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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Gonzales Bill to Protect Youth from Deceptive Interrogation Tactics Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee approved a bill sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver) to protect youth from deceptive interrogation tactics in Colorado. The bill, SB22-023, aims to put an end to practices that deceive kids accused of a crime into making false confessions.

Legislation would prohibit interrogation practices used to coerce youth into falsely confessing to crimes

DENVER, CO – Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee approved a bill sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver) to protect youth from deceptive interrogation tactics in Colorado. The bill, SB22-023, aims to put an end to practices that deceive kids accused of a crime into making false confessions.

“We cannot allow law enforcement to deceive kids into making false confessions,” said Sen Gonzales. “These interrogation tactics not only unfairly target and harm our youth, they keep law enforcement from bringing the real perpetrators to justice. This issue reveals how our broken criminal legal system takes advantage of the most vulnerable, and I’m proud to carry this policy which will end these deceptive practices.”

Currently, it is completely legal for law enforcement to lie to kids during an interrogation to get them to confess to crimes in Colorado. Falsely telling a juvenile suspect that physical evidence or eyewitnesses establish their guilt is likely to produce a confession, even if the juvenile is innocent. Youth are uniquely vulnerable to these coercive techniques. 

“The numbers are clear: youth are highly vulnerable, which is why they are statistically overrepresented in false confession cases nationwide,” said Dr. Saul Kassin, City University of New York. “Children and adolescents are more easily manipulated than adults; more compliant to figures of authority; more suggestible when confronted with false evidence; and more intensely focused on the present, especially under stress. Subjecting children to the kinds of interrogation trickery and deceit built for adults substantially increases the risk of a false confession.”

SB22-023 enhances transparency by requiring all juvenile interrogations to be recorded. The bill also requires a confession obtained using deception to be declared inadmissible at trial, unless a judge finds the statement or confession  was given voluntarily despite the deception.

Kids are more likely to give false confessions when the police claim to have evidence of their guilt. According to the National Registry of Exonerations, in the last 25 years, 38 percent of youth who were exonerated after being convicted of crimes gave false confessions. 

“Confessions obtained using the false evidence ploy weaken their reliability and voluntariness. Any investigator would prefer to obtain information through a more transparent and rapport-based approach,” said Dave Thompson, a former law enforcement officer and current President of Wicklander-Zulawksi & Associates“The use of deception in interrogations is not only unnecessary, but also damning to the interviewer’s credibility and strategy.  Fostering community relationships, creating trust with residents and encouraging cooperation in investigations must be based on transparency, honesty and credibility.”

The bill is supported by the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, Together Colorado, and the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar.

SB22-023 now moves to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Sen. Fields’ Bipartisan Bill to Update Victim Rights Act & Better Support Crime Victims Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) and Senator Bob Gardner (R-Colorado Springs) aimed at supporting victims and survivors of crime in Colorado.

Legislation will empower victims and survivors, make it easier to navigate criminal justice system & bring justice to perpetrators 

DENVER, CO  Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) and Senator Bob Gardner (R-Colorado Springs) aimed at supporting victims and survivors of crime in Colorado.

The bill, SB22-049, updates the Victim Rights Act (VRA) to make it easier for victims to navigate the criminal justice system and bring perpetrators to justice.

“As a crime victim myself, I know how challenging and emotionally draining it can be to navigate the criminal justice system, and I know I’m not alone,” said Sen. Fields. “We’ve heard from folks from all over Colorado about the need to improve our laws to better support and empower crime victims and their families, and that’s what we intend to do with this bill. This bipartisan legislation will not only improve public safety and bring wrongdoers to justice, but help affected families on their path toward healing and recovery.”

The Victim Rights Act is an important section of Colorado code that must periodically be updated to make sure that all Colorado victim’s rights are honored throughout the criminal justice system.  

SB22-049 seeks to support and empower crime victims and their families by allowing for virtual participation in court proceedings – allowing victims to be heard without needing to take time off work or arrange childcare or transportation. It also clarifies that when a victim is deceased or incapacitated, more than one family member can represent the interests of the victim.

Additionally, the bill allows victims to opt-in to cold case updates, requires District Attorneys to explain the terms of plea deals and concepts like early release for good behavior to victims, and requires that defendants be present at sentencing for victim impact statements.

This bipartisan legislation was developed hand-in-hand with a variety of stakeholders, including the Attorney General’s office and with input from victims and survivors. 

SB22-049 now moves to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Governor Polis, State Lawmakers, Law Enforcement, Community Leaders, Unveil Comprehensive Public Safety Plan of Action

DENVER - Today, Governor Jared Polis joined Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera, legislators, cabinet members, members of law enforcement, and community leaders to unveil a data-driven public safety plan of action to deliver real results in reducing crime and improving public safety.

Committed to building a safer Colorado for generations to come, the Polis Administration and legislators, community leaders and law enforcement chart a path forward to solve problems and deliver real results for Coloradans

DENVER - Today, Governor Jared Polis joined Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera, legislators, cabinet members, members of law enforcement, and community leaders to unveil a data-driven public safety plan of action to deliver real results in reducing crime and improving public safety. Acting on the Governor’s commitment to make Colorado among the ten safest states in the nation, the evidence-based plan provides transformative strategies for the future to keep Colorado communities and kids safe. 

“Improving public safety is a top priority for my administration because every Coloradan deserves the opportunity to live, work, and raise their families in safe and healthy communities,” said Governor Polis. “The pandemic has caused a national rise in crime and sadly Colorado has not been immune, so we must rise to this challenge. We are serious about investing in recruiting and training the very best law enforcement officers and about preventing crimes from happening in the first place through early interventions.   More must be done at a local level to protect our citizens and the state is providing the resources to do it and supporting local flexibility because the needs in Fort Morgan aren’t always the same as Colorado Springs.”

With a clear focus on preventing crime from happening, the data-driven plan prioritizes workforce improvements, reducing recidivism, community safety, and behavioral health. 

 The broad coalition representing legislators, law enforcement, and community organizations in attendance voiced support for the community-based public safety plan. 

Governor Polis and Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera were joined today by lawmakers including State Senator Janet Buckner, State Representative Tony Exum, State Senator Chris Kolker, and State Representative Alex Valdez. Also in attendance were Sheriffs Jaime FitzSimons - Summit County, and Joe Pelle - Boulder County. Colorado Department of Public Safety Executive Director Stan Hilkey, Behavioral Health Commissioner Dr. Morgan Medlock, and Colorado Department of Corrections Executive Director Dean Williams joined the event along with District Attorneys Brian Mason - 17th Judicial District, and Michael Dougherty - 20th Judicial District.  Also in attendance were representatives from the ACLU, Behavioral Health Administration, Colorado Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Gang Rescue and Support Project (GRASP), Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance, and Servicios de La Raza.

State legislators discussed key pieces of legislation they plan to introduce. 

“Every Colorado family deserves to feel safe in their community, but as crime continues rising across the country, far too many of our neighbors have lost their sense of security,” said State Senator Janet Buckner, D-Aurora. “That’s why I am proud to champion this legislation to improve public safety as part of our robust plan to use evidence-based solutions to tackle crime head-on and prevent crime before it happens. Working together, we can find meaningful solutions to these challenges and I look forward to getting these bills across the finish line and to creating a safer Colorado for us all.”

“Everyone should feel safe in their community, which is why our public safety package focuses on proven strategies to prevent crime before it happens,” said State Representative Tony Exum, D-Colorado Springs. “We’re directing record levels of support to address the root causes of crime, such as a lack of access to affordable housing, behavioral health care and treatment for substance use disorder, while making smart investments to break up crime rings. We know the tough on crime policies of the past have wasted taxpayer dollars and failed to make our communities safer. This package of bills will reduce recidivism, prevent crime and build safer communities.”

“This package is a targeted approach that aims to prevent crime in the places where it’s rising the most,” said State Representative Alex Valdez, D-Denver. “It will provide our law enforcement with the tools and resources they need to keep our communities safe, while holding law enforcement officers to the highest standards and training. We’re taking a data-driven approach to prevent violence in our communities and revitalize our shared spaces, like downtown Denver in my district, that contribute to Colorado’s unique quality of life.”

“These funds will make an impact on the problems that plague communities of color,” said Bishop Jerry Demmer, Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance. “Only a genuine partnership can solve the problems of violence and crime. As one voice of many in communities of color, we are excited to see funds targeted towards programs that will make a real difference."

“In Pitkin County the co-responder program is one of the most effective ways to help those with behavioral health needs in our community. Clinicians responding with peace officers is the most direct route to identify behavioral issues that peace officers are not trained to recognize. Peace officers get to know this population and their needs which has reduced incarceration rates and recidivism in our community. Recruiting peace officers in this post Covid era has been challenging. A peace officer should represent the community they police, and should live in the community they police. Simply, this builds connection and trust between the peace officer and the community they help keep safe. Local employee housing, tuition assistance and ongoing education will help renew interest in this rewarding profession,”said SheriffJoe DiSalvo, Pitkin County.

“Across the nation, crime has increased significantly during the pandemic.  Here in Colorado, we are doing something about it.  I strongly support this public safety package.  It is a robust and diverse package that will help improve community safety and well-being.  I urge legislators to recognize the serious impact that crime is having on our communities.  For the people of this great state, the Governor’s public safety package is imperative,” said Michael Dougherty, district attorney in the 20th Judicial District.

“We’re extremely grateful to the Governor’s Office for the integration of community-based organizations, like Boys & Girls Clubs, in public safety initiatives and programs.  Incorporating trusted community organizations to share innovative ideas on how we help our youth and provide valuable intervention and diversion from the criminal juvenile system is how we put a stop to school-to-prison pipelines.  This is important and necessary work to ensure every young person in Colorado regardless of circumstances has every opportunity to realize great futures,” said Danielle Felder, executive director of the Colorado Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs.

“At the core of law enforcement is the safety and wellbeing of the people we represent. To achieve that goal, we must be responsive to the people, we must be believable, and we must be trusted to perform our duty with uniform fairness and justice to all. Co-responder programs like our SMART Team help to achieve this,” said Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons, Summit County. 

"Since 1972, Servicios de La Raza has been committed to, and involved in, addressing behavioral health issues. Mental health and substance misuse issues are rooted in trauma and can result in negative behaviors that lead to crime. Which is why the plan announced today will provide needed funding to genuine culturally responsive community based providers and will lead to better results, productive outcomes and impact for people and community. We need to work deeply within our communities and neighborhoods and apply effort upstream to prevent crime and to intervene in a manner that just does not punish, but truly reforms and restores so we support this plan,” said Rudy Gonzales, executive director of Servicios de La Raza.

The Thornton Police Department is appreciative of the governor's inclusive approach to providing resources for police officers, their departments, and the communities they serve,” said Chief of Police Terrance Gordon, Thornton, Colorado. “After what has been a challenging time for our state and the country, filled with division over seemingly intractable issues, true collaboration guided by shared values, such as service, integrity, and respect for all people, will provide a framework and a road map to future success. While it won't be easy, the challenges are not insurmountable.”  

“I support Governor Polis’s collaborative efforts to work with law enforcement officials in the state to provide funding for and bolster our recruiting, hiring, retention programs, and peace officer mental health support systems.  I further support funding to continue and increase the excellent partnerships with mental health providers to provide robust mental health co-responder programs and mental health and substance abuse treatment services in our communities.  I also support increasing the capacity of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to assist in investigating major crimes in Colorado communities with limited resources.  Overall, I am in support of the public safety bill package put forth, and I believe it will benefit our law enforcement officers and Colorado communities in crime reduction moving forward,”  said Chief of Police Blaine Hall, City of Montrose, Colorado.

“This package is a multi-faceted strategy aimed at putting resources in the hands of local law enforcement and local communities. And as well as addressing the needs of law enforcement, it also addresses broader community needs and puts Colorado on a path to becoming one of the safest states in the country” said Stan Hilkey, executive director of the Colorado Department of Public Safety. 

“The Governor’s public safety package includes critical funding to keep people out of the criminal justice system. By funding criminal justice redirection programs and infrastructure, we will have important, needed tools to support at-risk individuals and help reduce crime. Our nation’s mental health crisis disproportionately impacts the criminal justice system. 37% percent of state and federal prisoners and 44% of jail inmates report having a mental health disorder. This public safety package devotes important resources to help tackle this fast-growing problem,” said Brian S. Mason, district attorney in the 17th Judicial District. 

“The behavioral health component of this public safety plan is critical to addressing the needs of Coloradans who are best served in a treatment context, rather than the criminal-legal system. We are looking forward to developing strategies to provide timely access to services that divert from justice settings,” said Dr. Morgan Medlock, executive director of the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration. 

“It is imperative that we take a holistic approach in public safety and providing services to our community. This bill will provide resources to community organizations who are working with our most underserved populations,” said Omar Montgomery. “Mental health support, addiction services, workforce initiatives, and enhancing wrap-around services for our youth are major components to having safe and healthy communities. Thank you State Senator Janet Buckner and Governor Polis for leading this effort.”

“One of the most critical things that we can do to ensure good policing and public safety in the future is to recruit, and retain a new, diverse, and well trained workforce as our future peace officers.  Recruiting and retaining peace officers these last couple of years has been a tremendous challenge, both here in Colorado and across the country,” said Sheriff Joe Pelle, Boulder County. “The governor’s proposal includes grants and aid to help with recruiting efforts, and to potentially help pay for community college police academy training for recruits who otherwise may not be able to afford it.  The sheriffs and chiefs who the governor met with to develop this strategy are very supportive and appreciative of this effort.”

“ACLU of Colorado supports public health community safety approaches that address the root causes of harm. We are happy to see many proven, evidence-based approaches in the Governor's public safety plan. We look forward to learning more about the crucial details and working with the Governor and legislature to prioritize community-based investments and rigorous accountability,” said Deborah Richardson, executive director of ACLU of Colorado. 

Taking clear steps to build a safer Colorado, the data-driven public safety plan empowers communities to make locally-driven, evidence-based decisions on programs that work through funding for community grants. Historic investments in the Department of Corrections, Department of Youth Services, and Behavioral Health information sharing between jails deliver real results in reducing recidivism. 

“Colorado has the nation’s highest rate of adult mental health illness with the lowest rate of access to mental health care. Many of these affected people wrongly end up in the criminal justice system. We are excited that the Governor is committed to providing  increased behavioral health services for these Coloradans and their families,” said Megan Ring, Colorado State Public Defender and Maureen Cain, director of legislative policy and external communications at the Office of the Colorado State Public Defender. 

“The Governor reached out to the leadership of the statewide district attorneys organization (CDAC) to discuss his public safety package. The district attorneys from the counties of Mesa and Weld along with Boulder and Jefferson met with him and his staff to assist in identifying priority areas to improve public safety. Most of our suggestions made the final proposal, and all of the components are improvements to our current public safety problems,” said Dan Rubenstein, district attorney in the 21st Judicial District. 

“We appreciate the Governor’s commitment to providing much needed funding to Colorado’s community-based anti-domestic violence and anti-sexual assault organizations. COVID-19 has made this especially urgent, as incidents of violence have escalated during the pandemic,” said the Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence (SPAN).

“As a chief law enforcement officer who has been involved in the legislative process for my entire career, I’m proud that the investments proposed in this public safety plan represent an even deeper investment in our local communities and seek the best outcomes for our state. I thank Governor Polis and state leaders for leading the way and recognizing the need to continue engaging in essential discussions this session and look forward to strengthening these real workable solutions towards safer communities,” said Sheriff Sean Smith, LaPlata County. 

“Colorado has significant crime and public safety challenges, and while this legislative package won’t solve many of the challenges we face, it’s a step in the right direction. The pendulum needs to swing back to much greater emphasis on the safety and security of our citizens,” said Mayor John Suthers, Colorado Springs. 

“Colorado-CURE supports the Public Safety package, as there is a tremendous need for behavioral and mental health treatment programs,” said Dianne Tramutola-Lawson, Chair of Colorado - CURE. “In addition, the community needs to become more involved in working with these many issues and not just expect law enforcement to be the only entity. Criminal justice reform in Colorado needs to be addressed as well.”

“At the Department of Corrections, we know that prison reform is not only a moral imperative, but it also enhances safety both inside and outside of prisons, and can significantly reduce costs for taxpayers. We look forward to continuing to cooperate with our fellow law enforcement agencies, policy makers, and community stakeholders to implement evidence-based best practices that help reduce recidivism and provide opportunities for individuals leaving incarceration to become contributing members of our community,” said Dean Williams, executive director of the Colorado Department of Corrections. 

“I am proud to stand with this coalition and reinstate hope in our communities and for our youth. This plan helps to begin the healing process to validate, educate, and motivate our youth to realize the change we so desperately need,” said Johnnie Williams, executive director of Denver Youth Program: GRASP (Gang Rescue and Support Project) and Metro Denver Partners. 

"Law Enforcement has never seen a more difficult time in recruiting and retaining officers. It is our responsibility to set the stage for the future of law enforcement. The Governor’s proposal helps all Colorado law enforcement agencies with these grants and aid in training, hiring, and retaining quality law enforcement officers. So many communities across Colorado are struggling to find ways to help their own citizens who want to become public servants. These grants and aid will help those communities. We need to find ways to help those who want to be in this very rewarding profession. Doing so will make Colorado a safer place to live, do business and raise your family," said Sheriff Tony Spurlock, Douglas County.

Watch today's press conference.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Hansen Bill to Advance Equitable Investment Opportunities Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Finance Committee unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver) that would implement a new way for people to partake in capital financing by digitizing the origination process and building a transparent system that allows for a broader range of investors. 

Legislation would help communities rebound from the pandemic, improve quality of life, and address inequities

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Finance Committee unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver) that would implement a new way for people to partake in capital financing by digitizing the origination process and building a transparent system that allows for a broader range of investors. 

SB22-025 opens the door for more individuals and businesses to invest in state projects, saves taxpayers money by minimizing transaction fees and lowering interest costs on state debt, and directs the State Treasury to study and, if approved, initiate a secure token offering (STO).

“As we continue to recover from the pandemic and move Colorado forward, we need to ensure that everyone can equitably benefit from our economy,” said Sen. Hansen. “This bill will help advance equitable investment opportunities by reducing costs, lowering barriers of entry to investing, and providing opportunities for all to invest in Colorado – a win for individuals, businesses, and our economy.”

Colorado offers Certificates of Participation (COPs) to finance the construction of important facilities, including the Colorado History Museum, Grand Junction Laboratory, and various higher education facilities. The current system of issuing COPs or bonds is reliant on fees and significant overhead charges, and can lack transparency. Transactions involve several agencies which increases costs, and makes the process more difficult to access for the public. SB22-025 aims to simplify and democratize the process.

The legislation would improve the options for Colorado state financial offerings by allowing the study and use of secure blockchain technology to lower interest rates, reduce costs, increase security, improve oversight, and funnel more essential funding to the programs that need it most.

Debt-based security tokens represent debt instruments like real estate mortgages and corporate bonds. In this case, their function is to broaden the investment pool in state COPs and reduce interest costs for the state.

In 2021, Senator Hansen won a 2021 NewDEAL National Policy Award for his work on the secure tokens for state debt concept. 

SB22-025 now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Rodriguez’s Bipartisan Bill to Reduce Prescription Drug Misuse Moves Forward 

DENVER, CO – The Senate Health & Human Services Committee today voted unanimously to advance Senator Robert Rodriguez’s (D-Denver) bipartisan legislation directing the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) to take steps to reduce prescription drug misuse.

Legislation to implement recommendations to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program passes out of committee

DENVER, CO – The Senate Health & Human Services Committee today voted unanimously to advance Senator Robert Rodriguez’s (D-Denver) bipartisan legislation directing the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) to take steps to reduce prescription drug misuse.

Cosponsored by Senator Jim Smallwood (R-Parker), SB22-027 would require prescribers to conduct a check with the PDMP prior to prescribing any opioid or benzodiazepine. Currently, prescribers are only required to check before prescribing a second dose fill of any opioid or benzodiazepine.

“Prescription drug misuse tragically remains far too common here in Colorado,” Rodriguez said. “That’s why we’re pushing this legislation that will help prescribers catch problems earlier and give the Prescription Drug Monitoring program the tools it needs to support safe prescription practices and cut down on the misuse of prescription drugs.”  

Rodriguez’s bill makes recommended modifications to the PDMP in accordance with a March 2021 report from the State Auditor.

Additional modifications include requiring prescribers licensed in Colorado who hold a DEA registration to have a user account with the PDMP, and requiring the PDMP Task Force to make recommendations to the Department of Regulatory Agencies regarding the balance between the PDMP as a health care tool and as a tool for identifying and reporting potential overprescription and misuse of prescription drugs.

SB22-027 will now head to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Bills to Address Health Care Workforce Shortage Clear Committee

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Education Committee unanimously approved legislation that would create better pathways for students to enter the medical field, help address the health care workforce shortage throughout Colorado, and improve patient outcomes – especially in underserved communities.

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Education Committee unanimously approved legislation that would create better pathways for students to enter the medical field, help address the health care workforce shortage throughout Colorado, and improve patient outcomes – especially in underserved communities. 

SB22-003, sponsored by Senator Janet Buckner (D-Aurora) and Senate President Pro Tem Kerry Donovan (D-Vail), would allow community colleges to offer full bachelor’s degrees to certain nursing students to address the state’s health care provider shortage and create more high-paying jobs.

“We are facing a critical shortage of qualified, well-trained healthcare professionals, and the pandemic has only made things worse,” said Sen. Buckner. “This bill will help more students pursue their dream and land a good-paying job in nursing while giving Colorado hospitals a larger and better-trained pool of employees to hire from. By expanding these opportunities for students, we will strengthen our workforce and improve health care access for all Coloradans.” 

“Both rural and urban areas have felt the effects of our state’s shortage of nurses in hospitals,” said Sen. Donovan. “This bill will be a step towards providing hospitals with the staffing they need while saving people money on their education.”

This bill would allow more students to enroll in BSN nursing programs, which will enable employers to grow internal talent who are familiar with their workplace’s culture and needs and allow students to earn a bachelors in nursing at a faster pace than in a traditional program, saving thousands in tuition and fees and addressing the nursing shortage head-on. 

The committee also approved SB22-056, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo) and Senator Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Logan), that would permit the University of Northern Colorado to offer doctoral degree programs in osteopathic medicine. Currently, the University of Colorado has exclusive authority in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and physical therapy. This bill amends the university’s role and mission to include programs in osteopathic medicine.

“Colorado is facing a serious doctor shortage, and patients in rural and other underserved areas are being hit the hardest,” said Senate President Garcia. “By increasing opportunities for students to study osteopathic medicine, we can create better pathways to the medical field, support and build our workforce, and ensure that more patients can access needed care.” 

SB22-056 would help address this shortage, especially in primary care, and ensure that more providers can see more patients, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

Both bills now move to the Senate floor for 2nd Reading. Track the progress of SB22-003 here and SB22-056 here

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Colorado Senate Democrats Announce New Leadership

DENVER, CO – The Colorado Senate Democratic caucus today elected Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) to serve as the next President of the Colorado Senate, and Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City) to serve as the next Majority Leader. Sen. Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) was subsequently elected to serve on the Joint Budget Committee.

DENVER, CO – The Colorado Senate Democratic caucus today elected Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) to serve as the next President of the Colorado Senate, and Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City) to serve as the next Majority Leader. Sen. Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) was subsequently elected to serve on the Joint Budget Committee.

“I’m honored to have the support of my colleagues as I step into this new role, and I am humbled by this opportunity to serve the Senate and the state of Colorado in a new capacity,” Fenberg said. “Clearly I have big shoes to fill, but I’m confident that my experience in the legislature and the lessons I’ve learned working with President Garcia have prepared me to successfully navigate this transition and hit the ground running. Our new leadership team is well-equipped to achieve our vision for the future of the state, and I’m excited to help this caucus deliver results for the people of Colorado."

“Serving the people of Colorado has been the honor of a lifetime, and I am incredibly excited to continue serving in my new role as Majority Leader,” Moreno said. “I am humbled by the confidence my colleagues have placed in me. I look forward to helping lead this caucus and to moving Colorado forward together.”

“I am thrilled to have this opportunity to rejoin the Joint Budget Committee at this particularly important moment,” Zenzinger said. “I believe my previous experience will make this transition a smooth one for the JBC, and the entire legislature will benefit. I look forward to doing my part to craft a sensible budget that meets the needs of our state.”

“Serving as President of the Colorado Senate has been the greatest honor of my lifetime, and I am humbled to have had this opportunity to lead,” outgoing Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo) said. “This dynamic and diverse leadership team has the experience and vision necessary to lead this caucus with dignity and honor, and I know they have what it takes to get the job done and move Colorado forward.”

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Hansen’s Bill to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Building Construction Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – Yesterday, the Senate Transportation and Energy Committee voted unanimously to advance Senator Chris Hansen’s (D-Denver) legislation to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through incentives for energy efficient heat pumps and green building materials.

Legislation to provide sales and use tax exemptions for heat pumps and green building materials passes out of committee

DENVER, CO – Yesterday, the Senate Transportation and Energy Committee voted unanimously to advance Senator Chris Hansen’s (D-Denver) legislation to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through incentives for energy efficient heat pumps and green building materials.

SB22-051 implements a new sales and use tax exemption for energy efficient heat pumps and qualified environmentally friendly building materials. If the bill becomes law, anyone who installs a heat pump in the next 10 years will receive an income tax refund of 10 percent of the cost of the heat pump, accelerating our state’s transition away from fossil fuels while saving Coloradans money.

“Construction materials and heating and cooling systems account for a significant portion of Colorado’s annual carbon emissions. Settling for the status quo will prevent us from reaching our climate goals, and something has to change,” Hansen said. “This legislation builds on our progress over the last two years by incentivizing heat pumps, building electrification and the use of clean construction materials and practices, allowing us to tackle a major source of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions.”

Buildings account for nearly 40 percent of annual GHG emissions, from operations including heating and cooling, maintenance, materials and construction, and demolition. Transitioning away from outdated operations and towards electrification and clean material use will reduce GHG emissions and improve public health, helping put Colorado on track to meet its ambitious GHG reduction goals.

SB22-051 will now head to the Finance Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Rodriguez Bill to Improve Affordability by Making Health Insurance Reimbursement Data More Transparent & Accessible Approved by Committee

DENVER, CO – The Senate Business, Labor & Technology Committee today gave unanimous approval to a bill that will improve health care affordability by making certain health claims reimbursement data more accessible to Colorado providers and consumers.

Rodriguez: Legislation “will arm providers and consumers with the information they need to make informed decisions, improve trust and transparency, and - ultimately - bring down health care costs and save Coloradans money.”

DENVER, CO – The Senate Business, Labor & Technology Committee today gave unanimous approval to a bill that will improve health care affordability by making certain health claims reimbursement data more accessible to Colorado providers and consumers.

SB22-068, sponsored by Sen. Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver) will improve access to the All-Payer Claims Database and help make data regarding health insurance claims more transparent, improving trust and transparency and eventually bringing down costs.

“Quality health care is still far too expensive for many Colorado families, and we’re doing everything we can to bring those costs down,” Rodriguez said. “Making health care reimbursement pricing data more accessible will arm providers and consumers with the information they need to make informed decisions, improve trust and transparency, and - ultimately - bring down health care costs and save Coloradans money.”

The bill requires the All-Payer Health Claims database to create a web-based tool that will make finding certain health claims reimbursement data easier and faster. The All-Payer Claims Database is a comprehensive database of health care claims across all Colorado health insurance carriers, including Medicaid, Medicare, and commercial payers.

SB22-068 will now move to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Lee’s Bipartisan Bill to Improve Court Text Reminder System Clears Committee 

Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Pete Lee (D-Colorado Springs) that would update Colorado’s court text reminder system by expanding the use of automated court date text reminders and turning the reminder program into an opt-out system instead of an opt-in system.

Legislation makes court text reminders automatic, aims to address unnecessary incarceration and save Coloradans money

DENVER, CO — Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Pete Lee (D-Colorado Springs) that would update Colorado’s court text reminder system by expanding the use of automated court date text reminders and turning the reminder program into an opt-out system instead of an opt-in system.

The bill, SB22-018, aims to improve accountability by increasing court appearance rates, save time and money for sheriffs, courts and police, and avoid filling jails with people who missed a court date.

“We should not be filling our jail cells with folks who simply miss their court date, but that is too often the case here in Colorado,” said Sen. Lee, Chair of the Judiciary Committee. “This bill is a commonsense step that will not only make it easier for people to remember their court dates, but also reduce needless incarceration while saving taxpayers money.”

Missed court appearances are costly for courts, sheriffs, police, crime survivors and people accused of crimes. Court reminders are the only evidence-based method of improving court appearance rates.

In 2019, the Colorado legislature unanimously passed SB19-036 to create a statewide court text reminder program, but because the program is opt-in, it only has a usage rate of 1 percent.

SB22-018 will transform Colorado’s court text reminder program from an opt-in system to an opt-out system and provide the following: text message court reminders for all Coloradans accused of a crime, unless and until they opt-out of the program; a link to virtual court appearances when designated by the court; and a three year working group to assess the program and recommend changes to improve effectiveness.

If enacted, the usage rates for the upgraded automatic court text reminder system are expected to increase between 50 and 75 percent.

People are frequently jailed for simply missing a court date, often for a minor offense, which can have devastating consequences, like lost jobs, lost housing, and lost custody of children. Jefferson County reported that 25 percent of their jail population is incarcerated for missing a court date on low level offense.

Studies show that people most often miss court for innocuous reasons, such as job obligations, trouble securing childcare or transportation, or human forgetfulness. Court reminders are the only evidence-based method proven to improve court appearance rates. A Jefferson County study found that successfully contacting defendants a week prior to their court date decreased the Failing to Appear (FTA) rate from 29 percent to 8 percent. Douglas County’s court reminder program decreased the FTA rate by 50 percent.

SB22-018 is also sponsored by Sen. John Cooke (R-Weld County) and now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Judiciary Committee Clears Bipartisan Legislation to Help Coloradans With Behavioral Health Disorders Get Treatment

DENVER, CO – The Senate Judiciary Committee today gave approval to Sen. Pete Lee’s (D-Colorado Springs) bipartisan legislation to expand a pretrial diversion program and help more Coloradans with behavioral health conditions get the treatment they need.

Committee also approved bill to rename and expand scope of Committee Concerning the Treatment of Persons with Behavioral Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems

DENVER, CO – The Senate Judiciary Committee today gave approval to Sen. Pete Lee’s (D-Colorado Springs) bipartisan legislation to expand a pretrial diversion program and help more Coloradans with behavioral health conditions get the treatment they need.

Co-sponsored by Sen. Cleave Simpson (R-Alamosa), SB22-010 would empower District Attorneys to divert certain eligible individuals away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate community treatment programs, reducing recidivism and preventing further criminal behavior. 

“A jail cell is no place for someone with a mental illness or substance use disorder. Diverting folks away from the criminal justice system and into community programs will ensure individuals in crisis are met with treatment, not punishment,” said Senator Lee. “Expanding our existing pretrial diversion program to include individuals with behavioral health disorders means we’ll soon be able to extend critical aid to even more folks in need.”

The Judiciary Committee also voted to advance SB22-021, sponsored by Senators Lee and Rodriguez, which renames and expands the scope of the Legislative Oversight Committee Concerning the Treatment of Persons with Behavioral Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems, from “persons with mental health disorders” to “people with behavioral health disorders”.

The bill further changes the scope of the committee and its associated task force to address the treatment of Coloradans with behavioral health disorders in the criminal and juvenile justice systems and extends the committee’s work until 2027.

SB22-010 now moves to the Senate floor for further consideration, while SB22-021 heads to the Appropriations Committee. Track the progress of SB22-010 here, and SB22-021 here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Zenzinger’s Bipartisan Bill to Set Foster Youth Up for Educational Success Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – The Senate Education Committee today approved bipartisan legislation from Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) that aims to help support foster youth seeking higher education opportunities in Colorado. 

Legislation would require higher ed institutions to waive tuition fees for foster youth

DENVER, CO – The Senate Education Committee today approved bipartisan legislation from Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) that aims to help support foster youth seeking higher education opportunities in Colorado. 

SB22-008 – which is also sponsored by Sen. Kevin Priola (R-Brighton) – will help college-bound students who have been in foster care afford the cost of attending college by requiring all higher education institutions to waive their undergraduate fees and tuition. 

“Through no fault of their own, foster children typically face extraordinary challenges, and it’s our duty to help eliminate the ones that we can,” said Sen. Zenzinger, chair of the Senate Education Committee. “Of all the assets we can provide for foster children, education is the one they can leverage most effectively. In the end, everyone benefits.”

SB22-008 will provide tuition and fee waivers to youth coming through the foster care system to help expand higher education opportunities for foster youth.

To increase the likelihood of student enrollment in postsecondary education, the bill also designates navigators at school districts and universities to serve as a points-of-contact to help students choose programs, navigate the grant and tuition assistance programs, and submit applications.

For youth who are aging out of the foster system, the exit from care can be abrupt, and the transition to adulthood can be tenuous. Compromised social, familial, and economic supports lead to increased risks of unemployment, homelessness, and involvement with the criminal justice system. Foster care alumni are also at greater risk for mental health and substance use disorders. 

According to a report from the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab, only 13.4 percent of Colorado youth who were in foster care at age 13 or older entered postsecondary education by age 21, making them the lowest attaining group in Colorado. 

Nationally, 5 percent of youth who aged out of foster care had received a vocational certificate by age 21 and only 3 percent had received an associates, bachelor's, or higher degree.

The legislation now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate President Leroy Garcia Receives Pentagon Appointment, Announces Plans for Resignation 

DENVER, CO – Colorado Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo) today announced he intends to resign as President of the Colorado Senate in order to accept an appointment to serve our nation at the Pentagon.

Garcia: “I am incredibly grateful that my community and my colleagues entrusted me with this responsibility, and I have been humbled by the opportunity to serve the state I love.”

DENVER, CO – Colorado Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo) today announced he intends to resign as President of the Colorado Senate in order to accept an appointment to serve our nation at the Pentagon.

Garcia’s resignation will take effect on February 23, 2022.

“For nearly a decade, I have had the immense honor to represent the People of Pueblo at the Colorado State Capitol, and the privilege to serve as Senate President since 2019,” President Garcia said. “I am incredibly grateful that my community and my colleagues entrusted me with this responsibility, and I have been humbled by the opportunity to serve the state I love.  While my time in the Senate is coming to a close, I am proud of all that we’ve accomplished together to move Colorado forward, and I am confident that whomever is selected to fill these vacancies will serve with the integrity and tenacity that Coloradans deserve.”   

“The state of Colorado is grateful for President Garcia’s unwavering commitment to delivering for Colorado and Pueblo. Under President Garcia’s leadership we have led trailblazing health care reforms to save Coloradans money, created a state park at Fischer’s Peak and we are poised to move forward in making front range rail a reality,” said Governor Jared Polis. “President Garcia’s experience as a paramedic and Marine Corps veteran will be a huge asset to President Biden’s administration. On behalf of a grateful state, I congratulate him on his appointment.”

"President Garcia’s appointment is a great loss for Colorado, but a huge gain for our country,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg. “Since the day I decided to run for office, President Garcia has been a mentor for me, just like he’s been for many of my colleagues. I’ve learned so much from him over the years about public service, leadership, and responsibility. He’s taught me that no matter what’s going on in the world, a true public servant’s first responsibility is to care for our democratic institutions and the people we serve, and to ensure we’re passing it off to the next generation better than we found it. Simply put, the state of Colorado is better because of Leroy Garcia.”

“President Garcia is a trailblazer and the consummate public servant, and has guided the Senate with grace and diligence through some of the biggest crises Colorado has ever seen,” said Senate Majority Caucus Chair Julie Gonzales (D-Denver). “I am incredibly proud to have had the opportunity to serve alongside and learn from Presidente, and I will miss his mentorship and his guidance. I know he will continue to make our state and our country proud as he serves at the Pentagon.”

Garcia will serve as the Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs within the Department of Defense at the Pentagon.

Garcia was first elected to the Colorado House of Representatives in 2012 and the Colorado Senate in 2014. A sixth generation Southern Coloradan and a Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq in 2003, Garcia spent his time in the legislature fighting to improve the lives of Southern Coloradans and veterans across the state. 

After receiving the unanimous support of his Senate colleagues in 2019, Garcia became the first Latino Senate President in Colorado history. Outside of his work in the legislature, Garcia is a parish pianist, a licensed paramedic, an emergency medical services faculty member at Pueblo Community College, and a proud father to his two boys, Jeremiah and Xan.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JBC Approves Program to Reduce Certain Property Tax Rates and Save Families Money 

DENVER, CO – The Joint Budget Committee (JBC) last week unanimously approved a supplemental request by the Treasury Department to ensure SB 21-293’s Property Tax Deferral Program gets up and running on-time.

Legislation lowers property tax rates for single and multifamily housing, renewable energy property, and agricultural land

DENVER, CO – The Joint Budget Committee (JBC) last week unanimously approved a supplemental request by the Treasury Department to ensure SB 21-293’s Property Tax Deferral Program gets up and running on-time.

This new program, championed by Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver), lowers property tax rates for single-family and multifamily homes, renewable-energy property, and agricultural land over the next two years. With JBC’s approval of this supplemental request, the Treasury Department is on track to fully implement the Property Tax Deferral Program in January 2023.

“Right now, Colorado families are feeling squeezed, and it’s important that we deliver them relief and help save them money,” said Sen. Hansen, a member of the JBC. “We need to make sure that we’re uplifting every hardworking family as we move Colorado forward, and this law will reduce certain property tax rates while addressing the economic impact the pandemic has had on families to help folks recover, rebuild and thrive.”

The bipartisan legislation, signed into law in 2021, lowers the current 7.15 percent tax assessment rate on residential properties to 6.95 percent  for single-family homes and 6.8 percent  for multifamily properties over the next two years.

In addition, it lowers the 29 percent assessment rate to 26.4 percent for agricultural property and for property used to produce renewable energy. The law also allows property owners to defer payments when valuations grow by more than 4 percent per year, up to $10,000, on their property tax bills until they sell their homes.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Following Marshall Fire, Bill to Raise Awareness and Help Coloradans Better Prepare for Wildfires Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – Following the devastating Marshall Fire, the Senate Local Government Committee today voted to advance legislation that would expand an outreach campaign to raise awareness and motivate more than half of the state’s population to better prepare for extreme wildfires.

Legislation to expand wildfire mitigation outreach to more than half of the state’s population passes out of committee

DENVER, CO – Following the devastating Marshall Fire, the Senate Local Government Committee today voted to advance legislation that would expand an outreach campaign to raise awareness and motivate more than half of the state’s population to better prepare for extreme wildfires.

Sponsored by Senator Pete Lee (D-Colorado Springs) and Senator Tammy Story (D-Conifer), SB22-007 would help Coloradans living in fire-prone areas take steps to mitigate the risks of catastrophic wildfires and improve wildfire danger awareness.

“The Marshall Fire highlighted just how dangerous the threat of deadly wildfires has become,” said Senator Lee. “The outreach proposed in this bill will give millions of Coloradans the education and motivation they need to keep themselves and their property safe from future wildfires.”

“Over the past few years wildfire season has evolved into a year-round threat,”
 said Senator Story. “We must take steps to defend our homes and our communities from these climate-induced mega fires, and this bill will give more Coloradans the tools and knowledge they need to proactively defend themselves, their property, and their communities from future blazes.”

SB22-007 would direct the Colorado State Forest Service to implement a wildfire mitigation public awareness campaign for 2023 and 2024 aimed at folks that live in the Wildland-Urban Interface, areas where structures and developments meet with wildland vegetation.

The bill is one of several recommendations to come out of the interim Wildfire Matters Review Committee. Additional recommendations include legislation to bolster mutual aid systems and fund local governments’ wildfire mitigation, response, and recovery efforts.

SB22-007 will now head to the Senate Appropriations Committee. Track the progress of the bill here.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Governor Signs Tax Extension to Continue Support for Small Businesses

DENVER, CO – Today, Governor Jared Polis signed into law a tax extension that will continue to save small business retailers money through October 2022. HB22-1027, sponsored by Senator Jeff Bridges (D-Greenwood Village), extends the destination sourcing deadline from February 1, 2022 to October 1, 2022, allowing Colorado small businesses more time before needing to remit sales taxes based on the buyer’s address.

Legislation to give small businesses a break is first bill signed into law during 2022 legislative session

DENVER, CO – Today, Governor Jared Polis signed into law a tax extension that will continue to save small business retailers money through October 2022. HB22-1027, sponsored by Senator Jeff Bridges (D-Greenwood Village), extends the destination sourcing deadline from February 1, 2022 to October 1, 2022, allowing Colorado small businesses more time before needing to remit sales taxes based on the buyer’s address.

The bill is the first to be signed into law during the 2022 legislative session.

“This bill came directly from a conversation I had with a constituent. She was asked to pay $25 in licensing fees in order to pay less than 25 cents in sales tax. That’s crazy,” said Senator Bridges. “This bill gives small businesses the break they need while we fix that problem permanently. Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and this is just one of many ways we’re working to save small business owners money.”

HB19-1240 codified the Department of Revenue’s destination-sourcing rules for state and local sales tax collection, requiring retailers to collect sales tax where their service or product is delivered, rather than where the business is located. The bill allowed small retailers - those with less than $100,000 in annual sales - to source sales to their Colorado business location until an online sales tax rate lookup tool developed by the state became available.

The deadline for small retailers to begin destination sourcing was extended through SB21-282 and now again, by HB22-1027 so that the department can ensure a smooth and painless transition for small business retailers.

HB22-1027 cleared the Senate with unanimous support before being sent to the Governor’s desk for signature.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats


On Wednesday, February 2 at 1:30 pm, the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) will hear public testimony on the FY 2022-23 State Budget. JBC Democrats are encouraging Coloradans who wish to share their views with the committee to participate in person or virtually. The public testimony link is included below.

DENVER, CO – On Wednesday, February 2 at 1:30 pm, the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) will hear public testimony on the FY 2022-23 State Budget. JBC Democrats are encouraging Coloradans who wish to share their views with the committee to participate in person or virtually. The public testimony link is included below.

“On Wednesday, Coloradans can share their ideas and top priorities as we work to craft a balanced budget designed to move Colorado forward,” said JBC Chair Julie McCluksie, D-Dillon. “We’re committed to facilitating a budget process that takes into account voices from across the state, which is why public testimony will be available both in person and virtually. This is Colorado’s opportunity to share with us their vision for boosting the economy, supporting our health care workforce, schools and teachers.”

“To ensure a balanced budget that meets the needs and priorities of our communities, it’s important that Coloradans have a seat at the table,” said JBC Vice Chair Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City. “As we craft this year’s budget, we’re encouraging folks from across the state to make their voices heard by participating in this week’s public hearing remotely. This will help us gain a better understanding of where support is needed most so we can grow our economy, save people money and move Colorado forward together.”

The public is invited to participate in person (first floor of the Legislative Services Building (200 E. 14th Avenue) in Hearing Room B) or here at this link. Participants must choose to either 1) participate remotely via Zoom and during the time of the hearing or 2) submit written testimony ahead of the hearing. The link to participate can also be found on the General Assembly’s webpage by selecting the drop down for “Committees”, then “Public Testimony Options”.

Members of the public wishing to offer testimony are encouraged to do so using the remote participation option.

WHO: Members of the Joint Budget Committee; Members of the public

WHAT: Consideration of Public Testimony Concerning the Colorado State Budget

WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2022 at 1:30pm

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Lieutenant Governor Primavera, Legislators Share Plans to Save Coloradans Money and Improve Lives with Recommendations from the  Affordable Housing & Behavioral Health Interim Committees

DENVER - Today, Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera joined legislators, cabinet members, and members of Colorado’s federal delegation to announce details of the policy recommendations released by the Affordable Housing and Behavioral Health Task Forces. On Friday, these committees released their official reports with recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor on policies to create transformative change in the areas of housing and behavioral health using federal coronavirus recovery money.

DENVER - Today, Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera joined legislators, cabinet members, members of Colorado’s federal delegation to announce details of the policy recommendations released by the Affordable Housing and Behavioral Health Task Forces. On Friday, these committees released their official reports with recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor on policies to create transformative change in the areas of housing and behavioral health using federal coronavirus recovery money.

“From day one of our administration, Governor Polis and I have worked to make Colorado a state where everyone has the opportunity to thrive - having a safe and affordable place to live, and easy access to high quality mental and behavioral healthcare are key to that vision,” said Lt. Governor Dianne Primavera. “In the coming months, we will work with our partners in the legislature to implement the policy recommendations included in the Task Force reports, and bring urgent assistance to the Coloradans who need it the most.” 

“Even before the pandemic, I heard from Coloradans across our state about rising housing costs and mental and behavioral health care challenges,” said Senator Michael Bennet. “I'm grateful Governor Polis and the state legislature plan to use funds from the American Rescue Plan to urgently address these challenges.”

“Colorado is using American Rescue Plan funding to address affordable housing and mental health, two priorities that were exacerbated by the pandemic. We need to build our behavioral health workforce, help our kids get back on track, and make Colorado more affordable,” said Senator John Hickenlooper.

“Too many Coloradans are being squeezed right now – with hundreds of thousands now paying more than half of their income toward their housing, and too many folks being dragged down by the mental health crisis. I’m proud to have helped secure a $400 million investment in affordable housing and a $450 million investment in mental and behavioral health with my vote for the American Rescue Plan Act,” said Congressman Jason Crow. “This funding, coupled with the smart policies recommended by our state task forces, will deliver relief for Coloradans. These investments will shore up our systems, meet the needs of hardworking people, and ensure every person has the opportunity to thrive in the beautiful state of Colorado.”

 “Too many people across our state are struggling to find a safe, affordable place to live. We have to do more to lower the cost of housing for those who are struggling to make ends meet; and make more affordable housing available for those who need it. I appreciate all the work the committee has done in putting forth these recommendations on how best to use this additional federal funding to address this crisis. And I look forward to continuing to work closely with the governor and the Legislature to make sure we’re doing everything possible to address this incredibly important issue,” said Congresswoman Diana DeGette.

“With American Rescue Plan funding, help is here. Through this historic law, Congress delivering urgently-needed rescue money to support Colorado families, communities, and businesses,”  said Congressman Joe Neguse. “I’m grateful to see Governor Polis and Lt. Gov Primavera outlining a vision today to use these resources to address the affordable housing and mental health crisis’-- urgent priorities for our state which have been exacerbated by the pandemic.”'

“Colorado is using American Rescue Plan funding to address affordable housing and mental health, two priorities that were exacerbated by the pandemic. We need to build our behavioral health workforce, help our kids get back on track, and make Colorado more affordable,” said Congressman Ed Perlmutter.

“Far too many families like mine know firsthand how difficult getting treatment for behavioral health care can be here in Colorado,” said Sen. Brittany Pettersen, D-Lakewood, Chair of the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force. “That’s why the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force has been working tirelessly to improve access to vital services and create an accessible and equitable behavioral health care system that supports effective, data-driven and evidence-based treatment methods. I’m proud of the work this Task Force has done, and I look forward to helping more Coloradans get the care and support they deserve."

“Building healthier, safer communities through greater access to behavioral health services will give more Coloradans the support they so desperately need right now,” said Rep. Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, D-Denver, Vice Chair of the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force. “We know the pressures of the pandemic have exacerbated the behavioral health crisis in Colorado. These task force recommendations and historic investments will significantly improve access to mental health and substance use treatment in every community across Colorado. Importantly, improving access to these services is a powerful step toward our goal of preventing crime before it happens and making our communities safer and healthier.”

“Making housing more affordable will be a main focus of our work this year at the Capitol, and with these recommendations, Colorado has the opportunity to create transformational change on affordable housing,” said Rep. Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, Chair of the Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force. “From more affordable and attainable workforce housing across the state to new factory-built homes and the jobs that come with them, and much more, our investments will mean many more Coloradans have access to an affordable home to own or rent. I am immensely proud of the hundreds of hours of work our task force and subpanel members put in to craft these transformational recommendations that will drive down the cost of housing in our state and look forward to moving these proposals through the legislature so we can start helping Coloradans as soon as possible.”

“The lack of affordable housing here in Colorado is nothing short of a crisis, and our Task Force has been working tirelessly to find solutions so that more Coloradans have a safe, affordable place to live,” said Sen. Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, Vice Chair of the Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to address the root causes of our affordable housing issues. It’s going to take time, but I am proud of the work we are doing to forge a future where every Colorado family has a place to call home.”

Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force Recommendations include:

  • Establishing a revolving loan fund that will improve Colorado’s ability to build and develop new housing, help preserve and rehabilitate existing affordable housing, incentivize property conversion and increase non-traditional housing capacity such as supportive and transitional housing;

  • Providing grant funding to nonprofits and local governments that are doing the work on the ground to add more units of affordable  housing by changing zoning laws and developing supportive, rental and for-sale housing;

  • Directing grants or low-interest loans to support and maintain affordable housing and future development opportunities through land-banking, land trusts and community-owned land opportunities. This would also make investments in resident-owned community infrastructure to help residents purchase property such as mobile home parks; and

  • Directing funding to support construction of prefabricated, modular, manufactured and other sources of factory-built housing

  • Increasing funding for the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority’s Middle-Income Access program to invest in missing middle, workforce housing. MIAP serves middle income families and individuals (often referred to as the “missing middle”) with incomes too high for LIHTC units but who are often overburdened by market rents.

Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force Recommendations include:

  • Investing in increased adult residential care and improving access to residential care, community services and school-based care for children, youth and families;

  • Addressing the behavioral health needs of Colorado’s Native American Tribes;

  • Integrating primary care with behavioral health care and investing in better care coordination to help ensure people are connected to the services they need;

  • Funding for emergency, life-saving interventions like purchasing bulk opioid antagonists and increasing support for survivors of domestic violence;

  • Providing grants to local governments and community-based organizations to help fill regional gaps in the continuum of care;

  • Diverting Coloradans with behavioral health needs away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate community treatment programs; and

  • Expanding and supporting Colorado’s behavioral health care workforce.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: ARPA Task Forces Unveil Recommendations to Improve Behavioral Health Care and Save People Money on Housing

DENVER, CO – The Behavioral Health and Affordable Housing Transformational Task Forces today released final reports on their recommendations for using $850 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) pandemic relief funds to improve access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment and make housing more affordable.

Recommendations aim to increase affordable housing stock and access to behavioral health and substance use disorder services.

DENVER, CO – The Behavioral Health and Affordable Housing Transformational Task Forces today released final reports on their recommendations for using $850 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) pandemic relief funds to improve access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment and make housing more affordable.

“Far too many families like mine know firsthand how difficult getting treatment for behavioral health care can be here in Colorado,” said Sen. Brittany Pettersen, D-Lakewood, Chair of the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force. “That’s why the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force has been working tirelessly to improve access to vital services and create an accessible and equitable behavioral health care system that supports effective, data-driven and evidence-based treatment methods. I’m proud of the work this Task Force has done, and I look forward to helping more Coloradans get the care and support they deserve."

“Making housing more affordable will be a main focus of our work this year at the Capitol, and with these recommendations, Colorado has the opportunity to create transformational change on affordable housing,” said Rep. Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, Chair of the Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force. “From more affordable and attainable workforce housing across the state to new factory-built homes and the jobs that come with them, and much more, our investments will mean many more Coloradans have access to an affordable home to own or rent. I am immensely proud of the hundreds of hours of work our task force and subpanel members put in to craft these transformational recommendations that will drive down the cost of housing in our state and look forward to moving these proposals through the legislature so we can start helping Coloradans as soon as possible.”

“The lack of affordable housing here in Colorado is nothing short of a crisis, and our Task Force has been working tirelessly to find solutions so that more Coloradans have a safe, affordable place to live,” said Sen. Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, Vice Chair of the Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to address the root causes of our affordable housing issues. It’s going to take time, but I am proud of the work we are doing to forge a future where every Colorado family has a place to call home.”

“Building healthier, safer communities through greater access to behavioral health services will give more Coloradans the supports they so desperately need right now,” said Rep. Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, D-Denver, Vice Chair of the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force. “We know the pressures of the pandemic have exacerbated the behavioral health crisis in Colorado. These task force recommendations and historic investments will significantly improve access to mental health and substance use treatment in every community across Colorado. Importantly, improving access to these services is a powerful step toward our goal of preventing crime before it happens and making our communities safer and healthier."

"I thank state lawmakers for their work to make transformational change and am glad they were able to find bipartisan consensus on how to reduce housing costs and improve mental health support across Colorado," said Governor Jared Polis. "Our administration looks forward to working with state legislators to turn this hard work into action and help save people money."

To better provide vital care to Coloradans in crisis, the Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force recommended measures that will make transformational changes to the state’s behavioral health care system and improve access to services to ensure every Coloradan is able to get the help they need.

Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force Recommendations include:

  • Investing in increased adult residential care and improving access to residential care, community services and school-based care for children, youth and families;

  • Addressing the behavioral health needs of Colorado’s Native American Tribes;

  • Integrating primary care with behavioral health care and investing in better care coordination to help ensure people are connected to the services they need;

  • Funding for emergency, life-saving interventions like purchasing bulk opioid antagonists and increasing support for survivors of domestic violence;

  • Providing grants to local governments and community-based organizations to help fill regional gaps in the continuum of care;

  • Diverting Coloradans with behavioral health needs away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate community treatment programs; and

  • Expanding and supporting Colorado’s behavioral health care workforce.

The Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force also delivered recommendations to the legislature, with measures aimed at addressing Colorado’s affordable housing crisis, reducing homelessness and making sure that every Colorado family has a safe, affordable place to call home. 

Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force Recommendations include:

  • Establishing a revolving loan fund that will improve Colorado’s ability to build and develop new housing, help preserve and rehabilitate existing affordable housing, incentivize property conversion and increase non-traditional housing capacity such as supportive and transitional housing;

  • Providing grant funding to nonprofits and local governments that are doing the work on the ground to add more units of affordable  housing by changing zoning laws and developing supportive, rental and for-sale housing;

  • Directing grants or low-interest loans to support and maintain affordable housing and future development opportunities through land-banking, land trusts and community-owned land opportunities. This would also make investments in resident-owned community infrastructure to help residents purchase property such as mobile home parks; and

  • Directing funding to support construction of prefabricated, modular, manufactured and other sources of factory-built housing

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

On 1-Month Anniversary of Marshall Fire, JBC Approves Nearly $6 Million in Property Tax Relief

DENVER, CO – The Joint Budget Committee this week approved nearly $6 million in additional funding to help county governments impacted by the Marshall Fire make up for lost property taxes as a result of diminished property values in the region.

Funding would reimburse counties for lost property taxes

DENVER, CO – The Joint Budget Committee this week approved nearly $6 million in additional funding to help county governments impacted by the Marshall Fire make up for lost property taxes as a result of diminished property values in the region.

The funding will be transferred from the General Fund to the Treasury Department, and then distributed to the affected counties. County assessors are in the process of reassessing property values in the region. These funds will be used to make up for lost revenue as a result of decreased property values. 

“The Boulder County community took a huge hit when the Marshall Fire destroyed homes and devastated families, and we know they’re desperate for relief,” said JBC Member Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City). “While affected communities continue to rebuild and recover, we’re channeling critical funds to help offset the property taxes they lost due to the wildfires. Moving forward, we will continue to find ways to provide additional relief to these communities so we can support them in their recovery process.” 

“When cities and towns lose critical revenue, it means they don’t have the resources necessary to support vital services that keep their communities thriving – like schools, infrastructure, police and fire protection, and other local needs,” said JBC Member Chris Hansen (D-Denver). “These communities have been through a lot over the last month and we know how important it is to get folks help as soon as possible, which is why we’re taking this important step and delivering this urgently-needed relief.”

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