state tax expenditures to prevent exploitation and ensure consistent application of tax laws. Specifically, the bill modifies ineffective tax subsidies for the largest businesses by eliminating property tax loopholes as well as other excessive write-offs.
These bills provide Colorado with an opportunity to support everyday citizens and small businesses that make up the backbone of our economy – prioritizing those being left behind in our recovery.
Both bills will now head to the Appropriations Committee, for further consideration. To read the bills and find updates regarding their status, visit leg.colorado.gov.
Senate Approves Bill to Protect Coloradans’ Data Privacy
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate approved legislation sponsored by Senator Robert Rodriguez that seeks to protect Coloradans’ private information that big data companies use for profit without the consumers’ knowledge.
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate approved legislation sponsored by Senator Robert Rodriguez that seeks to protect Coloradans’ private information that big data companies use for profit without the consumers’ knowledge.
The lack of regulation around large tech companies has resulted in the monopolization and control of Coloradans’ data that these entities use for profit, without passing down any of the benefits to the consumer. To help reign in this power, it is imperative that we return rights to consumers.
“Due to the lack of adequate regulations around data privacy throughout our country, big data companies can freely use our data for profit without the consumer’s knowledge,” said Senator Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver). “Coloradans deserve to have control over how their private data is used. This bill shifts power back to consumers by ensuring that they are in full control over whether a company can use their personal information or not.”
SB21-190 would provide consumers with the right to opt out of their personal data being processed, as well as the right to access, correct, delete, or obtain their personal data from various entities in Colorado that utilize and profit off of their data.
The bill now moves to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senate Passes Historic Legislation to Lower Health Care Costs, Improve Access
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate passed HB21-1232: Standardized Health Benefit Plan Colorado Option. This bold piece of policy, sponsored by Senate President Pro Tempore Kerry Donovan, will not only make health care more affordable, but improve overall accessibility, equity, and coverage.
Senator Donovan passes landmark bill to lower health insurance premiums, improve health equity, and increase accessibility
DENVER, CO - Today, the Senate passed HB21-1232: Standardized Health Benefit Plan Colorado Option. This bold piece of policy, sponsored by Senate President Pro Tempore Kerry Donovan, will not only make health care more affordable, but improve overall accessibility, equity, and coverage.
“Today is a great day for Colorado. After a years-long process where the health care industry, advocacy groups, and legislators came together – refusing to accept the status quo – we have accomplished what once seemed impossible,” said Senator Kerry Donovan, D-Vail. “Rather than stand idly by as folks were forced to choose between paying rent and paying their insurance bill, we moved forward with the knowledge that accessible, affordable, high-quality care can be a reality. I am incredibly proud of what we have been able to accomplish on behalf of every Coloradan. Because whether you’re a raft guide in Steamboat, a small business owner in Denver, or a ranching family in Bennett, this bill will make a real difference in your quality of life.”
Specifically, the bill requires a 15% reduction in premiums over the next three years. If these reduction targets are not met, the state may set rates on a limited basis to meet consumer savings targets. Additionally, the state will create a standardized benefit plan, available on the individual and small group market through private insurance carriers in every county in the state.
The standardized plan will be developed with input from doctors, hospitals, and consumers from marginalized and underserved communities around the state. This is designed to improve racial health equity, improve geographic disparities, and ensure that a diversity of voices are represented.
The Colorado Option will lower health care costs for individuals, families, and businesses across the state as well as increase accountability and consumer choice in the health care industry through multiple transparency mechanisms.
The bill now heads back to the House for final concurrence. To read the bill and find updates regarding the status, visit leg.colorado.gov/bills/hb21-1232.
Democrats Shepherd Three Critical Bills to Increase Community Safety, Address Gun Violence Epidemic
DENVER, CO - Last night, the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs committee approved three landmark firearm safety bills, seeking to address the issue of gun violence with a root-cause, multi-pronged approach.
Bills to protect victims of domestic abuse, expand background check requirements, and establish a first-of-its-kind statewide Office of Gun Violence Prevention clear committee
DENVER, CO - Last night, the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs committee approved three landmark firearm safety bills, seeking to address the issue of gun violence with a root-cause, multi-pronged approach.
“Gun violence is an epidemic in the country,” said Senator Pettersen (D-Lakewood). “Every year it seems we are shocked by a horrific mass shooting that shakes us to our core. But it’s the countless other shootings happening every day that represent the deadliest component of this crisis. Domestic abusers and other violent offenders are largely unobstructed from buying a firearm – putting vulnerable families and communities at increased risk of lethal violence. This has to change. By preventing dangerous people from purchasing or owning a gun, these bills will help stop tragedy before it starts.”
HB21-1255, sponsored by Senators Brittany Pettersen & Sonya Jaquez-Lewis, would strengthen and streamline procedures for the relinquishment of firearms by someone who has a domestic violence-related protection order issued against them. Current law already requires domestic violence offenders who are subject to a protection order stemming from an act of domestic or intimate partner violence to forfeit their firearms and refrain from possessing or purchasing firearms for the duration of the order. This bill simply clarifies the way in which defendants must comply with this requirement, and establishes requirements for courts.
“More than 30% of Coloradans experience physical abuse at the hands of a domestic partner – a threat made five times more deadly when their abuser owns a gun,” said Senator Jaquez Lewis (D-Boulder County). “We must do everything in our power to protect victims by ensuring that perpetrators remain unarmed. This includes passing measures like HB21-1255, which will strengthen current laws that require domestic violence offenders to relinquish their firearms.”
HB21-1298, sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales & Brittany Pettersen, prohibits a person who has been convicted of specific violent misdemeanor offenses from purchasing a firearm for 5 years. These specific criminal offenses show a propensity for violence or illegal usage of a weapon and include charges like child abuse, hate crimes, cruelty to animals, sexual assault, and third degree assault. The bill also closes the “Charleston loophole”, which allows an individual who may not have otherwise passed a background check to obtain a firearm if the results of said background check take longer than three days to process.
“Background checks are one of the most effective tools we have to keep deadly weapons out of dangerous hands,” said Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver). “By ensuring that those who have committed violent offenses are unable to purchase a firearm, we will undoubtedly save lives. But this bill doesn’t stop there - we are also closing a critical loophole that has long allowed firearms to be purchased without any background check if there is a national backlog. No matter the wait, background checks should be non-negotiable for gun purchases and this legislation will ensure that.”
HB21-1299, sponsored by Senators Chris Hansen & Rhonda Fields, establishes the Office of Gun Violence Prevention under the Department of Public Health and Environment. The Office would be responsible for conducting public awareness campaigns about gun violence prevention. It would educate the public about existing state resources and laws, including how to file an Extreme Risk Protection Order, how to access mental health resources, and how to store firearms securely. The Office would also fund proven community-based violence intervention programs that are focused on interrupting cycles of gun violence through competitive grants.
“Gun violence continues to plague our communities, and for too long Coloradans have been crying out for their leaders to do something about it. We need more than thoughts and prayers, we need action,” said Senator Hansen (D-Denver). “With this bill, we are investing in community-sourced solutions that will combat the root causes of gun violence rather than its symptoms. I am incredibly proud of Colorado’s leadership on this issue and look forward to a day when gun violence no longer stalks our streets, haunts our homes, or terrorizes our public spaces.”
“True gun violence prevention requires that we start thinking bigger and more holistically,” said Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora). “Making top-down regulations without investing in grassroots education will only limit our policies’ effectiveness. We need to build broad public awareness that empowers communities to take action – protecting their loved ones in moments of crisis and implementing evidence-based initiatives that will interrupt cycles of violence and trauma.”
HB21-1299 & HB21-1255 will now head to the Appropriations Committee, while HB21-1298 will be heard by the full Senate. To read the bills and find updates regarding their status, visit leg.colorado.gov.
Senate Democrats Champion Law Enforcement & Judicial Reform
DENVER, CO - Last night, the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee approved two critical bills seeking to reform law enforcement practices and unjust judicial processes in Colorado.
Bills that build on progress from 2020’s landmark police reform legislation as well as ensure more equitable and just pre-trial detention processes advance through committee
DENVER, CO - Last night, the Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee approved two critical bills seeking to reform law enforcement practices and unjust judicial processes in Colorado.
HB21-1250, sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields, updates requirements related to the instances when body-worn cameras must be operating to include welfare checks. It also directs the Division of Criminal Justice to streamline the reporting requirements for peace officers, which will now include detailing whether an ambulance was called to the scene of an incident, whether there was a forcible entry into a residence and the number of officer-involved civilian deaths. These changes will provide a more holistic approach to data collection and transparency regarding law enforcement interactions.
“Today marks a dark, yet transformational day in American history. George Floyd, a dearly loved father, brother, and son – was murdered by an officer in the public’s trust. And his death ignited a national movement calling for fundamental change in policing. Colorado answered that call and passed sweeping police reform measures – holding bad actors accountable, mandating transparency practices, and reining in the use of force. But there is still so much more work to be done and this bill aims to build upon the progress we made last session by strengthening and clarifying the law to ensure its proper and complete adoption,” said Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora).
In 2020, Senate Democrats championed one of the most progressive police reform bills in the nation, passing SB20-217 with overwhelming support, which was a historic step toward ensuring transparency, integrity and accountability for law enforcement in Colorado. Since its passage, conversations around the state have continued regarding the law’s implementation, presenting opportunities to bolster adoption and clarify expectations.
In addition to passing critical police reform legislation, the Senate took major steps towards creating a more just society by reforming pre-trial detention processes.
HB21-1280, sponsored by Senators Pete Lee and Robert Rodriguez, seeks to address unjust jailing practices by requiring a bond setting hearing within 48 hours after an arrestee's detainment and ensuring prompt and fair pretrial liberty. Specifically, the bill requires detainees to be released from custody within 6 hours after bond is set, requires clear notice of rights regarding bond payment and release procedures, and establishes reporting requirements to ensure compliance with the law.
“Far too many Coloradans are being kept behind bars before ever being convicted of a crime – robbing them of their families, jeopardizing their employment, and compromising their emotional and physical wellbeing,” said Senator Pete Lee (D-Colorado Springs). “This bill affirms the ‘innocent until proven guilty’ principle our nation was founded on by improving the bail process so that it is more timely, efficient, and just.”
In Colorado, people commonly sit in jail for 3-15 days before having their bond set. These are presumptively innocent people, held pretrial. Many will see their cases dismissed. Many will be released immediately upon seeing a judge.
“Being forced to languish in jail for days before ever seeing a judge isn’t justice, it’s a symptom of a broken system. If you are arrested, you have the right to a bail hearing, period. We cannot abandon our principle of presumed innocence simply because it’s inconvenient,” said Senator Rodriguez (D-Denver). “This bill ensures that Coloradans have access to justice in a timely and efficient manner – reforming practices that have unduly disrupted people’s lives and robbed them of their freedom.”
Both bills now head to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. To find updates regarding their status, visit leg.colorado.gov.
Colorado Comeback Bill to Support Creative Arts Industries Clears Committee!
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Local Government Committee approved a bill sponsored by Senator Janet Buckner and Senator Sonya Jaquez-Lewis that seeks to support creative arts industries throughout Colorado following the COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation is part of the Colorado Recovery Plan.
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Local Government Committee approved a bill sponsored by Senator Janet Buckner and Senator Sonya Jaquez-Lewis that seeks to support creative arts industries throughout Colorado following the COVID-19 pandemic. This legislation is part of the Colorado Recovery Plan.
“This pandemic has taken a huge toll on our creative industries – forcing them to navigate both an economic recession and shifting capacity restrictions for more than a year,” said Senator Buckner, D-Aurora. “Not only will this bill provide relief for the industry as a whole, but it will target direct assistance to cultural facilities that focus on programming for historically marginalized and under-resourced communities to ensure our recovery is equitable.”
HB21-1285 provides $10M to support artists and cultural organizations that have been impacted by COVID-19 throughout the state. This includes funding for the performance-based film incentive, cultural facilities and the CO Creative Industries grant program set up during the 2020 special session.
“Venues, artists, and other creative industries are the heart of Colorado’s economy and they have faced immeasurable challenges over the last year,” said Senator Jaquez-Lewis, D-Boulder County. “As we work to build back stronger, we need to ensure that we uplift the vibrant art and cultural facilities that make our state so unique. This funding will help these indispensable organizations get back on their feet and ensure their longevity as Coloradans start returning to our beloved concert halls, museums, and movie theaters.”
This bill now moves to Senate Appropriations for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Colorado Comeback Bills to Expand Broadband Access, Help Communities Transition Approved With Strong Bipartisan Support
DENVER, CO – Today, Senate committees gave broad bipartisan approval to two pieces of legislation that will increase broadband access for Coloradans as well as assist communities transitioning from coal. These bills are part of the Colorado Recovery Plan.
DENVER, CO – Today, Senate committees gave broad bipartisan approval to two pieces of legislation that will increase broadband access for Coloradans as well as assist communities transitioning from coal. These bills are part of the Colorado Recovery Plan.
HB21-1289: Expanding Access to Broadband, sponsored by Senator Jeff Bridges. Colorado has an opportunity to help bridge the digital divide exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic by increasing broadband access for our students, communities and businesses. This bill provides $75M to increase internet access across Colorado through the deployment of devices as well as the development of middle and last mile infrastructure to support services that have become a necessity during the pandemic, like telehealth. It specifically includes $20M for the Ute Mountain and Southern Ute Tribes.
“Going to school these days requires books, backpacks, and broadband,” said Senator Bridges, D-Greenwood Village. “Especially after this last year, more and more of our economy is online, and we have an obligation to make sure every Coloradan can participate in that economy. Connecting unserved and underserved communities to high-speed reliable internet creates more opportunity for everyone, and increases statewide equity and prosperity for all of our families.”
HB21-1290: Funding Just Transition Office, sponsored by Majority Leader Steve Fenberg. In 2019, Democrats in the legislature created the Office of Just Transition to guide communities transitioning from coal toward economic resilience. This bill provides $15 million in funding for workforce programs, local capacity grants, transition-related economic development grants, and critical infrastructure investments to boost economies that have been dependent on coal.
“Allocating additional funding to the Office of Just Transition is a critical way for us to make sure workers in coal-dependent communities are adequately prepared for Colorado’s transition to clean energy,” said Majority Leader Fenberg, D-Boulder. “As our state adopts new clean energy projects in these communities, it’s on us to make sure that no one gets left behind. This funding demonstrates our commitment to providing support and assistance to the workers who are helping pave the way towards Colorado’s future.”
Both bills now move to Senate Appropriations for further consideration. Track the progress of the legislation by visiting leg.colorado.gov.
Senate Passes a Pair of Agricultural Stimulus Bills with Strong Bipartisan Support
DENVER, CO - Today, the State Senate passed two agricultural stimulus bills that are a part of Colorado’s recovery package, advancing them to the House for final consideration.
Stimulus bills providing financial support for agricultural resiliency and efficiency programs receive final approval from the full Senate
DENVER, CO - Today, the State Senate passed two agricultural stimulus bills that are a part of Colorado’s recovery package, advancing them to the House for final consideration.
SB21-234, sponsored by Senators Sonya Jaquez Lewis & Jerry Sonnenberg, allocates $3 million to the Department of Agriculture to increase the state’s ability to anticipate, mitigate, or respond to droughts. In 2020, each of the 64 Colorado counties were experiencing a drought. Major drivers were an absent monsoon season, increased soil moisture deficits, record-high temperatures, and extreme evaporative demands from winds and low humidity. This drought exacerbated many of the financial impacts on the agriculture sector, and as climate change worsens, drought could cost Colorado an additional $511 million dollars in expected annual damages to agriculture. This bill will help the state plan for and mitigate future droughts and climate disturbances. SB21-234 passed through the Senate with unanimous support.
“Climate change has caused the worst drought for farmers in their planting season in 20 years,” said Senator Jaquez-Lewis, D-Boulder County. “This legislation will provide funding for drought mitigation and wildfire prevention techniques. As a San Luis rancher's granddaughter, I am proud to support our agricultural families across the state.”
SB21-235, also sponsored by Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, allocates another $5 million to the Department of Agriculture, with at least $3 million going to the ACRE3 energy efficiency program and at least $1 million going to conservation districts to implement voluntary soil health programs. Over the next decade, Colorado’s agricultural sector must comprehensively reduce greenhouse gas emissions while also increasing energy efficiency and cutting costs. ACRE3 is Colorado’s premier state-level program for agricultural energy management and provides financial aid, technical assistance, and education to help the agriculture industry cut energy costs and develop their own energy resources. To further increase the sustainability of the ag industry, producers can invest in healthy soil management, nutrient cycling, and erosion prevention strategies which will increase yields and resilience to extreme weather events. This bill was passed by a vote of 28-7, demonstrating strong bipartisan support.
“Agricultural businesses and working families depend on keeping costs low,” said Senator Jaquez-Lewis. “This legislation funds energy-efficient techniques like improving soil health and Agrivoltaics, which combines solar energy creation over croplands. Farmers and Ranchers will have another way to improve their crop production."
Both bills now head to the House for further consideration. To read the bills and find updates regarding their status, visit leg.colorado.gov.
Democratic Legislative Leadership Applaud Supreme Court Decision Allowing Colorado to Address Fault in School Funding Formula
DENVER, CO - Today, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that the state legislature may allow school districts to recover millions of dollars in lost revenue due to erroneous guidance regarding Colorado’s property tax system.
With this ruling Colorado will be able to address long-standing inequities, bolstering K-12 funding
DENVER, CO - Today, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that the state legislature may allow school districts to recover millions of dollars in lost revenue due to erroneous guidance regarding Colorado’s property tax system. This ruling is in direct response to HB21-1164, a bill sponsored by Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, Education Committee Chair Rachel Zenzinger, House Speaker Alec Garnett, and House Majority Leader Daneya Esgar, that seeks to rectify incorrect guidance from CDE and bring districts’ mill levy rates in line with what their voters have approved in order to fund their local schools. The bill passed its final hurdle in the Senate this morning on a bipartisan vote of 23-12 after the Supreme Court issued the favorable ruling.
“Education funding in our state has long been an issue, and has been complicated by the entanglement of numerous property tax provisions,” said Senator Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada. “Today’s decision moves us significantly closer to resolving the structural inequity in Colorado’s property tax system that must be fixed to ensure our schools have the funding they desperately need.”
“Today’s groundbreaking announcement from the Supreme Court represents a monumental step toward repairing our state’s broken education funding system,” said Majority Leader Daneya Esgar, D-Pueblo. “Fixing the inequities in our education system has been a top priority of mine for years. The decision handed down today will help us start to make up for years of deeply inequitable funding processes that have hamstrung certain districts like mine in Pueblo and held our schools back. It’s long past time to make fair and robust investments in our children and the future of Colorado.”
“I’m thrilled to see that the Supreme Court has affirmed the legislature’s fix to our unequal, unfair school funding structure,” said Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder. “Today’s decision will have profound impacts on our education system, finally giving Colorado the opportunity to build an equitable revenue system that can provide adequate funding for all students - no matter where they live.”
“Colorado’s students, educators and parents won today,” said Speaker Alec Garnett, D-Denver. “With today’s Supreme Court decision, we’ll be able to make major progress towards correcting the inequities that pervade our school funding system and providing our kids and our schools with the fair and sufficient funding they need to thrive. I’m glad the Supreme Court reaffirmed the will of the voters today.”
In Colorado, K-12 education funding consists of a mixture of local and state dollars and is constitutionally directed to be “thorough and uniform.” In 1988, the legislature set a uniform school district mill levy – a property tax applied based on the assessed value of the property – so that theoretically, each district’s taxpayers would contribute the same proportion of local property taxes to school funding.
While TABOR imposes a cap on school district tax revenue, between 1994 and 2002, voters in 174 of 178 school districts in Colorado chose to permanently waive TABOR’s revenue limitations (“De-Bruce”) in order to fill in the gaps caused by its arbitrary restrictions on public school funding. However, contrary to this voter approval, the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) issued guidance directing school districts to continue to reduce their tax rates (total program mill levy) to remain under TABOR’s revenue limits – despite the fact that voters had indicated clear intent for districts to no longer be subject to those limits.
Due to this error, some property owners pay tax rates that are 16 times higher than those of taxpayers in neighboring school districts on properties of the same value, which forces the state to send disproportionately high state funding to our wealthiest districts, subtracting from what would otherwise be distributed to all districts.
HB21-1164 directs CDE to implement a correction plan for the erroneous reductions in total program mill levies by incrementally phasing out mill levy credits starting in FY 2021-22. This timeline was chosen intentionally to ensure no district is forced to phase out credits faster than 1 mill per year.
Following the Supreme Court’s decision, the Colorado state Senate took up HB21-1164 on Third Reading and final passage – clearing the bill over its final hurdle before heading to the Governor’s desk for signature. To track the progress of the legislation click here.