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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Committee Clears Bipartisan Bill to Allow Sex Workers to Report Crimes Without Facing Prosecution

DENVER, CO – The Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday unanimously approved bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) that would provide sex workers immunity from prostitution charges when reporting serious, violent crimes to law enforcement. The bill, HB22-1288, would allow safe reporting for sex workers if they witnessed or were a victim of a violent crime.  

Legislation aims to provide critical protections for victims of serious and violent crimes

DENVER, CO – The Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday unanimously approved bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) that would provide sex workers immunity from prostitution charges when reporting serious, violent crimes to law enforcement. The bill, HB22-1288, would allow safe reporting for sex workers if they witnessed or were a victim of a violent crime.  

“Right now, sex workers across Colorado experience serious crimes, but they often don’t feel comfortable reporting for fear of prosecution,” Fields said. “As we work to make our communities safer, we’re taking action to protect sex workers from violent crime and bring perpetrators to justice. When sex workers courageously report these crimes or seek out emergency services, they will be granted immunity for prostitution charges, which will help create a safer Colorado for all.”

The legislation, co-sponsored by Senator Jim Smallwood (R-Parker), would grant a victim or witness immunity from certain prostitution-related charges if the evidence for the charges was obtained as a result of the victim seeking assistance from a law enforcement officer or emergency services. Under the bill, victims would receive immunity from prosecution when reporting to law enforcement the crimes of human trafficking, stalking, kidnapping, assault, and murder.  

The bill now moves to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: SIGNED! Legislation to Address Health Care Workforce Shortage Becomes Law

DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed legislation that would create better pathways for students to enter the medical field and help address the health care workforce shortage throughout Colorado.

SB22-003 will create better pathways for students to enter the medical field, save students thousands in tuition and fees

DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed legislation that would create better pathways for students to enter the medical field and help address the health care workforce shortage throughout Colorado.

SB22-003, sponsored by Senator Janet Buckner (D-Aurora) and Senate President Pro Tem Kerry Donovan (D-Vail) as well as Representatives Kyle Mullica (D-Federal Heights) and Tony Exum (D-Colorado Springs), would allow community colleges to offer full bachelor’s degrees to a greater range of nursing students to address the state’s health care provider shortage and connect students with in-demand jobs.

“We are facing a critical shortage of qualified, well-trained healthcare professionals, and the pandemic has only made things worse,” said Buckner. “This bill will help more students pursue their dream and land a good-paying job in nursing while giving Colorado hospitals a larger and better-trained pool of employees to hire from. By expanding these opportunities for students, we will strengthen our workforce and improve health care outcomes for all Coloradans.”

“This law will boost Colorado’s health care workforce and build a healthier Colorado in the process,” said Mullica. “Getting more nurses from the classroom to the operating room will help ease some of the stress our health care workers have been facing. I’m proud of the work we’ve done to streamline the process for Coloradans to earn their BSN so we can get more talented, qualified nurses in the field.”

“Both rural and urban areas have felt the effects of our state’s shortage of nurses in hospitals,” said Donovan. “This bill will be a step towards providing hospitals with the staffing they need while saving people money on their education.”

“Boosting our health care workforce is a top priority and this law paves the way,” said Exum. “Community colleges have always been leaders in preparing Colorado’s students for success and now they’ll be able to prepare the next generation of nurses with a BSN program. This is a great step towards addressing Colorado’s health care workforce shortage head on by saving Coloradans money on earning their nursing degree and getting more qualified nurses in hospitals.”

SB22-003 would allow more students to enroll in BSN nursing programs, which will enable employers to grow internal talent who are familiar with their workplace’s culture and needs and allow students to earn a bachelor's in nursing at a faster pace than in a traditional program, saving thousands in tuition and fees and addressing the nursing shortage head-on.

Improving access to BSN nursing programs will also increase diversity in the state’s nursing pool, and decrease equity gaps in the delivery of health care across Colorado.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: Transformative Bill to Increase Behavioral Health Access, Divert Coloradans in Need Away from Criminal Justice System Introduced

DENVER, CO - Legislation sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales (D-Denver) and Pete Lee (D-Colorado Springs) to make major investments in behavioral health services for individuals in - or at risk of becoming involved in - the criminal justice system was introduced in the Senate this week.

Legislation invests over $50 million to help folks get treatment for mental health and substance use support 

DENVER, CO - Legislation sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales (D-Denver) and Pete Lee (D-Colorado Springs) to make major investments in behavioral health services for individuals in - or at risk of becoming involved in - the criminal justice system was introduced in the Senate this week.

Also sponsored by Representatives Jennifer Bacon (D-Denver) and Adrienne Benavidez (D-Denver), SB22-196 would invest $51.5 million for the Early Intervention, Deflection, and Redirection from the Criminal Justice System Grant Program to help communities prevent people with mental health conditions and substance use disorders from becoming involved with the criminal justice system. The funding would also be used to redirect individuals with behavioral health needs away from the criminal justice system and into appropriate treatment.

“For far too long, Colorado has tried to arrest and jail our way out of the behavioral health crisis, and it simply hasn’t worked,” said Gonzales. “Criminalizing people with behavioral health needs is the most expensive and least effective way to provide mental health care services to the folks who need it most. I am proud of the approaches we take in SB22-196 to intentionally intervene, deflect, and divert people out of the criminal justice system in order to get them the behavioral health resources they need.” 

“We’re working hard to address the root causes of crime in our communities, and it’s clear that a lack of access to behavioral health care paired with the devastation of the pandemic has led to increased crimes of desperation that we can prevent,” said Bacon. “This bill treats behavioral health and substance use disorder as a public health crisis and seeks to prevent people from becoming involved with the criminal justice system by intervening early with the support they need to thrive.”

“Far too many Coloradans with mental health conditions and substance use disorders are struggling in jail cells without proper care and treatment to get them back on their feet, and that is simply unacceptable,” said Lee. “Jailing folks with behavioral health needs will only exacerbate their condition and lead to more recidivism, so we’re proposing measures today to ensure these individuals get the treatment they need before they enter the criminal justice system in the first place.” 

“The pandemic and the economic conditions that followed have put enormous strain on our communities as instability, often from a lack of housing, access to behavioral health or job opportunities, has resulted in rising crime throughout the nation,” said Benavidez. “The legislation we unveiled this week will increase access to critical behavioral health care and substance use treatment to address the root causes of crime in our communities and help Coloradans get the care they need before and while they are in our criminal justice system.”

The bill also includes investments to help the Department of Corrections, the Division of Criminal Justice, and the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing support the continuity of care and treatment for individuals in the criminal justice system with opioid use disorders and mental health disorders, as well as investments in the Judicial Department to support pretrial diversion programs designed to keep individuals with behavioral health conditions out of jail.

The bill will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Track the progress of the bill HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Passes Legislation to Provide Parental Leave for Lawmakers

DENVER, CO - The Senate today gave final approval to President Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) and Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood)’s bill to offer parental leave to members of the legislature.

SB22-184 would guarantee up to twelve weeks of parental leave for members of the legislature

DENVER, CO - The Senate today gave final approval to President Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) and Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood)’s bill to offer parental leave to members of the legislature.

Currently, members of the General Assembly who have been absent for parental leave have had their absences excused under an existing long-term illness exception. SB22-184 would codify existing law and allow a member of the General Assembly to take up to twelve weeks of parental leave.

“As the legislature becomes more diverse, we must adapt and ensure we’re removing barriers that may prevent people from running for office," said Fenberg. “By updating our parental leave policies, we’re charting a path towards an even more representative legislature that is reflective of our state’s population.”

“I was stunned to find out two years ago that the legislature did not have a parental leave policy in place when I was preparing to be gone to take care of my newborn son, Davis. Not only that, I was the first person in our state’s history that had taken parental leave during session, so it was a situation we had never dealt with before,” Pettersen said. “This is an incredibly important change that we need to make to ensure the opportunity to serve in the legislature is available to new parents who bring a critical lens and life experience that is far too often unrepresented.”

SB22-184 would also allow for an additional four weeks for a serious health condition related to pregnancy or childbirth complications without a loss of compensation.

The bill now heads to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Passes State Budget to Invest in Colorado Families, Set Students Up for Success, and Save People Money

DENVER, CO - The Colorado Senate today gave final approval to the FY 2022-2023 Long Appropriations Bill to make historic investments in K-12 education and set students up for success, save families and businesses money, improve public safety, and create a healthier Colorado.

$36 billion budget includes resources to improve public safety and create a healthier Colorado

DENVER, CO - The Colorado Senate today gave final approval to the FY 2022-2023 Long Appropriations Bill to make historic investments in K-12 education and set students up for success, save families and businesses money, improve public safety, and create a healthier Colorado.

“This budget strikes an important balance between meeting the urgent needs of our state and prudently setting the state up for financial security for years to come,” said Joint Budget Committee (JBC) Vice Chair Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver). “We’re making critical investments to prepare Colorado’s students for success, clean up our air and create a healthier environment, and improve public safety - all while keeping us on solid financial footing this year and into the future. We’ve worked hard to create a balanced, thoughtful budget that will help ensure every Coloradan has what they need to thrive.”

“One of our top responsibilities as a legislature is to balance the state’s budget in the most reasonable and meticulous manner,” said JBC member Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada). “This budget hits the mark. We’re delivering for Colorado families by making investments in K-12 education, reducing fees for businesses and professionals to save people money, and investing in health care for children and pregnant women. This budget will help support our families, provide for our communities, and move Colorado forward.”

Setting Students Up for Success 

The budget makes record investments in K-12 education to increase funding for public schools and puts more resources directly into Colorado classrooms. Schools will receive, on average, a $569 increase per student to reduce classroom sizes, provide individualized support to help students learn, and ensure that every student has what they need to thrive.

The budget also eliminates $250 million of the budget stabilization factor this year - bringing us closer than ever before to fulfilling our funding obligations to education - and sets aside $300 million to further invest in public schools. It also invests $6.5 million to fund the new Department of Early Childhood and putting Colorado on track to implement universal preschool in 2023.

Saving People Money

Amid rising prices, and in order to save Coloradans money, the budget sets aside millions to reduce fees for small businesses, and prioritizes licensing fee relief for frontline workers, including nurses and mental health professionals.

It further provides targeted support for rural communities by leveraging federal dollars to support rural economic development, and includes $200 million to provide property tax relief for Coloradans.

Creating a Healthier Colorado

The budget provides $29.8 million to improve health care for children and pregnant women enrolled in the Child Health Plan Plus, and increases funding for behavioral health community programs by $54 million. 

It also includes funding for Medicaid fee-for-service payments for a limited set of behavioral health services to treat mental health conditions and diagnoses that are not currently covered, such as autism spectrum disorders.

Further, the budget includes millions to improve Colorado’s air quality by increasing air quality monitoring, establishing an electric lawn equipment rebate program for public entities, and replacing old monitoring equipment.

Building Safer Communities

The budget boosts the capabilities of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to help local law enforcement solve and prevent crimes. It also sets aside funding for legislation to support crime prevention and intervention strategies and reduce recidivism, including resources to support local law enforcement initiatives to recruit, train and retain a high-quality, diverse law enforcement workforce.

Finally, the budget includes $7 million for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers, and includes funding to help 9-1-1 dispatchers retain and recruit the staff they need, ensuring communities have the resources necessary to respond to emergencies. 

Improving Colorado’s Transportation Infrastructure

The budget directs nearly $50 million in funding generated through SB21-260, signed into law last year, to get critical road maintenance projects under way to reduce traffic and invest in multimodal and clean energy transportation options to modernize our state’s transportation system. 

The Long Bill will now move to conference committee before the JBC. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Gives Initial Sign Off on State Budget to Invest in Colorado Families, Set Students Up for Success, and Save People Money

DENVER, CO - The Colorado Senate today gave initial approval to the FY 2022-2023 Long Appropriations Bill to make historic investments in K-12 education and set students up for success, save families and businesses money, improve public safety, and create a healthier Colorado.

$36 billion budget includes resources to improve public safety and create a healthier Colorado

DENVER, CO - The Colorado Senate today gave initial approval to the FY 2022-2023 Long Appropriations Bill to make historic investments in K-12 education and set students up for success, save families and businesses money, improve public safety, and create a healthier Colorado.

“This budget strikes an important balance between meeting the urgent needs of our state and prudently setting the state up for financial security for years to come,” said Joint Budget Committee (JBC) Vice Chair Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver). “We’re making critical investments to prepare Colorado’s students for success, clean up our air and create a healthier environment, and improve public safety - all while keeping us on solid financial footing this year and into the future. We’ve worked hard to create a balanced, thoughtful budget that will help ensure every Coloradan has what they need to thrive.”

“One of our top responsibilities as a legislature is to balance the state’s budget in the most reasonable and meticulous manner,” said JBC member Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada). “This budget hits the mark. We’re delivering for Colorado families by making investments in K-12 education, reducing fees for businesses and professionals to save people money, and investing in health care for children and pregnant women. This budget will help support our families, provide for our communities, and move Colorado forward.”

Setting Students Up for Success

The budget makes record investments in K-12 education to increase funding for public schools and puts more resources directly into Colorado classrooms. Schools will receive, on average, a $569 increase per student to reduce classroom sizes, provide individualized support to help students learn, and ensure that every student has what they need to thrive.

The budget also eliminates $250 million of the budget stabilization factor this year - bringing us closer than ever before to fulfilling our funding obligations to education - and sets aside $300 million to further invest in public schools. It also invests $6.5 million to fund the new Department of Early Childhood, bringing Colorado one step closer to implementing universal preschool in 2023.

Saving People Money

Amid rising prices, and in order to save Coloradans money, the budget sets aside millions to reduce fees for small businesses, and prioritizes licensing fee relief for frontline workers, including nurses and mental health professionals.

It further provides targeted support for rural communities by leveraging federal dollars to support rural economic development, and includes $200 million to provide property tax relief for Coloradans.

Creating a Healthier Colorado

The budget provides $29.8 million to improve health care for children and pregnant women enrolled in the Child Health Plan Plus, and increases funding for behavioral health community programs by $54 million.

The budget also includes funding for Medicaid fee-for-service payments for a limited set of behavioral health services to treat mental health conditions and diagnoses that are not currently covered, such as autism spectrum disorders.

Further, it includes millions to improve Colorado’s air quality by increasing air quality monitoring, establishing an electric lawn equipment rebate program for public entities, and replacing old monitoring equipment.

Building Safer Communities

The budget boosts the capabilities of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation to help local law enforcement solve and prevent crimes. It also sets aside funding for legislation to support crime prevention and intervention strategies and reduce recidivism, including resources to support local law enforcement initiatives to recruit, train and retain a high-quality, diverse law enforcement workforce.

Finally, the budget includes $7 million for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers, and includes funding to help 9-1-1 dispatchers retain and recruit the staff they need, ensuring communities have the resources necessary to respond to emergencies.

Improving Colorado’s Transportation Infrastructure

The budget directs nearly $50 million in funding generated through SB21-260, signed into law last year, to get critical road maintenance projects under way to reduce traffic and invest in multimodal and clean energy transportation options to modernize our state’s transportation system.

The Senate will give final approval to the FY 2022-2023 Long Appropriations Bill tomorrow, April 7, 2022. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Members of Black Democratic Legislative Caucus Statement on Passing of Former Sen. Gloria Tanner

DENVER, CO – Senate members of the Black Democratic Legislative Caucus of Colorado, including Senators Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora), Janet Buckner (D-Aurora), and James Coleman (D-Denver), today released the following joint statement on the passing of former State Senator Gloria Tanner, the first Black woman elected to the Colorado Senate.

DENVER, CO – Senate members of the Black Democratic Legislative Caucus of Colorado, including Senators Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora), Janet Buckner (D-Aurora), and James Coleman (D-Denver), today released the following joint statement on the passing of former State Senator Gloria Tanner, the first Black woman elected to the Colorado Senate:

“We are heartbroken over the passing of Senator Gloria Tanner and mourn her loss as we recall the profound achievements she made here in Colorado and throughout her lifetime. Senator Tanner motivated and inspired a generation of leaders to follow in her footsteps, and we could not be more grateful for the impact she has had on our state and our country. We talk often about the importance of electing people who truly represent the communities they serve. Senator Tanner did just that for her community, and encouraged all of us to do the same. Because of her leadership and her drive to run for office, so many individuals in the Black community have had the courage to run for office and serve in leadership positions. Senator Tanner proved to the state of Colorado that Black women can and should run for office, and we know her story will continue to inspire people for generations to come.”

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: Aurora Delegation Statement on Firing of Police Chief Wilson

DENVER, CO – The Aurora Delegation in the Colorado General Assembly today released the following statement on the firing of Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson.

DENVER, CO – The Aurora Delegation in the Colorado General Assembly today released the following statement on the firing of Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson:

“The firing of Aurora’s police chief will set back the critical and long overdue efforts currently underway in Aurora to ensure accountability and integrity in our police department. In 2020, we provided the Attorney General with the authority to investigate the department, which led to the finding that Aurora Police engaged in a longstanding pattern and practice of racist policing. Chief Wilson has been working hard to build a police force that reflects the diversity of our community and hold officers accountable for racially biased actions. Her firing in the middle of these efforts sends a terrible message to the police force and to the community about Aurora's commitment to reforming these practices.

“We commend Chief Wilson for her steadfast commitment to making our communities safer and rebuilding our community’s trust in our city’s police department. She held officers who engaged in misconduct accountable, and refused to tolerate the status quo that the Attorney General’s investigation found consistently endangered the lives of Black and Brown people in Aurora. We will not go back. Aurora needs a police chief who will continue these critical reforms to eradicate the department’s clearly documented pattern of racist policing and targeting of people of color.”

The members of the Aurora Delegation are Representatives Iman Jodeh, Naquetta Ricks, Mandy Lindsay, Mike Weissman, and Dafna Michaelson Jenet and Senators Rhonda Fields and Janet Buckner.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Transformative Bills to Save Coloradans Money on Housing Clear Committee

DENVER, CO – The Senate Local Government Committee today approved two bills aimed at saving people money on housing and making Colorado a more affordable place to live. 

Legislation would provide better support for mobile home residents & develop more housing that families can afford

DENVER, CO – The Senate Local Government Committee today approved two bills aimed at saving people money on housing and making Colorado a more affordable place to live. 

SB22-160, sponsored by Senators Julie Gonzales (D-Denver) and Nick Hinrichsen (D-Pueblo), will invest $35 million into the newly created Mobile Home Park Resident Empowerment Loan and Grant Program Fund. The Fund will provide financing to eligible mobile home homeowners so they can purchase the land under their homes and convert into a resident-owned community.

“Mobile home parks are Colorado’s closest thing to ‘naturally-occurring’ affordable housing,” said Gonzales, Vice Chair of the Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force. “But just like the rest of us, mobile home park residents are feeling the pressure of skyrocketing housing costs. This bill will allow Coloradans to invest in their own communities, own their own homes, and drive down the cost of housing across the state.”

“Every Coloradan deserves a safe, comfortable place to call home, which is why we are working to ensure that mobile homes stay affordable across our state,” said Hinrichsen. “This legislation will provide critical protections for mobile home owners by putting an end to extreme rent hikes, and give mobile home residents the tools and help they need to buy the land their homes sit on.”

The committee also approved SB22-159, sponsored by Senators Jeff Bridges (D-Greenwood Village) and Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada). This bill will invest $150 million to create the Transformational Affordable Housing Revolving Loan Program to develop and integrate housing-related infrastructure, provide gap financing for housing development projects, and preserve and rehabilitate existing affordable housing. 

“Families are feeling squeezed as housing prices continue to skyrocket across our state, leaving far too many without housing options they can afford,” said Bridges. “With this bill, we’re going to make a historic investment to cut costs and make Colorado a more affordable place to live, work and raise a family. By developing more housing that is affordable for families, we can ensure that more Coloradans have a safe place to call home.” 

“To solve Colorado’s crisis in affordable housing, we must encourage developers and the construction industry to expand our inventory,” said Zenzinger. “The task force made this bill a top priority because of the regenerative nature of the funds attached. The availability of affordable housing allows us to make progress on the solution of myriad other problems in Colorado, and it’s imperative that we act now.”

SB22-160 now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee for further consideration, while SB22-159 will be heard before the Senate Finance Committee. 

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Landmark Air Quality Improvement Legislation Advances

DENVER, CO – The Senate Transportation and Energy Committee today passed President Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) and Senator Julie Gonzales’ (D-Denver) bill to invest more than $124 million to build a healthier Colorado through air quality improvements.

Legislation includes record investments to reduce air pollution and clean up Colorado's air

DENVER, CO – The Senate Transportation and Energy Committee today passed President Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) and Senator Julie Gonzales’ (D-Denver) bill to invest more than $124 million to build a healthier Colorado through air quality improvements.

SB22-193 would provide funding for several different programs in the transportation and industrial sectors, as well as the Department of Public Health and Environment, to reduce emissions and improve Colorado’s air quality. The bill includes record investments in clean transportation initiatives and air quality monitoring, regulation, and incentives.

“Cleaning up our air and building a healthier Colorado requires all hands on deck,” said Fenberg. “That’s why we’re taking a comprehensive approach to ensure every Coloradan, particularly in communities who have historically borne the brunt of air pollution, can breathe clean air. With transformative investments to reduce industrial emissions, initiatives to clean up our transportation system, and plans to improve air monitoring, we’re putting Colorado on the path to a cleaner future.”

“Every Coloradan deserves safe and healthy air to breathe, but too often we are exposed to dangerous emissions and high ozone levels that threaten our health and hit disadvantaged communities the hardest,” Gonzales said. “This legislation represents an important step toward reducing those harmful emissions and achieving true environmental justice for all.”

SB22-193 includes:

  • $25 million for the Clean Air Grant Program to help private entities, local governments, and public-private partnerships fund projects to reduce emissions of air pollutants from industrial and manufacturing operations.

  • $65 million for the Electrifying School Buses Grant Program to help school districts and charter schools convert and replace fossil-fuel reliant school buses with electric-powered school buses.

  • $15 million for the Diesel Truck Emissions Reduction Grant Program to provide grants to private and public entities for decommissioning and replacing diesel trucks.

  • $12 million for the Community Access to Electric Bicycles Grant Program to create bike share and ownership programs to provide Coloradans with ebikes.

  • $7 million for increased and expanded aerial surveying of pollutants.

The bill now heads to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Legislation to Provide Parental Leave for Lawmakers Clears Committee

DENVER, CO - The State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee today passed President Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) and Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood)’s bill to offer parental leave to members of the legislature.

SB22-184 would guarantee up to twelve weeks of parental leave for members of the legislature

DENVER, CO - The State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee today passed President Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) and Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood)’s bill to offer parental leave to members of the legislature.

Currently, members of the General Assembly who have been absent for parental leave have had their absences excused under an existing long-term illness exception. SB22-184 would codify existing law and allow a member of the General Assembly to take up to twelve weeks of parental leave.

“As the legislature becomes more diverse, we must adapt and ensure we’re removing barriers that may prevent people from running for office," said Fenberg. “By updating our parental leave policies, we’re charting a path towards an even more representative legislature that is reflective of our state’s population.”

“I was stunned to find out two years ago that the legislature did not have a parental leave policy in place when I was preparing to be gone to take care of my newborn son, Davis. Not only that, I was the first person in our state’s history that had taken parental leave during session, so it was a situation we had never dealt with before,” Pettersen said. “This is an incredibly important change that we need to make to ensure the opportunity to serve in the legislature is available to new parents who bring a critical lens and life experience that is far too often unrepresented.”

SB22-184 would also allow for an additional four weeks for a serious health condition related to pregnancy or childbirth complications without a loss of compensation.

The bill now heads to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Clears Bipartisan Zenzinger Bill to Set Students Up for Success

DENVER, CO – The Senate today approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) that will help set Colorado students up for success.

Legislation will allow higher education institutions to better support students with disabilities

DENVER, CO – The Senate today approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) that will help set Colorado students up for success.

HB22-1255, which is co-sponsored by Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer (R-Weld County), will help higher education institutions provide better support for students with disabilities.

“Every Colorado student deserves a quality, public education, and this bill will help make that dream a reality by making higher education more accessible and accommodating for students with disabilities,” Zenzinger said. “This important measure will allow us to begin addressing the issues that prevent students from reaching their goals and give every student, regardless of their ability, the support and opportunity they need to thrive.”

HB22-1255 would create an advisory committee that will advise higher education institutions on best practices and make recommendations to the legislature on improving outcomes for students with disabilities attending state institutions. 

The goal of this report is to develop a blueprint for making real and meaningful changes to better prepare students with disabilities for success, both in the classroom and after graduation.

A 2019 study from the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 19.4 percent of undergraduate students have a disability. This bill aims to level the playing field to make it easier for students with disabilities to succeed.

HB22-1255 now heads to the Governor’s desk for final consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Rodriguez’s Bipartisan Bill to Expand Rural Access to Essential Health Care Services Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – The Business, Labor, and Technology Committee yesterday unanimously passed Senator Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver)’s bipartisan bill to expand access to health care services for rural Coloradans by increasing the availability of telepharmacy services.

SB22-173 would expand telepharmacy services, improving access to life-saving prescription drugs for rural Coloradans

DENVER, CO – The Business, Labor, and Technology Committee yesterday unanimously passed Senator Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver)’s bipartisan bill to expand access to health care services for rural Coloradans by increasing the availability of telepharmacy services.

Cosponsored by Senator Jim Smallwood (R-Parker), SB22-173 would remove the current restriction requiring telepharmacy outlets to be located more than twenty miles from the nearest prescription drug outlet or other telepharmacy outlet. It would also require the Colorado State Board of Pharmacy to take into consideration areas of need when determining locations for new remote pharmacy sites.

“During the pandemic, we saw a need for greater flexibility in accessing health care services in every corner of the state, and telepharmacy emerged as a way to bring high quality services directly to underserved areas," said Sen. Rodriguez. “By increasing the availability of telepharmacy outlets, we can ensure all Coloradans, particularly in rural and remote areas, have access to the essential health care services they need to thrive."

Telepharmacy is the delivery of pharmaceutical care via telecommunications to patients in locations where they may not have direct contact with a pharmacist. SB22-173 would also require the Board of Pharmacy to adopt rules to specify additional criteria for telepharmacy outlets.

SB22-173 now heads to the Finance Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Danielson Bill to Increase Safety in Assisted Living Facilities, Prevent Abuse & Neglect Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee approved a bill sponsored by Senator Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge) that aims to ramp up safety measures in Colorado’s assisted living facilities to protect residents and prevent abuse and neglect of older Coloradans.

Legislation aims to hold assisted living facilities accountable & protect older Coloradans

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee approved a bill sponsored by Senator Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge) that aims to ramp up safety measures in Colorado’s assisted living facilities to protect residents and prevent abuse and neglect of older Coloradans.

While most residents receive quality care in assisted living facilities, too many are neglected and others are victims of psychological, physical, and other kinds of abuse. SB22-154 aims to strengthen protections for older adults and persons with disabilities residing in these facilities by developing process protections for those facing involuntary discharge and establishing a system of minimum standards and requirements. It will also increase the current cap on fees to incentivize further protections for seniors.   

“Older Coloradans should be treated with the utmost care and attention, but some assisted living facilities across our state are not doing their due diligence, and are getting away with abuse and neglect,” said Sen. Danielson. “The situation in some facilities is truly abhorrent, and too many families have had to bear the brunt of their negligence with either the loss of or profound mistreatment of a loved one. This critical bill will hold assisted living facilities accountable, better protect older Coloradans, and prevent abuse and neglect from happening in these spaces moving forward.” 

SB22-154 would establish procedures to help protect residents when an assisted living center initiates an involuntary discharge of a resident, requiring a facility to provide written notice, documentation, and establishing an appeal and grievance process.

The bill would also establish minimum qualifications for residence administrators, but exempts administrators hired before 2019. The bill requires all residence administrators to meet or exceed the minimum qualifications as of January 1, 2024. It also requires facility owners to check Colorado’s Adult Protective Services Data System prior to hiring an employee who is responsible for the care and welfare of residents. 

Currently, there is a $2,000 per year cap on facility fines. This bill removes the cap and the annual limitation and provides for the Department of Public Health and Environment to determine the amount of the fine, based on factors outlined in the bill. The current fine has not been increased since 1990. 

SB22-154 has support from the Colorado Center for Aging, the Alzheimer’s Association of Colorado, the Denver Regional Council of Governments (Area Agency on Aging for the Denver metro area), Mental Health Colorado, AARP Colorado, the Colorado Cross Disability Coalition, and the Colorado Alliance for Retired Americans.

The bill now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Bill to Save Coloradans Money on Essential Hygiene Products Clears Committee

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Finance Committee unanimously approved legislation sponsored by Senators Faith Winter (D-Westminster) and Sonya Jaquez Lewis (D-Boulder County) that would eliminate the state tax on essential hygiene products like menstrual products, diapers, and incontinence products.

“Don’t tax dignity” bill would end sales tax on menstrual products, diapers and incontinence products

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Finance Committee unanimously approved legislation sponsored by Senators Faith Winter (D-Westminster) and Sonya Jaquez Lewis (D-Boulder County) that would eliminate the state tax on essential hygiene products like menstrual products, diapers, and incontinence products.

“Every Coloradan deserves to live with dignity, but for far too many, their inability to pay for basic human needs like period products and diapers means they can’t,” said Sen. Winter. “With this bill, we’re removing the tax on dignity while ensuring that Coloradans can save money on essential items. This is a commonsense step in the right direction that will help countless families afford these products so they can maintain their own health and care for their loved ones.” 

"Right now, things like food and medicine are tax exempt, but other essential hygiene products are not. This inequity impacts low-income folks and communities of color the most,” said Sen. Jaquez Lewis. “This critical bill is about dignity. The more we can make these products affordable, the more access they will have."

Far too many Coloradans have difficulty affording basic needs like menstrual products, infant diapers or incontinence products. Under the bill, specific hygiene products would join other tax exempt essentials like food and medicine. The current sales and use tax on essential products falls disproportionately on communities of color and older Coloradans with fixed incomes.

If passed, HB22-1055 would help more than 200,000 children under the age of 3 and their families who spend about $80 per child per month on diapers, 1.6 million individuals between the ages of 12 and 55 and their families who spend $15 a month per individual who menstruates and some of the 850,000 older adults who can spend as much as $240 a month on incontinence products. 

HB22-1055 now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Clears Trio of Bipartisan Bills to Expand Access to Behavioral Health Care in Colorado

DENVER, CO – The Senate today passed three bipartisan bills to improve access to behavioral health services. Two of the bills, SB22-147 and SB22-148, were developed based on recommendations from the state’s Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force.

The bills will invest millions to increase behavioral health services for Colorado youth, families, and Native American Tribes

DENVER, CO – The Senate today passed three bipartisan bills to improve access to behavioral health services. Two of the bills, SB22-147 and SB22-148, were developed based on recommendations from the state’s Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force.

SB22-147, sponsored by Senators Chris Kolker (D-Centennial) and Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Sterling), aims to improve access to behavioral health care services for youth and families through three programs:

  • $4.6 million for the Colorado Pediatric Psychiatry Consultation and Access Program, which provides support and assistance to primary care providers and pediatricians to help identify and treat behavioral health needs. The program connects pediatricians with pediatric psychiatrists who can provide consultations, resources, and referrals for children with mental health or substance use disorder needs.

  • $5 million for the Behavioral Health Care Professional Matching Grant Program, which provides schools with funding to increase the number of school health professionals who can provide behavioral health services to students.

  • $1.5 million for the School-based Health Center Grant Program, which helps support school-based health centers in Colorado.

“Far too many kids in Colorado are struggling with their mental health,” Kolker said. “We must act urgently to address this crisis and provide critical support to our state’s young people where and when they need it most. Together, we can work to end the stigma surrounding mental health, expand access to care, and save lives."

SB22-148, sponsored by Senators Kerry Donovan (D-Vail) and Cleave Simpson (R-Alamosa), will increase access to behavioral health care by investing $5 million to support the development of a behavioral health facility and better meet the behavioral health needs of Colorado’s Native American Tribes.

“The Tribes are our partners and neighbors and this is a long overdue investment in behavioral health,” said Donovan. “Everyone deserves mental health support in their communities and this bill will support the Tribes’ efforts.”

HB22-1214, sponsored by Senators Chris Kolker (D-Centennial) and Kevin Priola (R-Brighton) will clarify that crisis facilities must provide mental health and substance use disorder services to individuals in crisis, including youth and people with disabilities. This legislation would make it easier for mobile crisis programs and walk-in centers to provide critical services and behavioral health support to all individuals in crisis.

SB22-147 and SB22-148 now head to the House for further consideration. HB22-1214 will now go to the Governor’s desk for signature.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Historic Reproductive Health Equity Act Becomes Law in Colorado

DENVER, CO – With Roe v. Wade in jeopardy at the U.S. Supreme Court, Governor Jared Polis today signed the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA) into law to ensure Colorado’s laws protect fundamental reproductive rights, including abortion.

Colorado will become the 16th state to enshrine the fundamental right to abortion into law

DENVER, CO – With Roe v. Wade in jeopardy at the U.S. Supreme Court, Governor Jared Polis today signed the Reproductive Health Equity Act (RHEA) into law to ensure Colorado’s laws protect fundamental reproductive rights, including abortion.

Sponsored by Representative Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, House Majority Leader Daneya Esgar, D-Pueblo, and Senator Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, RHEA updates Colorado’s laws to protect reproductive rights and establish a fundamental right to choose to continue a pregnancy and give birth, or to have an abortion.

“Across the country, and here in Colorado, abortion rights are under attack from GOP politicians who want to ban abortion in all cases – here in our state, we won’t let that happen,” said Rep. Froelich. “Coloradans have made it clear that they want to keep abortion legal in our state. I’m proud Governor Polis has signed the Reproductive Health Equity Act into law to safeguard reproductive rights in Colorado.”

“With reproductive freedom under attack at the federal level, we’re taking historic action today to ensure Colorado remains a safe haven for folks in need of reproductive health care,” said Sen. Gonzales. “Until today, Colorado law didn’t expressly protect the right to abortion care. We’re changing that because all Coloradans should have the freedom to make decisions about their lives and their futures. This landmark bill enshrines the fundamental right to abortion into Colorado law, and we sincerely hope other states choose to follow our lead. The health and well-being of millions of Americans depends on it.”

“Enshrining the right to choose when it comes to reproductive health care, including the right to abortion, shows we trust Coloradans to make their own medical decisions,” said Majority Leader Esgar. “Politicians shouldn’t get to decide whether or not someone is ready to start a family. With the passage of this law and the governor’s signature today, we’ve taken a giant step forward to protect fundamental reproductive rights and abortion access in Colorado, and I couldn't be more proud.”

The new law also ensures that every individual has the fundamental right to choose or refuse contraception.

RHEA comes as attacks on access to abortion have proliferated across the country. The U.S. Supreme Court appears poised to overturn decades of precedent this spring, and at least 519 abortion restrictions have been introduced in 41 states so far this year according to the National Women’s Law Center.

Colorado remains committed to ensuring abortion remains safe, legal, and accessible. Recently, House Democrats defeated three Republican-led bills that would have jeopardized that right, including:

  • HB22-1079, which would have placed an unconstitutional ban on abortion in Colorado with no exceptions. The bill explicitly directed Colorado to disregard federal law and federal court rulings and would subject Colorado judges who support access to abortion to impeachment. In addition, it would have allowed a private right of action against abortion providers, and potentially patients too.

  • HB22-1047, which would have banned abortion in Colorado with no exceptions. The bill would have also criminalized miscarriages and would have subjected abortion providers to imprisonment.

  • HB22-1075, which would have established a registry to track and surveil abortion patients and providers. It also would have created a roadmap for abortion opponents to identify and further threaten abortion patients and providers.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Passes Zenzinger’s Bill to Increase Colorado Special Education Funding & Set Students Up for Success

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) that would increase funding for special education students by more than $80 million per year. The bill, SB22-127, would help ensure that every Colorado student has the resources and support they need to thrive.

DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) that would increase funding for special education students by more than $80 million per year. The bill, SB22-127, would help ensure that every Colorado student has the resources and support they need to thrive.

“Every Colorado student deserves a quality, public education, but the current level of state support for schools just isn’t getting the job done.” said Sen. Zenzinger. “We’ve been working to fix that, and this legislation will help us get critical resources to the classrooms that need them most while making sure every student, regardless of ability, has what they need to succeed."

SB22-127 will dramatically increase funding for more than 100,000 Colorado special education students, from about $220 million per year currently to more than $300 million per year moving forward. This increase will bring down student-teacher ratios, decrease class sizes, and help schools provide the tailored assistance and support special education students need to learn and receive the quality education they deserve.

The bill now moves to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: Governor Polis, Lawmakers Unveil Legislation to Boost Essential Nonprofits

DENVER, CO –Colorado lawmakers yesterday introduced bipartisan legislation that will use $35 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act funding to boost community-based nonprofit social service organizations that provide critical support to communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

Legislation would distribute transformative Economic Recovery and Relief Funds to support nonprofits serving communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic

DENVER, CO –Colorado lawmakers yesterday introduced bipartisan legislation that will use $35 million of federal American Rescue Plan Act funding to boost community-based nonprofit social service organizations that provide critical support to communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

“In the true Colorado spirit, Colorado’s incredible non-profits stepped up to provide additional support to communities hit hardest by the pandemic. I am proud that our administration has worked hand-in-hand with local community-based organizations, the legislature, and state and federal agencies to provide much-needed relief for Coloradans throughout the pandemic. We are continuing to take bold steps to support Colorado’s non-profits and the communities they serve,”said Gov. Polis.

“Colorado’s nonprofits stepped up during the pandemic to fill critical gaps and provide essential services to families and individuals, but they are also facing stiff challenges to stay afloat and continue their important work for the communities they serve,”said Rep. Leslie Herod, D-Denver.“This bill will direct $35 million in federal pandemic relief funds to essential nonprofits that were hurt by the pandemic and that are struggling to recover. With these grants, nonprofits in every part of our state will be able to expand their services and continue helping our communities.”

“Nonprofits often serve as the backbone of our communities, offering critical support to folks in need and helping families and individuals stay afloat,”said Sen. Julie Gonzales, D-Denver.“Now it’s our turn to help them. This legislation will direct urgently-needed resources to nonprofits across our state that need a hand in recovering from the pandemic, allowing them to keep their doors open and continue providing the critical services Coloradans depend on to thrive.”

“All across our state, nonprofits have helped Coloradans get through these tough times, and now they need our help to continue offering the services people and families need,”said Rep. Edie Hooton, D-Boulder.“Nonprofits are doing incredible work. Many help Coloradans experiencing homelessness find a place to sleep, and others are helping young adults who need a little support to stay on track. This $35 million investment will help Colorado’s nonprofits get back on their feet and expand their capacity to serve our state.”

HB22-1356, sponsored by Representatives Herod and Hooton, and Senators Gonzales and Rankin, will provide $35 million in federal pandemic relief funds to nonprofit social service organizations that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Small community-based nonprofits have played an important role in delivering critical services to families and communities that were directly impacted by the pandemic. These organizations continue to fill critical gaps, but face significant challenges as they respond to longstanding community needs that were only exacerbated by the pandemic. Financial constraints often limit these organizations’ ability to serve additional Coloradans and those constraints are more challenging under recent economic conditions.

The grants are designed to support small community-based nonprofits that largely serve individuals who were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic and experienced significant financial pressures. Eligible entities will be able to apply for grants as large as $100,000 to expand program capacity, foster professional development for employees or engage in strategic planning to grow their organization and maximize use of funds.

During the 2021 legislative session, the General Assembly set aside $700 million in federal pandemic relief funds to use for economic recovery and relief initiatives in the years ahead. This legislation uses $35 million of this funding to support essential organizations that are doing critical work in Colorado communities to help families recover from the pandemic.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Donovan's Bipartisan Bill to Support the Tourism Workforce in Mountain Communities Becomes Law

VAIL, CO – Yesterday, Governor Jared Polis signed a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senate President Pro Tem Kerry Donovan (D-Vail) into law to address the use of lodging tax revenue for local marketing districts.

Donovan: “This law will let counties reinvest dollars back into supporting the people that call these communities home.”

VAIL, CO – Yesterday, Governor Jared Polis signed a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senate President Pro Tem Kerry Donovan (D-Vail) into law to address the use of lodging tax revenue for local marketing districts.

“At the heart of every mountain town are its locals,” said Senator Donovan. “This law will let counties reinvest dollars back into supporting the people that call these communities home.”

Mountain communities often generate strong revenue from tourism, but are limited in how they spend this money. HB22-1117, co-sponsored by Senator Don Coram (R-Montrose), will expand the usage of local marketing district and county lodging tax revenue beyond destination marketing and promotion to include workforce housing and childcare.

Colorado has seen a record increase in tourism, with each year bringing more tourists than the last. Despite rising tax revenues, the average resident of tourism-heavy counties has seen their economic well-being decline. While these tourism taxes currently advertise their county to visitors, they cannot use these funds to invest in the experience of visitors traveling to these counties or use these funds to maintain a workforce that can accommodate these visitors.

This legislation will allow for revenue generated from tourism to be used for  housing and childcare for the tourism-related workforce, including seasonal workers, and for facilitating and enhancing visitor experiences.

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