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Senate Passes Danielson-Bridges Bill to Increase Awareness of Apprenticeships and Vocational Training


April 17, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate today voted 18-to-16 with 1 excused to pass SB19-171, Apprenticeships and Vocational Technical Training, a bill sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge) and Jeff Bridges (D-Greenwood Village) to increase awareness of apprenticeship and vocational technical training programs in Colorado. The bill now moves to the Colorado House of Representatives for consideration.

“If we’re going to ensure that every Coloradan has a fair shot at success, we need to make sure there are multiple paths to good-paying jobs and a secure financial future,” said Senator Danielson. “Apprenticeships and vocational programs are strong pathways, but too few Coloradans know about these options. This legislation will make sure that Coloradans learn about the careers these apprenticeships may lead to, providing great jobs and financial security without a college degree.”

“We need to give every Coloradan a strong start to a career,” said Senator Bridges. “Every kid is different, and every kid deserves to know all the options out there that can lead to a great career and the opportunity to earn a good life. That is exactly what this bill does.”

SB19-171 will create Colorado’s first apprenticeship directory with detailed information on every apprenticeship program in Colorado. Directory information will include the application process, requirements for enrollment, earn-while-you-learn opportunities, costs, and expected salary upon completion.

Thousands of Coloradans already receive similar information about educational opportunities available at colleges and universities, and this bill would simply increase access to such information on lesser-known apprenticeship and vocational programs. The Department of Labor and Employment would be required to promote the availability of the directory to further increase access to these programs.

For more information on SB19-171, please visit


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Senator Moreno’s Bill to Simplify Gender Re-Designation on Birth Certificates Passes Senate

April 17, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate voted today 23-to-12 to pass HB19-1039, Identity Documents for Transgender Persons, legislation sponsored by Senator Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City) that would make it easier for transgender Coloradans to obtain birth certificates with their correct gender designation. The bill now heads back to the House of Representatives for consideration of amendments.

“It is absurd that we put barriers in front of transgender Coloradans when their only ask is for a government document that accurately reflects who they are” said Senator Moreno. “The current process is lengthy, bureaucratic, expensive, and invasive of an individual’s privacy. This legislation will ease one of the many burdens facing transgender Coloradans and will streamline the process for a new birth certificate.”

HB19-1039 will no longer require a court order for Coloradans to secure a legal name change when seeking an updated birth certificate to accurately reflect their correct gender designation. The bill also makes it simpler for people born out of state to have their birth certificate amended in Colorado.

“Today’s vote is a monumental step forward in our support for the transgender community in Colorado. I am proud to see the progress our state is making,” Senator Moreno added.

HB19-1039 would exempt transgender individuals from having to submit a public notice of name change. It also makes transgender Coloradans eligible to be issued a new driver’s license or identity document with the proper gender denotation.

For more information on HB19-1039, please visit


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Senate Transportation and Energy Committee Approves Public Utilities Commission Sunset Legislation


April 16, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate Transportation and Energy Committee today voted 5-to-2 to advance SB19-236, Sunset Public Utilities Commission (PUC), a bill to renew the PUC for the next seven years and hold utility companies more accountable to ratepayers. The legislation is sponsored by Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo) and Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) and now heads to the Senate Finance Committee for consideration.

The PUC is responsible for providing oversight of Colorado’s utilities and protecting Coloradans from high utility costs. In seeking to address climate change, SB19-236 will direct the PUC to make sure that the costs of pollution are given full consideration as part of utility planning. The bill also directs the PUC to implement rules requiring regulated utilities to file distribution system plans to ensure safe, reliable, and affordable services that satisfy customers’ changing expectations, plan for the future, and take advantage of technological advancements that benefit customers.

“Southern Coloradans know all too well that the Public Utilities Commission has not always lived up to its mission to protect ratepayers from high utility costs,” said President Garcia. “Our part of the state faces some of the highest costs along the Front Range, and that is why I felt it was so critical to be a sponsor on this bill so that southern Colorado has a seat at the table.”

“Given the pressing need to address climate change, it is imperative that we are making forward-looking investments in renewable energy and accounting for the cost of pollution in utility planning decisions,” said Majority Leader Fenberg. “The changes we’re making today will modernize the framework of the PUC to better regulate the rapidly evolving energy market that we see today.”

Given southern Colorado’s history with investor-owned utility companies and how they impact employment, this legislation would also require such companies to file a workforce transition plan when retiring a particular power plant facility in order to support job transitions for Colorado workers.

The committee also voted to approve Amendment 06, an amendment offered by President Garcia that would require the PUC to hold a public hearing to solicit public commentary, investigate rates in regions that are higher than the state average, and identify ways to reduce them.

“I have advocated for amendments that require the PUC to solicit public testimony and conduct a survey of utility rates to identify why costs are so high and find ways to bring them down,” said President Garcia. “I am confident that the adjustments we have made to the bill will make sure that the PUC is an advocate for Coloradans, not investor-owned utility companies, and ultimately save Coloradans money on their utility bills.”

For more information on this legislation, please visit


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State Senate Passes Bill to Study Disparities in State Procurement Contracts


April 16, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate yesterday voted 24-to-11 to advance SB19-135, State Procurement Disparity Study, a bill sponsored by Senators Angela Williams (D-Denver) and Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver) that would require Colorado to conduct a disparity study of how state procurement contracts are awarded to underutilized businesses. The bill now heads to the Colorado House of Representatives for consideration.

“SB19-135 will strengthen the fairness and the justice of the state procurement process,” said Senator Williams. “It will allow businesses to compete more fairly and strengthen our economy, and I am proud that it is well on its way to becoming law.”

“This bill is about giving every business a chance to compete in a fair and transparent process for state contracts,” said Senator Rodriguez. “It has the potential to really change the lives of small businesses owners all across Colorado, and I am glad the Senate agrees.”

SB19-135 would require the state to conduct a disparity study, directing the Colorado Department of Personnel to contract with an independent entity to study the state’s procurement process and make recommendations to address any discrepancies identified by the study.

For more information on the bill, please visit:


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Colorado State Senate Unanimously Approves Bill to Protect Seniors from Abuse


April 15, 2019

Denver, CO – Today, the Colorado State Senate voted unanimously to pass SB19-172, Protect From Unlawful Abandonment And Confinement, a bill sponsored by Senator Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge) and Senator Joann Ginal (D-Fort Collins) that will make it a crime to unlawfully abandon or unlawfully confine an at-risk person. It now heads to the Colorado House of Representatives for consideration.

“Too many seniors and people with disabilities are victims of these heinous abuses,” said Senator Danielson. “I am proud of our bill to give law enforcement the tools to protect our most vulnerable Coloradans from exploitation and victimization.”

“At-risk citizens, many who have serious health problems, need to be treated with dignity and provided an extra level of protection from harm,” said Senator Ginal. “This bill will ensure law enforcement officers have the training they need to identify the signs and take action against the inhumane crimes of abandonment and confinement.”

Currently, law enforcement cannot prosecute the types of abuse that the bill covers – abandonment and confinement – because they are not yet defined as crimes. This act properly defines these crimes in order to protect senior citizens, disabled adults, and other at-risk Coloradans from abuse.

The bill defines unlawful abandonment as purposeful desertion of an at-risk person. Unlawful confinement is defined as tying, locking up, caging, chaining, or otherwise unreasonably restricting an at-risk person’s movement.

For more information on this bill please visit:


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Voting Rights Bill Unanimously Passes Colorado State Senate


April 15, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate today voted unanimously to pass SB19-202, Voting Rights For Voters With Disabilities, a bill sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge) and Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) that would give voters with disabilities greater access to ballots that would fit their specific needs. It now moves to the Colorado House of Representatives for consideration.

“Everyone’s vote matters, and if there are barriers to voting because someone might have a disability, we should do away with that barrier,” said Senator Danielson. “A disability does not disqualify you from participating in the democratic process, and this bill will make it easier for those who have a disability to cast their vote.”  

“Lack of accessibility to voting is a huge concern when it comes to ensuring Colorado’s democracy is available to every Coloradan,” said Senator Zenzinger. “This bill makes it clear that everyone should be able to vote, regardless of physical ability, and will help make that ideal a reality.”

The bill requires the secretary of state to establish a process to enable voters with disabilities to mark a paper ballot using nonvisual access or low vision access technology whether the voter is voting in a mail ballot election or voting at a polling location.For more information on this bill please visit:


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Senator Foote’s Campaign Finance Enforcement Bill Clears Committee

April 15, 2019

Denver, CO – The Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee today voted 3-to-2 to pass SB19-232, Campaign Finance Enforcement, a bill sponsored by Senator Mike Foote (D-Lafayette) to better enforce Colorado’s campaign finance laws. The bill now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee for consideration.

“No set of rules work without effective enforcement,” said Senator Foote. “Coloradans should know who is financing political campaigns in a timely manner. This bill will make sure all campaigns are accountable to disclosure rules.”

SB19-232 would codify within the Fair Campaign Practices Act the rules of the Secretary of State to enforce state laws concerning campaign and political finance. This includes specifying procedures for filing complaints, review of complaints by the elections division, processes for curing campaign finance law violations, the investigation of unresolved complaints, the conduct of hearings, audits by the division of campaign finance, and the issuance of advisory opinions by the Secretary of State.For more information about SB19-232, please visit

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Senate Bill to Give Local Control of Minimum Wage Passes Committee


April 15, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate Business, Labor, and Technology Committee today voted 3-to-2 to pass HB19-1210, Local Government Minimum Wage, a bill sponsored by Senators Jessie Danielson (D-Wheat Ridge) and Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City) to give local governments the ability to raise the minimum wage if they choose. The bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration.

“Every community is different and should be allowed the flexibility to set their own minimum wage,” said Senator Danielson. “We need to seek out ways to help workers stay afloat as costs of living continue to rise, and I am confident this bill is a smart solution to helping families across Colorado. By giving local governments the ability to set their own minimum wage, we can give more hardworking Coloradans a fair shot at economic success and financial security.”

Studies of local minimum wage laws have shown they can increase earnings for workers without negatively affecting employment. This bill will allow local governments to set their own minimum wage laws whenever they determine it is in the best interest of their community.

“Families in every part of Colorado are facing increasing costs of living and stagnant wages. It’s simply too hard for too many families to keep up with these rising costs,” said Senator Moreno. “Putting local governments back in charge and giving them the opportunity to raise their minimum wage can lift up entire communities and ensure Coloradans are paid the living wage they deserve. I am proud that this bill is well on its way to becoming law.”

HB19-1210 passed the Colorado House of Representatives on March 11, 2019 by a vote of 40-24-1. To learn more about this bill please visit:


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Joint Budget Committee Finalizes Bipartisan Colorado State Budget, Delivering for Colorado and Securing $300 Million for Transportation Funding


April 12, 2019

Denver, CO – Both the Colorado State Senate and House of Representatives today voted to pass the bipartisan FY19-20 Colorado State Budget, which begins on July 1, 2019. Democrats are putting forth a budget that makes historic investments in education and transportation. This budget for all responsibly manages tax-payer dollars, increases per-pupil funding by $327, and secures more than $300 million for transportation funding. In response to the budget’s passage, leaders from both chambers released the following statements:

“This budget is the result of the hard work of our Joint Budget Committee members who reached across the aisle to find common ground so that we were able to make financially responsible investments into healthcare, transportation, education, and so many other priorities,” said Senate President Leroy M. Garcia. “This is what the people of Colorado elected us to do, and I am proud that both chambers decided to put Coloradans ahead of politics to pass this budget with bipartisan support.”

“I thank the members of the JBC for their work on this responsible, bipartisan budget that will help invest in our future, expand opportunity for hardworking people in every corner of our state, and enhance our unique quality of life,” said Speaker KC Becker. “I am glad to see both sides of the aisle come together to agree on a budget that makes historic investments in education, transportation, and higher ed."

“I am proud of the budget we passed today,” said Senate Majority Leader Steve Fenberg. “It was clear throughout this process that our JBC members were committed to working in a bipartisan manner to fund our state’s top priorities and address some of the most pressing issues across Colorado.”

“The budget that was put forward is one that I feel all Coloradans can be proud of,” said House Majority Leader Alec Garnett. “This budget makes historic, bipartisan investments in some of our top priorities like full-day kindergarten, education, transportation, and higher education.”

The budget secures $300 million for transportation funding and increases K-12 education funding by $325.9 million dollars, including $175 million dollars to implement full-day kindergarten and an additional $77 million to buy-down the budget stabilization factor. The budget also makes critical investments to help lower the cost of healthcare and help Coloradans achieve greater economic security. The budget also invests $10 million in the water plan and $171 million in capital investments.

The FY19-20 Colorado State Budget passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 41-to-22 and passed the Senate by a vote of 25-to-7. For more information about the budget, please visit:


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Senator Pettersen’s Freestanding Emergency Departments Bill Passes Senate

April 12, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate today voted 24-to-8 with 3 excused to pass HB19-1010, Freestanding Emergency Departments Licensure, a bill sponsored by Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood) to make healthcare more transparent and affordable by creating a new license for specific health facilities. The bill now heads to Governor Jared Polis for his signature.

“Coloradans have demanded that we do more to improve healthcare in our state, and this legislation is part our efforts to improve our healthcare system,” said Senator Pettersen. “By creating this new license for freestanding emergency departments, we can increase transparency and hold these departments to the high standard of care that we do for Colorado’s emergency rooms.”

The bill creates a new license – the Freestanding Emergency Department License – for the department of public health and environment to issue to specific types of health facilities. Qualifying health facilities must offer emergency care, may offer primary and urgent care services, and can either be affiliated with or independent of a hospital if they are more than 250 yards away from it. Community clinics that serve an underserved population in the state will be exempt from the licenses.

HB19-1010 passed the House of Representatives on third reading by a vote of 54-9-1 on February 15, 2019. For more information on this legislation, please visit


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Senate Passes Candidate Dependent Care Expenses Bill


April 12, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate today voted 26-to-6 with 3 excused to pass SB19-229, Campaign Contributions Dependent Care Expenses, a bill sponsored by Senator Faith Winter (D-Westminster) and Senator Mike Foote (D-Lafayette) to reimburse candidates for dependent care costs shouldered during their campaign. The bill now heads to the Colorado House of Representatives for consideration.

“We should be encouraging people from all backgrounds to run for office, and this bill is a commonsense way to allow for candidates with families to throw their hat in the ring,” said Senator Winter. “By making it easier for parents to run for office, we can get better solutions for hardworking Colorado families.”

“If we are going to address the issues facing Colorado families, parents need to have a seat at the policymaking table. This bill does exactly that: By allowing campaign funds to be used to pay for childcare, we can mitigate the burden facing parents who run for office,” said Senator Foote.

SB19-229 would allow a candidate committee to spend money received during the campaign to reimburse a candidate who spent necessary funds caring for their children while on the campaign trail. The funds being reimbursed must have been directly connected to campaign activities. Campaign expenses linked to dependent care must be disclosed by a candidate committee along with their other expenditures.

For more information on SB19-229, please visit


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Electric Scooter Regulation Bill Unanimously Passes Senate Committee


April 12, 2019

Denver, CO – The Senate Transportation and Energy Committee yesterday voted unanimously to pass HB19-1221, a bill sponsored by Senator Jeff Bridges (D-Greenwood Village) and Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood) to strengthen regulations for electric scooters. This bill now moves to the Committee of the Whole for consideration.

“More people are using electric scooters to get where they need to go, which is great for traffic and our environment,” said Senator Bridges. “However, we need to update our laws so that roads and sidewalks are safe for both riders and pedestrians. We need to get these scooters off our sidewalks, and that’s exactly what this bill does.”

“Scooters are vehicles, not toys, and if we’re going to keep our roads safe, we need to make sure we’re treating them as such so that we are able to protect everyone’s safety,” said Senator Pettersen. “But we should also encourage their use and make sure that we are considering them as we develop a long-term transportation strategy.”  

This bill upgrades electric scooters from their current definition as toys to vehicles, authorizing their use on roadways and giving riders the same rights and duties as those with other electric-assisted vehicles.

For more information on this legislation, please visit


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Senate Passes Bill to “Ban the Box” on Job Applications


April 12, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate today voted 20-to-12 with 3 excused to pass HB19-1025, Limits on Job Applicant Criminal History Inquiries, a bill sponsored by Senators Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver) and Mike Foote (D-Lafayette) to prohibit employers from asking about criminal histories on initial job applications. The bill is now headed to Governor Jared Polis for his signature.

“People make mistakes, and they deserve the opportunity to move on with their lives after they have answered for their crimes. The best way to help these folks rehabilitate and reenter society is by making it easier for them to find a job and work hard to rebuild their lives,” said Senator Rodriguez. “I’m proud that the Senate took this important step to ‘ban the box’ and give Coloradans a second chance.”

“Too often, our job application processes prevent Coloradans with criminal records from making it beyond the initial application stage,” said Senator Foote. “Once you make amends for a crime, I do not believe that history should weigh you down forever, especially on every first impression. Giving people this chance to compete will allow them to remake their futures and contribute to our communities.”

This bill would prohibit employers from asking about criminal history on initial job applications as well as from advertising or stating that individuals with criminal histories cannot apply for certain positions. Exemptions to the legislation include certain jobs where criminal histories are not allowed, positions for which the law requires criminal history record checks or employer is trying to encourage employment of people with criminal histories.

HB19-1025 passed the House of Representatives on third reading by a vote of 42-22 on February 28, 2019. For more information about this bill, please visit

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Joint Budget Committee Finalizes Bipartisan Colorado State Budget, Delivering for Colorado and Securing $300 Million for Transportation Funding


April 11, 2019

Denver, CO – The Joint Budget Committee today voted to finalize the bipartisan FY19-20 Colorado State Budget, securing more than $300 million for transportation funding, which begins on July 1, 2019. The budget now heads to both the Senate and House for approval of the Conference Committee report. Once approved, it will head to Governor Jared Polis for his signature.

The JBC wrote this bipartisan budget based on the economic forecast presented by the Colorado Legislative Council, a nonpartisan research group within the General Assembly, that predicted moderate growth through 2020. Given the economic outlook, Democrats developed a fiscally responsible budget that delivered on promises like making healthcare more affordable, investing in education and transportation, and strengthening economic security for Coloradans across the state.

“We began this session with an ambitious agenda to tackle issues like healthcare, education, and economic security, and I am confident that this budget delivers on those priorities,” said JBC Chair Senator Dominick Moreno, D-Commerce City. “By making these necessary investments, we will be able to help hardworking Coloradans across this state without sacrificing our state’s long-term fiscal standing.”  

“Coloradans can be proud of the responsible, bipartisan budget that we are putting forth,” said Rep. Esgar, D-Pueblo, vice-chair of the JBC. “This budget keeps southern Colorado and our entire state on the right track. That’s why we are making significant investments in education, transportation, mental health and behavioral health and other priorities.”

“The decisions made today reflect input and compromise from both chambers of the legislature and members of the public,” said JBC Member Senator Rachel Zenzinger, D-Arvada. “After months of deliberation and hard work, this bipartisan budget works within our means to deliver on issues that matter to Coloradans in every community.”

“This is a carefully crafted budget,” said JBC Member Rep. Hansen, D-Denver. “While the White House drives economically harmful trade wars, my colleagues and I put forward a budget that ensures kids and parents have access to full-day kindergarten and makes historic investments in education and transportation.”

In addition to hundreds of millions of dollars for transportation, the FY19-20 budget makes investments to help lower the cost of healthcare, improve K-12 education and make higher education more affordable, and help Coloradans achieve economic security by:

  • Holding tuition flat at state institutions of higher education
  • Providing $175 million to implement full-day kindergarten
  • Freeing up preschool slots for Colorado’s youngest learners
  • Allocating an additional $77 million to buy-down the budget stabilization factor

For more information about the bipartisan FY19-20 Colorado State Budget, please visit:


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Senate Unanimously Passes Senator Lee’s Bill to Expand School Safety Grant Program

April 12, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate today voted unanimously (32-0-3) to pass SB19-179, Enhance School Safety Incident Response Grant Program, a bill sponsored by Senator Pete Lee (D-El Paso County) that would update and improve an existing program designed to increase school safety. The bill now moves to the Colorado House of Representatives for consideration.

“There is nothing more important than protecting the safety of our students and educators, and the expansion of this program will help ensure they are safe by teaching more schools how to best respond to emergency situations,” said Senator Lee.  

In 2018, then-Representative Lee passed HB18-1413, a bill that created a program to provide grants to nonprofits organizations experienced with school safety training and working with law enforcement for research and training in how to respond to school shootings and other emergencies. SB19-179 will improve this program by appropriating an additional $1,150,000 to the department of public safety for its administration.

For more information about this legislation, please visit


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Senator Moreno’s Tuition Assistance Bills Pass Education Committee

April 11, 2019

Denver, CO – The Senate Education Committee voted today to pass two bills sponsored by Senator Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City) to help Colorado youth afford higher education.

“My family couldn’t afford the high cost of tuition at a private university, but I was lucky enough to have most of my costs covered by generous scholarship programs,” said Senator Moreno. “That’s why I’m committed to making it easier for all Coloradans to afford higher education, regardless of their circumstances. These bills will help expand tuition assistance and scholarship programs to undocumented students and formerly incarcerated youth, giving more Coloradans access to a college degree and a shot at a bright future.”

HB19-1196, Financial Aid for Students with In-state Tuition, passed by a vote of 3-to-2. Currently, students without lawful immigration status can be eligible for in-state tuition at Colorado institutions of higher education if they meet certain requirements. This bill makes these students eligible for certain financial assistance programs offered by the Department of Higher Education. It is now headed to the Committee of the Whole for consideration before the Senate.

SB19-231, Colorado Second Chance Scholarship, passed by a vote of 3-to-2. This bill would create a scholarship program in the Department of Higher Education for formerly incarcerated youth. This legislation would create an advisory board to establish scholarship criteria and select recipients, as well as appoint a program coordinator to counsel and support scholarship recipients. It is now headed to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

For more information about SB19-231, please visit For more information about HB19-1196, please visit


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Senate Unanimously Passes President Garcia’s Bipartisan Bill to Benefit Disabled First Responders


April 10, 2019

Denver CO – The Colorado State Senate today voted unanimously to pass HB19-1080, Benefits for First Responders With A Disability, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo) to offer disabled first responders free access to certain outdoor venues and activities including a lifetime small game hunting and fishing license and a free annual pass to state parks. This bill is now headed to Governor Polis to be signed into law.

“As a veteran and paramedic myself, I have an enormous amount of respect and gratitude for those who serve, and especially for those who have been injured as a result of their service,” said President Garcia. “I am proud that the entire Senate has honored the service and sacrifice of our first responders by advancing this bill to help them enjoy Colorado’s great outdoors.”

HB19-1080 is a bipartisan bill that would grant first responders with a permanent occupational disability free lifetime small game hunting and fishing licenses. The bill would also give eligible responders a free columbine annual pass for entrance into state parks and the option to participate in a property tax work-off program. It also passed the House of Representatives unanimously on February 26, 2019.

To learn more about HB19-1080, please visit


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Senator Ginal’s Animal Cruelty Bill Unanimously Passes the Senate Judiciary Committee

April 9, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate Judiciary Committee recently voted unanimously to pass HB19-1092, Animal Ban For Cruelty To Animals Conviction, a bill sponsored by Senator Joann Ginal (D-Fort Collins) to prevent animal cruelty in Colorado and get animal abusers the mental help they need. The bill now moves to the Committee of the Whole for consideration.

“Those with a history of cruelty to animals oftentimes go on to commit other forms of violent crimes,” said Senator Ginal. “This bill will protect animals from abusive situations and prevent offenders from committing other violent crimes by offering them the mental health treatment they need.”

Animal abuse often coincides with domestic violence, and it is closely related to other types of crimes and violence such as child, partner, and elder abuse. This legislation would help give people who have abused or tortured animals the resources and support needed to reduce future risks of harming humans and other animals.

HB19-1092 would give judges the ability to prohibit adults and juveniles convicted of animal abuse misdemeanors from owning, possessing, caring for, or residing with an animal for anywhere from one to five years, ending patterns of repeat animal abuse and alleviating animal suffering.

For more information on HB19-1092, please visit:


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Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network Celebrates the 2019 Immigrant Liberty Awards

with U.S. Representative Jason Crow, Colorado Lt. Governor Dianne Primavera, Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold, and Colorado State Representative Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez

Honorees include Harry Budisidharta; State Senator Julie Gonzales; and Juan Pérez Saéz.

Westminster, Colorado, April 9, 2019—The Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (RMIAN) is celebrating the 14th annual Immigrant Liberty Awards on Friday, April 12, 2019 to honor Asian Pacific Development Center CEO Harry Budisidharta; Colorado State Senator Julie Gonzales; and The Wilderness Society’s Energy and Climate Campaign Manager Juan Pérez Saéz.

Approximately 400 guests will attend the annual event at the Seawell Ballroom at the Denver Center for Performing Arts to celebrate the immense contributions these exceptional advocates have made to advance the rights and well-being of immigrants and refugees in Colorado, and to raise funds to support RMIAN’s life-changing legal services for immigrant adults and children. Former clients of RMIAN will be present to share their incredible stories of courage and perseverance aligned with the theme of the evening: “We All Belong.”

Honoree and Colorado State Senator Julie Gonzales said, “Even as immigrants and asylum and refugee applicants are under unprecedented attack by our government, it is important to celebrate our victories and take time to build community. I am deeply humbled to be recognized along such fierce leaders, and am excited to continue fighting for access to justice for all alongside RMIAN.”

RMIAN also will honor the Denver office of law firm WilmerHale with the Pro Bono Service Award, in recognition of the firm’s leadership in providing extraordinary pro bono legal services through RMIAN to immigrant parents separated from their children at the height of last summer’s family’s separation crisis.

“This year has seen relentless attacks on the immigrant community nationwide and in Colorado, from the civil immigration detention center in Aurora expanding to detain an additional 400 individuals on any given day, to the surge of asylum-seeking families and children placed in fast-tracked immigration proceedings before the Denver Immigration Court. Against this devastating backdrop, this year’s honorees and their collective work for a more just society provide powerful inspiration and hope,” said RMIAN Executive Director Mekela Goehring. 

U.S. Representative Jason Crow will welcome a former RMIAN client at the event. “The community I represent is stronger and more vibrant because of the contributions of immigrants. As we face an administration that deals in fear-mongering and promotes draconian immigration practices, the work of RMIAN is more important than ever," said Crow. "As a member of Congress, the promise I make is to never stop fighting for your communities and the comprehensive immigration reform this country so desperately needs."

Mayor Michael B. Hancock will share remarks to open the awards ceremony. In 2017, Mayor Hancock signed Executive Order 142 to establish the Denver Immigrant Legal Services Fund to provide immigration legal representation for Denver residents. As a grantee of the Denver Immigrant Legal Services Fund, RMIAN has been able to hire two full-time attorneys dedicated to representing Denver residents who are ensnared in immigration enforcement actions and detained at the Aurora immigration detention center.

“Denver is proud to work alongside these outstanding leaders to support our immigrant residents, ensure that they feel safe, and promote due process and access to justice for vulnerable members of our communities,” said Mayor Hancock. “In the face of a continuing push at the federal level to target immigrants with inhumane policies, it’s never been more important to further our ability to meet a core mission—to preserve and protect families and children living in Denver and cities across the country.”

Colorado’s Attorney General Phil Weiser will welcome guests to the reception. “RMIAN is a terrific organization that provides legal services for immigrants here in Colorado, helping us welcome and support valued members of our community.  As Attorney General, I look forward to working with RMIAN to ensure the fair and legal treatment of immigrants, recognizing the contributions they make to our society,” said Attorney General Phil Weiser.

Colorado’s Secretary of State Jena Griswold will offer remarks to celebrate the honorees. "I congratulate this year's Immigrant Liberty Awards honorees and commend the tireless work of RMIAN to support immigrants and refugees in Colorado," said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. "As Secretary of State for Colorado, I recognize the immeasurable contributions by immigrants to our economy and culture, and I am committed to foster a prosperous and just society for all."

This year’s event will include dinner, a silent and live auction, and an awards ceremony.

For more information about tickets or how to become an event sponsor, please contact or visit



RMIAN is a nonprofit organization that serves low-income adults and children in immigration proceedings. RMIAN promotes knowledge of legal rights, provides effective representation to ensure due process, works to improve detention conditions, and promotes a more humane immigration system, including alternatives to detention.

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Press Releases Bella Combest Press Releases Bella Combest

Senate Unanimously Advances Bill to Offer Supplemental Academic Instruction

April 9, 2019

Denver, CO – The Colorado State Senate yesterday voted unanimously to advance HB19-1206, Higher Education Supplemental Academic Instruction, a bill sponsored by Senator Jeff Bridges (D-Greenwood Village) that would help more students succeed in pursuing advanced degrees. The bill now moves to Governor Polis for his signature.

“Everyone learns at different paces and in different ways. This bill gives students in need of further academic instruction the support they need to thrive in college-level classes,” said Senator Bridges. “Right now, students pay college-level prices for classes that don’t count toward their college degree. This leads to more people dropping out and fewer people graduating. Giving college credit to students in need of additional help will give more Coloradans the fair shot at success they deserve.”

HB19-1206 authorizes all 4-year institutions to offer supplemental academic instruction to students who need additional support to be successful in college-level courses. This bill would address equity gaps in higher education by ensuring more students have access to supplemental academic instruction. On March 19, 2019, it passed the House of Representatives on third reading by a vote of 63-2.For more information on this bill, please visit


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