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Senate Approves Moreno’s Bill to Link Housing, Transportation and Land Use
The Senate today gave final approval to legislation sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, to put Colorado on track towards creating housing opportunities for every budget.
Moreno: “We’ve got to do more to address this crisis, and this bill represents an important step that will help us prioritize smart growth, gather badly-needed data, and meet our housing goals”
DENVER, CO – The Senate today gave final approval to legislation sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, to put Colorado on track towards creating housing opportunities for every budget.
SB23-213 will implement a statewide housing needs assessment and set housing goals at the statewide, regional, and local levels to create a framework that encourages housing and sustainable growth near jobs and transit.
“Working Coloradans are tired of being priced out of where they live, and SB 213 will help create more sustainable housing growth by linking housing, transportation, and land use planning across our state,” Moreno said. “We’ve got to do more to address this crisis, and this bill will help us gather badly-needed data, prioritize strategic growth across the state, and meet our housing goals so that every Coloradan can find an affordable place to call home.”
In addition to implementing the Housing Needs Assessments and local and regional housing needs plans, SB23-213 will:
Provide technical assistance and grant funding to local governments to help create and update housing needs plans and comprehensive plans.
Remove restrictions on residential occupancy limits based on familial relationships, which historically have had a disproportionate impact on communities of color.
Remove restrictions on modular and manufactured homes to build more housing now
Promote water efficiency by requiring local governments to account for water in their comprehensive plans and by encouraging utility providers to adopt water allocation policies as a housing affordability strategy.
Create statewide strategic growth objectives to balance water availability and efficiency goals, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution reduction goals, and other goals.
SB23-213 will now move to the House for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.
Senate Signs Off on Fields, Hansen Bill to Prevent Gun Violence, Crack Down on Ghost Guns
The Senate today signed off on legislation sponsored by Senators Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Chris Hansen, D-Denver, aimed at preventing further gun violence and cracking down on “ghost guns” in Colorado.
SB23-279 will prohibit the possession, sale, or transfer of unserialized firearms, frames, and receivers
DENVER, CO – The Senate today signed off on legislation sponsored by Senators Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Chris Hansen, D-Denver, aimed at preventing further gun violence and cracking down on “ghost guns” in Colorado. Ghost guns are unregulated, untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home, often through DIY kits or downloadable blueprints. They are designed to avoid all gun laws, and are available to purchase without a background check, serial number, sale record, or other protections.
SB23-279 will prohibit the possession, sale, or transfer of an unserialized firearm, frame or receiver. It also prohibits manufacturing a frame or receiver, unless done by a federally licensed firearm manufacturer, including via a 3D printer.
“Ghost guns are untraceable, unserialized weapons that anyone can make or assemble in their own home - and they’re extremely dangerous,” Fields said. “We’ve worked hard this session to make Colorado safer and prevent gun violence, and this bill is a big step towards reaching that goal. I’m proud to champion this legislation that will prevent ghost guns from causing further violence in our communities and create a safer Colorado for us all.”
“Right now it’s far too easy for young people in Colorado and others who shouldn’t possess firearms to access them, and ghost guns are a huge part of that problem,” Hansen said. “Nearly anyone can order the parts or have them 3D printed, and within minutes have access to a fully functional, untraceable firearm. By cracking down on ghost guns, we can get these dangerous weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them, reducing gun violence and increasing safety across our state.”
Under the bill, if an individual has an unserialized firearm, frame or receiver, they have until January 1, 2024 to have it serialized. It also prohibits the possession of a “machine gun conversion device” which turns a firearm into a machine gun and imposes the same penalties as in current law for possessing a machine gun.
SB23-279 will now move to the House for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.
ICYMI: Health & Human Services Approves Bill To Save Coloradans Money on Hospital Costs
Yesterday the Senate Health and Human Services Committee approved Senators Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, and Kyle Mullica’s, D-Thornton, bill to prohibit certain facility fees.
HB23-1215 would prohibit hospitals from charging certain hidden facility fees
DENVER, CO – Yesterday the Senate Health and Human Services Committee approved Senators Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, and Kyle Mullica’s, D-Thornton, bill to prohibit certain facility fees.
HB23-1215 would prohibit certain health care providers from charging hidden facility fees on top of the health care services they are already being charged to cover operating costs. Providers would also be required to disclose information about facility fees to consumers and post this information in their facilities. The bill would make it a deceptive trade practice to not share facility fee information to patients.
“Medical debt is already a leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States; it is not acceptable that Coloradans are being burdened with unnecessary costs they should not be responsible for,” said Cutter. “Facility fees can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars and are impossible for families to plan for, since they are often unexpected. Further examining and addressing facility fees, and requiring additional transparency, will help save Coloradans money and allow them to better plan and budget for necessary medical care."
“Most Coloradans are unable to afford hundreds or thousands of dollars of surprise hidden fees,” Mullica said. “Surprise fees make it difficult for Coloradans to budget for health care services, deterring people from seeking the care they need altogether. Prohibiting certain facility fees will help protect patients and provide much needed relief for Colorado families.”
HB23-1215 would require the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) to produce a report by December 1, 2023 that outlines the impacts of facility fees to better understand what these fees cover and how these fees impact patient cost and patient health. HCPF would also be required to produce an annual report to improve data collection on facility fees and to increase transparency on the effects of these added costs.
HB23-1215 now heads to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. You can follow the bill’s progress HERE.
SIGNED! Bill to Allow Victims of Gun Violence to Seek Justice Becomes Law
Governor Jared Polis today signed common sense gun violence prevention legislation sponsored by Senators Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Boulder, and Chris Kolker, D-Centennial, and Representatives Javier Mabrey, D-Denver, and Jennifer Parenti, D-Erie, to create new avenues for victims of gun violence to pursue justice.
Legislation removes protections for firearm industry that prevent gun violence survivors from pursuing accountability in civil court
DENVER, CO - Governor Jared Polis today signed common sense gun violence prevention legislation sponsored by Senators Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Boulder, and Chris Kolker, D-Centennial, and Representatives Javier Mabrey, D-Denver, and Jennifer Parenti, D-Erie, to create new avenues for victims of gun violence to pursue justice.
“Colorado used to be home to one of the most punitive laws against gun violence survivors in the country, laws that shielded them from accountability and needed to be changed,” said Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont. “This new law will level the playing field by removing those extra protections and allowing legitimate lawsuits to move forward, ensuring the gun industry is no longer given special treatment and improving gun violence survivors’ ability to seek the justice they deserve.”
“Colorado’s laws gave the firearm industry extreme and unjust legal protections that have prevented gun violence victims from seeking accountability,” said Rep. Javier Mabrey, D-Denver. “By removing these excessive legal protections that aren’t afforded to the vast majority of other industries, we’re ensuring that Coloradans can hold bad actors accountable. I’m proud that Colorado law will now allow victims of gun violence to seek the justice they deserve.”
“Previously, Colorado gun sellers and manufacturers were provided legal protections far beyond those for most other businesses in the state and that prevented victims of gun violence from seeking justice,” Senator Chris Kolker, D-Centennial, said. “Removing Colorado’s overly broad gun industry immunity law will provide another avenue for survivors to pursue justice if they are harmed by irresponsible business practices.”
“This law ends excessive immunity protections for the firearms industry and creates new avenues for gun violence victims to seek justice through the courts," said Rep. Jennifer Parenti, D-Erie. "I'm hoping the ability to hold the firearms industry accountable when they break Colorado law will encourage them to be more active partners with us in the fight to end gun violence in our communities."
Right now, gun sellers and manufacturers enjoy broad protections under the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act from most types of civil lawsuits. Colorado law goes even further by including a punitive provision that forces victims of gun violence who sue the gun industry to pay the company’s legal fees in dismissed cases. SB23-168 removes Colorado’s overly-broad immunity protections for gun sellers and manufacturers and allows legitimate lawsuits against the gun industry to move forward.
After their daughter was killed in the Aurora movie theater shooting, Sandy and Lonnie Phillips sued four online retailers that irresponsibly sold magazines, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and body armor to the murderer. Under Colorado’s immunity law, they were forced to pay around $200,000 in legal fees to bulk ammunition sellers. They ended up selling their house and declared bankruptcy. SB23-168 is named the “Jessi Redfield Ghawi’s Act for Gun Violence Victims’ Access to Justice and Firearms Industry Accountability” in honor of Sandy and Lonnie Phillips’ daughter.
Removing Colorado’s gun industry shielded liability will allow survivors, like the Phillips and countless others, to seek appropriate justice and fair remedies via civil actions and will give survivors the opportunity to hold gun sellers and manufacturers accountable for their actions.
SIGNED! Bill to Require a Waiting Period to Prevent Gun Violence Becomes Law
Legislation sponsored by Senators Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial, and Chris Hansen, D-Denver, and Representatives Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, and Judy Amabile, D-Boulder, to create a minimum three day waiting period to delay immediate access to a firearm and save lives from gun violence was signed into law today.
New law requires a three-day waiting period before firearm purchase
DENVER, CO - Legislation sponsored by Senators Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial, and Chris Hansen, D-Denver, and Representatives Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, and Judy Amabile, D-Boulder, to create a minimum three day waiting period to delay immediate access to a firearm and save lives from gun violence was signed into law today.
“Waiting periods are a successful tool that are proven to prevent suicide and death by firearm,” said Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood. “Widely supported by gun owners, waiting periods can provide an opportunity to intervene before an impulsive act of violence is committed. This legislation is one of many ways that we’re addressing gun violence in Colorado and making our communities a safer place to live.”
“Previously, if you wanted to get your hands on a gun, you could do so with near immediacy,” said Senator Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial. “Whether you intend to harm yourself or others, waiting periods on firearm purchases delay immediate access to weapons and cut down on impulsive acts of violence. I’m proud to champion this new law that will save lives and create safer communities for all Coloradans.”
“Waiting periods are a necessary buffer when someone in a crisis wants a gun to cause harm to themselves or others,” said Rep. Judy Amabile, D-Boulder. “My son’s life was spared because his background check was delayed when he went to our local gun store. To this day, he is grateful that he didn’t have instant access to a firearm at that moment. I'm confident that this legislation will help save other Colorado lives from senseless and preventable gun death.”
“A cooling off period could be the difference between life and death for a person in the midst of a mental health crisis,” Senator Chris Hansen, D-Denver, said. “This legislation is backed by research and will reduce gun deaths by suicide and homicide. I’m incredibly proud of Colorado’s leadership on this issue and am proud to take this meaningful step to reduce the epidemic of gun violence.”
Research shows that creating a waiting period for purchasing a firearm has led to a 7 to 11 percent reduction in suicides by firearm and a 17 percent reduction in firearm-related homicides. In 2020, Colorado had the seventh highest suicide rate in the US, and in 2021, there were 740 suicides by firearm in Colorado, accounting for more than half of all suicides in the state. From 2014 to 2019, the number of firearm deaths in Colorado was greater than deaths from motor vehicle crashes and opioid overdoses. Among firearm deaths, more than 75 percent were caused by intentional self-harm or suicide.
Current law mandates that a background check is complete before a firearm can be transferred, which often takes less than three days. HB23-1219 requires a gun seller to wait for an approved background check or three days from the initiation of the background check, whichever is later, before delivering a gun to the purchaser. Creating a waiting period delays immediate access to firearms and can help prevent impulsive acts of violence, including suicides, homicides and assaults. Mandatory waiting periods are supported by 72 percent of gun owners.
Transferring a firearm prior to the expiration of the waiting period would be a civil infraction punishable by a $500 fine for the first offense, and a $500 to $5,000 fine for a second or any subsequent offenses.
The bill would not apply to antique firearms. It also exempts the transfer of a firearm between an active duty military servicemember and their family who is set to deploy overseas. Local governments may establish a waiting period greater than 3 days.
SIGNED! Bill to Raise Minimum Age to Purchase a Firearm to 21 Becomes Law
Legislation that would raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm in Colorado to 21 was signed into law today.
Legislation will help prevent young people from committing gun violence, save lives in Colorado
DENVER, CO – Legislation that would raise the minimum age to purchase a firearm in Colorado to 21 was signed into law today.
Under current federal law individuals must be 21 years old to purchase a handgun, but only 18 years old to purchase long guns. SB23-169, sponsored by Senators Kyle Mullica, D-Thornton, and Jessie Danielson, D-Wheat Ridge, and House Minority Leader Monica Duran, D-Wheat Ridge, and Rep. Eliza Hamrick, D-Centennial, would raise the age limit to purchase any firearm to 21 with limited exceptions.
“Gun deaths in Colorado climb higher every year, and a disproportionate number of them are committed by younger Coloradans,” Mullica said. “As an ER nurse I’ve seen firsthand the devastating ways gun violence impacts our communities, which is why I am proud to champion this new law that will reduce gun violence and save lives all across our state.”
“Gun violence is traumatic for anyone to experience, let alone for a child or young adult,” Duran said. “As a survivor of domestic violence and gun intimidation at a young age, I know firsthand how critical it is to prevent our youth from being put in a life or death situation because a firearm was too easily accessible. By increasing the minimum age to purchase a gun, we can prevent suicides and gun violence and keep our Colorado kids and communities safer.”
“Young people aged 12-24 make up one-fifth of the population, but commit just under half of all gun murders,” Danielson said. “There is an urgent need to do more to prevent gun violence in Colorado, and I am proud to champion this legislation that does just that. Raising the age to purchase a firearm will keep more deadly weapons away from our youth, reduce youth suicide rates, and make our communities safer.”
“Having been a teacher for over 30 years, so many of my students have grown up fearing the constant threat of gun violence – sadly, they are known as the lockdown generation,” Hamrick said. “From countless active shooter events to losing peers to suicide, Colorado youth are forced to grapple with gun violence from a very young age. I’m proud of the work we’ve done to implement this commonsense gun violence prevention policy into Colorado law to keep firearms away from our youth and our children, making our schools and communities safer.”
According to Everytown for Gun Safety, firearms are the leading cause of death for young people in the U.S. ages 18 to 20, and the firearm suicide rate among this group has increased a staggering 61 percent in the last decade.
SIGNED! Landmark Legislation to Expand and Improve Colorado’s Red Flag Law
Governor Jared Polis today signed into law landmark legislation that will expand and strengthen Colorado’s “Red Flag” law.
Bolstered ERPO policy will help de-escalate emergency situations and save lives
DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed into law landmark legislation that will expand and strengthen Colorado’s “Red Flag” law.
SB23-170, sponsored by Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Senator Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial, and House Assistant Majority Leader Jennifer Bacon, D-Denver, and Rep. Mike Weissman, D-Aurora, will expand who is eligible to file for an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO), which will allow more qualified individuals to intervene before gun violence has a chance to occur.
“Red Flag laws are one of the most effective tools we have to prevent gun violence, but unfortunately Colorado’s Red Flag law is tragically underutilized,” Fenberg said. “This new law will strengthen our state’s Red Flag law and increase the number of individuals who can file for an extreme risk protection order, which will create more opportunities for community members to recognize when something is wrong and intervene in a way that will prevent further gun violence and save countless lives across our state.”
“This expansion of Colorado’s Extreme Risk Protection Order will improve one of the best tools we have to help prevent more Coloradans from being a victim of the next gun violence tragedy,” Bacon said. “Now, more qualified individuals will be able to file a petition if they believe someone poses a serious threat to the community. This law brings us one step closer to keeping guns out of the hands of those who would do harm to themselves or others.”
“Our Red Flag law has already saved lives in Colorado, and this commonsense law will strengthen it so that it can be even more effective,” Sullivan said. “Expanding and improving our Red Flag law will create more opportunities for qualified individuals to assess the danger and act appropriately to prevent further violence and ultimately save more lives.”
“Since Colorado passed the Red Flag law in 2019, it has been an effective yet underutilized tool to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals,” Weissman said. “Teachers, licensed mental health professionals, district attorneys, and medical professionals throughout our communities often have insight into the potential dangers that someone poses, making them essential in Colorado’s fight against gun violence. With this bill being signed into law today, we’re improving awareness of this tool and expanding eligibility to file a petition so we can reduce deaths by suicide and protect more Coloradans from the threat of gun violence.”
Originally passed by the legislature and signed into law by Governor Polis in 2019, the Zackari Parrish III Violence Prevention Act is a tool used to temporarily remove firearms from a person who a judge determines is a threat to themselves or others. Currently a petition for removal can only be filed by a family member or a law enforcement officer. SB23-170 will expand the list of individuals eligible to file an ERPO to include District Attorneys and other law enforcement officials, licensed health care providers, mental health professionals, and educators.
According to the Associated Press, Colorado has one of the lowest use rates of its Red Flag law. Colorado issued only 3.3 protection orders per 100,000 adult residents through 2021, ranking the sixth lowest among 19 states that have Red Flag laws. In comparison, Florida issues 33.6 protection orders per 100,000 adult residents. Researchers have found that for every 10 to 20 protection orders, one suicide might be averted.
Committee Advances Pair of Bills to Save Money on Prescription Drugs, Improve Hospital Transparency
The Senate Health & Human Services Committee today advanced a pair of bills that will save Colorado families money on prescription drugs and improve transparency for hospitals.
DENVER, CO – The Senate Health & Human Services Committee today advanced a pair of bills that will save Colorado families money on prescription drugs and improve transparency for hospitals.
HB23-1201, sponsored by Senator Kyle Mullica, D-Thornton, would lower prescription drug costs by cracking down on pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) who charge employers one price for prescription drugs and reimburse pharmacies for less, and pocket the difference in a practice known as spread pricing.
“Prescription drugs in Colorado are sometimes too expensive for working families to afford, and that’s unacceptable,” Mullica said. “Prohibiting pharmacy benefit managers from skimming profits off the top of prescription drug prices will keep more money in the pockets of hardworking Colorado families and help more folks afford the lifesaving medication they need to survive.”
The HHS committee also advanced HB23-1218, sponsored by Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, which requires certain health care facilities to share details with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) of the health care services they provide.
The bill requires CDPHE to create forms to compile a list of services that a health care facility may deny for non-medical reasons, like abortion and gender-affirming care.
“Every Coloradan deserves quality care that meets their needs and allows them to thrive,” Jaquez Lewis said. “Shining a light on which health care services Colorado hospitals provide - and which services they deny - will help Coloradans make more informed choices about where they receive their health care.”
The forms will be shared with the public biannually so they have a better understanding of facilities that meet their specific health care needs. Providers must also make their forms available to their patients to disclose the care they offer due to the informed consent process.
HB23-1201 and HB23-1218 will both move to further consideration before the Senate Appropriations Committee. Track HB23-1201’s progress HERE, and HB23-1218’s progress HERE.
Moreno’s Bill to Link Housing, Transportation and Land Use Advances
The Senate today advanced legislation on second reading sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, to put Colorado on track towards creating housing opportunities for every budget.
Moreno: “We’ve got to do more to address this crisis, and this bill will help us gather badly-needed data, prioritize strategic growth across the state, and meet our housing goals"
DENVER, CO – The Senate today advanced legislation on second reading sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, to put Colorado on track towards creating housing opportunities for every budget.
SB23-213 will implement a statewide housing needs assessment and set housing goals at the statewide, regional, and local levels to create a framework that encourages housing and sustainable growth near jobs and transit.
“Working Coloradans are tired of being priced out of where they live, and SB 213 will help create more sustainable housing growth by linking housing, transportation, and land use planning across our state,” Moreno said. “We’ve got to do more to address this crisis, and this bill will help us gather badly-needed data, prioritize strategic growth across the state, and meet our housing goals so that every Coloradan can find an affordable place to call home.”
In addition to implementing the Housing Needs Assessments and local and regional housing needs plans, SB23-213 will:
Provide technical assistance and grant funding to local governments to help create and update housing needs plans and comprehensive plans.
Remove restrictions on residential occupancy limits based on familial relationships, which historically have had a disproportionate impact on communities of color.
Remove restrictions on modular and manufactured homes to build more housing now
Promote water efficiency by requiring local governments to account for water in their comprehensive plans and by encouraging utility providers to adopt water allocation policies as a housing affordability strategy.
Create statewide strategic growth objectives to balance water availability and efficiency goals, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution reduction goals, and other goals.
SB23-213 will now be heard on third reading in the Senate before moving to the House for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.
Fields, Hansen Bill to Prevent Gun Violence, Crack Down on Ghost Guns Earns Initial Senate Sign Off
The Senate today gave initial approval on second reading to legislation sponsored by Senators Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Chris Hansen, D-Denver, aimed at preventing further gun violence and cracking down on “ghost guns” in Colorado.
SB23-279 will prohibit the possession, sale, or transfer of unserialized firearms, frames, and receivers
DENVER, CO – The Senate today gave initial approval on second reading to legislation sponsored by Senators Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Chris Hansen, D-Denver, aimed at preventing further gun violence and cracking down on “ghost guns” in Colorado. Ghost guns are unregulated, untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home, often through DIY kits or downloadable blueprints. They are designed to avoid all gun laws, and are available to purchase without a background check, serial number, sale record, or other protections.
SB23-279 will prohibit the possession, sale, or transfer of an unserialized firearm, frame or receiver. It also prohibits manufacturing a frame or receiver, unless done by a federally licensed firearm manufacturer, including via a 3D printer.
“Ghost guns are untraceable, unserialized weapons that anyone can make or assemble in their own home - and they’re extremely dangerous,” Fields said. “We’ve worked hard this session to make Colorado safer and prevent gun violence, and this bill is a big step towards reaching that goal. I’m proud to champion this legislation that will prevent ghost guns from causing further violence in our communities and create a safer Colorado for us all.”
“Right now it’s far too easy for young people in Colorado and others who shouldn’t possess firearms to access them, and ghost guns are a huge part of that problem,” Hansen said. “Nearly anyone can order the parts or have them 3D printed, and within minutes have access to a fully functional, untraceable firearm. By cracking down on ghost guns, we can get these dangerous weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them, reducing gun violence and increasing safety across our state.”
Under the bill, if an individual has an unserialized firearm, frame or receiver, they have until January 1, 2024 to have it serialized. It also prohibits the possession of a “machine gun conversion device”, which turns a firearm into a machine gun and imposes the same penalties as in current law for possessing a machine gun.
SB23-279 will now be heard on third reading before moving to the House for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.
SIGNED! Gonzales’ Bipartisan Bill to Open Doors to Law Enforcement Opportunities for Immigrants
Today, Governor Jared Polis signed into law Senator Julie Gonzales’, D-Denver, bipartisan bill to open up job opportunities for Deferred Action for Children Arrivals (DACA) recipients within law enforcement.
HB23-1143 authorizes law enforcement agencies to allow DACA recipients to carry firearms as peace officers
DENVER, CO – Today, Governor Jared Polis signed into law Senator Julie Gonzales’, D-Denver, bipartisan bill to open up job opportunities for Deferred Action for Children Arrivals (DACA) recipients within law enforcement.
Currently, DACA recipients are unable to possess or carry a firearm. For DACA recipients who want a career in law enforcement, this drastically hinders their ability to get hired. HB23-1143, cosponsored by Senator Barb Kirkmeyer, R-Brighton, allows law enforcement agencies to amend their policies, in compliance with federal law, to allow DACA recipients to carry firearms in order to work in law enforcement.
“We’ve heard time and time again that police departments and local law enforcement agencies are hurting for staffing all while DACA recipients are asking to protect and serve their community,” Gonzales said. “In my district and throughout the state, qualified individuals with bilingual skills and an understanding of their community and culture currently have no pathway to serve as law enforcement officials. This bill will help open the door for immigrants to serve their communities in new ways, and I’m proud to see it signed into law.”
Eligible immigrants, including DACA recipients and individuals who’ve applied for asylum, will be allowed to attend peace officer training academies. The bill also requires law enforcement agencies to notify the Peace Officer Standards and Training Board that the DACA recipients are in compliance with firearm policies while attending an academy.
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¡Firmado! Proyecto de Ley Bipartidista de la Senadora Gonzales para Abrir Puertas a Oportunidades en las Fuerzas del Orden para Inmigrantes
La HB23-1143 autoriza a los cuerpos policiales permitir que los beneficiarios de DACA porten armas de fuego como agentes del orden público
DENVER, CO – Hoy, el gobernador Polis firmó el proyecto de ley bipartidista de la Senadora Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, que abre oportunidades laborales para los beneficiarios de la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) dentro de las fuerzas del orden.
Actualmente, los beneficiarios de DACA no pueden poseer o portar un arma de fuego. Para los beneficiarios de DACA que desean una carrera en las fuerzas del orden, esto dificulta drásticamente la capacidad para ser contratados. La HB23-1143 que fue co-patrocinada por la Senadora Barb Kirkmeyer, R-Brighton, permite a los cuerpos policiales modificar sus políticas, de conformidad con la ley federal, para permitir que los beneficiarios de DACA porten armas de fuego para trabajar en las fuerzas del orden.
“Hemos escuchado una y otra vez que los departamentos de policía y las agencias policiales locales están sufriendo por la falta de personal, mientras que los beneficiarios de DACA piden proteger y servir a su comunidad”, dijo Gonzales. “En mi distrito y en todo el estado, las personas calificadas con habilidades bilingües y una comprensión de su comunidad y cultura actualmente no tienen camino para servir como agentes del orden público. Este proyecto de ley abre la puerta para que los inmigrantes sirvan a sus comunidades de nuevas maneras y estoy orgullosa de verlo convertido en ley”.
Los inmigrantes elegibles, incluidos los beneficiarios de DACA y las personas que solicitaron asilo, podrán asistir a las academias de capacitación de oficiales del orden público. El proyecto de ley también requiere que las fuerzas del orden notifiquen a la Junta de Capacitación y Estándares de Oficiales de Paz que los beneficiarios de DACA cumplen con las políticas de armas de fuego mientras asisten a una academia.
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SIGNED! Pair of Bills to Improve School Safety Become Law
Governor Jared Polis today signed a pair of bills into law today as part of Democrats’ ongoing effort to improve safety in public schools.
DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed a pair of bills into law today as part of Democrats’ ongoing effort to improve safety in public schools.
SB23-070, sponsored by Senator Chris Kolker, D-Centennial, would require school resource officers (SROs) to complete ongoing training from the Attorney General’s office on Safe2Tell, improving school safety and ensuring that tips received through the program are responded to promptly and appropriately.
“As a parent, keeping our students and our schools safe is one of my top priorities, and the Safe2Tell program is a critical avenue for kids to report issues and concerns they are having in school or at home,” Kolker said. “But in order for the program to work best, the adults receiving this information must have the best training possible. This new law will ensure that school resource officers are well-equipped to handle these tough situations, and will make our schools and our communities safer as a result.”
Trainings would include discussions on best practices in responding to Safe2Tell reports, improved communication regarding reports, and ongoing training resources to improve SRO support for students and staff.
Safe2Tell is a critical safety reporting program that provides students, parents, and community members a safe and anonymous way to report information about any issues that concern their safety or the safety of others.
Polis also signed SB23-241, sponsored by Senator Jeff Bridges, D-Greenwood Village, which creates the Office of School Safety, helping schools prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and crisis situations by offering training and other supportive services.
"Kids can’t learn when they don’t feel safe," said Bridges. "I had a friend who hid in the choir room at Columbine for hours. A few years after I graduated from Arapahoe High School, Claire Davis was killed there, and Kendrick Castillo died protecting his classmates at the STEM school just steps outside of my district. School safety is deeply personal to me and my constituents. This bill dramatically expands the capabilities of our existing school safety programs, and puts them together so they have the collaboration, communication, and coordination they need to more effectively keep Colorado kids safe."
SB23-241 also tasks the Office of School Safety with overseeing the School Safety Resource Center, implementing a newly created crisis response unit to help schools in responding to a crisis or emergency event, overseeing the School Access for Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program, and administering a new Youth Violence Prevention Grant Program to provide grants of up to $100,000 to schools, community organizations and local governments to address youth violence.
Fenberg’s Bill To Expand Clean Energy & Save Coloradans Money Clears Committee
Senate President Steve Fenberg’s, D-Boulder, bill to implement tax incentives to reduce the costs of adopting clean energy technologies for Colorado residents and businesses cleared the Senate Finance Committee today.
HB23-1272 includes approximately $60 million in annual tax credits and incentives for businesses and consumers for decarbonization investments
DENVER, CO – Senate President Steve Fenberg’s, D-Boulder, bill to implement tax incentives to reduce the costs of adopting clean energy technologies for Colorado residents and businesses cleared the Senate Finance Committee today.
HB23-1272 is part of a package of legislation to incentivize the adoption of clean energy technologies and build upon federal initiatives to save Coloradans money, create good-paying jobs, and help the state meet its climate goals.
The bill includes incentives to advance and adopt clean transportation methods, high-efficiency heat pumps, geothermal electricity development, and measures to reduce industrial emissions. Tax incentives in the bill are expected to average around $65 million each year with individual elements ramping up or down over time depending on available technologies and economic conditions.
“Colorado has become a national leader in promoting clean energy technologies, but there’s much more we can do,” said Fenberg. “In order to further our commitment to our climate goals, we must do more to make adopting clean energy technology a feasible and attractive option for Coloradans – no matter their zip code or income level. The tax credits we’re working to pass this year will save Colorado residents and businesses money, help us meet our climate goals, and improve Colorado’s air quality.”
HB23-1272 would:
Extend and expand electric vehicle tax credits and create an additional $2,500 credit for electric vehicles under $35,000.
Continue the innovative truck tax credit for electric and plug-in hybrid electric trucks, with the credit ranging between $5,000 and $10,000 depending on the truck’s weight starting in 2024.
Create an $500 refundable income tax credit for bicycle retailers for the sale of qualifying e-bikes so that retailers can offer immediate price reductions to purchasers.
Design a refundable income tax credit for the installation of heat pump technology in residential and nonresidential buildings. The credits would vary based on the type and use of the heat pump.
Extends incentives for industrial and manufacturing facilities in Colorado to reduce air pollution through various qualifying efficiency, onsite energy generation, carbon capture, electrification, and other eligible measures.
Create the refundable sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production facility tax credit worth up to $1-3 million annually for the costs of constructing a SAF production facility.
The bill compliments and builds on incentives included in the Federal Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and to help residents and businesses maximize their ability to bring federal dollars to Colorado.
HB23-1272 now heads to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. You can follow the bill’s progress HERE.
Fields & Hinrichsen Bill to Improve Healthy Food Access Earns Senate Approval
Today, a bill sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Senator Nick Hinrichsen, D-Pueblo, to modify food related tax credits was approved by the Senate.
HB23-1008 creates tax credits for small food businesses and farms to improve access to local, fresh produce
DENVER, CO – Today, a bill sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Senator Nick Hinrichsen, D-Pueblo, to modify food related tax credits was approved by the Senate.
HB23-1008 creates a refundable income tax credit for small food businesses and local farms to cover up to 85 percent of the cost to buy new systems and equipment, and will pay for a majority of the program by closing tax loopholes that allow businesses to deduct meal and drink expenses from their taxable income. For FY 2023-24, the bill also funds healthy eating program incentives.
“Working people in my district and across the state don’t get a tax break on their lunches, and too many of them don’t have enough to eat at all," said Fields. “I am happy to close this tax loophole that only benefits the wealthiest Coloradans, and redirect the funds toward addressing food insecurity so that more Coloradans can afford to put food on the table.”
“Family owned farms and food retailers need our support more than corporate boardrooms," said Hinrichsen. “This bill will reduce hunger and strengthen local supply chains in urban and rural parts of Colorado, with a minimal impact on state finances.”
The bill expands on a bipartisan law from last session to improve access to healthy foods in low income and underserved communities. Ending the tax loophole that allows for big businesses to deduct meals from their state taxes will enable the state to transfer $1 million annually to the Healthy Food Incentive Fund, helping local businesses afford critical equipment and removing financial barriers to nutrition.
HB23-1008 now moves back to the House for concurrence on amendments. To follow the bill’s progress, click HERE.
Buckner Bill to Make Colorado Safer, Extend Successful Public Safety Programs Clears Senate
Legislation sponsored by Senator Janet Buckner, D-Aurora, that would extend and expand key public safety programs cleared the Senate today.
Buckner: “I’m proud to champion these important programs, and I look forward to creating a safer Colorado for us all.”
DENVER, CO – Legislation sponsored by Senator Janet Buckner, D-Aurora, that would extend and expand key public safety programs cleared the Senate today.
SB23-277 would extend the Safer Streets Grant Program created by SB22-001, and make changes to a pair of public safety programs established by SB22-145 to expand their reach and help law enforcement officials recruit and retain more officers in order to keep Colorado safe.
“Every Coloradan deserves to feel safe - but right now too many of our neighbors don’t have that luxury,” Buckner said. “We worked hard last year to implement evidence-based solutions to improve public safety, and this bill will strengthen and expand those critical programs. I’m proud to champion these important programs, and I look forward to creating a safer Colorado for us all.”
SB23-277 extends the Safer Streets Grant Program and allows the $10.3 million appropriated last year to be expended past FY 2022-2023. The Safer Streets Grant Program helps local governments make critical upgrades to neighborhoods, such as better lighting for increased visibility and improved design of the built physical environment, that help prevent crime and create safer communities.
SB23-277 also makes changes to two grant programs created by SB22-145. The bill would allow grants from the Law Enforcement Workforce Recruitment, Retention & Tuition Grant Program to be used for child care for peace officers, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training, partnerships with schools to develop internship programs or youth programs, and education campaigns for law enforcement recruitment assistance.
SB23-277 makes similar changes to the State’s Mission for Assistance in Recruitment and Training (SMART) grant program, allowing grants to be used for the same purposes added to the other two grant programs. SMART grants help local law enforcement agencies recruit and train officers that better represent the communities they serve.
SB23-277 will now move to the House for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.
Bipartisan Roberts Bill to Create Colorado River Drought Task Force Clears Committee
Bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, that would create the Colorado River Drought Task Force to develop water policy recommendations for the 2024 legislative session cleared the Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee today.
Task force will develop policy recommendations, promote water conservation
DENVER, CO – Bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, that would create the Colorado River Drought Task Force to develop water policy recommendations for the 2024 legislative session cleared the Senate Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee today.
The task force created by SB23-295, cosponsored by Senator Perry Will, R-New Castle, will develop recommendations to provide additional tools for the Colorado Water Conservation Board to collaborate with the Colorado River Water Conservation District, the Southwestern Water Conservation District, and other relevant stakeholders to address the Colorado River drought and promote water conservation.
“All of us on the Western Slope depend on a clean and reliable supply to power our economy and promote our way of life, but worsening drought conditions, exacerbated by climate change, are putting our water supply in jeopardy,” Roberts said. “I am proud to sponsor this important legislation, which will bring us one step closer to addressing one of the most pressing issues our state has ever faced - the endangered Colorado River - and ensure every Colorado community has access to the water resources they need now and into the future.”
The Colorado River Drought Task Force can meet up to 12 times and must deliver recommendations to the water resources and agriculture review committee by December 15, 2023.
SB23-295 will now move to the Senate Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.
SIGNED! Moreno’s Bill to Add Student Representation During Creation of K-12 Education Standards
SB23-008 was developed in partnership with the Colorado Youth Advisory Council
DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed legislation sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, to uplift student voices during the development of K-12 education standards into law.
SB23-008, developed based on recommendations made by the Colorado Youth Advisory Council (COYAC), adds student representation to decision-making processes regarding K-12 education standards, regional educator meetings, and local review of education standards.
“When the state's education standards are up for review, Colorado students deserve to have a say in what their education looks like,” Moreno said. "SB8 amplifies the voices of Colorado's students by creating several opportunities for young people to be involved in the existing review processes. I am excited to sponsor SB8 to involve students more in the process, and am proud to see this bill be signed into law.”
“Students can offer unique, firsthand experience when it comes to deciding what’s being taught in the classroom,” said Siddharth Nareddy, COYAC representative for Senate District 24. “As someone on the receiving end of education standards, there is so much value in having students provide their input and perspective on what gets covered. I’m grateful to Majority Leader Moreno’s ongoing work to support COYAC and our goal of bringing youth voices to the table, and I’m excited to see this bill signed into law.”
In 2008, lawmakers established COYAC to give Colorado’s youth a voice in the lawmaking process. Since its creation, COYAC members have worked to develop policy recommendations on issues of youth concern and promote civic engagement amongst Colorado’s youth.
Bill to Improve Accountability & Transparency for Utilities, Save People Money on Energy Bills Clears Senate
Legislation sponsored by Democratic members of the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, that would improve transparency and accountability for utilities and save people money on their energy bills cleared the Senate today.
Legislation will implement savings for ratepayers, level playing field at the PUC
DENVER, CO – Legislation sponsored by Democratic members of the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, that would improve transparency and accountability for utilities and save people money on their energy bills cleared the Senate today.
SB23-291 presents a package of reforms to lower utility bills now and in the future. It rebalances what kinds of expenses are paid by utility shareholders vs. ratepayers, aligns incentives on fuel cost control, and levels the playing field at Public Utilities Commission (PUC) proceedings, where infrastructure plans are proposed and approved.
The bill would limit utility expenses that can be paid by ratepayers, such as lobbying and advertising, which would be more appropriately paid by company shareholders. It would also create a mechanism to incentivize utilities to save money on fuel costs, and allow the PUC to set a maximum monthly fuel cost to smooth out monthly bills and avoid sudden price shocks.
“Colorado families were hit hard this winter by unexpected and severe price shocks, which is why we convened the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates to investigate the causes and find solutions,” Fenberg said. “This bill will improve transparency and hold utilities more accountable to the ratepayers they serve while better aligning utility companies’ and Coloradans’ interests and expectations about their energy service. I’m excited to see our legislation that will help save Coloradans money on their energy bills move forward.”
“Our committee has been hard at work the past few months searching for answers and working to save people money on their energy bills,” said Cutter. “One thing quickly became clear, Coloradans are bearing the brunt of volatile rate increases while utility companies are empowered to set their own rules. This important legislation will help level the playing field at the PUC and create fairer processes in utility rate setting that will impact Coloradans today and for generations to come.”
Further, the bill would require utilities to report more detailed justification for their plans when they request a rate increase, which will help regulators and watchdogs make sure proposed investments are truly in the public interest. In addition, the bill empowers the PUC to reduce utilities’ use of expensive consultants and lawyers that argue on behalf of rate increases.
SB23-291 now heads to the House for further consideration. You can track the bill’s progress HERE.
Convened in response to recent spikes in energy prices by President Fenberg and House Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, the Joint Select Committee on Rising Utility Rates worked to better understand issues such as the impact of volatility in natural gas markets, the frequency and justification for rate increases sought by utilities, and other relevant factors.
Legislation to Make Record Investment in K-12 Public Schools, Boost K-12 Funding Clears Senate
The Senate today advanced the bipartisan 2023 Public School Finance Act, which sets funding levels for Colorado’s public school districts.
School Finance Act increases average per pupil K-12 public school funding by a record 10.6 percent
DENVER, CO – The Senate today advanced the bipartisan 2023 Public School Finance Act, which sets funding levels for Colorado’s public school districts.
Sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada, and Senate Minority Leader Paul Lundeen, R-Monument, SB23-287 raises the statewide average of per pupil funding to $10,614, and reduces the Budget Stabilization Factor by $180 million, while committing lawmakers to fully eliminating Budget Stabilization Factor for the 2024-2025 school year.
“Every Colorado student deserves a quality education that meets their individual needs and prepares them for success,” Zenzinger said. “Education is my number one priority at the legislature, which is why I am so proud of the major step forward we’re taking today on the path to fully funding public education in Colorado. We have more work ahead of us, but this year's School Finance Act contains the largest commitment to public education in Colorado history, something our schools desperately need and deserve.”
SB23-287 also includes a $30 million one-time appropriation for rural schools, and brings total K-12 funding next year to more than $9.1 billion for the 2023-24 budget year. This funding can be used to reduce class sizes, increase teacher pay, and provide individualized support to help students learn.
The bill will also create a task force charged with examining Colorado's public school financing system and making recommendations that would make the school finance formula more adequate, transparent, equitable, and student-centered.
SB23-287 will now move to the House for further consideration. Track the bill’s progress HERE.
Local Government & Housing Committee Approves Fields & Winter Bill Securing Eviction Protections
Senators Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Faith Winter’s, D-Westminster, bill to require mediation in eviction proceedings for tenants qualifying for certain financial assistance cleared the Senate Local Government and Housing Committee today.
Legislation would require tenant-landlord mediation in certain eviction proceedings
DENVER, CO – Senators Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Faith Winter’s, D-Westminster, bill to require mediation in eviction proceedings for tenants qualifying for certain financial assistance cleared the Senate Local Government and Housing Committee today.
HB23-1120 would require tenant-landlord mediation prior to eviction proceedings if a tenant receives supplemental security income, federal social security disability insurance, or financial assistance from the Colorado Works program, at no cost to the tenant. The bill would require lease agreements to contain a notice that qualified individuals are entitled to mediation, and does not allow an agreement to waive mandatory mediation.
“As rents skyrocket, so do evictions,” Fields said. “Too often, Coloradans are forced to choose between feeding their families and paying rent. When it comes down to it, these difficult choices result in more evictions and more displacement. This important bill will help facilitate honest, productive conversations between tenants and landlords, and ultimately keep more Coloradans housed.”
“Colorado’s eviction rates have recently risen to pre-pandemic levels,” said Winter. “We must do more to keep Coloradans in safe, stable housing. Combined with many other pro-tenant bills I’m sponsoring this year, HB 1120 will help balance the scales between tenants and landlords, ensuring Coloradans are given a fair shake when navigating difficult housing circumstances.”
If mediation fails and a tenant covered under the bill is evicted, they would be protected from being removed from the property by law enforcement officers for at least 30 days after the eviction judgment, except in cases of substantial violation or if the landlord has less than five single family rental homes and less than five total rental units.
This March, 1,195 tenants faced eviction in court in Denver, a 69 percent increase from 708 in March of 2019.
HB23-1120 now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. You can follow the bill’s progress HERE.