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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! New Laws to Improve Housing Affordability and Short-Term Rental Oversight

DENVER, CO - Governor Polis today signed two bills into law to increase flexibility in the housing affordability programs approved by voters by the passage of Proposition 123 and improve local governments’ ability to hold short-term rentals to local rules and regulations.
“Communities throughout Colorado are facing a housing affordability crisis, and these new laws will offer local communities the tools they need to make it easier to call Colorado home,” said Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, sponsor of HB23-1304 and HB23-1287. “These laws provide towns and cities, especially those in our rural mountain towns the flexibility they need to implement the affordable housing programs voters created with Proposition 123. We’re also strengthening transparency and compliance with local regulations of short term rentals to help ease some of the impact these properties are having on those living in our rural resort communities year round. I’m proud to deliver legislation that will help alleviate the high cost of housing for Coloradans from the Front Range to the Western Slope.”

“Coloradans were clear when they passed Prop 123 that they want more affordable housing options,”
said Tony Exum, D-Colorado Springs, sponsor of HB23-1304. “With this bill, we’re making sure that Prop 123 will be implemented effectively, so that every Coloradan can afford to live in the communities where they work. I’m excited to see HB23-1304 signed into law, and look forward to seeing all the affordable housing options that’ll be created for hardworking people across our state.”

HB23-1304 ensures the housing affordability programs created through Proposition 123, which voters approved in the 2022 election, can be implemented effectively across the state and have the greatest impact by getting dollars out the door as soon as possible.

The law ensures that tribal governments can access Proposition 123 funds in addition to local governments. It also makes it possible for rural resort communities to access the historic funding of Proposition 123 to accommodate the high cost of living in these areas. Local governments across the state will also be able to partner with neighboring communities to reach their targeted growth rate of three percent.

In 2022, voters approved Proposition 123, which created new housing affordability programs funded with surplus state income tax revenue. The proposition dedicated an estimated $300 million to help local governments purchase land for affordable homes, provide financing for low- and middle income multi-family housing and provide direct support to renters, supply debt financing for projects that qualify for housing tax credits, offer grants and loans for nonprofits to help people purchase homes, and fund programs for people experiencing homelessness.

“Short-term rentals play an important role in rural resort economies by attracting visitors to our communities, but they have had unintended impacts on rental markets and housing costs in the high country and across the state,” said Rep. Meghan Lukens, D-Steamboat Springs, sponsor of HB23-1287. “This law will allow counties to partner with digital platforms that host units to remove a listing if the owners’ license is suspended or revoked, protecting owners, renters, and local communities from violations of local rules and regulations.”

“Today’s bill signings signal our continued and multi-faceted commitment to making housing more affordable across Colorado,” said Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, sponsor of HB23-1304 and HB23-1287. "HB23-1304 ensures that the historic funds for affordable housing programs from Proposition 123 are distributed equitably to all corners of the state and delivers increased flexibility for rural and mountain communities to ensure the goals of Prop 123 are met. With HB23-1287, we’re also strengthening protections for local residents in rural resort communities to help curb the unintended impacts of short-term rentals on our communities. I’m proud that these important pieces of legislation passed with bipartisan support and have now become law. And I am even more excited to continue our work to ensure every Colorado family has an affordable place to call home."

A board of county commissioners already has the authority to regulate units that are rented or used for short-term stays. HB23-1287 clarifies the definition of a short-term rental and provides counties with the authority to work with digital platforms to accurately list compliant short-term rentals.

HB23-1287 gives counties the ability to require an owner of a property, or the owner’s agent, to include a rental license or permit in any listing for a short-term rental unit on a digital platform. If a county has regulations on short-term rentals, the county will be able to require a digital platform to remove any rental listing if the owner of the listing:
·        Has their local short-term rental license or permit suspended or revoked,
·        Has received a notice violation, or a similar legal process, for not holding a valid local short-term rental license or permit, or
·        Is not allowed to list their unit as a short-term rental due to county rules.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Zenzinger’s Bipartisan Bill to Help Former Foster Youth Find Housing

SB23-082 will provide housing vouchers and case management services to individuals who were part of the foster or kinship care system and are at risk of homelessness

DENVER, CO – Senator Rachel Zenzinger’s, D-Arvada, bipartisan bill to establish the Colorado Fostering Success voucher program was signed into law by Governor Jared Polis today.

Cosponsored by Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer, R-Brighton, SB23-082 creates housing vouchers for individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness who are ages 18 to 26 and have aged out of the foster or kinship care system. Recipients of vouchers will be required to contribute to their cost of housing, but that amount must not exceed 30 percent of the total cost.

"Young adults who have aged out of the foster care system face extraordinary obstacles and often experience higher rates of housing insecurity than their peers," said Zenzinger. "This voucher program will help these Coloradans avoid homelessness and help them be successful, self-reliant adults.”

Additionally, the new law includes case management services for individuals in the Colorado Fostering Success voucher program. It is expected to alleviate housing security concerns for 100 individuals.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Legislation to Strengthen Equal Pay for Equal Work Act Becomes Law

SB23-105 will further prevent wage discrimination in Colorado

DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed into law a bill that will strengthen Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act and ensure all Colorado workers are compensated equally for their labor.

SB23-105, sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson, D-Wheat Ridge, and Janet Buckner, D-Aurora, and House Assistant Majority Leader Jennifer Bacon, D-Denver, and Representative Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez, D-Denver, strengthens existing law by requiring the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) to accept and mediate complaints, provide legal resources concerning alleged wage inequality, and to order compliance when an employer is found to be practicing wage discrimination. Previously the department was only authorized to do so; this bill provides a clearer directive and the resources and staffing to back it up.

“Nobody should be paid less than their peers for doing the same work - but for too many women in Colorado that is still the case,” Danielson said. “We fought to address this inequity through the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, and this measure will build on that success. SB 105 is a concrete step to address the wage gap between men and women, and I am excited to see this bill get signed into law.”

“If men and women are doing the same job, they should be compensated the same, but this isn’t the reality for all women living in Colorado,”
said Gonzales-Gutierrez. “This law strengthens Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, further breaking down wage barriers and helping women succeed in their careers. Despite Colorado’s progress, we’re still fighting to achieve pay equity. This law plays a major role in closing the wage gap, ultimately uplifting women and supporting families.” 

“The Equal Pay for Equal Work Act has made great strides toward ensuring that every Coloradan is paid equally for their labor,”
Buckner said. “But unfortunately we are still seeing women earn less than men for doing the exact same job. It’s unacceptable. By requiring the state to investigate and take action when wage discrimination complaints are filed, we can better ensure that every Colorado worker receives the equal pay they’re entitled to.”

“By strengthening Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, we’re doubling down on our commitment to closing the wage gap,”
said Bacon. “Women are still earning less than men for doing the same job. This law combats wage discrimination and sets women on track to advocate for better, fairer wages. When women earn fair wages, communities are strengthened, families are supported, and our economy grows.”

Additionally, SB23-105 increases the amount of back pay that can be recovered in confirmed instances of wage discrimination. The bill also requires employers to follow specific guidelines for job postings and career advancement avenues to further promote workplace fairness.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Colorado to Offer Youth Mental Health Screenings

DENVER, CO - Governor Polis today signed legislation into law to continue the successful I Matter program that connects Colorado youth with free counseling sessions by allowing school districts to offer mental health screenings in schools to support student’s access to mental health care.

“Improving access to behavioral health care for Colorado kids has been my top priority as a legislator, and I’m excited that Colorado will soon offer free screenings to students to help connect them to free mental health resources,” said Rep. Dafna Michaelson Jenet, D-Commerce City. “We’ve successfully connected over 8,500 Colorado kids with free counseling sessions since the implementation of our I Matter program in the fall of 2022. This new law will help the program reach more youth in need of care, preventing youth mental health issues from escalating to the point of requiring more serious treatments or interventions.”

“I'm proud that Colorado is a leader when it comes to providing accessible, affordable mental health care for our youth. But our kids are in crisis and we must do more,”
Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, said. “This new law will help identify issues early on so kids and families can get the support they need. I’m thrilled to champion additional mental health supports for Colorado’s youth."

HB23-1003 allows public schools to participate in a voluntary mental health screening program for sixth through twelfth graders. Schools are required to notify parents of the date and time that the mental health screening is scheduled, the purpose, and information about the mental health screener. Parents will have the option to opt their child out of participating, although students over 12 years old could still decide themselves to participate, due to existing Colorado law.

The screening will be conducted via a questionnaire and evaluated by a licensed screener. If a student is at-risk for attempting suicide, physical self-harm, harming others, or is in crisis, the licensed screener will immediately notify the parents as well as the school and the school will react according to school crisis response policy. If the licensed screener finds the student in need of further help, they will contact the parent about additional treatment options, including information or a referral to the I Matter program.

The I Matter Program was created with the passage of HB21-1258, sponsored by Rep. Michaelson Jenet, and expanded by HB22-1243. The program received $15 million dollars in funding from the 2021 and 2022 legislative sessions to provide six free therapy sessions to youth across the state and is available virtually and in person. Since the program started in October 2021, over 8,500 Colorado kids have utilized the free therapy services, with almost 44% attending at least four sessions. The participating students come from 59 of the 64 counties across Colorado.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Bill to Boost Food Assistance by Closing Tax Loopholes Becomes Law

AURORA, CO - Governor Polis today signed legislation into law to close tax loopholes that allow businesses to deduct meal and drink expenses from their taxable income in order to expand access to healthy foods in lower-income and under-served communities and help small food retailers and small family farms.

“Everyday Coloradans don’t get a tax break on their lunches, and neither should wealthy corporations,” said Rep. Mike Weissman, D-Aurora. “About 33% of Coloradans do not have reliable access to nutritious food, which leads to chronic health issues and expensive health care bills. This new law will boost small food producers, local farmers and food assistance to support everyday Coloradans by closing a loophole only available to a select few.”

“Working people in my district and across the state don’t get a tax break on their lunches, and too many of them don’t have enough to eat at all," s
aid Senator Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora. “I am happy to close this tax loophole that only benefits the wealthiest Coloradans, and redirect the funds toward addressing food insecurity so that more Coloradans can afford to put food on the table.”

“Family owned farms and food retailers need our support more than corporate boardrooms,"
said Senator Nick Hinrichsen, D-Pueblo. “This bill will reduce hunger and strengthen local supply chains in urban and rural parts of Colorado, with a minimal impact on state finances.”

Currently, Colorado taxpayers collectively cover the cost of the “business meals deduction” because state tax deductions are linked to federal tax deductions.  HB23-1008 would “decouple” from these federal income tax deductions, ending the resulting state tax loophole that allows corporations to deduct business meal expenses from their taxes. Ending these tax deductions supports efforts to reduce food insecurity for hard-working Coloradans and fund a tax credit to help our local farmers and food retailers acquire necessary equipment and better access market opportunities.

This bill builds off bipartisan legislation passed by the General Assembly in 2022 to save Coloradans money on healthy foods. The funding allocated by the 2022 legislation supports programs including the Community Nutrition Incentive Program, which assists women, children, and older Coloradans in subscribing to weekly produce deliveries from a local farm; the Double Up Food Bucks Program, which doubles the value of SNAP benefits in participating markets and stores for fruits and vegetables; and the Community Food Access program, which allows more small retailers to acquire equipment to store and sell produce and supports small family farms in connecting their crops to market demands.

HB23-1008 supports and extends these efforts by creating an income tax credit for small food retailers, small family farms and Community Food Consortium members worth 85% of the cost of new systems, equipment, and food distribution in 2024, and 75% in following years. Partnerships between Colorado food producers and small retailers boost revenue and cycle money into local economies. It also appropriates $250,000 to the Department of Public Health and Environment to provide healthy eating program incentives for low-income Coloradans and improve access to fresh, Colorado-grown produce.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Pair of Bills to Bolster Early Childhood Education

DENVER, CO – Today Governor Jared Polis signed into law a pair of bills to make new investments in Colorado’s early childhood education system.

Sponsored by Senators Janet Buckner, D-Aurora, and Janice Rich, R-Grand Junction, and Representatives Meghan Lukens, D-Steamboat Springs, and Mary Bradfield, R-Colorado Springs, SB23-269 funds one-time bonus payments for early childhood care providers participating in Colorado’s Universal Preschool Program (UPK). The bonuses must be used to implement the Universal Preschool Program, or to maintain or expand infant and toddler care capacity.

“Access to quality early childhood education not only supports critical early development and future educational outcomes for Colorado kids, but also the very well-being of families across our state,” Buckner said. “These one-time bonuses are a much deserved thank you to the early childhood care providers working to get Colorado’s Universal Preschool Program up and running. I look forward to watching UPK benefit Colorado’s youth this fall and for generations to come.”

“Colorado’s universal preschool program is on the horizon, and we’re expressing our gratitude to the providers that will make it possible,” said Lukens. “This bipartisan law will help recruit more providers and will send preschool providers a bonus to help them renovate spaces, purchase new educational materials, and support their staff. Colorado couldn’t implement high-quality, free universal preschool without providers, and this law gives them a well-deserved thank you.” 

Providers may receive an additional bonus payment if they maintain or increase their capacity to serve infants and toddlers between April 1, 2022 and April 1, 2024, or are in low-capacity preschool areas.

The bipartisan bill invests $2.5 million in the Colorado Universal Preschool Program Provider Participation Bonus Program, housed within the Department of Early Childhood.

HB23-1290, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, Senator Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Rep. Emily Sirota, D-Denver, refers a measure to the November 2023 ballot asking voters to allow the state to keep the excess revenue collected on tobacco and other tobacco products to fund UPK in Colorado. If approved by voters, the measure would allow the state to direct the nearly $24 million in excess revenue to support Colorado’s early childhood learners, instead of refunding that amount to the tobacco industry.

"Preschool programs play a vital role in Colorado's communities by laying a strong foundation for children and providing essential child care services for working parents," Moreno said. "This bill presents an opportunity for voters to redirect much-needed funds towards Colorado's early education system, instead of returning them to tobacco distributors and wholesalers. With the potential to infuse nearly $24 million into preschool programs, HB23-1290 represents a wise investment in the future of our children and our state."

“Overwhelming support for statewide universal preschool is no surprise, because it will create educational opportunities for our youngest learners, save families money, and help parents get back to work,” said McCluskie. “Universal preschool is one of the smartest investments we can make as a state, and I’m proud Coloradans agree. The revenue collected from the tax on nicotine products has come in higher than originally predicted, and this legislation confirms voters’ commitment to using these funds to provide preschool to all four-year-olds in the state.”

“In 2020, voters overwhelmingly supported taxing tobacco and nicotine products to fund Colorado’s transformational Universal Preschool Program and boost learning opportunities for our youngest Coloradans,” said Fields. “This bill gives voters the chance to build on that progress and utilize existing funding to support even more families seeking preschool programs.”

“Universal preschool will be here in just a few months, and the funds collected from the voter-approved Proposition EE made it possible for the state to provide free, early childhood education to our youngest learners,” said Sirota. “Studies show that preschool and early childhood education prepare kids for a lifetime of educational success. This legislation reaffirms Coloradans’ commitment to our families by asking them if the state may keep revenue collected from the special tax on nicotine and direct it toward UPK, rather than returning it to the tobacco industry.”

In 2020 Colorado voters approved Proposition EE, which created new excise taxes on cigarettes, tobacco, and nicotine products to fund a number of priorities, including UPK. The new tax rates are designed to phase in over the next few fiscal years through 2027. When originally approved by voters, it was estimated that Proposition EE would raise $186.5 million in new tax revenue in its first year. Actual revenue from the new tobacco taxes exceeded the predicted amount by nearly $24 million.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Legislation to Prevent Gun Violence, Crack Down on Ghost Guns Becomes Law

SB23-279 will prohibit the possession, sale, or transfer of unserialized firearms, frames, and receivers

SB23-279 will prohibit the possession, sale, or transfer of unserialized firearms, frames, and receivers

DENVER, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed legislation aimed at preventing further gun violence and cracking down on “ghost guns” into law. Sponsored by Senators Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Chris Hansen, D-Denver, and Representatives Andrew Boesenecker, D-Fort Collins, and Junie Joseph, D-Boulder, SB23-279 prohibits the possession, sale, or transfer of an unserialized firearm, frame or receiver. It also prohibits manufacturing a frame or receiver, unless done by a federally licensed firearm manufacturer, including via a 3D printer.

Ghost guns are unregulated, untraceable firearms that can be bought online and assembled at home, often through DIY kits or downloadable blueprints. They are designed to avoid all gun laws, and are available to purchase without a background check, serial number, sale record, or other protections.

“Ghost guns are untraceable, unserialized weapons that anyone can make or assemble in their own home - and they’re extremely dangerous,” Fields said. “We worked hard this session to make Colorado safer and prevent gun violence, and this new law is a big step towards reaching that goal. I’m proud to champion this legislation that will prevent ghost guns from causing further violence in our communities and create a safer Colorado for us all.”

"Colorado Democrats have passed significant gun violence prevention legislation in recent years, but ghost guns bypass these life-saving firearm protections and make our communities more vulnerable to gun violence,”
Boesenecker said. “Unserialized guns allow for dangerous individuals to possess a firearm and makes it harder for victims to seek accountability for gun crimes. With this new law, Colorado is cracking down on unserialized firearm parts so we can save more lives from senseless gun violence and improve accountability for victims and their families."

“Right now it’s far too easy for young people in Colorado and others who shouldn’t possess firearms to access them, and ghost guns are a huge part of that problem,” Hansen said. “Nearly anyone can order the parts or have them 3D printed, and within minutes have access to a fully functional, untraceable firearm. By cracking down on ghost guns, we will get these dangerous weapons out of the hands of those who shouldn’t have them, reducing gun violence and increasing safety across our state.”

"Too many Coloradans have been affected by gun violence, and ghost guns are becoming increasingly prevalent in crime scenes,” Joseph said. “Through DIY kits or 3D printers, anyone can access a ghost gun on demand without going through the background check process. Our new commonsense law will prevent ghost guns from being in the hands of those seeking to harm themselves or others and keep our communities safer by limiting access to dangerous and untraceable firearms."

Under the bill, if an individual has an unserialized firearm, frame or receiver, they have until January 1, 2024 to have it serialized. It also prohibits the possession of a “machine gun conversion device” which turns a firearm into a machine gun and imposes the same penalties as in current law for possessing a machine gun.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Bipartisan Health Care Transparency Bills Become Law

Two laws improve hospital reporting and price transparency to save Coloradans money

Two laws improve hospital reporting and price transparency to save Coloradans money

DENVER, CO - Governor Polis today signed two bipartisan bills into law to increase transparency in hospital reporting requirements and increase price transparency for health care services to save Colorado patients money.

"Colorado Democrats have been committed to making health care more affordable for Coloradans, and this new law will improve hospital transparency requirements so we can build future policies that save Coloradans money,” said Rep. Chris deGruy Kennedy, D-Lakewood, sponsor of HB23-1226. “Hospitals can move money around and between states, making it hard to know where profits are going and why the cost of care continues to increase faster than inflation. With this new law, we’ll have a more thorough understanding of Colorado hospitals’ cash flow so we can craft cost saving measures for patients and businesses.”

“In the communities I represent in Western Colorado, affordable health care can be too hard to come by or impossible to find,” said Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, sponsor of HB23-1226. “I’m proud of our bipartisan bill to enhance hospital financial transparency reporting, increase compliance, and collect data that will give us the best information possible to help inform new policies to improve health care administration and save Coloradans money.”

HB23-1226, also sponsored by Republicans Senator Perry Will and Representative Matt Soper, builds off of hospital transparency legislation also carried by Representative Chris deGruy Kennedy in 2019 to bolster price transparency and reduce health care costs. Under HB23-1226, hospitals will have to disclose an annual summary of the hospital’s transfers of cash, equity, investments, or other assets to and from related parties, a hospital-specific statement of cash flow, a narrative report of capital investments greater than 25 million dollars, the salary and total compensation of the top 5 highest paid administrative positions of each nonprofit hospital, and more.

The transparency data will identify underlying drivers of high hospital costs and strengthen data collection on the financial health and performance of Colorado hospitals. The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing will have the power to apply corrective action plans or fines to hospitals that do not comply with data collection procedures. Hospitals will also be required to provide patients with a detailed list of billed services and the associated charges and disclose the patient’s right to receive more detailed information about the billed services.

“Coloradans deserve to know what their medical bills will look like before going into treatment or surgery,” said Senator Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, sponsor of SB23-252. “We’ve made great progress in our work to protect consumers and lower the costs of health care, but there’s still more we can do. It’s time to take the next step and increase medical price transparency so Coloradans aren’t blindsided with big bills after receiving care.”

“Price transparency for health care services is critical so Colorado patients aren’t blindsided by large hospital bills that they have no choice but to pay,” said Rep. Lindsey Daugherty, D-Arvada, sponsor of SB23-252. “This transparency law allows patients to budget for inpatient and outpatient care, surgery, and prescription drug costs so they can receive the care they need at a price they can expect. We’re building the federal transparency requirement into Colorado law, which will save patients money on health care.”

SB23-252 was also sponsored by Republicans Senator Kevin Van Winkle and Representative Anthony Hartsook. In 2022, the General Assembly passed legislation to prohibit hospitals from pursuing debt collection action against a patient if the hospital failed to comply with federal hospital price transparency laws during the patient’s treatment.

Under the federal Hospital Price Transparency Rule, hospitals must publicly post standard charges and provide an out-of-pocket cost estimator tool for patients. This bill builds on the federal transparency requirements by having hospitals post their Medicare reimbursement rates and requiring the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to conduct performance assessments on Colorado hospitals to check for compliance. Any violation under SB23-252 is a deceptive trade practice under the Colorado Consumer Protection Act.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Bills to Save Coloradans Money on Health Care Become Law

Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera today signed three bills into law that prohibit facility fee charges for preventative care to save Colorado patients money, increase health insurance coverage for contraception, and increase annual funding for nursing facilities and prioritize reimbursement for facilities that serve a higher rate of Medicaid patients.

Three bills save patients money on health care, improve access to contraception, and improve access to health care services

DENVER, CO - Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera today signed three bills into law that prohibit facility fee charges for preventative care to save Colorado patients money, increase health insurance coverage for contraception, and increase annual funding for nursing facilities and prioritize reimbursement for facilities that serve a higher rate of Medicaid patients.

“Surprise bills like hospital facility fees are making it more difficult for Coloradans to seek the care that they need because they can’t afford to be charged hundreds or thousands of dollars in hidden costs on top of the care they received,” said Rep. Emily Sirota, D-Denver, sponsor of HB23-1215. “We need hospital billing and facility fees to be more transparent so patients know what to expect. With this bill becoming law today, we’re better protecting patients and saving Coloradans money on health care.”

“Most Coloradans are unable to afford hundreds or thousands of dollars of surprise hidden fees,”
said Senator Kyle Mullica, D-Thornton, sponsor of HB23-1215. “Surprise fees make it difficult for Coloradans to budget for health care services, deterring people from seeking the care they need altogether. Prohibiting certain facility fees will help protect patients and provide much needed relief for Colorado families.”

“When Coloradans put off medical care because they can’t afford to take on more bills, it can become more expensive and life-threatening to address,”
said Rep. Andrew Boesenecker, D-Fort Collins, sponsor of HB23-1215. “Increasing access to preventative care reduces costs for everyone by helping patients get the care they need before their conditions become worse and more expensive to treat. By prohibiting facility fees on preventative care, Coloradans will save money on care that keeps them healthy and avoid surprise fees they can’t afford.”

“Medical debt is already a leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States; it is not acceptable that Coloradans are being burdened with unnecessary costs they should not be responsible for,”
said Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, sponsor of HB23-1215. “Facility fees can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars and are impossible for families to plan for, since they are often unexpected. Further examining and addressing facility fees, and requiring additional transparency, will help save Coloradans money and allow them to better plan and budget for necessary medical care."

Some health care centers have started to charge patients hidden fees, often called a facility fee, on top of the health care services they are already being charged to cover operating costs. These fees can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars and are impossible for families to budget for, since there is no transparency as to how these fees will be applied. HB23-1215 prohibits health care providers from charging a facility fee for preventative care in an outpatient setting. Under this law, health care providers are required to share information about facility fees to patients and post information on their property. The law makes it a deceptive trade practice to not share facility fee information to patients.

The law also requires a report to be produced by August 1, 2024 that outlines the details of the impact of facility fees to better understand what these fees cover and how these fees impact patient cost and patient health.

"No one should have to ask for permission every month from their insurance company to not get pregnant," said Senator Jeff Bridges, D-Greenwood Village, sponsor of SB23-284. "I spoke with a woman during the election who spends more than an hour on the phone every month just getting her birth control prescription refilled. That's absurd. Today's bill protects the freedom of Coloradans to make health care choices on their own timeline."

“Coloradans should be able to access their entire twelve month prescribed contraceptive medication at once, and this legislation closes loopholes so the law can work as intended,”
said Rep. Iman Jodeh, D-Aurora, sponsor of SB23-284. “Allowing access to a twelve month supply of contraceptives ensures that Coloradans don’t face additional barriers to accessing their medication, such as not living close to a pharmacy, lacking reliable transportation, or many other reasons.”

“Whether folks live in rural areas or work odd hours, trips to the pharmacy can be inconvenient and difficult to make,”
said Senator Jessie Danielson, D-Lakewood, sponsor of SB23-284. “With SB23-284, we’re tightening up restrictions so insurance companies and PBMs can’t skirt our laws, and ensuring patients can access twelve months of birth control. This bill will expand and improve access to reproductive health care across Colorado.”

SB23-284 requires both insurance plans and Pharmacy Benefit Management firms  (PBMs) to cover a year's supply of contraception, which can be dispensed at one time or in smaller amounts if requested. SB23-284 builds off HB17-1186, a bipartisan bill that allowed Coloradans to access 12 months of birth control. However, legal loopholes have allowed insurers and PBMs to not comply with the law. SB23-284 ties up loose ends, and makes sure Colordans can easily access a twelve month supply of contraceptives using their medical insurance.

Research shows that dispensing one to three months of birth control at a time increases the likelihood of contraceptive discontinuation and can make it harder for people to plan their pregnancies. Additionally, access to 12 months of birth control can prevent unplanned pregnancies.

“This new law will provide critical funding to Colorado nursing facilities, helping them keep their doors open and serve older Coloradans across our state, especially in rural areas where many facilities are at risk of closing,” said Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, sponsor of HB23-1228. “If we don’t secure funding to prevent nursing facilities from closing, many older Coloradans will lose their homes and access to the daily care they rely on. This new law provides over $60 million in funding so nursing facilities can stay open, hire quality staff, and continue to care for our parents, grandparents, and friends.”

“Due to low financial reimbursement rates, our skilled nursing facilities have struggled to maintain the level of quality care they strive to provide,”
said Senator Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada, Chair of the Joint Budget Committee and sponsor of HB23-1228. “In addition to increasing funding to our nursing homes, we are taking critical steps toward improving the overall nursing facility reimbursement model to ensure Colorado will have a system that works well into the future. I’m proud to see this critical policy signed into law so that our nursing facilities can keep their doors open, provide quality care to high-need Coloradans, and plan for a sustainable financial future for years to come.”

“Low reimbursement rates have caused many nursing facilities to close their doors, making it more difficult for our loved ones to receive the care they need,”
said Rep. Jenny Willford, D-Northglenn, sponsor of HB23-1228. “This law includes stronger financial transparency requirements to ensure nursing facilities and the state are working in tandem to properly allocate funding, allowing nursing facilities to stay in business, accept new residents, and overall provide the critical care, treatment and services residents need.”

HB23-1228 makes several changes to the Medicaid nursing facility reimbursement rates to ensure Colorado’s nursing facilities are getting the proper funding to care for their high-need residents, accept new residents, and maintain their operation.

Specifically, this law repeals the standard core per diem rate of 3-percent annually and increases it to 10-percent next fiscal year, 3-percent in fiscal year 2024-25, 1.5-percent in 2025-2026, and then a rate to be determined by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) in the following years. Targeted funding will supplement the needs of facilities that serve residents with severe mental health conditions, severe dementia and acquired brain injuries. This law increases the core per diem rate combined with a new supplemental payment for facilities with disproportionately high Medicaid utilization, facilities that are geographically critical to ensuring access to care, and facilities that admit compassion release individuals will result in HCPF receiving more than $62 million this year to support Colorado’s nursing facilities. To ensure financial transparency, nursing facilities will be required to submit audited financial statements to HCPF.

Currently, Colorado’s nursing home facilities can report costs that have already been reimbursed by Medicare for Medicaid reimbursement, but due to complications from funding sources, nursing facilities are not currently being reimbursed for their full costs. HB23-1228 changes this Medicaid reimbursement structure to create a more sustainable, flexible, and innovative reimbursement structure so nursing facilities are getting the full reimbursement they deserve.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Pair of Bills to Prevent Eating Disorders, Build a Healthier Colorado

Today, Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera signed a pair of bills to prevent disordered eating and to better support those individuals with eating disorders.

SB23-014 and SB23-176 address the rising rates of disordered eating and support those with eating disorders in Colorado

DENVER, CO – Today, Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera signed a pair of bills to prevent disordered eating and to better support those individuals with eating disorders.

SB23-176, sponsored by Majority Leader Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City, and Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, provides health care protections for those suffering from an eating disorder. The bill prohibits health insurance plans from using body mass index or any other weight standard when determining the level of care for a patient. It also standardizes care by requiring the Behavioral Health Administration to place rules around forced feeding tubes.

“Eating disorders are increasingly recognized as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality that impact thousands of Coloradans every year,” said Moreno. “After speaking directly with the Colorado Youth Advisory Council Committee, we knew we had to take action to address this mental health crisis and save lives. These new laws are a strong first step toward better supporting Coloradans experiencing eating disorders and will help build a healthier Colorado for all.”

“This is a crisis with our youth. Hospitalizations for eating disorders among adolescents has increased by 100 percent since the onset of COVID. Women and LGBTQ+ youth are at particular risk of contracting an eating disorder because of the unrealistic expectations of appearance imposed on them by our society,”
Cutter said. “We must address outdated and harmful approaches to treating eating disorders and provide care that is respectful to each individual and on par with the latest research.”

SB23-014, also sponsored by Moreno, addresses the rising rates of disordered eating in the state – especially amongst youth – by creating and maintaining a resource bank for research, intervention methods, treatments and educational resources regarding disordered eating prevention in Colorado.

Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric illnesses. According to Mental Health Colorado, one in ten Coloradans live with an eating disorder, showing that the need for action is clear.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Victim Protections in Assault, Domestic Violence Cases Becomes Law

Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera today signed four bills into law to improve victim protections in the justice system.

Four bills improve judicial processes in abuse and domestic violence cases

DENVER, CO - Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera today signed four bills into law to improve victim protections in the justice system.

HB23-1107 provides funding to services and programs that support crime survivors, including survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. HB23-1222 improves court procedures and victim protections for domestic violence cases in municipal courts. HB23-1108 better equips the judicial system and judicial personnel with the tools needed to understand the complex issues faced by victims of crimes like sexual assault, child abuse, and domestic violence.

“I know firsthand how crucial it is to improve protections for survivors of domestic violence and abuse, and with these bills becoming law today, Colorado is making huge strides toward a safer environment for survivors while they navigate the judicial system,” said Majority Leader Monica Duran, D-Wheat Ridge, sponsor of HB23-1107, HB23-1108, and HB23-1222. “With these new laws, we’re boosting funding for victim services, improving training for judicial personnel that work on crime victim cases, and improving victim protections in municipal court proceedings. Passing these laws has been one of my top priorities as a legislator, and I’m proud that Colorado will better support victims of crime.”

HB23-1107, sponsored by Majority Leader Monica Duran, Assistant Minority Leader Rose Pugliese, and Senators Bob Gardner and Faith Winter, designates $3 million to the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program inside the Department of Human Services. This program directly funds community-based domestic violence and sexual assault programs statewide. These programs provide critical services for victims and survivors of crime including shelter, counseling, safety planning, and support for medical appointments.

“I’m proud to be a part of multiple pieces of transformative legislation to strengthen autonomy and outcomes for survivors of intimate violence,” said Senator Faith Winter, D-Westminster. “These bills help ensure that survivors are safe during their court proceedings, and have community-based support systems to help them get back on their feet. Today’s signing signals our commitment to furthering support for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Colorado.”

In many Front Range cities, domestic violence cases can be heard by municipal courts, which handle these cases as lower level offenses, unlike county courts. HB23-1222, sponsored by Majority Leader Duran, Representative Mike Weissman, and Senators Dylan Roberts and Faith Winter creates new requirements for municipal courts for domestic violence cases so these cases are treated as seriously as they are in county court. The law ensures provisions of the Victims’ Rights Act are applied in municipal courts, instructs judges to check a defendant for prior charges before issuing a verdict, and ensures all cases in municipal courts have the same resources and safety precautions available that they would in a county court, among other requirements.

“This bill will improve how domestic violence cases are handled in municipal court to guarantee Victim Rights Amendment protections apply as they do in county courts," said Rep. Mike Weissman, D-Aurora, sponsor of HB23-1222. “Our new law requires municipal courts to provide the same protections and apply equivalent sentencing requirements as county courts so all Coloradans can expect equal treatment under the law.”

“Since the pandemic, domestic violence cases have surged across the United States, including here in Colorado,”
Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, said. “Previously, county and municipal courts weren’t held to the same procedural standards for domestic violence cases, which allowed perpetrators and survivors to fall through the cracks. This new law will improve the way municipal courts handle domestic violence cases – ensuring survivors are given the protections they deserve while creating a safer state for all Coloradans.”

HB23-1108, sponsored by Majority Leader Duran, Representative Gabe Evans, and Senators Chris Hansen and Bob Gardner, creates a task force in the Office for Victims Programs to examine current victim and survivor awareness and responsiveness trainings for judicial personnel. The task force will report their findings and make recommendations on how to improve trainings for judicial personnel to better serve victims and survivors of crimes including sexual assault, harassment, and domestic violence.

“For victims and survivors of crime, seeking accountability through the justice system can be difficult and retraumatizing,” said Senator Chris Hansen, D-Denver. “This legislation gives judges and other judicial personnel the tools needed to approach domestic violence and sexual assault cases with care and a deeper understanding of those crimes. As the bill moved through the legislative process, we were also able to secure new supports for Colorado families by establishing a working group of experts that will make recommendations on how to best improve judicial trainings and programs for folks working on family cases. I’m proud to see this critical policy signed into law which will lead to better, safer outcomes for Coloradans seeking justice.”

Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera also signed HB23-1178, sponsored by Representative Meg Froelich and Senator Faith Winter, into law. The bill improves protections for Colorado children by adopting a federal law that requires judges and court personnel to receive training about child abuse, child sexual abuse, and domestic violence, in addition to considering certain evidence when determining custody decisions. The bill directs the task force created in HB23-1108 to study the federal training requirements in Kayden’s Law for a judge or magistrate who presides over family law cases and study current judicial training that is exercised successfully across the country. The bill also requires certain court personnel to complete ongoing trainings regarding domestic violence and child abuse issues.

“When judicial personnel do not take child abuse and child sexual abuse allegations seriously, abusers gain custody of their children,” said Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, sponsor of HB23-1178. “We are sending a message that in Colorado we intend to keep children safe from family violence, and are proud to be the first state to enact a state version of Kayden’s Law. To avoid the tragic consequences we have seen in Colorado and across the country, all judicial personnel, including judges, need to be trained to recognize domestic violence, child abuse and child sex abuse.”

Congress passed Kayden’s Law in March 2022 after a seven-year-old girl was killed by her father after a judge awarded partial, unsupervised custody despite a lengthy history of violence and a pending restraining order from the mother. This federal law offers financial incentives to states to adopt child safety legislation including testimony requirements and evidence-based training requirements for judicial personnel. Local concern over child custody laws arose in 2022 when a Colorado family court custody evaluator was suspended after he was quoted questioning the legitimacy of 90% of the child abuse allegations he evaluated.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

New Laws Require Patient Consent for Intimate Exams and Improve Support for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera today signed two bills into law to protect patients during intimate exams and improve sexual assault survivors’ access to information.

WESTMINSTER, CO – Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera today signed two bills into law to protect patients during intimate exams and improve sexual assault survivors’ access to information.

“With this law, we’re putting Colorado patients in the driver's seat by giving them control over what intimate exams can be conducted on them while they’re under sedation,” said Rep. Jenny Willford, D-Northglenn, sponsor of HB23-1077. “We’ve heard from patients who’ve woken up after their surgery to learn that a non-consensual pelvic, prostate, rectal, or breast exam was performed on them by medical students. This law protects patients by requiring consent before any and all intimate exams.”

“Creating patient consent protections for intimate exams is simply the right thing to do,” said Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont, sponsor of HB23-1077. “This important new law will ensure patients who have been put under anesthesia or who are unconscious during medical procedures aren’t unknowing or unwilling recipients of intimate exams.”

“Learning of a non-consensual intimate exam is traumatic, forcing patients to relive some of the worst moments of their life. We’re putting an end to this unethical practice,”
said Rep. Lorena Garcia, D-Unincorporated Adams County, sponsor of HB23-1077. “This law requires a patient's consent before medical professionals perform intimate exams, protecting patients when they undergo a medical procedure and giving them the power to opt out of an unnecessary intimate exam.”

“I’m proud to have championed multiple pieces of transformative legislation to strengthen autonomy and control for survivors of intimate violence and medical patients,”
said Sen. Faith Winter, D-Westminster, sponsor of HB23-1077 and HB23-1199. “Nobody should ever have to pay a bill for their forensic exam, or be subjected to intimate examinations without their consent. These bills will further our support for survivors of sexual assault and ensure patients retain control over their bodies and maintain their dignity.”

HB23-1077 requires health care professionals, students, medical residents and trainees to obtain informed consent from sedated or unconscious patients before performing intimate examinations, unless in emergency situations. In addition to consent, health care professionals would only be able to perform intimate examinations if it is pertinent to the planned procedure.

Across the country, medical students and residents are performing unauthorized intimate exams, including pelvic exams for educational purposes, on patients under medical sedation for unrelated surgeries. Patients are not able to consent to these procedures and can experience extreme physical and behavioral trauma responses after learning about the performed exam.

This law would create a clear process for obtaining patient consent and non-compliant medical and health care professionals would be subject to disciplinary action by their regulators or the Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

“No sexual assault survivor should forego a forensic exam because they can’t pay for it,” said Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, sponsor of HB23-1199. “This law directs funding to support sexual assault survivors and creates a statewide system where they can follow up on their case. We need to do everything we can to ease the burden survivors face when seeking justice, and this law reduces costs on critical forensic exams and empowers survivors by streamlining evidence updates.”

HB23-1199, also sponsored by Representative Matt Soper, requires the Department of Public Safety to create a statewide system for sexual assault survivors to monitor the status of evidence obtained during their forensic medical examinations. The bipartisan law aims to bolster the SAVE program, established under HB13-1163, with critical funding to ensure sexual assault survivors aren’t discouraged from getting a rape kit or billed for a forensic exam.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! New Law Expands Property Tax Exemptions for Affordable Housing

Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera today signed bipartisan legislation to expand property tax exemptions for nonprofit housing developers, such as community land trusts, to build up Colorado’s affordable housing stock.

DENVER, CO - Lieutenant Governor Dianne Primavera today signed bipartisan legislation to expand property tax exemptions for nonprofit housing developers, such as community land trusts, to build up Colorado’s affordable housing stock.

“Expensive land costs make it difficult for affordable housing developers to buy land to build housing opportunities that work for every budget,” said Rep. William Lindstedt, D-Broomfield. “Our bipartisan law expands on existing property tax exemptions for nonprofits to incentivize building more affordable homes, saving educators, first responders, and child care workers money on housing.”

“The cost of land is often the biggest barrier that keeps affordable housing projects from getting done, especially for nonprofit homebuilders who build housing for our state's workforce,”
said Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon. “This new law represents a huge step forward for nonprofit homebuilders and will make it easier for nonprofit developers to do what they do best: build more housing for working Coloradans so that families can afford to live in the communities they call home.”

HB23-1184, sponsored by Representatives William Lindstedt and Lisa Frizell and Senator Dylan Roberts, expands property tax exemptions to include more nonprofit organizations that build and sell affordable housing. It also extends the exemption period from 5 to 10 years to better reflect the development timeline for larger affordable housing projects. The bill creates a new property tax exemption for land owned by community land trusts and other nonprofit affordable homeownership providers that develop permanently affordable for-sale homes.

The National Low Income Housing Coalition ranked Colorado as the 8th least affordable state in 2022 and stated that the average renter needed to work 2.3 full-time jobs at minimum wage to afford a two-bedroom rental. Data from the American Community Survey demonstrates the racial inequality when it comes to homeownership with 71 percent of non-Hispanic White Coloradans owning their home compared to only 51 percent of Hispanic and 43 percent of Black Coloradans.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Landmark Plan to Provide Urgent Property Tax Relief

Governor Polis today signed landmark legislation that will refer a measure to the voters to provide historic property tax relief for homeowners and businesses while ensuring funding for schools and other local governments is protected.

SB23-303 will refer Proposition HH to the voters to save taxpayers more than $1 billion on their property taxes

COMMERCE CITY, CO – Governor Polis today signed landmark legislation that will refer a measure to the voters to provide historic property tax relief for homeowners and businesses while ensuring funding for schools and other local governments is protected.

SB23-303, sponsored by Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and Senator Chris Hansen, D-Denver, and Reps. Chris deGruy Kennedy, D-Lakewood, and Mike Weissman, D-Aurora, creates a long-term solution to prevent growing home values from raising property taxes, and implements limits that protect homeowners and businesses from steep unexpected increases in their property taxes. 

"Coloradans are about to get hit with painful property tax spikes, which is why we're taking action now to meet the moment and provide real relief for Colorado families," Fenberg said. "This transformative proposal delivers long-term reductions in property tax rates while providing immediate savings on this year’s property taxes, so we can better support our schools and our communities and build a Colorado everyone can afford to love." 

“Rising home values are leading to dramatic increases in property taxes that many Coloradans simply can’t afford,”
said deGruy Kennedy. “Prop HH will reduce property taxes for all homeowners and increase funding for rental support programs while protecting funding for schools, libraries, child welfare offices, water and fire districts, and the services Coloradans rely on. Seniors will see a larger homestead exemption and be able to downsize or sell their home without facing a higher tax bill.”

“The cost of housing in Colorado is incredibly high, and if we don't act, Coloradans will suffer record increases on their property taxes. This would be especially difficult for working families, and would hit folks on fixed incomes incredibly hard,"
said Hansen. "That's why we’re working to provide immediate property tax relief that will save families across our state millions of dollars and keep people in their homes. This proposal will also give voters an opportunity to protect sustainable funding for our schools and local services like hospitals and firefighters while addressing the urgent property tax situation. I'm proud to champion this legislation that will provide immediate relief and protect the critical services Coloradans depend on to thrive."

“This property tax reduction package will lower housing costs, help seniors on fixed incomes, and put more money back into the pockets of middle and lower-income Coloradans,”
said Weissman. “Prop HH is a sustainable, long-term solution to protect Coloradans from rising property taxes while ensuring funding for our public schools and local government services. It’s exciting for our state that voters will soon see a measure on the ballot to keep Colorado property taxes predictable while still funding public services that people expect from their communities.”

Coloradans will vote on the package in November, and if approved the proposal will create a flat TABOR refund mechanism that will increase refunds for Coloradans making under $100,000 a year while providing major long-term reductions to property tax rates and delivering immediate savings on property taxes this year. 

Combined with property tax reductions the legislature previously enacted via SB22-238, this proposal will cut the average homeowner’s tax increase in half, saving $1,264 on average over the next two years. In total, this package would provide between $900 million and $1.6 billion annually in property tax relief for homeowners and businesses in Colorado.

Other property tax relief and protections proposed in this plan include: 

  • Reducing the residential assessment rate from 7.15 percent to 6.7 percent in 2023 and 2024, and continuing this reduction for primary residences.

  • Incrementally reducing the business property assessment rate from 29 percent to at least 26.9 percent by 2032.

  • Reducing the taxable value of residences by $50,000 in 2023 and 2024, and continuing this reduction for primary residences (not second homes or investment properties) in future years.

  • Capping the growth in district property tax collections excluding school districts at inflation and allowing local governments to override the cap after giving notice to property owners.

  • Protecting funding for public education and backfilling revenue to fire districts, water districts, ambulance, and hospital districts in areas of the state that aren’t growing as fast by dedicating a portion of the state TABOR surplus to backfill.

  • Providing seniors who currently receive the Homestead Exemption a larger reduction of $140,000 and allowing them to continue to receive this reduction if they move.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Zenzinger & Bridges Bill to Unlock Millions in Federal Infrastructure Funding Becomes Law

Governor Polis today signed into law legislation sponsored by Senators Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada, and Jeff Bridges, D-Greenwood Village, that will help Colorado access millions of dollars in federal infrastructure funding.

DENVER, CO – Governor Polis today signed into law legislation sponsored by Senators Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada, and Jeff Bridges, D-Greenwood Village, that will help Colorado access millions of dollars in federal infrastructure funding.

SB23-283 provides $89 million to put Colorado in the best position possible to take advantage of federal funding for critical infrastructure projects available through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

“Colorado needs safe and reliable infrastructure to stay competitive, but our aging roads and bridges are due for an upgrade,” Zenzinger said. “This legislation will help Colorado unlock millions of dollars in federal funding to rebuild our state’s infrastructure, and help us maximize state capacity in order to put those dollars to work. I’m proud to see this important bill get signed into law.”

“From rebuilding our roads and bridges to addressing the climate crisis and improving access to broadband, the federal infrastructure dollars available to Colorado are game-changing, and we must take advantage to win competitive grants and get our fair share,”
Bridges said. “This bill will help rebuild Colorado’s crumbling infrastructure, create jobs, and put our state and our economy on a path to success.”

SB23-283 builds off SB22-215 which established the IIJA Cash Fund, and allows money from the IIJA Cash Fund to be used for project planning support for opportunities from the IRA. The new law requires $84 million to be transferred from the General Fund to the IIJA Cash Fund on July 1, 2023 and $5 million to be transferred from the General Fund to the State Highway Fund to be used by CDOT for operational capacity to maximize federal infrastructure funding.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Polis Makes Stegosaurus License Plate Official

Today at Dinosaur Ridge, Governor Jared Polis signed a bill to create the stegosaurus state fossil license plate.

Each sale of the new license plate benefits Dinosaur Ridge

MORRISON, CO – Today at Dinosaur Ridge, Governor Jared Polis signed a bill to create the stegosaurus state fossil license plate.

SB23-145, sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson, D-Wheat Ridge, and Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, creates the “Protect Colorado’s Fossils” plate that features the Colorado state fossil, the stegosaurus. Beginning January 1, 2024, Colorado residents can purchase the plate for the standard license plate fees, two $25 payments for issuance of the plate, and a donation to Dinosaur Ridge.

“The stegosaurus is a Jurassic giant that is beloved by Coloradans of all ages,” said Danielson. “The ‘Protect Colorado’s Fossils’ license plate will raise awareness about protecting Colorado’s fossils while benefiting Dinosaur Ridge. With today’s signing, Colorado families can support this organization and the preservation of our fossils in a fun and unique way.”

“Dinosaur Ridge is a treasure, and I'm thrilled that it's located in my district,” Cutter said. “This terrific organization works to preserve and educate the public on dinosaur fossils, dinosaur tracks and paleontology sites. Coloradans in all corners of the state are excited to get their very own stegosaurus license plate, which will support this important work." 

Each purchase of the “Protect Colorado’s Fossils” license plate includes a donation to Dinosaur Ridge to further support the preservation of dinosaur fossils, educational resources, and paleontology sites. Dinosaur Ridge is home to the first discovery of the stegosaurus in 1877.  

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Bills to Develop Innovative Clean Energy and Create Jobs

Gov. Polis today signed three bills into law to accelerate Colorado’s clean energy transition by increasing regulatory authority and oversight of advanced energy industries, developing a carbon management roadmap and incentivizing clean hydrogen energy in hard-to-decarbonize industries.

DENVER, CO - Gov. Polis today signed three bills into law to accelerate Colorado’s clean energy transition by increasing regulatory authority and oversight of advanced energy industries, developing a carbon management roadmap and incentivizing clean hydrogen energy in hard-to-decarbonize industries.

“The need to address the climate crisis is only becoming more urgent, which is why I am so pleased to see these bills be signed into law,” said Senator Kevin Priola, D-Henderson, sponsor of SB23-285, HB23-1210, and HB23-1281. “This package of bills will help Colorado remain on the right path to net-zero emissions by helping us create jobs while encouraging better carbon management and clean energy initiatives. I am proud of our work to help build a healthier more sustainable future for us all.”

“Climate change is a very real threat to Colorado. We need these laws to manage carbon emissions, push toward cleaner energy, and meet our climate goals,” said Rep. Ruby Dickson, D-Centennial, sponsor of SB23-285 and HB23-1210. “These laws will help us reach net zero carbon emissions by encouraging innovative methods for energy generation and carbon management. I’m happy to champion these efforts to create good-paying jobs, meet our climate goals, and make Colorado a leader in clean tech.”

SB23-285, sponsored by Senators Hansen and Priola and Representatives Dickson and McCormick, renames the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission to the Energy and Carbon Management Commission and directs the Commission to regulate energy and carbon management areas beyond oil and gas. The Commission will now include new energy generation and storage technologies like deep geothermal and underground natural gas storage. The law also directs the Commission to undertake studies to ensure the safe development and regulation of these new technologies and others, including transportation and storage of hydrogen.

“Climate change impacts our communities each and every day, and we must expand our reach to take advantage of innovative ways to improve our air quality and protect our way of life,” said Rep. Karen McCormick, D-Longmont, sponsor of SB23-285. “This law will expand opportunities for new carbon management and geothermal technologies to reduce our air pollution, protect public health and help meet our climate goals.”

HB23-1210, sponsored by Representative Dickson and Senators Hansen and Priola,  directs the Colorado Energy Office to develop a carbon management roadmap and help Colorado companies successfully undertake carbon management projects. The law will also identify early investment opportunities to de-risk projects that hold the promise of reducing emissions from sectors of the economy that are hardest to decarbonize.

“Achieving Colorado’s bold climate goals requires innovation,” Senator Chris Hansen, D-Denver, said. “Carbon removal is emerging as an innovative, successful technology to be used in the pursuit of a net-zero economy. I’m proud to help Colorado become a leader in carbon management and I am pleased to see this bill be signed into law.”

HB23-1281, sponsored by Representatives Brianna Titone and Stephanie Vigil and Senator Lisa Cutter, sets first in the nation standards for the production of hydrogen energy that will help to reduce our dependence on fossil fuel driven sources of energy and create good paying jobs. This law encourages the development of hydrogen projects by building on federal investments and incentives and creating an income tax credit for the use of hydrogen fuel. It also establishes several safeguards to ensure that hydrogen fuel production doesn’t create new emissions by requiring that it be powered by dedicated renewable energy resources, located in close proximity to power hydrogen plants.

“With this bill being signed into law today, we’re unlocking an innovative and affordable source of green energy in Colorado to reduce our carbon footprint,” said Rep. Brianna Titone, D-Arvada, sponsor of HB23-1281. “Hydrogen will provide affordable and reliable electricity as Colorado works toward our net zero carbon emission goal. This law protects consumers and our environment while spurring innovation in hard-to-decarbonize industries.”

“With this legislation, we will be able to leverage federal funds to support the transition to hydrogen for specific industrial uses,” said Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, sponsor of HB23-1281. “We worked hard to create a balance;  incentivizing innovative energy options while creating a framework to provide the critical environmental protections necessary. I'm proud that Colorado is leading the way and providing a model for other states as we work towards a carbon neutral future."

“This innovative approach to clean energy production creates a framework for a clean hydrogen economy in Colorado,” said Rep. Stephanie Vigil, D-Colorado Springs, sponsor of HB23-1281. “This law helps us compete for federal funds and incentivizes clean hydrogen in sectors that can’t rely on other forms of renewable energy so we can move away from the use of fossil fuels and reach our carbon and climate goals. I’m proud Colorado is leading the way to promote and reduce the cost of new technologies and more affordable clean energy while creating good paying jobs.”

The Colorado Greenhouse Gas Pollution Reduction Roadmap states that we need innovative methods to bring down costs to reach Colorado’s greenhouse gas reduction goals by 2050. Cement and steel production, heavy duty trucking, and aviation fuel are difficult to decarbonize, which is why investing in clean hydrogen energy is promising in efforts to meet Colorado’s climate goals.

In February 2022, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming developed the Western Inter-States Hydrogen Hub to secure federal funds from the Inflation Reduction Act to fight against climate change.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

SIGNED! Bill to Accelerate Affordable Workforce Housing Projects

Today Governor Jared Polis signed a bill to encourage innovative, affordable workforce housing projects through public-private partnerships.

Senate Bill 1 supports innovative, affordable housing projects through public-private partnerships

DOWDS JUNCTION, CO – Today Governor Jared Polis signed a bill to encourage innovative, affordable workforce housing projects through public-private partnerships.

SB23-001, sponsored by Senators Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, and Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada, and Representatives Shannon Bird, D-Westminster, and Meghan Lukens, D-Steamboat Springs, provides $13 million in funding to help develop affordable workforce housing on state-owned land so that Colorado workers like teachers, nurses, and everyone in between can find housing that fits their budget.

“Across Colorado, local communities are exploring innovative projects to ensure everyone can have access to an affordable place to call home near where they work,” Roberts said. “This bill will help catalyze many projects across the state by eliminating one of the biggest barriers to affordable housing development: the cost of land. By allowing public-private partnerships access to underused state land, we can expect hundreds of new affordable housing units across the state in the coming years, including 80 units in my home of Eagle County. I am thrilled this bill is being signed after moving forward with bipartisan support.”

“We need to utilize every tool we have to address Colorado’s housing crisis, and by allowing public-private partnerships with this new law, we can increase housing opportunities while also creating more well-paying construction jobs,” said Bird. “This new law will make it easier for Coloradans of any budget or zip code to find an affordable place to call home.”

“The housing crisis is a top concern for the people of Colorado and the legislature alike,”
said Zenzinger. “Constructing workforce housing was a key part of this year’s comprehensive work to address housing availability and affordability. Teachers, nurses, and everyone who helps keep our state running deserve to have an affordable place they can call home. Senate Bill 1 will be incredibly helpful in our efforts to ensure Coloradans can afford to live where they work.”

“Rural towns like mine are struggling to keep up with housing demands, which is displacing essential workers that are necessary to maintain the health of our communities,” said Lukens. “Land is a significant cost when it comes to building housing, so we’re allowing for public-private partnerships using state-owned land to make it easier to build housing that Coloradans can afford, helping us retain our workforce and boosting local economies.”

SB23-001 builds on work from previous sessions, HB21-1274 and SB22-130, regarding the inventory of underutilized properties and state-owned land. Of the total funding, $2 million will go towards the Dowd Junction project to facilitate development of 80 two-bedroom units, and $11 million will fund similar projects across the state. 

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Polis Signs Bipartisan Colorado River Legislation

Governor Jared Polis today signed bipartisan legislation to create the Colorado River Drought Task Force, which will develop proposals to protect Colorado’s water future.

GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO – Governor Jared Polis today signed bipartisan legislation to create the Colorado River Drought Task Force, which will develop proposals to protect Colorado’s water future. 

“All of us on the Western Slope depend on a clean and reliable supply to power our economy and promote our way of life, but worsening drought conditions, exacerbated by climate change, are putting our water supply in jeopardy,” said Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon. “I am proud to sponsor this important legislation, which will bring us one step closer to addressing one of the most pressing issues our state has ever faced - the endangered Colorado River - and ensure every Colorado community has access to the water resources they need now and into the future.”

“The Colorado River captures the essence of the Colorado Way of Life,” said Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon. “We must be proactive to secure our water future, which is why we are creating a process that will bring every voice to the table to develop solutions to the devastating impacts of a hotter, drier climate. This collaborative approach will help communities in Colorado partner together to protect agriculture, outdoor recreation, and the freshwater we need, and create the foundation needed to proactively address the threats we face to our water and economic future.”

SB23-295, also sponsored by Senator Perry Will, R-New Castle, and Representative Marc Catlin, R-Montrose, creates the Colorado River Drought Task Force which will include representatives from the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, regional water conservation districts, local governmental officials, agricultural producers, environmental non-profit organizations, and others that have diverse experiences with complex water issues.

By December of 2023, after an extensive stakeholding process open to public comment, the task force will make policy recommendations to the General Assembly to:

  • Proactively address the impact of droughts on the Colorado River and its tributaries,

  • Avoid disproportionate economic and environmental impacts to any one region of the state,

  • Ensure that any program related to the acquisition of agricultural water rights is voluntary, temporary, and compensated,

  • Assure meaningful collaboration among the Colorado River District, Southwestern Water Conservation District, and the State of Colorado in the design and implementation of drought security programs, and

  • Evaluate sources of revenue for the acquisition of program water.

A sub-task force consisting of representatives from the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, and the Department of Natural Resources will also provide policy recommendations to the General Assembly to address tribal needs. These recommendations will consider the unique nature of tribal water rights and tribal water use.

The Colorado River provides water to Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Mexico. Over 40 million people rely on the Colorado River for their water supply, and record-breaking heatwaves and droughts in the Southwestern U.S. have only exacerbated water conservation issues.

SB23-295 will rely on water experts and relevant stakeholders to provide effective solutions to the General Assembly so our state can protect the Colorado River and its tributaries through meaningful collaboration with local voices and without disproportionate impacts on certain regions of the state.

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Senate Democrats Senate Democrats

Signed! Bipartisan Bill to Create the Rural Opportunity Office

Today, Governor Polis signed Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, and Representative Barbara McLachlan’s, D-Durango, bipartisan bill to foster economic development in rural communities.

The Rural Opportunity Office is charged with boosting economic development in rural communities across the state

RIFLE, CO – Today, Governor Polis signed Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Avon, and Representative Barbara McLachlan’s, D-Durango, bipartisan bill to foster economic development in rural communities.

SB23-006, also sponsored by Senator Janice Rich, R-Grand Junction, and Rep. Marc Catlin, R-Montrose, formally creates the Rural Opportunity Office (ROO) within the Office of Economic Development and International Trade. ROO is charged with serving as the central coordinator of rural economic development for the state, supporting communities transitioning away from coal-based economies, and making recommendations to help inform economic development policy impacting rural communities.

“Rural communities like those I represent are crucial to Colorado’s economy and character. To ensure we’re building a Colorado where everyone can thrive, we must be proactive in our work to support rural economic development,”
Roberts said. “By creating a ‘one-stop shop’ for our small towns in the Rural Opportunity Office, we’re providing  the expertise to meet our rural economies’ unique needs and helping communities take advantage of state, federal, and nonprofit opportunities to promote, diversify, and expand economic opportunity. From Craig to Granby, Sterling to Cortez, and everywhere in between, the Rural Opportunity Office will be a vital resource for rural Colorado.” 

“As a rural Coloradan, I know how crucial our rural communities and agricultural industries are in maintaining Colorado’s economy and way of life,”
said McLachlan. “Our new bipartisan law will create the Rural Opportunity Office to uplift rural communities throughout the state by connecting them with resources and opportunities that will boost our local economies and create more good paying jobs.”

The Rural Opportunity Office began its work to boost rural economies through supportive development strategies in 2019. In the years since, the ROO has expanded services to assist Colorado’s Tribal nations in their economic development through grant writing support, education campaigns, and technical assistance.

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