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JOINT RELEASE: American Indian Affairs Interim Committee Advances Three Bills
DENVER, CO – The bipartisan American Indian Affairs Interim Study Committee today advanced three bills. This includes bills to extend the interim committee for an additional five years, reclassify bison as big game and recognize Tribal legal authority in arrest warrants and civil commitments.
“When we formed this interim committee, we affirmed our commitment to working alongside the sovereign Southern Ute Indian Tribe, the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe and community partners to create stronger government-to-government relationships,” said Chair Majority Leader Monica Duran, D-Wheat Ridge, sponsor of Bill 1. “One of the bills we advanced today will extend this interim committee for another five years so we can continue to keep an open line of communication between American Indian Tribal Nations and the state of Colorado. Lasting, impactful policy is formed when everyone has a seat at the table, and I’m proud to support these bills that will continue to build trust and support.”
“The General Assembly has worked intentionally over the past few years to meaningfully integrate Tribal Nations into decision-making at the Capitol but this dedicated committee was an especially important process,” said Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Frisco, sponsor of Bill 5. “The American Indian Affairs Interim Committee has been a productive opportunity to work hand-in-hand on the issues and goals of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and Ute Mountain Ute Tribe and all native people living in Colorado. The legislation I’m sponsoring will ensure the state recognizes decisions by Tribal courts, helping to honor the sovereignty of Tribal Nations and improving public safety.”
“The Native Ute people were here long before Colorado was a state, and this interim committee is another avenue to build and strengthen our inter-governmental relationship,” said Rep. Junie Joseph, D-Boulder, sponsor of Bill 3 and 5. “The bills advanced today, specifically our legislation to protect bison and recognize an arrest warrant issued by a Tribal court, will help us bridge the communications gap between governments while honoring the sovereignty of the Tribal Nations.”
“It is my honor to work alongside leaders of the Native American community. The interim committee moved three good policies forward today,” said Senator Jessie Danielson, D-Wheat Ridge, sponsor of Bills 1, 3, and 5. “There is still more work to do, and I am committed to these efforts – beyond this interim committee and into the years to come.”
Bill 1, sponsored by Committee Chair Majority Leader Duran, Vice Chair Sen. Cleave Simpson, R-Alamosa, Sen. Danielson, and Rep. Ron Weinberg, R-Loveland, extends the American Indian Affairs Interim Committee for an additional five years. Under this bill, after five years this committee will be re-evaluated by the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council members. The extension of this six-member committee would entail a new progress reporting process to continue to examine issues and challenges that impact American Indian Tribal Nations.
Bill 3, sponsored by Sen. Danielson and Rep. Joseph, would reclassify bison as “wildlife” and “big game” unless the bison are owned as livestock. Classifying bison as wildlife would mean that hunting or poaching the animal is illegal unless authorized by rule of Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). CPW would manage the bison in order to help maintain the health of the population and provide compensation for farmers and ranchers if damage to property occurs. Under this bill, bison would join classification with other big game, such as elk, white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose and bighorn sheep. Bison are sacred animals to the Tribal community and this bill would help prevent illegal hunting and poaching.
Bill 5, sponsored by Sens. Roberts and Danielson and Reps. Weinberg and Joseph, would change Colorado state law to recognize an arrest warrant issued by a federally recognized Tribe with a reservation within the exterior boundaries of the state. This bill also requires that any commitment order issued by a Tribal court is recognized to the same extent as a commitment order entered by a state court, which includes orders from law enforcement agencies, behavioral health facilities and health care providers. This bill would ensure that a state court shall give full faith and credit to an arrest warrant and civil commitment issued by a Tribal court.
The bills will now go to the Legislative Council for approval before being introduced next session. Once introduced in the 2025 session, interim bills will follow the standard legislative process.
Today’s meeting also included presentations from the Office of the Liaison for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives, Director Melody Delmar, the Division of Criminal Justice within the Department of Public Safety, Director Dr. Matt Lunn, and the Colorado Attorney General, Phil Weiser.
JOINT RELEASE: Transportation Interim Committee Advances Bills to Increase Transit Options, Improve Accessibility
DENVER, CO – The Transportation Legislation Review Committee today advanced bills to improve air quality, make Colorado’s transit systems more accessible for people with disabilities, and help communities create long-term transit goals.
“We’ve spent the summer hearing from statewide transit professionals, environmental groups, community members, and disability advocacy organizations to give us a well-rounded picture of the transportation issues our communities are facing, and I am excited with the policy solutions we advanced today on these issues,” said Vice Chair Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, sponsor of Bills 2 and 6. “From improving transit accessibility to expanding transportation options in our neighborhoods, our committee is focusing on solutions that will have a positive impact on all Coloradans so people can safely get where they need to go in a way that works for them.”
“For years, lawmakers, local governments, and transportation advocates have been working to expand transportation options that decrease our reliance on cars,” said Sen. Faith Winter, D-Broomfield, sponsor of Bills 2, 4, 5, and 6. “This year’s slate of bills developed by the Transportation Legislation Review Committee will help support transformative transit projects that will make travel throughout Colorado faster, safer, and more efficient. From increasing transportation options and enhancing safety measures for vulnerable road users and rail systems to improving paratransit services, we’re on the road to a transit future that serves the needs of all Coloradans.”
Bill 2 would require the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), metropolitan planning organizations, and certain transit providers and local governments to create and implement plans that would expand transportation services for Coloradans. In developing those plans, it would require CDOT to present a statewide mode choice assessment to the Transportation Legislation Review Committee, the Transportation Commission, and the Colorado Energy Office with recommendations for some of these targets for future years.
“Coloradans want transportation options, and our bills could help us find ways to cater transit expansion to meet the unique needs of our communities and improve road safety infrastructure to protect all road users, not just drivers,” said Rep. Steph Vigil, D-Colorado Springs, sponsor of Bill 2 and 4. “Strategies to decrease road accidents, like protected bike lanes, have proven to work and make our roads safer for vulnerable road users. I’m excited that we’re one step closer to increasing mass transit options, improving bike lanes, and making other transportation improvements to help us reduce air pollution and traffic congestion.”
“Multimodal transportation options like pedestrian infrastructure and bike lanes can save lives by getting vulnerable road users off of dangerous roads,” said Sen. Nick Hinrichsen, D-Pueblo, sponsor of Bills 2 and 5. “With new funding, local governments will be able to implement safety infrastructure projects that will decrease vehicle accidents and make our streets safer for every Coloradan. Additionally, I’m proud to sponsor new legislation to increase rail safety by making investigative reports of railroads available to the public. Greater transparency around railroad’s safety information will help ensure any problems are brought to light and, ultimately, resolved.”
Bill 4 would allow local governments to impose registration fees on light trucks and passenger cars to fund transportation safety improvements for vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists.
“From biking to work to running for exercise, Coloradans deserve safe streets to walk and ride,” said Rep. Andrew Boesenecker, D-Fort Collins, sponsor of Bill 4. “By advancing this bill today, we’re closer to allowing local governments to secure more funding for their communities to better protect cyclists, pedestrians, and other people on the road.”
“Whether in a car, on foot or on a bike, every Coloradan deserves to move around our state safely and efficiently,” said Sen. Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, sponsor of Bill 4. “Local governments have led the way in creating safe infrastructure for vulnerable road users like pedestrians and cyclists, but they need our support to further expand these safety initiatives. I’m excited to continue to work alongside local leaders and transportation advocates to ensure we’re building infrastructure that keeps every Coloradan safe, regardless of their preferred transportation mode.”
To improve transparency in railroad safety, Bill 5 would repeal a requirement to keep investigative reports of railroads confidential allowing public inspection of critical safety information. The Public Utilities Commission would still be able to make certain ongoing investigations and security information confidential.
“We’re making substantial progress in railroad transportation and safety in Colorado, and we all benefit from transparency of our rail systems,” said Rep. Mandy Lindsay, D-Aurora, sponsor of Bill 5. “Under our new bill, more details in investigative reports would be available to the public to help us better identify areas of improvement so we can create a safer transit system for Coloradans.”
Aiming to create more accessible transit options, Bill 6 would create the Paratransit Task Force to make recommendations on standards and best practices for paratransit services. The bill would also require certain transit providers to coordinate with disability advocates on how to improve paratransit services, including providing accessible fare payment technology and consulting with impacted community members before reducing services.
“Certain disabilities make it difficult to drive a car, bike, or walk, and public transit is often the best option to get around,” said Rep. Alex Valdez, D-Denver, sponsor of Bills 5 and 6. “Our transit providers have made changes to make it easier for Coloradans with disabilities to access our buses and trains, but there is always room for improvement. Our bills will help ensure Colorado’s disabled community has a voice in transit decisions and improve transparency in railroad investigations to create more inclusive and safe transit options for all.”
The committee also approved one additional bill. The bills will now go to the Legislative Council for approval before being introduced next session. Once introduced in the 2025 session, interim bills will follow the legislative process in the same manner as all other bills.
JOINT RELEASE: Colorado’s Economy Strong With Tightening Budget Conditions Ahead
DENVER, CO – Democratic members of the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) today released the following statements after the Legislative Council Staff and the Office of State Planning and Budgeting delivered the September quarterly economic forecasts.
“Years of strategic budgeting and governance have placed us on a steady course for the future,” said JBC Chair Shannon Bird, D-Westminster. “Over the last few years, Democrats have built up the state’s reserve and delivered a balanced budget that reflects our shared values. Under our watch, our economy has grown, inflation is slowing and wages have increased. We’ve restored full funding to our public schools and preserved the crucial services Coloradans rely on, including access to health care for our most vulnerable. We have difficult budgeting decisions ahead, but I remain steadfast in our commitment to invest in our communities.”
“During my time on the JBC and in the legislature I have always worked hard to set Colorado up for success,” said JBC Vice Chair Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada. “From eliminating the budget stabilization factor to directing critical funding to behavioral health resources and community safety initiatives, we have worked diligently to put Colorado on a path to a prosperous future. This forecast indicates that the JBC faces a tight budget year that will require responsible, sometimes difficult, decision-making to ensure they are able to continue to deliver the essential services Coloradans rely on. I’m confident that their leadership will keep Colorado on the right path.”
“While this forecast shows us returning to more normal budget conditions, we will work hard to protect funding for crucial services our communities depend on,” said JBC Member Emily Sirota, D-Denver. “The Joint Budget Committee is no stranger to making tough decisions on how we will allocate state dollars, and we understand that Coloradans are relying on us to implement a more equitable school finance formula, support universal preschool, health care, emergency response, and much more. As we’ve done in the past, we will continue to govern thoughtfully while protecting the health and well-being of Coloradans in every corner of our state.”
“Colorado’s economy continues to grow with more jobs, lower inflation, and an unemployment rate clocking in lower than the national average,” said JBC Member Jeff Bridges, D-Arapahoe County. “However, due to TABOR, our state resources remain tight and we must be cautious with how we allocate funding and fulfill commitments to our communities. I know that we can rise to meet the moment and ensure that a slimmer budget still represents our Colorado values of opportunity and responsibility and, most importantly, delivers for hardworking families.”
The U.S. and Colorado economies continued to expand through the first half of this year. Colorado’s economy has modestly outperformed the nation’s during the first six months of 2024, with comparable employment growth, higher income growth, and lower inflation, specifically housing price inflation beginning to slow following the peak in 2022.
Colorado remains a strong state to do business and has added a net 43,200 jobs, a 1.5 percent increase, over the past 12 months. Colorado’s economy continues to grow and outperform the nation’s economy. Colorado’s unemployment rate of 3.9 percent remains lower than the national average of 4.2 percent. Wage growth for the mountain region, which includes Colorado, is outpacing inflation at 5.9 percent compared to 5.1 percent nationwide. The national inflation rate reduced to 3.3 percent, down from a peak of 8.1 percent in November 2022.
The Legislative Council Staff (LCS) forecast anticipates General Fund revenues to be $16.93 billion in FY 2024-2025, adding to an opening balance of $3.09 billion in reserves, and $17.96 billion in FY 2025-2026 adding to $1.9 billion in reserves – a 1.2 percent decrease in total funds available when compared year over year. The forecast shows increases to public school funding and anticipates implementing the new school finance formula beginning in FY 2025-2026.
The Office of State Planning and Budgeting (OSPB) anticipates that General Fund revenue will be $17.2 billion for FY 2024-2025 and $17.6 billion for FY 2025-2026 – a $210.5 million decrease for FY 2024-2025 and a $502 million decrease for FY 2025-2026 as compared with the June revenue forecast.
JOINT RELEASE: Water and Agriculture Review Committee Advances Bills to Remove Mining Waste, Protect Habitats, and Plan for Future Water Projects
DENVER, CO – The Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee today advanced bills to facilitate the removal of harmful mining waste, protect fish and wildlife habitats, and explore a sustainable funding plan for future water projects.
Bill 4, sponsored by Senator Jeff Bridges, D-Arapahoe County, and Representatives Karen McCormick, D-Longmont, and Matthew Martinez, D-Monte Vista, would create a new permit process in the Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to facilitate the removal of mining waste piles and refuse, both of which have significant negative impacts on the environment. The new reclamation-only permit would lower barriers to cleanup efforts to reduce the backlog of over 20,000 abandoned mines in Colorado.
Also sponsored by Senator Cleave Simpson, R-Alamosa, the bipartisan bill would enter Colorado into the Interstate Mining Compact. States in the compact agree to establish a program for the conservation and use of mined lands, including the conduct of mining and handling of waste.
“Waste and runoff from mine tailings can have detrimental impacts on downstream waters,” said Bridges, sponsor of Bill 4. “The bill we advanced today will promote the cleanup of pollution-causing tailings while expanding economic opportunities for the companies that do these cleanups. By making a simple change to permitting processes and entering Colorado into the Interstate Mining Compact, we can expedite mining reclamation and ensure our environment remains clean and safe for generations to come.”
“Colorado’s outdoors is part of our identity, and without resources for our water and agricultural lands, our identity and way of life is threatened,” said McCormick, sponsor of Bills 4 and 12. “One of our new bills will add Colorado as a member of the Interstate Mining Compact and will incentivize the cleanup of abandoned mines to improve and protect our precious waters. We also moved forward with legislation that would create the Future of Severance Taxes and Water Funding Task Force to help secure water funding.”
“From agricultural needs to recreational use, access to clean water is crucial for Southwest Colorado,” said Martinez, D-Monte Vista, sponsor of Bills 4, 12, and 13. “As a member of the Water Resources and Agriculture Review Committee, I’ve heard from organizations and community members throughout the state about concerns and requests for policy solutions that can help support Colorado’s agricultural sector. Today, we advanced legislation that will improve water quality, identify possible funding sources to support important water projects, and continue funding for the Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program to support rural Colorado.”
The committee also advanced Bill 12, sponsored by Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Frisco, Senator Simpson, and Representatives McCormick and Martinez, which would create the Future of Severance Taxes and Water Funding Task Force in the DNR. The nine-member task force created by the bill would hire a contractor to conduct a study and develop recommendations to present to the legislature. The contractor would explore options to continue funding water needs for the state while severance tax revenue is expected to decrease.
“Protecting Colorado’s vital resources and habitats is one of my top priorities,” said Roberts, sponsor of Bills 12 and 13. “The legislation we’re advancing today will explore how we can future-proof funding sources for critical water projects and make permanent our financial support for fish and wildlife habitats throughout the state. Colorado’s natural resources power everything we do, from agriculture to our outdoor recreation economy, and I’m excited about the potential of these new bipartisan bills to secure funding and support critical preservation projects.”
Sponsored by Roberts, Senator Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, and Representatives Martinez and Ty Winter, R-Trinidad, Bill 13 would make permanent the Wildlife Habitat Stamp Program and the Wildlife Habitat Stamp Committee. The program provides funding for Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s (CPW) efforts to work with private landowners, local governments, and conservation organizations to protect fish and wildlife habitats. Funding comes from the CPW’s habitat stamp sales, which must be purchased in order to buy a hunting or fishing license. The Committee is charged with reviewing relevant habitat projects and making recommendations to the CPW.
“The Wildlife Habitat Stamp Program is a great tool to raise funding for critical habitat conservation projects,” said Marchman, sponsor of Bill 13. “This program and its accompanying committee have had proven success in past years, which is why I’m excited that we’re now bringing forward legislation to make them permanent. Fish and wildlife habitat conservation is an important way for us to invest in Colorado's future and ensure our natural spaces remain natural.”
The committee also approved five additional bills. The bills will now go to the Legislative Council for approval before being introduced next session. Once introduced in the 2025 session, interim bills will follow the legislative process in the same manner as all other bills.
Interim Committee Tours Front Range Transportation Projects
FRONT RANGE – Today members of the Transportation Legislation Review Committee (TLRC) toured sites across the Front Range to learn more about multiple projects underway to improve transit along busy corridors, increase safety, and reduce emissions on Colorado’s roads.
“Coloradans rely on a strong, reliable transportation system to keep our communities connected, and the TLRC has been diligently working this interim to develop legislation that enhances those systems,” said Chair of the TLRC Kevin Priola, D-Henderson. “It’s vital for us to see firsthand how our efforts to expand transit projects, reduce emissions, and improve safety are making a real impact. I was especially excited to learn about improvements along State Highway 7 that will increase multimodal infrastructure like bus rapid transit and bikeways to create a safer and more sustainable corridor for the future. As the outgoing Chair of the TLRC, I’m confident that the committee’s work will continue, ensuring essential transit projects help Colorado’s transportation network meet its full potential.”
“Colorado deserves a transit system that makes it easier for people to get where they need to go, and the projects we toured today are a big step in that direction,” member of the TLRC Faith Winter, D-Broomfield, said. “The bus rapid transit initiative on Federal Boulevard offers a cost-effective way to improve a busy transit corridor, increasing safety, reliability, and efficiency. We also got a firsthand look at how mobility hubs across the Front Range are connecting Coloradans to key transit routes along the I-25 corridor. As we prepare for the 2025 legislative session, I’m eager to see how the TLRC can further support these transformative projects, making travel throughout our state faster and more efficient.”
Today, TLRC members set out on a driving and walking tour of Federal Boulevard and the proposed 18-mile bus rapid transit project to reduce congestion and transit travel times, improve safety along the corridor and at transit stations, and increase reliability and ridership. The project, driven by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), is currently in environmental review and the preliminary design phase.
The TLRC’s tour continued with visits to mobility hubs on State Highway 7, Berthoud, and Centerra which promote regional transit use in northern Colorado communities. Mobility hubs include Park-n-Ride lots to connect Coloradans to regional transit like the Bustang, electric vehicle charging stations, and shelters to help protect commuters from the elements and safely load and unload from their bus.
Members of the Committee also toured the Loveland Transit Center project and a safety, mobility, and bikeway project in Niwot. In July, the Loveland Transit Center project was awarded a $3.9 million federal grant to construct a physical building at the transit center to house customer service staff and indoor bathrooms.
Finally, the TLRC toured the AirCare Colorado emissions testing center in Broomfield to gain an understanding of Colorado’s emissions testing process and learn more about efforts to reduce emissions caused by transportation.
As Colorado continues to grow, Colorado Democrats have been working to expand transportation options to help people get around without exacerbating existing traffic challenges and air pollution. This year, Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder, and member of the TLRC, Senator Lisa Cutter, D-Jefferson County, passed landmark legislation to improve transit and help meet the state’s climate and housing goals by dedicating approximately $100 million per year to local and statewide transit operations through a fee on oil and gas production.
Last month, the TLRC advanced six interim bills to make air quality improvements related to transportation, further carbon reduction goals laid out in CDOT’s ten-year plan, improve accessibility and expand paratransit options, and more. On September 25th, the Committee will vote to advance bill drafts out of the TLRC to be introduced in the 2025 legislative session.
JOINT RELEASE: Bipartisan Bill to Responsibly Reduce Property Taxes and Protect Colorado’s Future Signed Into Law
DENVER, CO – Today Governor Jared Polis signed into law bipartisan legislation sponsored by Speaker of the House Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, and Chair of the Commission on Property Tax, Senator Chris Hansen, D-Denver, to responsibly reduce property taxes while protecting critical community institutions like public schools, health care, libraries, water infrastructure, municipal parks, playgrounds and recreation centers.
Using SB24-233 as the baseline, HB24B-1001 reduces assessment rates and lowers revenue caps. Also sponsored by House Minority Leader Rose Pugliese, R-Colorado Springs, and Senator Barb Kirkmeyer, R-Weld County, the new law also preserves flexibility for school districts and local governments by allowing them to carry forward unused growth capacity into the next assessment cycle while shielding taxpayers from dramatic spikes in value growth.
“We are committed to making Colorado a more affordable place to live, and with this new law we’re delivering additional property tax relief to homeowners and small businesses in a responsible way while protecting funding for our schools, parks, libraries and community institutions,” said McCluskie. “Two initiatives from wealthy special interests on the November ballot would de-fund schools, lengthen emergency response times, and strip health care away from our most vulnerable Coloradans. Stopping these measures with small changes to the bipartisan property tax package from last session is a win for Colorado, our schools and local governments.”
“Building on the bipartisan success of SB24-233, this legislation represents the culmination of more than six years of work to craft sustainable, responsible property tax reform in the wake of the Gallagher repeal,” said Hansen. “This new law is the product of partnership, compromise, and a shared commitment to the people of Colorado. The Commission on Property Tax, local governments, schools, and countless other stakeholders all have been involved in a public discussion of an extremely complicated problem – resulting in policy that provides both meaningful relief to taxpayers and stability for essential community services. In recent years, we have been able to secure a stronger future for Colorado by ending the negative factor for education funding, establishing sustainable funding paths for higher education and Medicaid providers, and now with this policy, we can avoid the devastating impacts of Initiatives 50 and 108 and protect the progress we’ve already made.”
Additionally, the new law:
Reduces the local government revenue cap from 5.5 percent to 5.25 percent annual growth, or 10.5 percent over one assessment cycle;
Changes the school revenue sharing ratio to a 6 percent annual growth cap, or 12 percent over one assessment cycle;
Allows voters to override the local government revenue cap at the ballot box and school districts to override the cap at the state-wide level; and
Extends the backfill mechanism in SB24-233 for local government entities most impacted by this measure for one more year, through 2025.
The law also directs the Commission on Property Tax to evaluate the property tax changes made in SB24-233 and HB24B-1001 and report on how Colorado’s tax code does or does not deliver relief to the people who need it the most.
Importantly, the governor, in partnership with legislative leadership, has directed state departments to develop and recommend new ways to provide sustainable funding to fire districts, many of which are struggling to keep pace with increasing costs and demands on their services.
In May, the General Assembly passed SB24-233 to reduce statewide local taxes by more than $1 billion, prevent future spikes in property taxes, and protect critical services that Coloradans rely on. HB24B-1001 makes minor adjustments to SB24-233 in order to avoid devastating ballot measures from wealthy special interests.
Irresponsible ballot measures threatened to reduce revenue for public schools, fire departments, health care, libraries, water infrastructure, and public outdoor recreation by nearly $3 billion. They risked the major strides Colorado Democrats have made to boost public education funding and eliminate the Budget Stabilization Factor, and could have led to deep cuts to emergency services.
Senate Approves Bipartisan Bill to Responsibly Reduce Property Taxes and Protect Colorado’s Future
DENVER, CO – Today the Senate approved bipartisan legislation sponsored by Chair of the Commission on Property Tax, Senator Chris Hansen, D-Denver, that will responsibly reduce property taxes while protecting critical community institutions like public schools, health care, libraries, water infrastructure, municipal parks, playgrounds and recreation centers.
Using SB24-233 as the baseline, HB24B-1001 will reduce assessment rates and lower revenue caps. Cosponsored by Senator Barb Kirkmeyer, R-Weld County, the bill also introduces new flexibility for school districts and local governments by allowing them to carry forward unused growth capacity into the next assessment cycle while shielding taxpayers from dramatic spikes in value growth.
“Building on the bipartisan success of SB24-233, this bill represents the culmination of more than six years of work to craft sustainable, responsible property tax reform in the wake of the Gallagher repeal,” said Hansen. “This legislation is the product of partnership, compromise, and a shared commitment to the people of Colorado. The Commission on Property Tax, local governments, schools, and countless other stakeholders all have been involved in a public discussion of an extremely complicated problem – resulting in policy that provides both meaningful relief to taxpayers and stability for essential community services. In recent years, we have been able to secure a stronger future for Colorado by ending the negative factor, creating a stable foundation for education funding, establishing sustainable funding paths for higher education and Medicaid providers, and now with this policy, we can avoid the devastating impacts of Initiatives 50 and 108 and protect the progress we’ve already made.”
Additionally, the bill will:
Reduce the local government revenue cap from 5.5 percent to 5.25 percent annual growth, or 10.5 percent over one assessment cycle;
Change the school revenue sharing ratio to a 6 percent revenue annual growth cap, or 12 percent over one assessment cycle;
Allow voters to override the local government revenue cap at the ballot box and school districts to override the cap at the state-wide level; and
Extend the backfill mechanism in SB24-233 for local government entities most impacted by this measure for one more year, through 2025.
The bill will also direct the Property Tax Commission to evaluate the property tax changes made in SB24-233 and HB24B-1001 and report on how Colorado’s tax code does or does not deliver relief to the people who need it the most.
In May, the General Assembly passed SB24-233 to reduce statewide local taxes by more than $1 billion, prevent future spikes in property taxes, and protect critical services that Coloradans rely on. HB24B-1001 makes minor adjustments to SB24-233 in order to avoid devastating ballot measures from wealthy special interests.
Irresponsible ballot measures threaten to reduce revenue for public schools, fire departments, health care, libraries, water infrastructure, and public outdoor recreation by nearly $3 billion. They would risk the major strides Colorado Democrats have made to boost public education funding and eliminate the Budget Stabilization Factor. If these measures were to pass, they would lead to deep cuts to emergency services.
HB24B-1001 now heads to the Governor’s desk for his signature. Track its progress HERE.
Senate Gives Initial Sign Off on Bipartisan Bill to Responsibly Reduce Property Taxes and Protect Colorado’s Future
DENVER, CO – Today the Senate gave preliminary approval to bipartisan legislation sponsored by Chair of the Commission on Property Tax, Senator Chris Hansen, D-Denver, that would responsibly reduce property taxes while protecting critical community institutions like public schools, health care, libraries, water infrastructure, and municipal parks, playgrounds and recreation centers.
Using SB24-233 as the baseline, HB24B-1001 would reduce assessment rates and lower revenue caps. Cosponsored by Senator Barb Kirkmeyer, R-Weld County, the bill also introduces new flexibility for school districts and local governments by allowing them to carry forward unused growth capacity into the next assessment cycle while shielding taxpayers from dramatic spikes in value growth.
“Building on the bipartisan success of SB24-233, this bill represents the culmination of more than six years of work to craft sustainable, responsible property tax reform in the wake of the Gallagher repeal,” said Hansen. “This legislation is the product of partnership, compromise, and a shared commitment to the people of Colorado. The Commission on Property Tax, local governments, schools, and countless other stakeholders all have been involved in a public discussion of an extremely complicated problem – resulting in policy that provides both meaningful relief to taxpayers and stability for essential community services. In recent years, we have been able to secure a stronger future for Colorado by ending the negative factor, creating a stable foundation for education funding, establishing sustainable funding paths for higher education and Medicaid providers, and now with this policy, we can avoid the devastating impacts of Initiatives 50 and 108 and protect the progress we’ve already made.”
Additionally, the bill would:
Reduce the local government revenue cap from 5.5 percent to 5.25 percent annual growth, or 10.5 percent over one assessment cycle;
Change the school revenue sharing ratio to a 6 percent revenue annual growth cap, or 12 percent over one assessment cycle;
Allow voters to override the local government revenue cap at the ballot box and school districts to override the cap at the state-wide level; and
Extend the backfill mechanism in SB24-233 for local government entities most impacted by this measure for one more year, through 2025.
The bill would also direct the Commission on Property Tax to evaluate the property tax changes made in SB24-233 and HB24B-1001 and report on how Colorado’s tax code does or does not deliver relief to the people who need it the most.
In May, the General Assembly passed SB24-233 to reduce statewide local taxes by more than $1 billion, prevent future spikes in property taxes, and protect critical services that Coloradans rely on. HB24B-1001 makes minor adjustments to SB24-233 in order to avoid devastating ballot measures from wealthy special interests.
Irresponsible ballot measures threaten to reduce revenue for public schools, fire departments, health care, libraries, water infrastructure, and public outdoor recreation by nearly $3 billion. They would risk the major strides Colorado Democrats have made to boost public education funding and eliminate the Budget Stabilization Factor. If these measures were to pass, they would lead to deep cuts to emergency services.
HB24B-1001 will be heard on third and final reading tomorrow. Track its progress HERE.
Fields, Buckner Statement on Aurora Police Chief Selection Process
AURORA, CO – Senators Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, and Janet Buckner, D-Aurora, today released the following statement regarding Aurora’s selection process for its next Chief of Police:
"The selection of a Chief of Police is a critical process that must be grounded in open, honest dialogue with the entire community. Unfortunately, we’ve seen a disappointing pattern of city leaders sidelining community voices during the selection process for Aurora’s Chief of Police, leading to a revolving door of leadership. This lack of transparency and trust not only undermines the process but also signals an unwillingness to learn from past mistakes and prioritize the needs of the Aurora community. Excluding community members and leaders from this important decision once again has missed a crucial opportunity to heal past traumas and build towards stronger collaboration between the community and law enforcement. Moving forward, we hope our next Chief will prioritize community engagement, elevate diverse voices, and recognize the essential role of transparency – because that is what Aurora deserves."
JOINT RELEASE: Legislative Leadership Statements on Property Tax Special Session
DENVER, CO – House and Senate Democratic Leadership today released the following statements on Governor Jared Polis’ call for a special session on property tax:
Statement from Speaker Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon:
“Our vision for Colorado is a place where everyone, from the youngest learner to working families and older Coloradans, can thrive and afford a good life. Initiatives 50 and 108 would do the opposite and risk our state’s future by defunding public schools, fire response, health care, libraries, water infrastructure, and municipal parks and recreation centers. Coloradans elected us to govern responsibly and to listen to those on the frontlines of providing these critical services. I’m grateful for the bipartisan Property tax Commission’s feedback and the growing consensus among impacted stakeholders that we should pursue further property tax reductions with guarantees that will protect the Colorado we love and the future of our state.”
Statement from President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder:
“The reckless and irresponsible ballot measures we are contending with pose an existential threat to critical state and local services, and it is incumbent on us to act in Colorado’s best interests. After years of bipartisan work to address Colorado’s property tax and affordability challenges, we now face another opportunity to step up, govern responsibly, and ensure that additional property tax cuts are delivered in a way that does not jeopardize Colorado’s financial future. I’m appreciative of the hard work that has gone into negotiations around the future of our property tax framework and grateful for the thoughtful input from members of the Commission on Property Tax and local leaders from across the state.”
Statement from House Majority Leader Monica Duran, D-Wheat Ridge:
“It is a grave risk to our state that wealthy special interests have proceeded with ballot measures that would devastate our economy, cut funding for schools, and risk financing for critical infrastructure projects like affordable housing. These measures seriously jeopardize the services Coloradans rely on, especially Coloradans struggling the most with our affordability crisis. I appreciate the thoughtful engagement of stakeholders and voices across the political spectrum who have weighed in on this proposal, and I’m proud to go back to work to help keep people in their homes, provide additional tax relief, and protect funding for our schools that we’ve fought so hard for.”
Statement from Senate Majority Leader Robert Rodriguez, D-Denver:
“People across our state share a common goal: making Colorado an affordable place to live, work, and raise a family. Over the past several years, we’ve worked with stakeholders inside and outside of the Capitol and on both sides of the aisle to pass legislation that delivers needed property tax relief while ensuring essential government services are funded and available to their communities. In the face of dangerous ballot initiatives driven by special interests, we remain committed to doing what is best for the people of Colorado as well as their schools, fire departments, and local governments. We will work to ensure that any additional property tax cuts provide relief for Coloradans and are delivered in a responsible manner that doesn’t threaten the services they rely on.”
On Monday, August 12th, the bipartisan Commission on Property Tax evaluated the devastating impacts of Initiatives 50 and 108 to state and local government budgets and critical services and discussed potential legislative alternatives to responsibly deliver property tax relief.
Bipartisan Laws to Save Coloradans Money Go Into Effect
DENVER, CO - On August 7, two bipartisan bills will go into effect to extend funding to the Opportunity Now Colorado grant program and create more affordable child care opportunities.
“Opportunity Now grants have fostered transformative changes for Colorado’s workforce, encouraged job growth and supported rural and mountain communities like mine in Northwestern Colorado,” said Rep. Meghan Lukens, D-Steamboat Springs. “This bipartisan law outlines the final round of funding for the grant program and has an important focus on the construction and building trades. We’re working hard to meet our workforce needs and that begins with helping Coloradans secure good-paying jobs in growing industries.”
“Opportunity is a core Colorado value, and every Coloradan should have the opportunity to earn a good life," said Senator Jeff Bridges, D-Arapahoe County. "That opportunity often starts with a good education, one that's aligned with good-paying jobs in a person's community. Making sure what schools teach matches what businesses need is exactly what the Opportunity Now grant does, leading to better wages for workers, a well-trained workforce for our employers, and a stronger Colorado economy for everyone."
HB24-1365, also sponsored by Representative Matt Soper, R-Delta, and Senator Perry Will, R-New Castle, supports the fourth and final round of the successful Opportunity Now Colorado grant. The goal of this law is to connect more Coloradans with in-demand, high-wage careers, specifically in the construction, infrastructure and building trades.
This law also establishes the Regional Talent Summit Grant Program, which helps Coloradans find in-demand careers in their communities. It also introduces a workforce shortage tax credit to help with facility and equipment upgrades needed for training in new, emerging fields, leveraging federal investments outlined in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, CHIPS and Science Act and others.
The Opportunity Now grant program has awarded $27 million to 46 grantees representing 145 businesses and 78 education partners in 38 different industries.
“Increasing affordable child care options will save Colorado families money and make it easier for new families to return to the workforce and support our thriving economies,” continued Rep. Lukens. “This bipartisan legislation will make it easier to build new child care facilities and find safe ways to reuse existing spaces to boost child care options for Colorado families.”
“I’m proud that our bipartisan legislation to increase affordable child care options is going into effect,” said Senator Janice Marchman, D-Loveland. “Quality, affordable child care is essential to support Colorado’s workforce, and by providing funding to develop new and convert existing spaces into childcare centers, we can offer more options to Colorado families.”
HB24-1237, also sponsored by Representative Mary Bradfield, R-Colorado Springs, and Senator Janice Rich, R-Grand Junction, will help reduce costs for developing child care facilities by providing technical planning, building, construction, and development support to increase child care providers.
Specifically, this legislation creates the framework to provide planning and capital grants and technical support for local governments, institutions of higher education, public schools, employers, private partners, and builders, to support the development of licensed child care facilities and providers.
Bills to Improve Prescription Label Accessibility, Boost Behavioral Health Care Workforce Go Into Effect
DENVER, CO - On August 7, two new laws go into effect which will make prescription drug labels more accessible to blind, visually impaired and print-impaired Coloradans, and will expand access to behavioral health care in Colorado.
“The information on prescription labels provides important details that enable patients to safely and effectively take medication – we need to ensure blind, visually impaired and print-impaired Coloradans can readily access this information,” said Rep. Mary Young, D-Greeley, sponsor of HB24-1115. “If you can’t access the label of your prescription medication, it could lead to negative health consequences, even death. This law allows Coloradans to have agency over their health care by making sure prescription labels are accessible for blind, visually impaired and print-impaired Coloradans.”
“All patients deserve to have access to accommodations that meet their unique needs so that they can consistently receive critical information about their medications,” said Senate President Steve Fenberg, D-Boulder. “Prescription medications are critical to maintaining one’s health, and a lack of access to information about prescription medications can have serious, life-threatening consequences, such as accidentally taking an incorrect medication or dosage. This important new law will help blind, visually impaired, and print disabled Coloradans stay healthy and safe while maintaining their independence.”
“Prescription labels outline important information related to dosage and frequency, and this law makes labels more accessible to blind or visually and print-impaired Coloradans,” said Rep. Junie Joseph, D-Boulder, sponsor of HB24-1115. “Our law will increase reading accessibility of prescription labels so that blind, and visually impaired Coloradans can access the live-saving and critical information they need. We’re committed to improving accessibility throughout our state, and this law tackles prescription labels as an important part of that effort.”
HB24-1115 will require a pharmacy to provide blind, visually impaired and print-impaired Coloradans with access to prescription drug label information. The law requires pharmacies to, upon request, provide patients with:
An electronic label, like a QR code, on the container that can transmit the label information and instructions to the person’s accessibility device,
A no-cost prescription drug reader that provides the label information in an audio format,
Prescription drug label information in braille or large print, or
Any other method recommended by the US Access Board.
The law also permits a pharmacy 28 days to provide a specific method of access that they have not yet utilized, if requested by a patient. Additionally, it creates the Prescription Accessibility Grant Program to provide grants to pharmacies for the purchase of equipment used to create accessible prescription labels.
“With this law going into effect, we’re boosting Colorado’s behavioral health care workforce,” said Rep. Emily Sirota, D-Denver, sponsor of HB24-1002. “Social workers are critical to the success of our state’s overall behavioral health care system, and we must do everything we can to attract and retain these skilled professionals. By creating a social work licensure compact, already licensed social workers can begin practicing in Colorado more quickly to give Coloradans the whole-person behavioral healthcare they need and deserve.”
“The need for social workers in Colorado is clear, so we are working to break down barriers and allow more skilled professionals to join our workforce,” said Senator Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, sponsor of HB24-1002. “When we support the behavioral health care needs of Coloradans, it’s a win-win for the safety of our communities and our economy.”
“We need to use every tool available to us to improve behavioral health care access for Coloradans,” said Rep. Matthew Martinez, D-Monte Vista, sponsor of HB24-1002. “This law makes it easier for licensed social workers in participating states to begin working in Colorado, which is particularly helpful for military spouses who often relocate. With this law going into effect, we’re removing barriers to entering Colorado’s behavioral health care workforce and streamlining care for Coloradans across the state.”
HB24-1002 creates new pathways for out-of-state social workers to gain professional licensure to practice in Colorado. Also sponsored by Senator Janice Rich, R-Grand Junction, this bipartisan law creates the "Social Work Licensure Compact", which creates an agreement between Colorado and six other states where licensed social workers in member states can obtain and easily transfer a license from another member state.
New Laws to Support Rural Health Care, Increase Availability of Telehealth Services Go Into Effect
DENVER, CO – On August 7, two laws to support rural health care and increase the availability of telehealth services in rural and underserved areas will go into effect.
SB24-055, sponsored by Senator Janice Marchman, D-Loveland, and Representative Meghan Lukens, D-Steamboat Springs, improves access to behavioral health care in rural Colorado by creating a new Agricultural and Rural Community Behavioral Health program that will work to better connect farmers, ranchers, and their families to behavioral health care. The program will partner with the Behavioral Health Administration, Colorado Department of Agriculture, and stakeholders to work directly with behavioral health care providers and liaisons to provide support to agricultural industry workers and communities throughout Colorado.
“Colorado’s farmers, ranchers, and their families are struggling to get the behavioral health care they urgently need, and the results have been disastrous,” said Marchman. “Everyone deserves to have behavioral health care created by and for their own communities. This new law will bolster our ongoing efforts to close the rural mental health gap, and ultimately help save lives across our state.”
“Coloradans living in rural and mountain communities, like mine, deserve access to high-quality health care – including mental and behavioral health care,” said Lukens. “We’re taking steps to expand mental health care support for our farmers and ranchers in their communities. Mental health matters in every corner of our state, and this new law will improve access, outreach, and connection for our farmers and ranchers to receive the behavioral health care they need.”
Also sponsored by Senator Perry Will, R-New Castle, and Representative Anthony Hartsook, R-Parker, SB24-055 establishes a working group and centralizes existing grant programs within the Colorado Department of Agriculture to better address the root causes of behavioral health issues in rural and agricultural communities.
Farmers, ranchers, and those in the agriculture industry currently rank fourth in the state for the highest suicide rate. This law aims to connect farmers and ranchers with tailored behavioral health care resources.
Sponsored by Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Frisco, Speaker of the House Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, and Representative Matthew Martinez, D-Monte Vista, SB24-168 directs the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to reimburse the use of telehealth remote monitoring for outpatient services for Medicaid patients and provide coverage for continuous glucose monitoring devices. Also sponsored by Senator Cleave Simpson, R-Alamosa, the new law creates a grant program to assist rural and shortage area providers in obtaining remote telehealth monitoring equipment. Funds from the grant program could also be used for training staff on utilizing remote monitoring equipment.
“Expanding access to health care is critical, especially in our rural and mountain communities,” said McCluskie. “Members of my family live with diabetes, and continuous glucose monitors have made living with this disease better for all of us and ensured strong health outcomes for my husband. To help ensure everyone has access to the health care they need when they need it, our law works to expand and encourage telehealth options. This new law also establishes a grant program to help our hospitals and providers implement telehealth technology and better serve our community members.”
“Coloradans in my district know firsthand how challenging and expensive it can be to access critical health care services,” said Roberts. “During my time in the legislature, I’ve worked hard to deliver high-quality, affordable health care services to underserved and rural areas and this law expands access to remote health services and continuous glucose monitors, which have proven to be successful at ensuring patients receive the right care, at the right place, at the right time and save so much money in the long-run.”
“For many of the residents living in my district, the nearest hospital is miles and miles away, making it hard to receive high-quality health care when they need it,” said Martinez. “This law expands telehealth services into rural and underserved communities like mine so everyone can access the treatment and care needed to live a healthy life. Our bipartisan law also creates a rural-specific grant program to help our health care providers locate and implement telehealth remote monitoring technology in their practice.”
New Law Goes Into Effect to Preserve Housing Coloradans Can Afford
HB24-1175 gives local governments the right of first refusal to buy existing affordable housing when a building or complex is up for sale
DENVER, CO - On August 7, legislation goes into effect to give local governments the right of first refusal to purchase existing subsidized housing and preserve Colorado’s limited affordable housing stock.
“With rising rents pricing Coloradans out of their communities, local governments need additional tools to help them preserve existing affordable housing options that work for everyday Coloradans,” said Rep. Andrew Boesenecker, D-Fort Collins. “With our new law going into effect, local governments will now be able to purchase and preserve affordable housing properties that were made possible by the investment of public dollars. This legislation better allows us to maintain and expand affordable housing options in our communities and ease Colorado’s housing crisis.”
“Whether it’s Broomfield or Berthoud, housing is a top concern for Coloradans,” said Senator Faith Winter, D-Broomfield. “This year, we’re tackling Colorado’s housing crisis from all angles. By giving local governments an additional tool to preserve affordable housing stock, Coloradans will be better positioned to find housing options that fit their budget.”
“Our law is one of many steps that Colorado Democrats are taking to combat housing instability and displacement,” said Rep. Emily Sirota, D-Denver. “We need a multi-faceted approach to address our affordable housing shortage, which is why we passed legislation to create new tools for local governments that keep existing affordable housing properties in the rental market and attainable for Coloradans.”
“Colorado is in the midst of a housing crisis and we must do everything we can to help renters and homeowners,” said Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis, D-Longmont. “By giving local governments the chance to make the first offer and create new affordable housing stock, we can ensure more Coloradans – especially lower income families – have an affordable place they can call home.”
Many affordable housing buildings are sold and converted to higher-priced market-rate units once the affordability restrictions expire. The right of first refusal gives local governments the right to purchase an existing affordable multi-family residential or mixed-use rental property with at least five units if they match any offers that the seller receives and continue to use the property for long-term affordable housing. Under HB24-1175, owners would be required to notify local governments two years before affordability restrictions expire to allow time for governments to plan in case that property hits the market.
For non-subsidized multifamily rental properties, the law gives local governments the right of first offer before the property is listed for sale. This right applies to buildings more than 30 years old with 15 to 100 units, and the property must be used as long-term affordable housing. If interested, the local government must respond within seven days of receiving notice of intent to sell from the seller and may request additional information, with the seller having five days to comply and the local government another 14 days to make an offer. Accepted offers would lead to a 30-day negotiation period and a 60-day closing period.
Bipartisan Laws to Promote Effective Water Management Go Into Effect
DENVER, CO – Bipartisan laws to promote effective water management will go into effect on August 7.
SB24-005, sponsored by Senator Dylan Roberts, D-Frisco, and Representatives Karen McCormick, D-Longmont, and Barbara McLachlan, D-Durango, promotes water-wise landscaping by prohibiting the installation of nonfunctional turf, invasive plant species, and artificial turf in any newly developed commercial, institutional, industrial, and state property. It also applies to other little-used areas like parking lots and medians. This will help the environment not only by saving water, but by reducing reliance on pesticides and gas powered lawn equipment, while opening up space for native plants that naturally survive in Colorado’s climate and support our local birds and bees.
“Water is Colorado’s most precious natural resource and as we face an uncertain future with ongoing drought and more demands, we must continue to act to secure our state’s water future,” said Roberts, sponsor of SB24-005 and SB24-197. "This year, we took steps to reduce unnecessary landscape water usage, implement the Colorado River Drought Task Force’s recommendations, and address the challenges to our water supply head-on. As these laws take effect, they position Colorado as a leader in effective water management, and help ensure the protection of the Colorado River and all our critical water resources."
“With this law, we're cutting back on unnecessary water usage on nonfunctional turf used in medians, greenways and parking lots,” said McCormick, sponsor of SB24-005. “Water-wise landscaping conserves our precious water resources and encourages communities to embrace Colorado's natural landscapes. Our law sets us on a path forward to more effectively manage and preserve the water we all rely on.”
“Cutting back on the amount of water we use on nonfunctional turf will help us conserve our precious water resources across the state,” said McLachlan, sponsor of SB24-005. “This law helps us effectively and efficiently manage our water resources by encouraging water-wise landscaping on little-used areas like parking lots and medians. We're stepping up to conserve water while embracing the native plants and species that thrive in Colorado."
Outdoor watering of landscaping uses about half of all municipal water. Much of this is used to grow non-native turf grass, which requires large amounts of water to thrive. While some turf is used for parks, sports fields, and yards, much of it serves no community purpose, such as highway frontages and strips alongside industrial properties. The state has supported turf replacement as a key tool for water conservation, and now this bill focuses on limiting its installation in the first place.
Also sponsored by Senator Cleave Simpson, R-Alamosa, SB24-005 encourages developers, city planners, and managers to choose plants that thrive in Colorado’s semi-arid climate, as opposed to non-native, water-intensive plants such as Kentucky bluegrass or invasive species.
Sponsored by Roberts and Speaker of the House Julie McCluskie, D-Dillon, SB24-197 improves Colorado’s water supply by implementing several recommendations made by the Colorado River Drought Task Force.
“Securing Colorado's water future is paramount. This law strategically implements recommendations from the Colorado River Drought Task Force to protect the Colorado way of life,” said McCluskie, sponsor of SB24-197. “Worsening drought conditions have jeopardized Colorado’s water future, and this bipartisan legislation works to address some of the challenges facing our water supply while preserving it for our state’s agriculture, outdoor recreation and household needs. I’m committed to tackling Colorado’s water supply challenges head-on, while working alongside our agriculture and coal-transition communities, to protect our water for generations to come.”
Also sponsored by Senator Perry Will, R-New Castle, and Representative Marc Catlin, R-Montrose, the law implements recommendations including:
Expanding the Environmental Instream Flow Temporary Loan Program to allow the owner of a decreed storage water right to loan water to the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to preserve or improve the natural environment.
Expansion of Colorado’s Agricultural Water Rights Protection Program which creates opportunities for agricultural water rights holders to make water temporarily available for other uses while maintaining water in agriculture.
Protection of Industrial Water Rights for Hayden and Craig’s Power Generation Systems through 2050, which will allow the electric utilities or another entity to look into the viability of future energy generation technologies that could advance Colorado’s clean energy and greenhouse gas emission goals while keeping energy-producing jobs in the region.
Increased Access to Water Plan Implementation Grants for the Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Nations which would allow the CWCB to waive or reduce matching fund requirements for grants to Tribal Nations and enterprises.
Since 2000, the Colorado River Basin, including the Colorado River and its tributaries in Colorado, has experienced unprecedented drought conditions – exacerbated by climate change – that have contributed to decreased water supplies. In response, lawmakers passed SB23-295, which created the Colorado River Drought Task Force and charged it with developing water policy recommendations for the General Assembly to consider.
New Laws to Protect Homeowners in Metro Districts, Prevent HOA Foreclosures Go Into Effect
DENVER, CO - Two new laws go into effect on August 7. HB24-1267 creates clear policies and procedures for metropolitan districts to abide by, improving accountability and consistency when enforcing their policies on homeowners. HB24-1337 protects homeowners’ association (HOA) residents against having to pay excessive attorney fees that can result from enforcement actions against unit owners and creates new safeguards against foreclosure.
“Metro districts are a tool used to help keep up with the increasing demand for housing in our communities, and we must ensure that homeowners in these districts are protected from preventable foreclosures and hefty legal fees when conflict arises,” said Rep. Iman Jodeh, D-Aurora, sponsor of HB24-1267 and HB24-1337. “Like HOAs, metro districts may conduct design review and covenant enforcement, unfortunately leading to some homeowners being foreclosed on due to fines and fees over decisions like the material used for their roof. Our new laws will encourage metro districts and homeowners to work together to settle disputes to avoid unnecessary foreclosures and ensure that Coloradans won’t be on the hook for paying exorbitant attorneys fees racked up by HOAs.”
“Keeping families housed is a key priority of mine,” said Senate President Pro Tempore James Coleman, D-Denver, sponsor of HB24-1267 and HB24-1337. “A lack of transparency and confusing, hard-to-follow rules in metro districts and HOAs alike can saddle homeowners with large fines and make it hard for folks to stay in their homes. These new laws will give homeowners greater agency and protection from foreclosure to keep more Colorado families housed.”
“Housing affordability is a serious issue for Coloradans. Foreclosures due to unreasonable HOA repayment requirements threaten housing security for thousands of families,” said Rep. Jennifer Bacon, D-Denver, sponsor of HB24-1267 and HB24-1337. "Our law will create a right of redemption, allowing Colorado homeowners the right to purchase the property back rather than watching their home and hard-earned equity go to the highest bidder for pennies on the dollar. Another law also goes into effect that will require greater transparency from metro districts when they enforce their policies on residents, preventing homeowners from having their house foreclosed on due to unpaid fines and fees resulting from covenant enforcement, keeping Coloradans housed.”
“Metro districts can be an important tool in helping create more badly-needed housing for our communities – but too often homeowners in metro districts face entirely preventable foreclosures,” said Senator Chris Hansen, D-Denver, sponsor of HB24-1267. “By creating more avenues for dispute resolution and creating clearer rules and practices, we can help ensure a fair process for foreclosures and keep more of our neighbors in their homes.”
Beginning August 7, 2024, HB24-1267 prohibits a metro district from foreclosing on a lien based on a resident’s delinquent fees or other charges owed to the metro district. It will also require metro districts to create rules and guidelines that they must comply with when conducting covenant enforcement and design review, including establishing a fair process that gives an owner notice and an opportunity for a hearing.
HB24-1267 also protects residents’ property rights by allowing them to display flags and signs, modify their property to accommodate a person with a disability, park an emergency vehicle in a driveway, remove vegetation for fire mitigation purposes, use a rain barrel, operate a family child care home or install renewable energy devices such as solar panels.
Currently, homeowners associations (HOAs) can require a homeowner to reimburse the HOAs for collection costs and attorney fees without starting a legal proceeding. HB24-1337 would limit the reimbursement amount for attorney fees to 50 percent of the underlying payment owed or $5,000, whichever is less. The bill also prohibits foreclosing on a lien if the homeowner is in a bankruptcy civil action or if the homeowner is in compliance with a payment plan to pay off the collection owed. It also requires the HOA to take specific actions before foreclosing on a home, ensuring foreclosure is the last resort.
“Home ownership is supposed to create generational wealth, but right now the housing crisis is creating generational debt,” said Senator Tony Exum, Sr., D-Colorado Springs, sponsor of HB24-1337. “This law helps ensure HOA foreclosure is a last resort while lowering legal costs and providing Coloradans with the opportunity to buy back their property and stay in their communities. It’s a great step to improving financial and housing stability in Colorado.”
The law also creates a right of redemption for properties in an HOA that have been foreclosed on, which would allow unit owners, tenants, nonprofits, community land trusts, and other entities the opportunity to purchase the property before it is transferred, which will help keep wealth in families and communities.
New Gun Violence Prevention Laws Go Into Effect
DENVER, CO – On August 7, legislation will go into effect to combat gun violence by improving concealed carry permit training, boosting the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s ability to address illegal firearm activities, and making it easier to recognize dangerous firearm purchasing patterns.
HB24-1174, sponsored by House Majority Leader Monica Duran, D-Wheat Ridge, Representative Marc Snyder, D-Manitou Springs, and Senator Kyle Mullica, D-Thornton, requires handgun training classes to include at least eight hours of instruction, including a live-fire exercise and a written exam with a minimum passing score. It also requires handgun training classes to be held in-person and include training on the safe handling of firearms and ammunition, safe storage of firearms and child safety, federal and state firearm laws, interactions with law enforcement, and more.
“We all share a common goal of keeping illegal guns out of our communities, which is why I’m proud that two of my laws to ensure the safety of our loved ones and neighbors are going into effect,” said Duran, sponsor of HB24-1174 and SB24-003. “The data is clear - live-fire gun training can save lives. Our new legislation will ensure that Coloradans with concealed carry permits are properly trained before they bring their firearm into their communities. Additionally, SB24-003 uplifts our past work and reflects our commitment to keeping our communities safe by ensuring law enforcement agencies have the resources they need to investigate illegal firearm activity.”
“Responsible gun ownership takes work,” said Mullica. “Creating minimum training requirements for safe handling of firearms, shooting fundamentals and more ensures we’re treating concealed carry permits with the seriousness they deserve. Too often, careless gun owners create dangerous situations that needlessly put many others in harm's way. I’m proud to champion this important legislation that advances gun safety measures and helps prevent senseless gun violence.”
“When I received my concealed carry permit years ago, I was surprised to learn that Colorado law did not require live-fire training, a necessary skill to have before carrying a gun in public spaces," said Snyder. "Our new law will create a minimum requirement for concealed carry permit holders, including in-person live-fire training with a certified firearms instructor, to ensure that concealed carry permits are issued with appropriate training. Many dedicated and qualified firearm instructors already exceed the minimum requirements in this law, and this law will close that gap to ensure that everyone who applies for a concealed carry permit has proper training. This commonsense gun violence prevention legislation will help prevent senseless gun deaths by improving firearm training.”
HB24-1174 also prohibits a person from being issued a permit if they have been convicted of certain misdemeanor offenses within five years of submitting a concealed carry permit application. The law makes it a deceptive trade practice for a person to claim to be a verified firearms safety instructor unless they have been verified by a county sheriff.
Sponsored by Senator Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial, Majority Leader Duran, and Rep. Meg Froelich, D-Englewood, SB24-003 gives the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) the ability to investigate illegal activity involving firearms. The law appropriates $1.7 million to the Department of Public Safety to create a team that investigates individuals convicted of felonies who are attempting to illegally purchase a firearm, and other illegal firearm crimes such as possession of a ghost gun.
“This year we’re creating safer communities across Colorado by improving CBI’s authority and ability to more effectively investigate illegal firearms purchases and transfers, purchases of illegal components and ghost guns, and information obtained through tip lines such as suspected straw purchases,” said Sullivan, sponsor of SB24-003 and SB24-066. “Additionally, with SB66 in effect, we will finally have even more tools to protect people. In the weeks before my son Alex was killed in the Aurora Theater shooting, his killer purchased multiple firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition - and nobody batted an eye. Merchant category codes will enable credit card companies to detect alarming purchasing patterns like his and alert law enforcement, helping to prevent horrific acts of gun violence before disaster strikes.”
“It’s important to tackle illegal guns in Colorado to increase public safety,” said Froelich, sponsor of SB24-003 and SB24-066. “Current gaps in authority and resources make it difficult for law enforcement officials to enforce our laws to the fullest extent, which is why our new law will give CBI the authority and the resources to work with local law enforcement agencies on life-saving investigations of illegal firearms. Another new law will go into effect to expand the use of credit card merchant codes, an effective tool already used by law enforcement, to combat human trafficking and money laundering crimes. Our legislation is crucial in giving law enforcement a head start in preventing gun violence so we can save Colorado lives."
Finally, SB24-066, sponsored by Sullivan, Froelich, and Rep. Javier Mabrey, D-Denver, requires payment card networks like Visa or Mastercard to provide a specific code, known as a merchant code, for businesses that sell firearms and ammunition. Merchant codes allow banks and credit card companies to recognize dangerous firearm purchasing patterns – like a domestic extremist building up an arsenal – and report them to law enforcement.
“Credit cards have been used to finance many of the major mass shootings in recent years, and identifying suspicious weapon and ammunition stockpiling before a tragedy can take place will save lives," said Mabrey. "Firearms are uniquely exempted from having a merchant code. Almost every other product has one of these codes and this new law removes that exemption. This information could be provided to law enforcement, and it could have a life-saving impact in our communities.”
A report found that this policy could have prevented many mass shootings, including the Aurora movie theater shooting and the Pulse Nightclub shooting. The Aurora movie theater shooter used a MasterCard to buy $11,000 worth of weapons and military gear at multiple stores in the six weeks before the shooting.
New Laws Go Into Effect to Boost Consumer Protections for Event Tickets, Predatory Towing and Improve Gig Worker Rights
DENVER, CO - On August 7, three new laws will go into effect to strengthen consumer protections for ticket sales for activities like concerts and sporting events, crack down on predatory towing, and improve flexibility, fairness, safety, and transparency for gig transportation network company (TNC) workers and consumers.
“Colorado is home to many great live music venues and multiple professional sports teams, and this consumer protection law will help prevent Coloradans from being taken advantage of by bad actors,” said Rep. William Lindstedt, D-Broomfield, sponsor of HB24-1378. “This law guarantees refunds for canceled events, ensures actual all-in prices are advertised and bans deceptive website sales to clarify consumer rights and protections in the ticket industry. We’re creating a Colorado that better serves consumers so they can fully enjoy their favorite events, from Nuggets games to Taylor Swift concerts.”
“For too long, bad actors have made the ticket purchasing process overly complicated and difficult to navigate,” said Senator Tom Sullivan, D-Centennial, sponsor of HB24-1378. “This year, I was proud to champion the effort to bring greater transparency to the ticket buying process and improve the experience for Colorado consumers. This new law will help Coloradans attend the concerts and sporting events they love with more ease and peace of mind.”
“Unfortunately, most Coloradans have had negative experiences with the ticket industry that make it more difficult for them to attend concerts and professional sports games,” said Rep. Alex Valdez, D-Denver, sponsor of HB24-1378. “As a resident of downtown Denver, I know how important our local sports teams and big concert events are to local businesses. Our legislation will bolster protections for consumers, making ticket-buying a more secure process so Coloradans can feel better about their purchases.”
HB24-1378, also sponsored by Senator Bob Gardner, R-Colorado Springs, requires ticket sellers and resellers to guarantee refunds to ticket buyers and prohibits an operator from denying entry to ticket holders who purchased the ticket through a reseller.
This new law expands what constitutes a deceptive trade practice, including:
Displaying trademarked, copyrighted, or substantially similar web designs, URLs, or other images and symbols with the intent to mislead a purchaser,
Selling a ticket to an event without disclosing the total cost of the ticket, or
Increasing the price of a ticket after the ticket has been selected for purchase, except for adding delivery fees.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office found that additional fees on event tickets average 27 to 31 percent of the ticket’s price.
HB24-1051 improves oversight, transparency and fairness in the towing industry in Colorado. Specifically, this law ends the practice of towing carriers patrolling, monitoring or policing properties to enforce parking restrictions on behalf of property owners. It also directs the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to promulgate new rules for towing carriers, including requiring carriers to disclose additional information necessary for effective oversight and meaningful reporting, beginning September 1, 2025.
“Leveling the playing field amongst towing companies and everyday Coloradans is essential, and that begins with dismantling some of the financial incentives for towing companies,” said Rep. Andrew Boesenecker, D-Fort Collins, sponsor of HB24-1051. “While the Towing Bill of Rights laid a strong foundation to protect vehicle owners, we’re doing more to improve transparency within the towing industry and prohibiting predatory towing companies from patrolling parking lots to look for vehicles to profit on. Today, we’re putting consumers first by requiring property owners to authorize residential non-consensual tows, outlining more guardrails for towing carries and making sure vehicles towed illegally are returned to the owner within 48 hours at no cost.”
“When my car was wrongfully towed last summer, it showed me how the laws we had in place were being ignored and weren’t strong enough. Since then, I’ve heard from countless Coloradans who have shared their experiences as well, which was the reason to come back to the table and further strengthen Colorado’s Towing Bill of Rights,” said Senator Julie Gonzales, D-Denver, sponsor of HB24-1051. “It all worked out for me in the end, but you shouldn’t have to be a senator or know the law forward and backward just to be treated fairly. This legislation ensures towing companies aren’t hiding the ball when it comes to telling people their options and rights under the law. My hope is that with this law, we can better protect consumers and hold towing carriers responsible for following the law.”
“Imagine waking up to find, through no fault of your own, that your vehicle has been towed – this is an unfortunate reality for many in our state,” said Rep. Tisha Mauro, D-Pueblo, sponsor of HB24-1051. “Our legislation works to break down financial incentives for predatory towing practices, specifically patrolling parking lots, and drastically improves consumer protections. Under this law, if a vehicle is illegally towed, the towing company will have to make it right by returning the vehicle within 48 hours at no cost to the owner. To ensure we’re leveling the playing field between Coloradans and towing companies, this law also outlines new rules for towing carriers to create a better state for us all.”
“Over the past few years, we’ve worked hard to improve consumer protections in the towing industry and for TNC drivers,” said Senator Kevin Priola, D-Henderson, sponsor of HB24-1051 and SB24-075. “In the years since, we’ve learned that we need to do more to ensure that towing companies are actually following the law as intended and that drivers have the transparency they deserve. I was proud to sponsor these laws that make much needed updates to our Towing Bill Rights and provide drivers with essential details about their work like pay and destination – both of which ensure greater fairness for Coloradans.”
Importantly, HB24-1051 changes the incentive structure for towing companies by requiring the property owner to authorize non-consensual tows. Unauthorized vehicles will still be towed at the expense of the vehicle owner.
Another portion of the law aims to ramp up consumer protections by requiring companies to return a wrongfully towed vehicle to the original location within 48 hours and at no charge to the vehicle owner, and improving parking lot signage to explain towing regulations clearly in both English and Spanish. The law also makes it a deceptive trade practice to conduct a non-consensual tow in violation of the law.
In an effort to improve long-term transparency in the towing industry, HB24-1051 allows the PUC to suspend or revoke a towing carrier permit in certain circumstances and the law addresses conflicts of interest for members of the Towing Task Force.
Gig work has risen over the last decade, but many workers struggle to make ends meet or plan for their financial future due to the volatile nature of their earnings and unjust terminations. SB24-075 addresses a number of issues gig workers and consumers face by requiring the following:
Companies must disclose terms and grounds for termination or deactivation of drivers and communicate the reconsideration process;
Companies must disclose the fare, distance, and direction to all drivers before they accept a ride, which can prevent last-minute ride cancellations initiated by drivers;
Companies must disclose fare information to customers, including the total amount paid and how much of that the driver received; and
Companies must disclose some ride and app activity-related information to the state of Colorado, such as total mileage driven, deactivations and reconsideration results, and more.
“Gig workers deserve to know how much they will get paid before they accept a job, and this law will give them better clarity so they can make informed workplace decisions,” said Assistant Majority Leader Jennifer Bacon, D-Denver, sponsor of SB24-075. “This law improves gig workers’ rights while providing much-needed transparency to consumers so they know what their money is paying for.”
“All workers deserve to know how much they get paid and what their job entails, but currently rideshare and delivery gig workers aren’t given that information,” said Senate Majority Leader Robert Rodriguez, D-Denver, sponsor of SB24-075. “Our new law gives basic rights to TNC drivers and provides much-needed transparency for customers.”
“The gig economy has exploded in recent years, and we are addressing the lack of worker protections and consumer transparency to ensure fair wages and autonomy,” said Rep. Naquetta Ricks, D-Aurora, sponsor of SB24-075. “This law aims to address these issues by requiring companies to disclose the distance, direction, and fare of a ride to drivers before they accept it and share fare information with customers so they know how much of their rideshare is going to their driver. Without this information, drivers and customers are left in the dark and are vulnerable to being over-charged or underpaid.”
The law aims to provide transportation network company drivers with transparent information about tasks and earnings, and customers with the information needed to make decisions about how much to tip. Additionally, it will protect drivers by giving them a basic level of transparency about how deactivations are considered and can be appealed.
New Laws to Support Military, First Responder Families Go Into Effect
DENVER, CO - Two bills aimed at supporting students in military families and ensuring surviving spouses of state employees will receive lifetime death benefits if their spouse is killed on the job will go into effect on August 7.
“Children of military families are especially vulnerable to the changes that come with moving schools, making new friends and joining extracurricular activities mid-season,” said Rep. Bob Marshall, D-Highlands Ranch, sponsor of HB24-1076. “This new law will help students that are part of military families during the transition process, allowing them to focus on learning, growing and socializing within a program that fosters support.”
“Military families make big sacrifices to support service members and their communities, and it’s critical that we support them as well,” Senator Rhonda Fields, D-Aurora, sponsor of HB24-1076. “This new law will help uplift kids in military families by making sure they get the support they need to thrive at school. I’m proud to have sponsored this legislation that will help military family members get connected to the support and resources they deserve.”
“This important law uplifts our military families which strengthens communities, supports our workforce and recognizes the day-to-day sacrifices made by those who serve our nation and their families,” said Rep. Mike Weissman, D-Aurora, sponsor of HB24-1076. “As a representative for a community with a long tradition of military service, this bill will help ease the school transition for kids in military families, making it easier to call our great state home.”
HB24-1076, also sponsored by Senator Bob Gardner, R-Colorado Springs, establishes the Purple Star School Program to designate and recognize K-12 public schools that show a strong commitment to military-connected students and their families. To qualify for the Purple Star designation, schools must:
Designate a staff member as a Military Liaison,
Maintain a website with resources for military-connected students and families,
Maintain student-led transition programs, and
Offer professional development opportunities relating to military-connected students.
“When the surviving spouses of firefighters, Colorado State Patrol officers, and other first responders remarry, they lose the death benefits they are entitled to,” said Rep. Sheila Lieder, D-Littleton, sponsor of HB24-1139. “Death benefits for spouses are crucial in supporting widows and widowers during these times of need. This law ensures that surviving spouses will continue to see death benefits, even if they remarry, to help them heal from the trauma of losing their spouse while allowing them to move forward with their life.”
“Having served for over 35 years as a firefighter, I know the difficulties spouses of lost employees go through in the wake of their passing – and death benefits are critical for them during their times of need,” said Senator Tony Exum, Sr., D-Colorado Springs, sponsor of HB24-1139. “The current remarriage penalty forces a surviving spouse to relive the trauma of their loss and prevents them from moving forward with their lives. With this law, widows can choose to remarry without sacrificing financial security.”
HB24-1139, also sponsored by Representative Ryan Armagost, R-Berthoud, and Senator Perry Will, R-New Castle, ensures lifetime workers’ death benefits for surviving spouses of state employees with high-risk jobs, even if they remarry. Prior to this law, a surviving spouse could be eligible to receive workers’ compensation death benefits for the rest of their life, but if they remarry, they forfeit the right to these benefits. The new law defines a job with high-risk classification as State Troopers, Colorado Bureau of Investigations officers, corrections officers, community parole officers, state firefighters, port of entry officers, parks and wildlife officers, and Colorado Department of Transportation safety and maintenance workers.
First-in-the-World Neural Data Protections Law Goes Into Effect
DENVER, CO - On August 7, first-in-the-world legislation goes into effect to add biological and neural protections to the Colorado Privacy Act.
“Big technology companies are making remarkable progress with technology that uses biological and neural data, but without proper privacy protections in our state law, this data can be used and sold without consent,” said Rep. Cathy Kipp, D-Fort Collins. “Neurotechnology outside the medical setting has made significant advancements, especially for people with disabilities, and the advances in this field are coming quickly. Wearable technology purchased by consumers today increasingly has the ability to read thoughts. The next frontier in this field is influencing people’s thoughts and behavior. Our first in the nation law protects Coloradans’ from these invasions of privacy while continuing to encourage technological advancements.”
“Neurotechnology is no longer confined to medical or research settings, it’s in devices we use every day,” said Senator Kevin Priola, D-Henderson. “Outside of these settings, neurotechnologies can currently operate without regulation, data protection standards, or equivalent ethical constraints. While neurotechnology has made significant progress in recent years, it’s important we protect users so that their sensitive information isn’t being collected without their control.”
HB24-1058, also sponsored by Representative Matt Soper, R-Delta, and Senator Mark Baisley, R-Woodland Park, expands the definition of “sensitive data” in the Colorado Privacy Act to include all biological data, including neural data.
Neurotechnology has become increasingly popular in recent years. Scientists and tech companies like Apple, Meta and Neuralink have used neurotechnology to recreate songs from users’ brain waves and translate thoughts using artificial intelligence. It also has the potential to alter someone’s thoughts and behaviors.
In 2021, Chile was the first country in the world to address this issue by amending their constitution to protect brain rights so their personal neural data could not be sold, trafficked or manipulated. With HB24-1058 going into effect, Colorado is the first state in the US to protect their residents’ biological and neural data and the first in the world to pass a law on this issue.