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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Bill to Raise Minimum Age to Purchase a Firearm to 21 Earns Initial Senate Approval

Legislation will help prevent young people from committing gun violence, save lives in Colorado

DENVER, CO –  Legislation sponsored by Senators Kyle Mullica, D-Thornton, and Jessie Danielson, D-Wheat Ridge, that would raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm in Colorado to 21, earned initial approval in the Senate today.

Under current federal law individuals must be 21 years old to purchase a handgun, but only 18 years old to purchase long guns. SB23-169 would raise the age limit to purchase any firearm to 21 with limited exceptions.

“Gun deaths in Colorado climb higher every year, and a disproportionate number of them are committed by younger Coloradans,” Mullica said. “As an ER nurse I’ve seen firsthand the devastating ways gun violence impacts our communities, which is why I am proud to champion this bill that will reduce gun violence and save lives all across our state.”

“Young people aged 12-24 make up one-fifth of the population, but commit just under half of all gun murders,” Danielson said. “There is an urgent need to do more to prevent gun violence in Colorado, and I am proud to champion this legislation that will do just that. Raising the age to purchase a firearm will keep more deadly weapons away from our youth, reduce youth suicide rates, and make our communities safer.”

“We’re here today to send a clear message to our lawmakers — it’s time to strengthen our gun laws so that kids can be kids,” said Charlotte Goldstein, a volunteer with the Denver East chapter of Students Demand Action. “Students like me are tired of living with the constant fear of gun violence. This bill will save lives in our communities, and we will continue to work hand-in-hand with our allies in the statehouse to get them across the finish line. The time to act is now.”

According to Everytown for Gun Safety, firearms are the leading cause of death for young people in the U.S. ages 18 to 20, and the firearm suicide rate among this group has increased a staggering 61 percent in the last decade. 

18 to 20-year-olds commit gun murders at triple the rate of adults 21 years and older, and peer-reviewed research shows that adolescent and post-adolescents have less capacity for mature judgment and self-control, which often leads to risky behavior and aggressive impulses.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Legislation to Remove Overly Broad Gun Industry Immunity in Colorado Advances

DENVER, CO – The Senate today advanced landmark legislation sponsored by Senators Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, and Chris Kolker, D-Centennial, on second reading. The bill is aimed at holding the gun industry accountable and improving gun violence survivors’ access to justice.

Right now gun sellers and manufacturers enjoy broad protections under federal law from most types of civil lawsuits - and Colorado law goes even further by including a punitive provision that makes victims of gun violence who sue the gun industry pay the company’s legal fees in dismissed cases. SB23-168 would remove Colorado’s overly-broad immunity protections for gun sellers and manufacturers and allow legitimate lawsuits against the gun industry to move forward.

“Colorado is home to one of the most punitive laws against gun violence survivors in the country. Colorado law gives a set of protections to the firearms industry that few other businesses have. These laws shield them from accountability and must be changed,” Jaquez Lewis said. “This legislation will level the playing field by removing those extra protections and allowing legitimate lawsuits to move forward, ensuring the gun industry is no longer given special treatment and improving gun violence survivors’ ability to seek the justice they deserve.”

“Currently, Colorado gun sellers and manufacturers are provided legal protections far beyond those for most other businesses in the state and that bar victims of gun violence from seeking justice,” Kolker said. “Removing Colorado’s overly broad gun industry immunity law will provide another avenue for survivors to pursue justice if they are harmed by irresponsible business practices.”

“Today we applaud the Colorado State Senate for moving forward with legislation addressing gun violence and protecting survivors,” said Sandy and Lonnie Phillips. “When we lost our daughter, Jessi, in the tragic shooting in Aurora in July 2012, we didn't anticipate being retraumatized by Colorado's extreme protections of the gun industry. The Gun Violence Victims' Access to Justice bill allows the families of victims to seek justice. This legislation honors Coloradans whose lives ended too soon and protects future survivors who wish to hold the gun industry accountable and we thank Senate President Fenberg, Senator Jaquez Lewis, and Senator Kolker for bringing this legislation forward.”

Civil liability plays an important role in promoting community and consumer safety, and lawsuits can help incentivize industries to take reasonable steps to prevent their products or business practices from causing foreseeable risks to human life and wellbeing.

After their daughter was killed in the Aurora theater shooting, Sandy and Lonnie Phillips sued four online retailers that irresponsibly sold magazines, thousands of rounds of ammunition and body armor to the murderer. Under Colorado’s immunity law, they were forced to pay about $200,000 in legal fees to bulk ammunition sellers. They ended up selling their house and declaring bankruptcy.

Removing Colorado’s gun industry shield will allow survivors like the Phillips’ and countless others to seek appropriate justice and fair remedies via civil actions, and will give survivors and the public the opportunity to hold gun sellers and manufacturers accountable for their actions.

SB23-168 will now be heard on third reading before moving to the House for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Gives Initial Approval to Bill to Expand and Improve Colorado’s Red Flag Law 

The Senate today gave initial approval to legislation sponsored by Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Senator Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial that will expand and strengthen Colorado’s “Red Flag” law.

Bolstered ERPO policy will help de-escalate emergency situations and save lives

DENVER, CO – The Senate today gave initial approval to legislation sponsored by Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Senator Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial that will expand and strengthen Colorado’s “Red Flag” law.

SB23-170 will expand who is eligible to file for an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO), which will allow more qualified individuals to intervene before gun violence has a chance to occur.

“Red Flag laws are one of the most effective tools we have to prevent gun violence, but unfortunately Colorado’s Red Flag law is tragically underutilized,” Fenberg said. “This bill will strengthen our state’s Red Flag law and increase the number of individuals who can file for an extreme risk protection order, which will create more opportunities for community members to recognize when something is wrong and intervene in a way that will prevent further gun violence and save countless lives across our state.”

“Our Red Flag law has already saved lives in Colorado, but we can strengthen it so that it can be even more effective,” Sullivan said. “These commonsense updates will expand and improve our Red Flag law and create more opportunities for qualified individuals to assess the danger and act appropriately to prevent further violence and ultimately save more lives.”

Originally passed by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Polis in 2019, the Zackari Parrish III Violence Prevention Act is a tool used to temporarily remove firearms from a person who a judge determines is a threat to themselves or others. Currently a petition for removal can only be filed by a family member or a law enforcement officer. SB23-170 will expand the list of individuals eligible to file an ERPO to include DAs and other law enforcement officials, licensed health care providers, mental health professionals, and educators. 

According to the Associated Press, Colorado has one of the lowest use rates of its Red Flag law. Colorado issued only 3.3 protection orders per 100,000 adult residents through 2021, ranking the sixth lowest among 19 states that have Red Flag laws. In comparison, Florida issues 33.6 protection orders per 100,000 adult residents. Researchers have found that for every 10 to 20 protection orders, one suicide might be averted.

SB23-170 will be heard on third reading in the Senate before moving to further consideration by the House. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Gonzales’ Bipartisan Bill to Expand Post-Conviction DNA Testing

Bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales’, D-Denver, to expand the eligibility for incarcerated people to access DNA testing after being convicted of a felony was signed into law today.

Developed in partnership with the Korey Wise Innocence Project, new law will help end wrongful convictions by expanding the use of post-conviction DNA testing

DENVER, CO – Bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales’, D-Denver, to expand the eligibility for incarcerated people to access DNA testing after being convicted of a felony was signed into law today.

Currently, an incarcerated person can motion the court for post-conviction DNA testing to prove the person's innocence only if DNA testing was not available at the time of the person's prosecution. HB23-1034, cosponsored by Senator Cleave Simpson, R-Alamosa, expands the population to include those on felony parole, registered sex offenders, those charged with a felony but not convicted by reason of insanity and those who have completed their felony prison sentence.

"Wrongful convictions are a problem in Colorado, just as they are across this country," said Gonzales. "By improving our statute and bringing it in line with other statutes around the country, we are enabling petitioners to access post-conviction DNA testing to prove their innocence, identify the actual perpetrators of the offenses, and reclaim their freedom."

The bill was developed in partnership with the Korey Wise Innocence Project, a law clinic at the University of Colorado Law School that provides free investigative and legal services to people serving time in Colorado prisons for crimes they did not commit.

Post-conviction DNA testing in Colorado was established in state statute in 2003 and has not been updated since. In the 20 years following its creation, only three people in Colorado have been exonerated for DNA-related reasons.

More information on HB23-1034 is available HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Marchman & Kolker’s Bill to Enter Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact, Get More Licensed Teachers in Colorado Schools

Senators Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, and Chris Kolker’s, D-Centennial, bill for Colorado to join the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact was signed into law by Governor Polis today.

HB23-1064 removes barriers to employment for qualified teachers looking to relocate across state borders. 

DENVER, CO – Senators Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, and Chris Kolker’s, D-Centennial, bill for Colorado to join the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact was signed into law by Governor Polis today.

HB23-1064 creates a process for out-of-state teachers to apply for Colorado teaching credentials if they are in good standing with their current state education authority, making it easier for educators from other states in the compact to relocate to Colorado and expand the state’s education workforce.

"Like many states, Colorado schools face a shortage of teachers," said Marchman. "Entering into the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact makes it easier and faster for educators looking to move to our state to teach here, which will get more teachers into Colorado classrooms and fill hiring gaps in schools across Colorado. I’m thrilled to see this signed into law, and look forward to additional member states joining the compact as well.”

“The signing of HB23-1064 makes Colorado the very first state to join the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact,”
said Kolker. “As soon as nine other states follow our lead, we can start welcoming teachers from across the country to Colorado schools, without requiring them to jump through additional coursework or licensure hurdles. This will be a huge help in addressing our educator workforce shortage and getting students the instruction they need to succeed.”

The compact will go into effect when nine additional member states enact legislation to join. A commission will govern the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact to administer the agreement and facilitate the exchange of information between member states.

A recent survey by the Colorado Education Association found 85 percent of educators felt as though the teacher shortage last year was significantly worse than previous years, and the Department of Education found almost 6,000 teaching positions, or one in ten statewide, were vacant just two years ago.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Approves Cutter, Jaquez Lewis Bill to Protect Consumers from Harmful Medical Billing Practices 

The Senate today signed off on legislation sponsored by Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, and Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, that would provide Coloradans with additional consumer protections from high interest rates for medical debt and confusing debt collection practices that lead to long-lasting debt and financial instability.

SB23-093 will cap interest rates on medical debt and provide critical protections for Coloradans 

DENVER, CO – The Senate today signed off on legislation sponsored by Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, and Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, that would provide Coloradans with additional consumer protections from high interest rates for medical debt and confusing debt collection practices that lead to long-lasting debt and financial instability.

Debt incurred from medical costs can be financially devastating for patients. When combined with high interest rates and complicated collections practices, consumers may never be able to pay off their medical debt. According to a 2022 report from the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Coloradans overall held more than $1.3 billion in medical debt and over 12 percent of Coloradans have medical debt in collections. 

“Medical debt is crushing hardworking Colorado families and limiting their ability to live the American Dream,” Cutter said. “Folks dealing with illnesses or injuries should be focused on getting better instead of worrying about how their treatment will affect their credit score. This bill will create critical new consumer protections that will put a cap on interest rates, improve accountability for providers and debt collectors, and prevent thousands of Coloradans from falling into a tangled web of medical debt, and I look forward to seeing it get signed into law.” 

“Every day, Coloradans are forced to choose between paying for necessities like food, heat, or rent and life-saving medical care,” said Jaquez Lewis. “Increasing transparency, capping interest rates, and cracking down on deceptive trade practices will be a game changer for patients seeking life-saving health care. I’m pleased that Senate Bill 93 cleared the Senate, and I look forward to fighting on behalf of the people of Colorado to bring down health care costs and ease the burden for those facing medically-incurred debt.”

SB23-093 establishes new protections for Colorado consumers burdened with medical debt by:

  • Capping the medical debt interest rate at 3 percent to keep debt from spiraling to levels where a patient is unable to pay it off.  

  • Pausing collections on medical debt as patients appeal their coverage and prohibiting reporting the debt to a consumer reporting agency until a certain amount of time after an individual fails to fulfill the terms of a payment plan.  

  • Requiring medical debt creditors or debt collectors to verify total debt owed upon request by a patient and to provide a copy of a payment plan, thereby helping consumers know just how much to properly budget for debt payments. 

  • Requiring a health care provider or health care facility to provide, upon request, an estimate of the total cost of medical services to a person who intends to self-pay for the service, helping these consumers better understand the cost of services. 

  • Reinstating the attorney general’s authority to protect consumers from deceptive trade practices related to billing practices and surprise billing.

SB23-093 will now move to the House for further consideration. You can track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: Democrats Introduce Bill to Protect Reproductive Health Care Patients and Providers, Ensure Access to Critical Care

Democrats today introduced legislation sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, and Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, that establishes that criminal prosecutions for receiving, providing, or assisting legally-protected health care - including abortion and gender-affirming care - will not be recognized by the state of Colorado.

Legislation will shield legally-protected health care providers, patients and helpers

DENVER, CO – Democrats today introduced legislation sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, and Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, that establishes that criminal prosecutions for receiving, providing, or assisting legally-protected health care - including abortion and gender-affirming care - will not be recognized by the state of Colorado.

Sponsored in the House by Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, and Rep. Brianna Titone, D-Arvada, SB23-188 also prevents Colorado from recognizing or enforcing civil lawsuits concerning protected health care that are penal in nature or without jurisdiction, and prevents Colorado state employees from participating in or assisting with interstate investigations or divulging information concerning protected health care.

“The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade unleashed a wave of anti-abortion legislation across the country, and it’s putting Coloradans' ability to access critical reproductive and gender-affirming care in jeopardy,” Gonzales said. “Any barrier to health care in our state is unacceptable and puts lives at risk. This bill will protect the people who both seek and provide that care in our state, and will ensure that Coloradans can continue to access the life-saving care they need to thrive.”

“Abortion is safe and legal in Colorado, yet every day we see threats to our fundamental rights to make our own reproductive health decisions,” said Froelich. “This bill codifies important protections to make sure our patients, providers and helpers are shielded from interstate criminal threats, retaliation and imprisonment. Accessing and providing reproductive health care isn’t a crime, and no one should face legal threats for receiving or offering these services. This bill makes clear that Colorado will never extradite a provider or patient to another state, protecting Coloradans from anti-abortion lawsuits and extreme prosecutors in other states.” 

“When we passed RHEA, Colorado became a safe haven for legal reproductive health care,” said Titone. “Nationally, our fundamental rights are under attack, and it’s our responsibility in Colorado to protect those seeking legal gender-affirming health care from vicious and outright dangerous legal overreach by other states. Having access to gender-affirming care saves lives and gives people the power to live their life unapologetically, and be true to themselves. Our bill prioritizes patients and providers, fights back against anti-abortion and anti-trans rhetoric, and protects our privacy.” 

"We must do everything we can to protect vital health care professionals in Colorado,” said Jaquez Lewis. “As a pharmacist, if I dispense certain drugs that are considered abortive care in repressive states, I could be extradited, charged with homicide and fined hundreds of thousands of dollars. I am very concerned that health care experts can no longer feel safe making medically necessary decisions."

SB23-188 will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Passes Gonzales’ Bill to Ensure Language Access for Insurance Documents

The Senate today passed Senator Julie Gonzales’, D-Denver, bill to ensure non-English speakers can read and understand critical insurance information.

Legislation would require insurers to offer policy documents in the same language they advertise in

DENVER, CO – The Senate today passed Senator Julie Gonzales’, D-Denver, bill to ensure non-English speakers can read and understand critical insurance information.

HB23-1004 would require insurers to have insurance policy information professionally translated or be certified from a professional translator in a non-English language. It also requires insurers of auto, home, and renters’ insurance to offer policy documents in the same language that is used for advertisements, and to provide the policy application, policy, and any related documents in any language upon request.

“Expanding language access requirements helps to even the playing field for non-English speakers,” Gonzales said. “I’m proud to partner with Rep. Velasco to increase language access in the insurance space, and I will continue working to implement additional consumer protections for Colorado’s non-English speaking communities.”

Last session, Gonzales sponsored the Multilingual Ballot Access for Voters law, establishing a statewide hotline to provide translation services for ballot language.

HB23-1004 now heads back to the House for concurrence of amendments. You can follow the bill’s progress HERE.

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El Senado Aprueba el Proyecto de Ley de Gonzales para Asegurar el Acceso Lingüístico a los Documentos de Seguros  

La legislación exigiría que las aseguradoras ofrezcan documentos de póliza en el mismo idioma en el que se anuncian

DENVER, CO – Hoy el Senado aprobó la propuesta de ley de la Senadora Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, para asegurar que las personas que no hablan inglés puedan leer y comprender información crítica sobre seguros.

HB23-1004 requeriría que las aseguradoras tengan la información de la póliza de seguro traducida profesionalmente o certificada por un traductor profesional en un idioma que no sea inglés. También requiere que las aseguradoras de automóviles, viviendas y seguros para inquilinos ofrezcan los documentos de la póliza en el mismo idioma que se usa para los anuncios, y que proporcionen la solicitud de la póliza, la póliza y cualquier documento relacionado en cualquier idioma que se solicite.

“Ampliar los requisitos de acceso al idioma ayuda a igualar el campo de juego para las personas que no hablan inglés”, dijo Gonzales. “Es un orgullo trabajar con la representante Velasco para aumentar el acceso lingüístico en el espacio de los seguros, y seguiré trabajando para implementar protecciones adicionales para los consumidores de las comunidades de Colorado que no hablan inglés”.

En la última sesión, Gonzales patrocinó la ley de acceso a boletas electorales multilingües para los votantes, estableciendo una línea directa en todo el estado para proporcionar servicios de traducción para el idioma de las boletas electorales.

HB23-1004 ahora regresa a la Cámara de Representantes para la aprobación de las enmiendas. Usted puede seguir el progreso del proyecto de ley aquí

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Exum’s Bill to Bolster Tax Credit Outreach Clears Committee

Today, Senator Tony Exum Sr.’s, D-Colorado Springs, bill to bolster tax credit outreach for Colorado’s working families cleared the Senate Business, Labor, and Technology Committee.

HB23-1006 would require employers to share information about federal and state earned income tax credits with employees

DENVER, CO – Today, Senator Tony Exum Sr.’s, D-Colorado Springs, bill to bolster tax credit outreach for Colorado’s working families cleared the Senate Business, Labor, and Technology Committee.

HB23-1006 would require employers to provide information about federal and state earned income tax credits and child tax credits to their employees. The notice must be provided at least once a year in English or any other language necessary to communicate with the employee.

“Colorado working families’ budgets are stretched thin, and they deserve a helping hand - but too many folks aren’t taking full advantage of the benefits they’ve earned,” Exum said. “Requiring clear, consistent information on how to access tax credits, means Coloradans will be able to keep more of their hard earned money in their pockets. I will always fight for Colorado’s working families and I’m proud to see this important bill advance.”

The bill builds on legislation from recent years to make Colorado more affordable for working-class families. Colorado Democrats passed HB20-1420 and HB21-1311, which doubled the state's Earned Income Tax Credit and funded the Child Tax Credit, saving hundreds of thousands of Colorado families money.

HB23-1006 now heads to the Senate floor for further consideration. You can follow the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: Legislative Democrats Introduce Historic Package to Secure Safe Access to Protected Health Care

Democratic lawmakers today introduced an historic package of bills that will allow all Coloradans safe access to the essential and affirming health care they need to thrive.

Bills will protect patients & providers, prohibit deceptive practices by anti-abortion centers, and ensure critical care remains affordable & accessible

DENVER, CO – Democratic lawmakers today introduced an historic package of bills that will allow all Coloradans safe access to the essential and affirming health care they need to thrive.

Democrats introduced legislation that will improve protections for patients and providers, prohibit the use of deceptive advertising by anti-abortion centers, and close access gaps related to sexually transmitted infections and abortion care.

“The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade unleashed a wave of anti-abortion legislation across the country, which puts critical reproductive care for too many of our neighbors out of reach,” Senator Julie Gonzales, D-Denver said. “I am proud to be part of the coalition championing the Safe Access to Protected Health Care package. The bills we are introducing today will protect the rights and privacy of patients and providers who seek abortion or gender affirming care, prohibit deliberate health care misinformation in our communities, and make it easier and more affordable for folks to access the health care they need to thrive.”

"This landmark package of legislation breaks down the barriers that too often prevent Coloradans from accessing our legal right to protected health care, abortion and gender affirming care,” said Rep. Brianna Titone, D-Arvada. “Our comprehensive approach to protected health care improves access to safe, legal reproductive and gender affirming health care. Our rights are under attack across the country, and it’s important for Colorado to lead the way in not only protecting access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care, but to do everything in our power to break down the inequitable economic and social barriers that stand in the way of the care people need.” 

“Everyone should be able to seek life-saving reproductive and affirming care without interference or shame - it is a fundamental expression of the American values of freedom, privacy, and self-determination that we all hold dear,” said Senator Janice Marchman, D-Longmont. “These bills represent an important step forward in our goal to keep abortion safe, transparent, and accessible in Colorado, and will help improve the health and well-being of communities across our state.”

“Abortion is legal in Colorado but legality does not equal accessibility. Lower income communities and Coloradans of color face larger barriers and a disproportionate lack of access to protected health care,” said Rep. Elisabeth Epps, D-Denver. “Today, we’re rolling out an historic reproductive health care package that will help break down systemic barriers that have made it harder for people of color in Colorado to receive the care they need. I’m proud to sponsor legislation that will improve access to health care, protect patients and providers, and stop the spread of dangerous anti-abortion misinformation to secure reproductive justice for all.”

Safe Access to Protected Health Care bills introduced Thursday include:

Protecting Health Care Patients, Providers, and Assistors

Sponsored by Sens. Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, and Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, and Reps. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, and Brianna Titone, D-Arvada, this bill establishes that criminal prosecutions for receiving, providing, or assisting legally-protected health care - including abortion and gender-affirming care - will not be recognized by the state of Colorado.

It also prevents Colorado from recognizing or enforcing civil lawsuits concerning protected health care that are penal in nature or without jurisdiction, and prevents Colorado state employees from participating in or assisting with interstate investigations or divulging information concerning protected health care.

Increasing Access to Reproductive Health Care Services 

Sponsored by Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, Sen. Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, Reps. Dafna Michaelson Jenet, D-Commerce City, and Lorena Garcia, D-Unincorporated Adams County, this bill works in several ways to close gaps in accessing reproductive health care, including abortion. It would limit surprise medical billing and remove patient cost sharing for reproductive health care services and treatment, including but not limited to sterilization, sexually transmitted infections and abortion care. 

The bill also expands access to contraception and related information for all Coloradans by modernizing a 1971 law and aligning it with Colorado’s Public Health code. It also makes it possible for patients to utilize Medicaid’s non-emergent medical transportation service to get to and from their abortion services, further breaking down accessibility barriers faced by many Colorado Medicaid patients. 

Finally, in order to protect patients’ privacy and confidentiality on shared insurance coverage, this bill further creates a state fund that providers can bill directly for their patient’s reproductive health care services. It also priotizes access to life-saving HIV medication by cutting red tape to allow any authorized provider, not only pharmacists, to offer the treatment.

Prohibiting Deceptive Practices at Anti-Abortion Centers

Sponsored by Sens. Faith Winter, D-Westminster, and Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, and Reps. Karen McCormick, D-Longmont, and Elisabeth Epps, D-Denver, this bill will protect Coloradans seeking reproductive health care by prohibiting the use of deceptive advertising by anti-abortion centers. It declares prescribing, offering, or facilitating a “medication abortion reversal” unprofessional conduct for licensed or certified health care providers.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: Democrats Introduce Legislation to Crack Down on Deceptive Practices by Anti-Abortion Centers

Democrats today introduced legislation sponsored by Senator Faith Winter, D-Westminster, and Senator Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, that will protect Coloradans seeking reproductive health care by prohibiting the use of deceptive advertising by anti-abortion centers (AACs).

Bill will prohibit deceptive advertising by anti-abortion centers

DENVER, CO – Democrats today introduced legislation sponsored by Senator Faith Winter, D-Westminster, and Senator Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, that will protect Coloradans seeking reproductive health care by prohibiting the use of deceptive advertising by anti-abortion centers (AACs).

SB23-190, also sponsored in the House by Rep. Karen McCormick, D-Longmont, and Rep. Elisabeth Epps, D-Denver, further makes prescribing, offering, or facilitating an “medication abortion reversal” unprofessional conduct for licensed or certified health care providers. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists describes “medication abortion reversal” as “unproven and unethical,” and says that “claims regarding abortion ‘reversal’ treatment are not based on science and do not meet clinical standards'' of care.

“We’ve made tremendous progress in Colorado to protect reproductive rights, but marginalized communities like people of color, low-income folks, young people, LGBTQIA+ communities, and immigrants still struggle to obtain the care they need - and AACs only make matters worse,” said Winter. “AACs use deceptive advertising practices to lure folks in and steer people away from abortions and other time-sensitive care by not providing them with the full, medically accurate spectrum of options. I’m proud of this legislation to crack down on AACs’ deceptive practices and make reproductive health care more attainable and equitable for all Coloradans.”

“Every patient deserves access to accurate medical information and the ability to make their own informed decisions about their reproductive health care,”
said McCormick. “This bill protects Coloradans from anti-abortion clinics that offer misleading, deceptive and inaccurate claims about reproductive health care and ‘medication abortion reversal’ - a dangerous practice that has been proven ineffective. Coloradans shouldn’t have to question whether or not the reproductive health care services they’re receiving are based on facts and science.”

“Anti-abortion centers present themselves as legitimate family planning reproductive health care clinics, but these fake clinics use deceptive advertising to draw in vulnerable people seeking care to harass them with biased and inaccurate information about abortions and contraceptives,”
Marchman said. “People who go to these clinics looking for help report being shamed and lied to – the exact opposite of the safe and accurate care we are beholden to protect as elected officials. The Safe Access to Reproductive Health Care Package is a proactive step we can take towards a future where Coloradans’ freedom to access essential and affirming reproductive health care is truly protected.”

“Anti-abortion centers are predatory and often target communities of color, creating substantial barriers for people trying to access reproductive health care. These deceptive practices exacerbate the already disproportionate lack of access to critical health services for lower-income Coloradans,”
said Epps. “The anti-abortion movement is spreading dangerous disinformation on abortion and reproductive health care. People should be able to trust their health care provider and anti-abortion clinics stand in the way of safe, factual reproductive health care."

In Colorado, AACs outnumber abortion-providing clinics 51 to 20. Further, AACs particularly target locations that may lack a comprehensive clinic, often posting Spanish-language billboards in neighborhoods with large immigrant populations and offering free services to low-income communities.

Anti-abortion centers are the on-the-ground presence of the national anti-abortion movement. Also known as crisis pregnancy centers, anti-abortion counseling centers, or fake clinics, AACs pose as comprehensive reproductive health care clinics to intercept patients seeking abortion care, provide false information, and prevent people from seeking abortions.

SB23-190 will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Follow the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

JOINT RELEASE: Democrats Introduce Bill to Increase Access to Reproductive Health Care, Close Access Gaps 

Democratic lawmakers in the Colorado General Assembly today introduced new legislation to improve access to reproductive health care, including abortion, and to make reproductive health care more equitable. Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, and Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, SB23-189 is part of the Safe Access to Protected Health Care Package of legislation.

Bill will make reproductive health care more accessible and affordable for all

DENVER, CO – Democratic lawmakers in the Colorado General Assembly today introduced new legislation to improve access to reproductive health care, including abortion, and to make reproductive health care more equitable. Sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, and Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, SB23-189 is part of the Safe Access to Protected Health Care Package of legislation.

Sponsored in the House by Reps. Dafna Michaelson Jenet, D-Commerce City, and Lorena Garcia, D-Unincorporated Adams County, this bill works in several ways to close gaps in accessing reproductive health care, including abortion.

“Every Coloradan deserves to be able to access the critical care they need, but for too many of our neighbors, barriers still exist that prevent them from accessing that care,” Moreno said. “Our legislation will break down those barriers, especially for vulnerable communities, and help ensure all our neighbors are able to get the life-saving care they need to thrive.”

“I paid for my abortion out-of-pocket, but financial barriers hold so many back from receiving the reproductive health care they need,” said Michealson Jenet. “This bill works to break down accessibility and equity barriers to necessary reproductive health care by reducing surprise billing, allowing eligible patients to use Medicaid’s transportation service to get to and from their abortion care appointments and by filling gaps in insurance coverage. You shouldn’t have to be privileged to receive the health care you need, and this bill makes sure Coloradans, regardless of income level, are supported in accessing abortion services.”  

“Investing in all aspects of sexual and reproductive health care is the right thing to do, both socially and economically,” said Cutter. “It is in our best interest as a society to help prevent unintended pregnancies, improve maternal health and prevent and treat sexually transmitted infections. I am thrilled to be part of legislation that will help build a healthier Colorado for everyone."

“Accessing the health care you need shouldn’t rely upon how much money you have or if you have reliable transportation,” said Garcia. “This bill makes accessing reproductive health care, including abortion and STI treatment, possible for all Coloradans – especially important for communities of color who are disproportionately impacted by high costs and a lack of access to care. This bill will break down systematic barriers rooted in racism and discrimination to help secure reproductive justice for all.” 

SB23-189 would limit surprise medical billing and remove patient cost sharing for reproductive health care services and treatment, including but not limited to sterilization, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and abortion care. 

This bill expands access to contraception and related information for all Coloradans, specifically for minors, by modernizing a 1971 law and aligning it with Colorado’s Public Health code. SB23-189 also makes it possible for patients to utilize Medicaid’s non-emergent medical transportation service (IntelliRide) to get to and from their abortion services, further breaking down accessibility barriers faced by many Colorado Medicaid patients. 

In order to protect patients’ privacy and confidentiality on shared insurance coverage, this bill further creates a state fund that providers can bill directly for their patient’s reproductive health care services. Lastly, SB23-189 prioritizes access to life-saving HIV medication by cutting red tape to allow any authorized provider, not only pharmacists, to offer the treatment.

SB23-189 will be heard in the Senate Health & Human Services Committee. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Bill to Raise Minimum Age to Purchase a Firearm to 21 Clears Committee

Legislation will help prevent young people from committing gun violence, save lives in Colorado

Legislation will help prevent young people from committing gun violence, save lives in Colorado

DENVER, CO – Legislation sponsored by Senators Kyle Mullica, D-Thornton, and Jessie Danielson, D-Wheat Ridge, that would raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm in Colorado to 21 cleared the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee today.

Under current federal law individuals must be 21 years old to purchase a handgun, but only 18 years old to purchase long guns. SB23-169 would raise the age limit to purchase any firearm to 21 with limited exceptions.

“Gun deaths in Colorado climb higher every year, and a disproportionate number of them are committed by younger Coloradans,” Mullica said. “As an ER nurse I’ve seen firsthand the devastating ways gun violence impacts our communities, which is why I am proud to champion this bill that will reduce gun violence and save lives all across our state.”

“Young people aged 12-24 make up one-fifth of the population, but commit just under half of all gun murders,” Danielson said. “There is an urgent need to do more to prevent gun violence in Colorado, and I am proud to champion this legislation that will do just that. Raising the age to purchase a firearm will keep more deadly weapons away from our youth, reduce youth suicide rates, and make our communities safer.”

“We’re here today to send a clear message to our lawmakers — it’s time to strengthen our gun laws so that kids can be kids,” said Charlotte Goldstein, a volunteer with the Denver East chapter of Students Demand Action. “Students like me are tired of living with the constant fear of gun violence. This bill will save lives in our communities, and we will continue to work hand-in-hand with our allies in the statehouse to get them across the finish line. The time to act is now.”

According to Everytown for Gun Safety, firearms are the leading cause of death for young people in the U.S. ages 18 to 20, and the firearm suicide rate among this group has increased a staggering 61 percent in the last decade. 

18 to 20-year-olds commit gun murders at triple the rate of adults 21 years and older, and peer-reviewed research shows that adolescent and post-adolescents have less capacity for mature judgment and self-control, which often leads to risky behavior and aggressive impulses.

SB23-169 now moves to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Committee Approves Legislation to Remove Overly Broad Gun Industry Immunity in Colorado

The Senate State, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee today signed off on landmark legislation sponsored by Senators Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, and Chris Kolker, D-Centennial, aimed at holding the gun industry accountable and improving gun violence survivors’ access to justice.

Legislation will allow survivors of gun violence to better pursue justice and accountability through the courts

DENVER, CO – The Senate State, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee today signed off on landmark legislation sponsored by Senators Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, and Chris Kolker, D-Centennial, aimed at holding the gun industry accountable and improving gun violence survivors’ access to justice.

Right now, gun sellers and manufacturers enjoy broad protections under federal law from most types of civil lawsuits - and Colorado law goes even further by including a punitive provision that makes victims of gun violence who sue the gun industry pay the company’s legal fees in dismissed cases. SB23-168 would remove Colorado’s overly-broad immunity protections for gun sellers and manufacturers and allow legitimate lawsuits against the gun industry to move forward.

“Colorado is home to one of the most punitive laws against gun violence survivors in the country. Colorado law gives a set of protections to the firearms industry that few other businesses have. These laws shield them from accountability and must be changed,” Jaquez Lewis said. “This legislation will level the playing field by removing those extra protections and allowing legitimate lawsuits to move forward, ensuring the gun industry is no longer given special treatment and improving gun violence survivors’ ability to seek the justice they deserve.”

“Currently, Colorado gun sellers and manufacturers are provided legal protections far beyond those for most other businesses in the state and that bar victims of gun violence from seeking justice,” Kolker said. “Removing Colorado’s overly broad gun industry immunity law will provide another avenue for survivors to pursue justice if they are harmed by irresponsible business practices.”

“Today we applaud the Colorado State Senate for moving forward with legislation addressing gun violence and protecting survivors,” said Sandy and Lonnie Phillips. “When we lost our daughter, Jessi, in the tragic shooting in Aurora in July 2012, we didn't anticipate being retraumatized by Colorado's extreme protections of the gun industry. The Gun Violence Victims' Access to Justice bill allows the families of victims to seek justice. This legislation honors Coloradans whose lives ended too soon and protects future survivors who wish to hold the gun industry accountable and we thank Senate President Fenberg, Senator Jaquez Lewis, and Senator Kolker for bringing this legislation forward.”

Civil liability plays an important role in promoting community and consumer safety, and lawsuits can help incentivize industries to take reasonable steps to prevent their products or business practices from causing foreseeable risks to human life and wellbeing. 

After their daughter was killed in the Aurora theater shooting, Sandy and Lonnie Phillips sued four online retailers that irresponsibly sold magazines, thousands of rounds of ammunition and body armor to the murderer. Under Colorado’s immunity law, they were forced to pay about $200,000 in legal fees to bulk ammunition sellers. They ended up selling their house and declaring bankruptcy.

Removing Colorado’s gun industry shield will allow survivors like the Phillips and countless others to seek appropriate justice and fair remedies via civil actions, and will give survivors and the public the opportunity to hold gun sellers and manufacturers accountable for their actions.

SB23-168 will now move to further consideration before the full Senate. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Bill to Expand and Improve Colorado’s Red Flag Law Clears Committee 

Legislation sponsored by Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Senator Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial that will expand and strengthen Colorado’s “Red Flag” law, cleared the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee today.

Bolstered ERPO policy will help de-escalate emergency situations and save lives

DENVER, CO – Legislation sponsored by Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Senator Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial that will expand and strengthen Colorado’s “Red Flag” law, cleared the Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee today.

SB23-170 will expand who is eligible to file for an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO), which will allow more qualified individuals to intervene before gun violence has a chance to occur.

“Red Flag laws are one of the most effective tools we have to prevent gun violence, but unfortunately Colorado’s Red Flag law is tragically underutilized,” Fenberg said. “This bill will strengthen our state’s Red Flag law and increase the number of individuals who can file for an extreme risk protection order, which will create more opportunities for community members to recognize when something is wrong and intervene in a way that will prevent further gun violence and save countless lives across our state.”

“Our Red Flag law has already saved lives in Colorado, but we can strengthen it so that it can be even more effective,” Sullivan said. “These common sense updates will expand and improve our Red Flag law and create more opportunities for qualified individuals to assess the danger and act appropriately to prevent further violence and ultimately save more lives.”

Originally passed by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Polis in 2019, the Zackari Parrish III Violence Prevention Act is a tool used to temporarily remove firearms from a person who a judge determines is a threat to themselves or others. Currently a petition for removal can only be filed by a family member or a law enforcement officer. SB23-170 will expand the list of individuals eligible to file an ERPO to include district attorneys and other law enforcement officials, licensed health care providers, mental health professionals, and educators. 

According to the Associated Press, Colorado has one of the lowest use rates of its Red Flag law. Colorado issued only 3.3 protection orders per 100,000 adult residents through 2021, ranking the sixth lowest among 19 states that have Red Flag laws. In comparison, Florida issues 33.6 protection orders per 100,000 adult residents. Researchers have found that for every 10 to 20 protection orders, one suicide might be averted.

SB23-170 will now be heard by the full Senate. Track the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates Holds First Meeting to Investigate High Energy Prices

Members of the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates held their first meeting today to explore the underlying causes of recent spikes in energy prices and to begin identifying strategies that can save Coloradans money on their utility bills.

Lawmakers heard expert testimony from Public Utilities Commission, consumer advocates to better understand root causes of rising rates

DENVER, CO – Members of the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates held their first meeting today to explore the underlying causes of recent spikes in energy prices and to begin identifying strategies that can save Coloradans money on their utility bills.

Committee members heard testimony and asked questions of panels of experts representing the Public Utilities Commission, the Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate, the Colorado Energy Office, and Energy Outreach Colorado to better understand the factors that influence how rates are set and how those mechanisms lead to higher costs for Coloradans.

“Recent spikes in energy prices have hit Colorado families hard, and today’s hearing highlighted just how fraught certain aspects of our current regulatory structure are,” Joint Select Committee Chair Sen. Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, said. “We’ve heard loud and clear that Coloradans are looking for relief, which is why we convened this committee so we can better understand the underlying forces behind rising utility rates and begin identifying solutions. I’m excited by the progress we made today, and I look forward to continuing our work so we can better protect consumers, improve our energy stability, and eventually save Coloradans money on their energy bills.”

"Expensive utility bills have left many Coloradans struggling to heat their homes, and today's hearing offered insight into some main drivers of pricing instability that are often invisible to customers who are left to foot the bill," said Joint Select Committee Vice Chair Rep. Chris deGruy Kennedy, D-Lakewood. "This hearing was a great first step toward building an in-depth understanding of what's causing high utility prices. High energy prices hit families and low-and middle-income folks the hardest, and it's our responsibility to shed light on how we got here, and to work together towards potential cost-saving solutions."

“Skyrocketing utility bills are adding to the stress Coloradans are already feeling as we recover from the economic challenges brought by the pandemic,” Joint Select Committee member Sen. Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County said. “Today, the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates heard from a number of experts that helped us better understand the energy landscape and factors at play in rate setting. I look forward to continuing our work to shed light on the process and get answers for the people of Colorado."

"We heard from Coloradans across the state and the message is clear — high, unpredictable energy costs are taking their toll," said Joint Select Committee member Rep. Matthew Martinez, D-Monte Vista. “Communities in Southwest Colorado are often left out of the conversation when it comes to rising energy costs, I’m proud to share and voice their concerns on this committee. The joint select committee is committed to uncovering the root causes for high energy costs and hearing from experts helped us gather a stronger understanding of what is driving costs that are passed down to consumers.”

The Committee heard testimony from the following experts:

  • Erin O'Neill, Chief Economist for the Public Utilities Commission The Public Utilities Commission regulates utilities, which involves reviewing and approving generation and transmission plans, and the rates charged to pay for them. O’Neill explained how the utility rate setting process works, and addressed the false narrative that the transition to clean energy is what’s  driving high utility rates. 

  • Joseph Pereira, Deputy Director for the Office of the Utility Consumer Advocate The Office of Utility Consumer Advocate represents consumers when utility companies want to raise rates. Pereira spoke about the Office’s work to support pro-consumer policies in utility regulation, highlighting the difficulties of doing this work in an environment of asymmetric information

  • Keith Hay, Senior Director of Policy for the Colorado Energy Office The Colorado Energy Office works to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and consumer energy costs by advancing energy efficiency. Hay discussed his office’s ongoing efforts to mitigate rate increases while advancing Colorado’s use of clean energy. 

  • Jennifer Gremmert, CEO and Executive Director of Energy Outreach Colorado Energy Outreach Colorado is a non-profit that provides utility bill payment assistance for low-income Coloradans. During today’s meeting, Gremmert shared how Energy Outreach Colorado has seen a significant increase in requests in recent months from Coloradans who need help paying their utility bills.

Convened by President Fenberg and House Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon in response to recent spikes in energy prices, the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates is working to better understand issues such as the impact of volatility in natural gas markets, the frequency and justification for rate increases sought by utilities, and other relevant factors.

The Committee’s next meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 14 at 2:00 p.m. Learn more about the Committee’s work HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Passes Bill to Promote Clean Energy

The Senate today passed Senator Lisa Cutter’s, D-Jefferson County, bill to promote the use of clean energy appliances.

Legislation would incentivize the use of clean energy appliances

DENVER, CO – The Senate today passed Senator Lisa Cutter’s, D-Jefferson County, bill to promote the use of clean energy appliances.

HB23-1134 would require home warranty contracts to include an option to replace gas-fueled appliances with electric models. The bill signals Colorado Democrats’ ongoing efforts to take strong action to combat climate change and protect our planet for future generations.

“Colorado homeowners are looking for cost-effective ways to reduce their carbon footprints and lead eco-friendly lives,” Cutter said. "This bill allows homeowners new opportunities to update their broken gas appliances with clean, electric powered appliances of their choosing. By making the simple switch to include this option in home warranty contracts, Coloradans will soon have more flexibility to make eco-friendly decisions and reduce harmful indoor emissions.”

In cases where the replacement appliance costs more than the original appliance, the homeowner may be required to pay the difference. Covered appliances include stoves, ovens, furnaces, HVAC systems, and water heaters.

HB23-1134 now heads back to the House for concurrence of amendments. You can follow the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Senate Advances Danielson’s Bill to Improve Colorado Apprenticeship Directory 

The Colorado Senate advanced legislation sponsored by Senator Jessie Danielson, D-Wheat Ridge, that would improve the Colorado Apprenticeship Directory and make it easier for Coloradans to find and apply for apprenticeships today.

SB23-146 will make it easier for Coloradans to find and apply for apprenticeships

DENVER, CO – The Colorado Senate advanced legislation sponsored by Senator Jessie Danielson, D-Wheat Ridge, that would improve the Colorado Apprenticeship Directory and make it easier for Coloradans to find and apply for apprenticeships today.

SB23-146 would require the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment to collect better, more useful information on apprenticeship programs, including information regarding each program's registration information and credentials that a worker may earn or become eligible for through the apprenticeship. 

“Colorado is facing a crippling workforce shortage that is hurting our families and our economy,” Danielson said. “Apprenticeships offer incredible opportunities to people looking to gain hands-on experience, and this bill will make finding and landing apprenticeships faster and easier than ever before.”

Established in 2019, the Colorado Apprenticeship Directory provides a comprehensive, searchable list of registered apprenticeship program sponsors that operate programs in Colorado. The Colorado Apprenticeship Directory has been a game changer in providing transparency to the public regarding registered apprenticeship opportunities in Colorado.
SB23-146 will now move to the House for further consideration. Follow the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Fenberg’s Bipartisan Bill to Save Small Businesses Money Clears Senate

Senate President Steve Fenberg’s, D-Boulder, bipartisan bill to save small businesses money by exempting them from paying retail delivery fees (RDF) today cleared the Senate.

SB23-143 will exempt small businesses from paying retail delivery fees and allow businesses to pay delivery fees on behalf of consumers 

DENVER, CO – Senate President Steve Fenberg’s, D-Boulder, bipartisan bill to save small businesses money by exempting them from paying retail delivery fees (RDF) today cleared the Senate.

Cosponsored by Senator Kevin Van Winkle, R-Highlands Ranch, SB23-143 will exempt small businesses making $500,000 or less in retail sales during the prior year from collecting RDFs. The exemption applies retroactively to July 1, 2022, when RDFs were initially implemented.

Established by SB21-260, a RDF is a $.27 fee that a business must collect from a customer for an item that was delivered to the customer. Fees are collected by the Department of Revenue and distributed to the Highway Users Tax Fund and the Multimodal Options Fund to help address Colorado’s transportation and transit needs.

“Small businesses bring valuable goods and services to our communities, create good jobs across the state, and contribute to Colorado's strong economy,” said Fenberg. “Senate Bill 143 is a win-win for small businesses and consumers alike. It helps Colorado’s small businesses continue to thrive, simplifies the delivery fee collection processes, and eases the fee burden on consumers.”

The bill also allows businesses, regardless of sales revenue, to pay RDFs on behalf of the consumer, creating a more streamlined, cost-efficient model for businesses and consumers.

SB23-143 now heads to the House for further consideration. You can follow the bill’s progress HERE.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Mullica’s Bipartisan Bill to Increase Access to Community Health Care Services Passes Committee

Senator Kyle Mullica’s, D-Thornton, bill to expand access to community health services through Medicaid reimbursement cleared the Senate Health and Human Services Committee yesterday.

Legislation would support community health care workers through Medicaid reimbursements

DENVER, CO – Senator Kyle Mullica’s, D-Thornton, bill to expand access to community health services through Medicaid reimbursement cleared the Senate Health and Human Services Committee yesterday.

Cosponsored by Senator Cleave Simpson, R-Alamosa, SB23-002 would authorize the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to seek federal authorization from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to provide Medicaid reimbursement for community health worker services, which would make urgently-needed care both easier to access and more affordable for the Coloradans who depend on it.

“As an emergency room nurse, I know community health workers can enhance the level of care experienced by a patient by monitoring their symptoms, educating the patient and their family, and so much more,” Mullica said. "Colorado is now one step closer to joining the 15 other states that have made it easier to obtain this essential service.”

Services provided by community health workers include preventative services, screening, and assessments, and health coaching and advocacy. The bill requires HCPF to seek federal approval by July 1, 2024, and to begin implementing coverage once approval is received.

SB23-002 now heads to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. You can follow the bill’s progress HERE.

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