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SIGNED! Bill to Extend Long Sought After Labor Rights to Agricultural Workers Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a groundbreaking agricultural workers’ rights bill into law that will modernize the industry, promote equity, and establish fair treatment standards by extending basic labor rights to agricultural workers.

New law would expand labor protections, allow workers to form unions, and guarantee minimum wages for agricultural workers across the state

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a groundbreaking agricultural workers’ rights bill into law that will modernize the industry, promote equity, and establish fair treatment standards by extending basic labor rights to agricultural workers.

SB21-087, sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson & Dominick Moreno, establishes an ‘Agricultural Workers’ Bill of Rights’ that guarantees break times, meal times, safe and comfortable working conditions, safe housing, overtime pay, clean water, and health protections for agricultural workers. Additionally, the bill prohibits the use of the short-handled hoe – a practice that has already been outlawed in Texas, California, Arizona, and New Mexico.

“Colorado’s agricultural workers have been exploited for far too long in this state, and it’s well beyond time for us to provide them with the dignity and respect they deserve,” said Senator Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge)“Ensuring that these workers are able to earn a living wage, get overtime pay, have adequate access to breaks and water, and are protected against retaliation is simply just the right thing to do.”

Specifically, the bill tasks the Division of Labor Standards and Statistics in the Department of Labor and Employment to promulgate rules to establish the overtime pay of agricultural employees, and removes the exemption of agricultural labor from state and local minimum wage laws.

“Colorado lags far behind other states when it comes to affording basic human rights to agricultural workers,” said Senator Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City)“These workers are often exploited for cheap labor and they can’t even discuss workplace conditions with their colleagues without fear of retaliation. This law will ensure basic protections for ag workers that already apply to every other worker across our state.”

In addition, the legislation creates the Agricultural Work Advisory Committee to study and analyze agricultural wages and working conditions. Lastly, the bill creates rights, remedies, and enforcement actions for aggrieved agricultural employees, whistleblowers, and key service providers so they can seek justice and promote transparency without fear of retaliation.

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SIGNED! Bill to Establish Financial Empowerment Office Becomes Law

Today, the governor signed a bill into law that would create the Financial Empowerment Office. Under the bill, sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales and Chris Kolker, the Financial Empowerment Office would increase access to affordable financial products and resources like safe and secure banking, credit counseling, debt management, and access to capital in an effort to promote more equity, especially important during this economic recovery

New law will provide financial literacy resources and promote an equitable economic recovery for all

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a bill into law that would create the Financial Empowerment Office.

Under the bill, sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales and Chris Kolker, the Financial Empowerment Office would increase access to affordable financial products and resources like safe and secure banking, credit counseling, debt management, and access to capital in an effort to promote more equity, especially important during this economic recovery. These tools will help improve Coloradans’ financial management opportunities, promote fiscal stability, and center community-informed strategies that dismantle systemic barriers for low-income Coloradans and communities of color.

“As we work to build back stronger, we need to ensure an equitable recovery for our most vulnerable and marginalized Coloradans,” said Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver)“Communities of color and Coloradans in more rural regions of our state have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic, and this office aims to lift them up. By providing low-income folks with the tools and resources they need to bounce back, we can ensure that everyone, regardless of where they live or how much money they have in their pocket, has an equal shot at economic success.”

“Our state is certainly on its way to economic recovery, but many of our low-wage workers are still struggling,”
 said Senator Chris Kolker (D-Centennial). “As we power the Colorado Comeback, we need to ensure that we do everything we can to level the playing field so that every Coloradan, regardless of their socioeconomic status, has access to the same financial resources and knowledge as their neighbors to become economically resilient. This office will ensure an equitable and sustainable recovery for all!” 

In addition to the tasks assigned, the Office will be required to collaborate with other state agencies in supporting the creation of community-based efforts and helping to build financial education and well-being in communities across the state to foster grassroots support and ensure community-driven results.

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SIGNED! Five Clean Energy Policies Become Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed five landmark clean energy bills into law that will accelerate progress toward greenhouse gas reduction goals, work toward a regionally connected electricity grid, and set green building standards.

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed five landmark clean energy bills into law that will accelerate progress toward greenhouse gas reduction goals, work toward a regionally connected electricity grid, and set green building standards.

“In 2019, Colorado made historic progress in establishing greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals and paving a pathway toward a net-zero emissions energy economy. However, the work has only just begun,” said Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver)“I am so proud of the progress we made this session to help fill in the blanks in our greenhouse gas reduction roadmap, and these laws will bring the reality of a clean energy future closer than ever before.”

Specifically, SB21-072 will transition Colorado toward a regional transmission organization while simultaneously interconnecting the grid, enhancing grid reliability, decreasing costs for utilities and ratepayers, and increasing capacity for renewable energy that will help us reach our statewide greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.

SB21-264 will establish a clean heat standard and encourage natural gas utilities to capture and utilize methane that is currently being leaked from agricultural operations, landfills, wastewater plants, and coalbeds, which will simultaneously reduce the amount of methane leaking into our atmosphere and offset the need for additional fossil fuel extraction.

HB21-1284 is a bipartisan bill that seeks to reduce the barriers and costs to solar energy installation, which is critical to our long-term energy independence, sustainability, and stability and allow Colorado to continue to foster an environment where renewable energy technologies can be deployed easily and effectively.

HB21-1238 directs the Public Utilities Commission to set energy savings targets for gas utilities to expand energy efficiency programs and help more customers cut energy waste. Additionally, this bill takes a major step in accurate greenhouse gas accounting by setting the social cost of methane and requiring the PUC to consider it in evaluating the cost-benefit ratio of natural gas utilities

Lastly, HB21-1286, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Brittany Pettersen, would require the owners of certain large commercial buildings to collect and report energy use to the Colorado Energy Office, and by 2026, to demonstrate that they have met new energy efficiency performance standards. 

“As we work to address economy-wide emission reductions, we must be calculated and purposeful in tackling sector-specific emissions as well,” said Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood)“The building sector has long been an overlooked component of our statewide emissions, even though it contributes to 20% of our greenhouse gas pollution. This law will make substantial progress toward benchmarking building sector emissions which will create good jobs, save businesses money on their energy bills, and advance Colorado’s commitment to climate action.”

This policy will help tenants and businesses save money on their energy costs while creating jobs for workers skilled in energy efficiency retrofits, mechanical system upgrades, electrical work, engineering, and recommissioning.

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SIGNED! Bill to Restore Community Pillars & Power the Colorado Comeback Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a bill into law that will create a framework carefully designed to absorb federal stimulus funding from the American Rescue Plan Act and help power the Colorado Comeback for years to come.

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a bill into law that will create a framework carefully designed to absorb federal stimulus funding from the American Rescue Plan Act and help power the Colorado Comeback for years to come. 

SB21-289, sponsored by Senator Dominick Moreno, creates the Revenue Loss Restoration Cash Fund, which will receive $1 billion in federal funding and could support a number of critical needs across Colorado, including  K-12 education, housing, asset maintenance, seniors, criminal justice, state parks, agriculture, and transportation infrastructure in the 2022 legislative session. Overall, this legislation works to fortify the state budget and maintain fiscal integrity as Colorado’s Comeback continues.

“A major lesson learned over the last year has been how dynamic the state economy can be, and how strategically our recovery efforts must be crafted. Careful planning, creative investments, and fiscal responsibility got us to where we are today, and we must continue these efforts to ensure long-term prosperity for Colorado,” said Senator Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City)“As state legislators, we are incredibly grateful for this infusion of federal funds, and this law will help provide a pathway for a sustained and lasting recovery that incorporates stakeholder input and outreach to every corner of the state.”

Overall, this legislation works to fortify the state budget and maintain fiscal integrity as Colorado’s Comeback continues. 

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Colorado Comeback Legislation Targeting $75 Million for Workforce Development Signed by the Governor

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed into law a bill from Colorado’s recovery package, allocating a historic $75 million to support workforce development.

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed into law a bill from Colorado’s recovery package, allocating a historic $75 million to support workforce development.

HB21-1264, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senators Chris Kolker and Dennis Hisey, invests $75 million to create an initiative within the state Workforce Development Council to reskill, upskill, and “next-skill” workers during periods of substantial unemployment. This will ensure that the state can build back stronger by making sure that Colorado’s workers have the tools they need to thrive.

“The last year has had a devastating impact on all of us, but especially our workforce. Coloradans were unexpectedly forced out of work during the pandemic, which resulted in financial loss, heightened stress, and decreased productivity,” said Senator Chris Kolker (D-Centennial). “In order for us to build back stronger, we need to ensure that our workers are fully equipped with this skill set necessary for them to get back to work and do their jobs efficiently. This funding supports training to advance one’s skills with their chosen work and develop new skills for those looking for careers new to the twenty-first century.”

Stimulus dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act make up two-thirds of the total funding, a decision made based on feedback from citizens of Colorado during the Build Back Stronger Statewide Listening Tour.

Specifically, the federal funding will be allocated to local workforce boards across the state for developing local workforce ecosystems across employer communities, workforce centers, and apprenticeship programs, and to the Colorado Workforce Development Council (CWDC) to enhance the statewide workforce ecosystem, including grants for statewide workforce innovation initiatives.

Additionally, federal funding will be allocated to the Department of Higher Education for Career and Technical Education to expand equipment, facility, and instruction capacity in the key career and technical education job demand areas. Lastly, $5 million in federal funding will be distributed to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) Adult Education and Literacy programs to help support critical adult education initiatives.

Overall, these programs will build in-demand skills, connect workers and learners to quality jobs, and drive employer engagement in talent development through job training for individuals who want to and are available for work, to provide assistance to households, and to provide aid to impacted industries, small businesses, and nonprofit organizations to respond to the negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency through the provision of related educational and job training services.

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SIGNED! Bill to Implement Universal Pre-K in Colorado Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a bill into law that will implement universal preschool, improve education outcomes, and support families in expanding access to enriching early childhood experiences.

New law would promote alignment and quality, and improve access to high-quality early childhood education  

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a bill into law that will implement universal preschool, improve education outcomes, and support families in expanding access to enriching early childhood experiences. 

HB21-1304, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg and Senator Janet Buckner, will expand access to high-quality, affordable early childhood opportunities, support parents in accessing programs and services, and coordinate the availability of those services.

"Today was a huge step forward in providing quality education to every child in Colorado,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder)“With this law, we’re laying the foundation for how we fund, coordinate, and address early childhood education. Access to child care not only supports critical early development and future educational outcomes, but also the very well-being and success of families across our state.”

Voter-approved investments in early learning, including Proposition EE – which was overwhelmingly supported by Colorado voters – as well as new federal funding targeted to child care, provide the state with a unique opportunity to elevate and streamline our early childcare education system.

“This law is the culmination of decades of hard work and advocacy from so many in our communities,” said Senator Janet Buckner (D-Aurora)“We remain inspired by Anna Jo Haynes’ leadership on this issue and are so happy to be able to honor her life’s work in the bill’s title. The implementation of HB21-1304 will build on the progress she has made, and will have life-changing effects on Colorado’s youth for generations to come.”

The bill’s shorthand title honors a long-time advocate of early childhood education in Colorado, Anna Jo Garcia Haynes. Ms. Haynes was the driving force behind the creation of the Head Start early childhood education program in Denver, and co-founder of the Colorado Children’s Campaign, a non-partisan advocacy organization.

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Governor Signs Tax Fairness Package into Law, Providing Forthcoming Relief for Working Families and Small Businesses

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed into law two landmark tax bills that are part of Colorado's Tax Fairness Package. The bills, both sponsored by Senators Dominick Moreno and Chris Hansen, seek to build on progress made with tax relief legislation last year and aim to ensure Colorado’s economic recovery is efficient, equitable, and sustainable.

Two bills seeking to provide tax relief to working families, seniors, and small businesses cross the finish line

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed into law two landmark tax bills that are part of Colorado's Tax Fairness Package. The bills, both sponsored by Senators Dominick Moreno and Chris Hansen, seek to build on progress made with tax relief legislation last year and aim to ensure Colorado’s economic recovery is efficient, equitable, and sustainable.

“The pandemic has both exposed and deepened existing inequities as well as created new ones,” said Senator Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City). “As we recover, we can either continue business as usual, with decades-old special interest tax loopholes benefitting a handful of greedy corporations, or we can reform our tax code and uplift hardworking families, small businesses, and the most vulnerable Coloradans. The choice is clear.”

“Colorado’s tax code has been deeply unfair for far too long. Between our flat income tax structure, TABOR, and other restrictive fiscal policies, our state is entrenching power and protecting the status quo at the expense of hardworking people,” said Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver). “These bills will insert equity and integrity into our tax code by expanding working family tax credits like the EITC, as well as limiting loopholes for millionaires and huge corporations.”

Colorado’s hardworking families and small businesses are struggling to climb the economic ladder, put food on their tables, pay for housing, or afford higher education – while high-powered corporate interests protect an outdated tax system that gives handouts to those who’ve already reached the top.

HB21-1311 takes a critical look at the tax code to modify or eliminate provisions that have objectively failed their intended purpose or are broadly disadvantageous to local small businesses and working families. Instead, the bill prioritizes hardworking Coloradans by expanding tax credits for low and middle-income earners while curbing unjust tax-avoidance practices by big business. This includes prohibiting corporations from hiding their earnings in off-shore tax-havens as well as reinstating itemized deduction caps for the wealthiest Coloradans.

According to a non-partisan legislative analysis, the provisions in this bill will raise approximately $110 million in revenue for the state and will pay out over $450 million to working families, low-income Coloradans, and small businesses over the next 3 years.

Meanwhile, HB21-1312 seeks to adjust other state tax expenditures to prevent exploitation and ensure consistent application of tax laws. Specifically, the bill modifies ineffective tax subsidies for the largest businesses by eliminating property tax loopholes as well as other excessive write-offs.

These bills provide Colorado with an opportunity to support everyday citizens and small businesses that make up the backbone of our economy – prioritizing those being left behind in our recovery.

In addition to the Tax Fairness Package, the governor signed into law SB21-293, a bipartisan bill also sponsored by Senator Hansen, which is designed to provide targeted property tax relief to folks living in multi-family homes and homeowners who have seen their property assessments skyrocket over the past year.

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SIGNED! Bills to Bolster Support for Colorado Veterans Become Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed two bills into law that aim to help our veterans who have given so much. The first will establish a veteran suicide prevention pilot program and the other will create a grant program that will fund the creation of a veteran mobile support unit to help veterans where they are.

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed two bills into law that aim to help our veterans who have given so much. The first will establish a veteran suicide prevention pilot program and the other will create a grant program that will fund the creation of a veteran mobile support unit to help veterans where they are. 

SB21-129, sponsored by Senate President Leroy Garcia, would require the Colorado Department of Human Services to establish a veteran suicide prevention pilot program to help reduce the rate of suicide and suicidal ideation among veterans. To do this, the pilot program would partner with established non-profit organizations to provide no-cost, stigma-free, confidential and effective behavioral health treatment for veterans and their families.

“Colorado’s rate of veteran suicide is higher than the national average,” said Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo)“As a Marine Corps and Iraq war veteran and a lawmaker, those numbers are hard to hear. Veterans and their families have made immeasurable sacrifices to keep us safe. This law puts Colorado on a path to ensuring that veterans who are struggling have the support they need and deserve.”

This bill would first establish a program in El Paso County, the region of Colorado with the highest population of veterans. At any time, the Department of Human Services would be able to  expand this program to other areas of the state. 

SB21-032, sponsored by Senate President Pro Temp Kerry Donovan, would establish a grant program to fund a veteran-owned and focused organization. The grant will fund the creation of a mobile support unit that will act as a point of contact to veterans outside of metropolitan areas who are experiencing homelessness or are unable to access essential services. Those essential services may include distribution of supplies, direct healthcare services, and transportation assistance.

“For many veterans experiencing homelessness, accessing essential services and care is incredibly difficult,” said Senate President Pro-Temp Kerry Donovan (D-Vail)“Our veterans have served our country and we owe it to them to meet them where they are. By creating a mobile veterans support unit with this new law, we can bolster support for veterans experiencing homelessness or veterans in remote areas. This is simply just the right thing to do.”

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SIGNED! Colorado Comeback Bill to Support Domestic Violence Victims Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed a Colorado Comeback bill into law that aims to support victims of domestic violence.

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed a Colorado Comeback bill into law that aims to support victims of domestic violence.

Stay-at-home orders and other pandemic responses have increased instances of domestic violence and reduced the ability of victims to access services. SB21-292, sponsored by Senator Faith Winter, seeks to fill that void.

“When the pandemic hit last year, we asked Coloradans to stay home and stay safe. For many of our residents, however, staying home did not necessarily make them safer,” said Senator Faith Winter (D-Westminster)“Instances of domestic violence increased when we implemented stay-at-home orders, which tragically put many Coloradans – particularly women – in danger. This law seeks to support victims of domestic violence, providing them with the resources necessary to ensure they are protected from further abuse and trauma.”

Specifically, the bill will allocate $15 million across various programs for victims of domestic abuse, including the Address Confidentiality Program, the Domestic Violence Program, and Victims Assistance & Law Enforcement programs, all of which will victims with resources they need for  crisis intervention services, victim services referrals, victim assistance programs, protection from abusers, financial assistance, and counseling to those in need.

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SIGNED! Critical Gun Safety Measure to Protect Domestic Violence Victims Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a critical gun safety measure into law that seeks to protect victims of domestic abuse.

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a critical gun safety measure into law that seeks to protect victims of domestic abuse. 

HB21-1255, sponsored by Senators Brittany Pettersen & Sonya Jaquez-Lewis, would strengthen and streamline gun safety procedures to ensure that someone who has a domestic violence related protection order issued against them cannot access firearms.

“Gun violence is an epidemic in this country,” said Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood)“Every year it seems we are shocked by a horrific mass shooting that shakes us to our core. But it’s the countless other shootings happening every day that represent the deadliest component of this crisis. Domestic abusers and other violent offenders are largely unobstructed from buying a firearm – putting vulnerable families and communities at increased risk of lethal violence. This has to change. By preventing dangerous people from purchasing or owning a gun, this new law will help stop tragedy before it starts.”

Current law already requires domestic violence offenders who are subject to a protection order stemming from an act of domestic or intimate partner violence to forfeit their firearms and refrain from possessing or purchasing firearms for the duration of the order. This bill simply clarifies the way in which defendants must comply with this requirement, and establishes requirements for courts.

“More than 30% of Coloradans experience physical abuse at the hands of a domestic partner – a threat made five times more deadly when their abuser owns a gun,” said Senator Sonya Jaquez-Lewis (D-Boulder County)“We must do everything in our power to protect victims by ensuring that perpetrators remain less dangerous. This includes passing measures like HB21-1255, which will strengthen current laws to keep guns out of the hands of domestic violence offenders.” 

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SIGNED! Bill to Further Strengthen Colorado’s Gold-Standard Voting System Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a critical piece of elections and voting legislation into law that upholds and makes improvements to Colorado’s gold-standard voting system by strengthening certain aspects of our election laws.

New law would further improve Colorado’s election system by: modernizing voter registration, expanding access to drop boxes, and creating more transparency in recall elections.

DENVER, CO – Today, the governor signed a critical piece of elections and voting legislation into law that upholds and makes improvements to Colorado’s gold-standard voting system by strengthening certain aspects of our election laws.

SB21-250, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg and Senator Julie Gonzales, works to ensure Colorado maintains its status as a role model for secure, safe, and fair elections.

“Colorado consistently has one of the highest voter turnout rates in the country thanks to the convenience and accessibility of our voting system. This is a result of our continual commitment to improvement efforts like this one,” said Senate Majority Leader Fenberg (D-Boulder)“By seeking to ensure Colorado’s elections remain exemplary, we are standing up for voters and protecting our democracy from the onslaught of restrictive voting laws being pushed by Republicans across the country.”

Each year, Colorado’s sixty-four County Clerks, the Secretary of State, and other stakeholders identify clarifications, adjustments, and improvements that are needed to make our election system even better. This bill is the result of their findings and subsequent recommendations.

“At a time when other states are restricting access to the ballot, here in Colorado we’re going above and beyond to make it easier for Coloradans to vote securely,” said Senator Gonzales (D-Denver)“I am proud of Colorado’s commitment to continually improving our elections system. Ensuring Coloradans are able to participate in democracy with ease will strengthen and increase voter engagement across the state.”

The legislation includes adjustments to Colorado’s voting system that will: improve drop boxes and Voter Service and Polling Centers, protect voting from partisan interference, and improve Colorado’s voter registration system. Additionally, the bill includes language to increase transparency in recall elections. 

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Jefferson County Senators Respond to Arvada Shooting, Death of Officer Gordon Beesley

DENVER, CO – In response to yesterday's tragic shooting in Arvada which resulted in the death of an Arvada police officer as well as one other un-named individual, Senators who represent Jefferson County, including Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada), Senator Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge), Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood), and Senator Tammy Story (D-Evergreen), released the subsequent joint statement:

DENVER, CO –  In response to yesterday's tragic shooting in Arvada which resulted in the death of an Arvada police officer as well as one other un-named individual, Senators who represent Jefferson County, including Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada), Senator Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge), Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood), and Senator Tammy Story (D-Evergreen), released the subsequent joint statement:

“We are heartbroken by the news of yet another deadly shooting in Colorado, this time in the county we all represent. We are saddened to know that this tragic event took the life of at least one bystander as well as Officer Gordon Beesley, an Arvada police officer who was courageously responding to the scene and upholding his duty to protect. 

“This senseless loss of life has become all too common in our communities and throughout our nation, and is a somber reminder that any day can be our last. Despite how often gun violence happens throughout our country, such acts of violence that occur right in your backyard are particularly devastating and surreal. We should not have to live in fear when we are conducting everyday tasks like going to the grocery store, sending our kids to school, or watching a film at a movie theater  and no one should have to lay a loved one to rest in this manner. 

“We grieve with the families and friends of those impacted by this tragic incident, and are keeping the Arvada Police Department as well as the entire Arvada community in our thoughts during this challenging time.”

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SIGNED! Bill to Strengthen Colorado State Parks Becomes Law 

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed a bill into law that will create a discounted Colorado parks pass to help finance increased conservation of and access to Colorado’s 42 state parks and public lands.

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed a bill into law that will create a discounted Colorado parks pass to help finance increased conservation of and access to Colorado’s 42 state parks and public lands.

SB21-249, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg and Senate President Pro-Temp Kerry Donovan, will create a discounted, vehicle-displayed “Keep Colorado Wild Pass” – increasing access and investment in state parks and public lands. 

“Our state parks and public lands represent the very fabric of our state and our people. Increasing Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s capacity to maintain our state’s outdoor resources is essential to building a more vast and accessible parks system for all Coloradans,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder)“The Keep Colorado Wild Pass will ensure we have the necessary resources to take care of our parks, while giving even more Coloradans the ability to enjoy our great outdoors.”

Over the past year, Coloradans have increasingly enjoyed our state parks and public lands as a safe and socially distanced option for recreation. With increased use and a growing demand for outdoor recreation, Colorado Parks and Wildlife is struggling to keep up with demand to ensure the benefits of the outdoors and wildlife are sustained for future generations.

“After years of looking for ways to protect and support our public lands, today is an exciting day," said Senate President Pro-Temp Kerry Donovan (D-Vail)“With this new approach, we get to lower the price while creating a long-term funding source to protect the wild places we cherish.”

Revenue from the Keep Colorado Wild Pass will be used to make investments in public lands, outdoor recreation and safety, and wildlife conservation. Passes will be purchased at the time of vehicle registration as well as renewal of registration.

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SIGNED! Stimulus Bill to Preserve Over $800 Million for Future Investments to Power the Colorado Comeback Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed a bill into law that will preserve over $800 million for future investments, allocating federal stimulus funds from the American Rescue Plan to ensure the state's long-term economic resilience.

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed a bill into law that will preserve over $800 million for future investments, allocating federal stimulus funds from the American Rescue Plan to ensure the state's long-term economic resilience.

SB21-291, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, creates the Economic Recovery and Relief Cash Fund to respond to the public health emergency with respect to COVID-19 and  its negative economic impacts. Specifically, the bill allocates $848 million for future legislative investments to be made following a robust community stakeholding process over the next six months. 

“Today marks a brighter tomorrow for Colorado. SB 291 immediately invests in Colorado communities, while preserving considerable funding for longer-term investments that will respond to our ongoing needs,” said Majority Leader Steve Fenberg“The Economic Recovery and Relief Cash Fund will help get our state back on its feet, get people back to work, and make sure we’re better prepared for the next challenge we will face.”

In addition, the legislation allocates $40 million for various programs with the Office of Economic Development and International Trade to support small businesses and economic development following the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the $40 million, the bill sets aside $10 million to incentivize small business development in rural Colorado and to provide cash incentives to businesses that hire remote employees in rural areas of the state.

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SIGNED! Colorado Comeback Bills to Expand Mental Health Access for Kids & Increase Access to State Resources Become Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed two Colorado Comeback bills into law that seek to expand access to youth mental health services as well as expand the crisis support services offered by the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative to help Coloradans in need.

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed two Colorado Comeback bills into law that seek to expand access to youth mental health services as well as expand the crisis support services offered by the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative to help Coloradans in need. 

HB21-1258, sponsored by Senator Janet Buckner, aims to make it easier for Colorado youth to get mental health care by creating a program in the Office of Behavioral Health to facilitate access to mental health services for identified needs, including those that may have resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. The program would provide any young person aged 18 and under with an online mental health screening and would then reimburse providers for up to three mental health sessions.

“The pandemic has resulted in increased mental health needs for so many Coloradans, but especially for our young people, whose lives and learning have been severely disrupted over the last year,” said Senator Janet Buckner (D-Aurora)“In order to provide relief for our kids, we need to expand access to mental health support. This bill will help break the stigma around mental health by making it easier for kids to seek out care in Colorado.” 

The office will also create a website to serve as a portal for youth and providers to be able to navigate the program. Our state’s youth mental health crisis has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and this bill will ensure that Colorado youth can get the help they need and deserve.

SB21-239, sponsored by Senators Rachel Zenzinger & Chris Kolker, transfers $1 million to expand the Colorado 2-1-1 collaborative to include necessary referrals for mental health services and other resources for Coloradans.

“When Coloradans find themselves in tough times, our state has a number of amazing programs and services to help folks get back on their feet. But navigating the maze of programs and eligibility requirements can often be confusing and time-consuming. That’s why resources like 2-1-1 are so critical,” said Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada)“By working to compile and clarify assistance opportunities for Coloradans, the 2-1-1 Colorado database connects vulnerable people to the essential resources they need right when they need it.”

“Over the last year, Coloradans’ lives have been upended. Businesses and schools have closed, families have faced financial uncertainty, and thousands have lost loved ones or faced a medical crisis themselves,”
 said Senator Chris Kolker (D-Centennial)“This law will ensure that Coloradans in crisis can get the help that they need to recover – connecting people to all of the incredible opportunities our state has to offer without the burden of sifting through them alone.”

The Colorado 2-1-1 Collaborative is a confidential and multilingual service connecting people to more than 11,000 vital resources across the state, including resources for COVID-19, aging and disability, mental health and substance use disorder, food assistance, housing and shelter, employment, tax assistance, and childcare services.

This bill provides additional funding to the 2-1-1 service for mental health services, and also requires the Collaborative to coordinate with the Department of Labor and Employment to target, conduct outreach, and market to individuals who are unemployed – regardless of whether they receive benefits – and may need referrals for behavioral health services and other resources.

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SIGNED! Critical Measures To Enhance Community Safety & Address Gun Violence Epidemic Become Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed three landmark gun safety measures into law that aim to address the issue of gun violence with a root-cause, multi-pronged approach.

New laws will allow for local control of firearm regulation, expand background check requirements, and establish a first-of-its-kind statewide Office of Gun Violence Prevention 

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed three landmark gun safety measures into law that aim to address the issue of gun violence with a root-cause, multi-pronged approach.

SB21-256, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg and Senator Dominick Moreno, declares that the regulation of firearms is a matter of state and local concern, and will repeal the state level preemption that currently says otherwise. The bill allows local governments to implement laws around gun ownership that are stricter than state statutes – granting municipalities the right to decide regulations befitting their community.

“Colorado is a state with a long history of trusting local governments to do right by their communities' unique needs,” said Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder). Repealing the state preemption on local regulation of firearms will allow communities to respond to the particular issues that their communities face, and that their people demand. This is an essential step forward in continuing the tradition of local control over issues that look different from town to town, and county to county.”

“Each city and town in Colorado has different needs and should be able to determine how to best keep their community safe,” said Senator Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City). “We need to ensure that local governments have the ability to implement the gun safety measures that are needed in their jurisdiction. This law will empower local officials to enact their own laws to reduce violence and enhance public safety.”

HB21-1298, sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales and Brittany Pettersen, prohibits a person who has been convicted of specific violent misdemeanor offenses from purchasing a firearm for 5 years. These specific criminal offenses show a propensity for violence or illegal usage of a weapon and include charges like child abuse, hate crimes, cruelty to animals, sexual assault, and third degree assault. The bill also closes the “Charleston loophole,” which allows an individual who may not have otherwise passed a background check to obtain a firearm if the results of said background check take longer than three days to process.

“Background checks are one of the most effective tools we have to keep deadly weapons out of dangerous hands,” said Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver)“By ensuring that those who have committed violent offenses are unable to purchase a firearm, we will undoubtedly save lives. But this law doesn’t stop there – we are also closing a critical loophole that has long allowed firearms to be purchased without any background check if there is a national backlog. No matter the wait, background checks should be non-negotiable for gun purchases and this new law will ensure that.”

HB21-1299, sponsored by Senators Chris Hansen and Rhonda Fields, establishes the Office of Gun Violence Prevention under the Department of Public Health and Environment. The Office would be responsible for conducting public awareness campaigns about gun violence prevention. It would educate the public about existing state resources and laws, including how to file an Extreme Risk Protection Order, how to access mental health resources, and how to store firearms securely. The Office would also fund proven community-based violence intervention programs that are focused on interrupting cycles of gun violence through competitive grants.

“Gun violence continues to plague our communities, and for too long Coloradans have been crying out for their leaders to do something about it. We need more than thoughts and prayers, we need action,” said Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver)“With this bill, we are investing in community-sourced solutions that will combat the root causes of gun violence rather than its symptoms. I am incredibly proud of Colorado’s leadership on this issue and look forward to a day when gun violence no longer stalks our streets, haunts our homes, or terrorizes our public spaces.”

“True gun violence prevention requires that we start thinking bigger and more holistically,” 
said Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora)“Making top-down regulations without investing in grassroots education will only limit our policies’ effectiveness. We need to build broad public awareness that empowers communities to take action – protecting their loved ones in moments of crisis and implementing evidence-based initiatives that will interrupt cycles of violence and trauma.”

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SIGNED! Bill to Increase Access to Care, Save Patients Money Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed a bill into law that would establish a 911 Nurse Navigation pilot program to connect 911 callers with an appropriate level of medical care.

DENVER, CO –  Today, the Governor signed a bill into law that would establish a 911 Nurse Navigation pilot program to connect 911 callers with an appropriate level of medical care.  

SB21-156, sponsored by Senate President Leroy Garcia, directs the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management to create the framework for a 911 nurse navigation pilot program that operates for two years. To do this, the Division would review applications from interested Public Safety Answering Points and choose four communities to pilot the program.

“The cost of healthcare continues to be a major concern for many Coloradans, and emergency care is a significant driver of those costs,” said Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo)“A 911 Nurse Navigation pilot program would help lower costs for consumers, and providers by connecting Coloradans with those who can guide through a care plan that is appropriate for their individual needs.”

This bill would allow the Public Safety Answering Points to forward low acuity calls to registered nurses who then provide a quick patient assessment for life threatening conditions before working directly with the patient to craft a unique care plan. This program has a demonstrated record of success and cost savings in several large cities around the country.

“As a paramedic, I know that an ambulance ride to an emergency department isn’t the appropriate solution for every person who calls 911,” said Garcia, a paramedic and EMS Instructor at Pueblo Community College. “With this law, we can preserve the limited resources of our first responders and our emergency departments, while saving Coloradans money on their healthcare.”

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JOINT RELEASE: Forecast Shows Colorado Comeback is Well Underway

DENVER, CO – Democratic members of the Joint Budget Committee today released the following statements after the Legislative Council staff and the Office of State Planning and Budgeting delivered the June economic forecasts, both of which project higher General Fund revenue compared to earlier estimates, but warn of continued budget challenges in years to come and uncertainty as the economy rebuilds from the pandemic.

DENVER, CO – Democratic members of the Joint Budget Committee today released the following statements after the Legislative Council staff and the Office of State Planning and Budgeting delivered the June economic forecasts, both of which project higher General Fund revenue compared to earlier estimates, but warn of continued budget challenges in years to come and uncertainty as the economy rebuilds from the pandemic. 

“Today’s budget forecast shows that Colorado’s economy continues to trend in the right direction. As we continue to build back stronger from the economic devastation of the last year, this is certainly promising news,” said JBC Chair Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City“We are not out of the water just yet, especially as unemployment rates remain high, but as more vaccines are distributed throughout Colorado, COVID-19 concerns are reduced and we continue to reap the benefits of the federal American Rescue Plan, we can expect a positive economic recovery moving forward.” 

“With the help of federal and state stimulus efforts, the Colorado comeback is well underway,” 
said JBC Vice-Chair Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon“Our state economy is doing even better than expected, and Colorado is recovering jobs at a faster rate than the rest of the country, including in some of the hardest hit sectors. While threats remain and uncertainty continues to be heightened, it’s clear that Colorado’s economy is on track to make a full recovery. I’m proud of all of the work we did this session to ensure all Coloradans can share in our state’s prosperity.”

“Today’s economic forecast reassured us that as vaccine rates rise and the pandemic continues to abate, the economy continues to improve,”
 said JBC Member Chris Hansen, D-Denver“Colorado is one of the leaders in the rebound in employment, with nearly two-thirds of our pandemic job losses now filled. Still, we cannot let up. The recovery continues to be K-shaped and lower income families have still not recovered to their pre-pandemic income levels. We will work to ensure that we lift up all people across this state and continue to implement stimulus measures and targeted relief to achieve that goal.”

“Today’s forecast brought great news: our economy is coming close to pre-pandemic levels and our stimulus efforts have supported families through the worst of the economic impact of COVID-19,” said JBC Member Leslie Herod, D-Denver“As vaccination rates rise and Coloradans return to their everyday lives, jobs are coming back to our communities. Although we’re optimistic today, too many Coloradans, including low-income communities across the state, are still struggling. This is not the time to let our guard down. We’ll continue to monitor the economic recovery, and our work to ensure that no one is left behind will go on.” 

The Legislative Council staff (LCS) June forecast anticipates General Fund revenues to be $14.34 billion in FY 2020-21 and $14.87 billion in FY 2021-2022 – a $1.62 billion and $1.06 billion increase from the March revenue forecast respectively. These persistent improvements in the state’s economic outlook are due in large part to federal and state stimulus dollars, which have elevated personal incomes throughout the pandemic while allowing Colorado to invest in stabilizing the industries and individuals most severely impacted by COVID-19. Colorado, however, is still seeing inequitable recovery trends driven by differing rates of recovery by sector and the disparate impact of unemployment on low wage workers. This means that some sectors and households have emerged unscathed while others continue to struggle. 

The Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) anticipates that General Fund revenue will be $14.42 billion for FY 2020-21, which OSPB revised upward by $1.51 billion relative to its March estimate. For FY 2021-22, OSPB projects General Fund revenue will be close to $15.02 billion, which OSPB revised upward by $1.16 billion relative to its March estimate.

Both OSPB and LCS anticipate the state will exceed its TABOR limit beginning in FY 2020-21 due to higher than anticipated income tax collections. 

In addition, LCS and OSPB identified both upside and downside risks to the forecast but feel confident the risks remain fairly balanced with potential to lean towards the upside as vaccine distribution continues, employment recovers, and the economy continues to reopen. The most significant downside risks surround supply and demand mismatches and inflationary increases, however, both are expected to be temporary as the market stabilizes and businesses adjust to new consumer spending patterns. 

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SIGNED! Colorado Comeback Bill to Invest in SNAP Program Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Today, the Governor signed a Colorado Comeback bill into law that will invest in Colorado’s successful SNAP program.

DENVER, CO –  Today, the Governor signed a Colorado Comeback bill into law that will invest in Colorado’s successful SNAP program. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic has cost countless Coloradans their jobs, many of whom have had to rely on critical support services to get by,” said Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora). “As we work to build back a stronger, more resilient Colorado, we must take action to uplift those who have been hit hardest by the pandemic. This new law will help get Coloradans back to work by filling critical gaps in this successful and proven program.”

HB21-1270, sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields, directly contributes to Colorado’s economic recovery by investing in Colorado’s successful Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) program. 

Colorado’s SNAP E&T program, known as Employment First, promotes long-term self-sufficiency and independence by preparing SNAP recipients for meaningful employment through work-related education, training activities, and work-based learning.

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Governor Signs Once-in-a-Generation Transportation Funding Legislation

DENVER, CO - Today, Governor Polis took the final step in establishing the future of Colorado’s transportation sector by signing SB21-260 into law. The bill, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, House Speaker Alec Garnett, Senator Faith Winter, and Representative Matt Gray, comprehensively addresses Colorado’s crumbling and outdated transportation system by establishing a sustainable funding source to improve Colorado roads, investing in the future of EV charging infrastructure, and expanding multi-modal transit options to reduce congestion and improve air quality.

Widely supported bill establishes sustainable funding, supports the Colorado Comeback, creates jobs, accelerates climate goals, and advances equity

DENVER, CO - Today, Governor Polis took the final step in establishing the future of Colorado’s transportation sector by signing SB21-260 into law. The bill, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg, House Speaker Alec Garnett, Senator Faith Winter, and Representative Matt Gray, comprehensively addresses Colorado’s crumbling and outdated transportation system by establishing a sustainable funding source to improve Colorado roads, investing in the future of EV charging infrastructure, and expanding multi-modal transit options to reduce congestion and improve air quality.

“Colorado has fallen behind when it comes to transportation investment and efficiency – costing our residents endless amounts of money and time. Even states like Mississippi and Utah have far outpaced us, making this plan even more urgent,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder). “As a growing state, we need a transportation plan that will not only meet the growing demands of the present but prepare us for the realities of the future. With this new law, we are establishing just that: a modern, sustainable transportation system that is a reliable asset to our state rather than an ongoing liability.”

“Colorado leads the nation on issue after issue, and today we took the final step in ensuring that our transportation infrastructure will keep us competitive for decades to come,” 
said Speaker Alec Garnett (D-Denver). “From investing in rural road repair and improving our state’s highways to providing more transit options and preparing us for our clean energy future, this new law will go a long way toward modernizing the way Colorado gets kids to school, people to work, and goods to market.” 

“After months of community planning and more than 130 stakeholder meetings, we have come together with a solution that will creatively and equitably address Colorado’s biggest transportation challenges,” 
said Senator Faith Winter (D-Westminster). “I am incredibly proud of the balance that this bill strikes as well as the urgency with which it acts because Coloradans can’t afford to wait one more minute as our roads crumble, traffic grinds to a halt, and toxic emissions pollute the air we breathe. This new law represents the future of transportation in our state, and it’s a future we can all be proud of.”   

“The law signed today represents the culmination of months of careful, tireless negotiations after years of attempts at solving the complex issue of transportation funding in Colorado,” 
said Rep. Matt Gray (D-Broomfield). “Thanks to the good faith efforts of stakeholders on all sides of the issue, we were able to do what many before us had fallen short of. We found a path forward that will not only help us deal with the transportation needs of today, but will set up a sustainable funding mechanism to help our state deal with the transportation challenges of tomorrow. It’s time to get Colorado moving.” 

The transportation proposal signed into law today will generate jobs, reduce congestion, create new transportation options, and balance the needs of every Colorado community. 

Colorado’s gas tax was created in 1991, and its value has significantly eroded since then, leaving Colorado’s roads and transportation system drastically underfunded. The new law will create a sustainable funding source for transportation infrastructure that will support a dynamic economy, improve air quality, create jobs, and ensure Colorado is positioned to compete. 

The proposal will provide $5.365 billion in transportation funding to fix roads and bridges, improve transit options, meet Colorado’s climate goals, and future-proof the state’s transportation system. The funding will come from a balanced and responsible mix of state, federal, and fee revenue that reflects all the users and uses of our transportation system. For the first two years, the law reduces vehicle registration fees, saving drivers money in 2022 and 2023. All new fees won’t begin until 2022 and will be nominal, costing the average driver about $28 in the first year, and will be spread across all users of the system to bring down costs on people while ensuring we are improving our infrastructure. 

Overall, the law promotes collaboration between the Department of Transportation (CDOT), Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE), and the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) to coordinate both regional and statewide efforts to develop a transportation system that supports a dynamic economy while improving air quality, saving Coloradans time spent on the roads, and making key investments in rural and disproportionately impacted communities.

To ensure transparency, performance and accountability measures are required for every entity that receives funding through this new law, including the four new enterprises it creates. The Colorado Energy Office and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment will report on progress made toward the electric motor vehicle adoption goals in the "Colorado Electric Vehicle Plan 2020" and the transportation sector greenhouse gas pollution reduction goals in the "Colorado Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap." CDOT and every new enterprise will maintain project management public dashboards that will show key performance indicators for projects paid for by the funding in this bill.

To address Colorado’s eroding fuel tax, the proposal will ensure we don’t lose ground in the future by imposing a small road usage fee so that everyone pays their fair share as the state transitions to a cleaner and more sustainable transportation future. However, because now is not the time to ask Coloradans to pay more, this law saves drivers money in 2022 and 2023 by reducing vehicle registration fees.

Over the course of the eleven-year plan set forth in the bill, nearly $3.8 billion will be generated through new fee revenue, and the bill will leverage over $1.5 billion in state general fund revenue and stimulus dollars. This will provide long-overdue funds after years of failed legislative attempts and ballot measures to support our statewide transportation system, as well as create good-paying jobs that will continue to exist for decades to come.

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