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Senate Passes Pettersen’s Bipartisan Bill to Streamline Professional License Portability Program
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate passed Senator Brittany Pettersen’s (D-Lakewood) bipartisan legislation that would make it easier for qualified individuals to get professional licenses in Colorado.
Legislation would bolster Colorado workforce by cutting red tape around credential transfer process
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate passed Senator Brittany Pettersen’s (D-Lakewood) bipartisan legislation that would make it easier for qualified individuals to get professional licenses in Colorado.
SB22-116, cosponsored by Minority Leader Chris Holbert (R-Douglas County), would strengthen Colorado’s workforce by further increasing the efficiency of the existing credential portability program.
“If we want Colorado’s workforce to continue to grow and thrive, we need to make it as easy as possible to get a professional license,” Pettersen said. “This bill will cut the red tape currently slowing these processes down and help us attract highly qualified candidates and good businesses, ensuring Colorado remains the best place to work."
The bill would also add a military occupational specialty, allowing those having served in certain military roles to qualify for a credential through the program.
The bill expands on the progress of HB20-1326, which created the occupational credential portability program within the Department of Regulatory Agencies. The program was created to enable regulators to more quickly and easily approve licensure for qualified individuals.
SB22-116 will now head to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senate Passes Bipartisan Education Bill to Set Students Up for Success, Help Schools Get Back on Track
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) and Senator Don Coram (R-Montrose) to allow students more time to recover from pandemic-related learning loss and help schools transition back to the state’s accountability system.
Legislation pushes back implementation of school performance framework to help students catch up from pandemic-related learning loss
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) and Senator Don Coram (R-Montrose) to allow students more time to recover from pandemic-related learning loss and help schools transition back to the state’s accountability system.
The bill, SB22-137, gives schools a clear path to get back on track in measuring performance by delaying the application of the performance framework by one year and adding a new reporting mechanism to determine the number of students that took standardized tests last year.
"If we want the state’s accountability system to work properly, we need to apply it appropriately, with an onramp that takes us smoothly back to the efficiencies and effectiveness that we enjoyed pre-COVID," Zenzinger said. "In deference to the pandemic last year, we paused the accountability system; but we can’t now just flip a switch. Senate Bill 22-137 gives us a thoughtful transition and allows us to preserve the integrity of our achievement data with an accurate perspective that considers the number of students who were missing from the tests a year ago."
Last year, the legislature passed HB21-1161, which temporarily paused Colorado’s state accountability system. Given the low student participation numbers in last year’s Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) tests, launching the accountability system without a transition process would be problematic. The integrity of achievement data and calculation of growth data would be compromised and subject to significant inaccuracies because such a high number of students were missing from the testing due to pandemic-related factors.
The legislation aligns with the State Board of Education’s resolution to ensure districts will not advance on the accountability clock for the 2022-2023 school year. Districts currently on the accountability clock, however, may submit local data through the request for reconsideration process to provide additional evidence of improvement and progress that may have been made over the past two years during the COVID interruption with assessments.
In addition, the bill adds a new set of data to the District and School Performance Frameworks to include the percentage of students who contributed to growth data, which will provide the context for understanding the school’s growth ratings and overall ratings. The added growth data set provides much-needed transparency and ensures improved accuracy in decision-making as a result of growth calculations.
The bill now moves to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senator Nick Hinrichsen Officially Sworn Into Senate to Serve Pueblo
DENVER, CO – Today, Senator Nick Hinrichsen (D-Pueblo) was officially sworn into the Colorado State Senate to represent Senate District 3 after winning a vacancy committee appointment on February 19 to succeed former Senate President Leroy Garcia.
A vacancy committee appointed Hinrichsen to replace former Senate President Leroy Garcia in mid-February
DENVER, CO – Today, Senator Nick Hinrichsen (D-Pueblo) was officially sworn into the Colorado State Senate to represent Senate District 3 after winning a vacancy committee appointment on February 19 to succeed former Senate President Leroy Garcia.
“I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to represent Southern Colorado at the State Capitol and work together with my Senate colleagues to deliver for Coloradans and help move Colorado forward,” said Sen. Hinrichsen (D-Pueblo). “It is a distinct honor and privilege to serve in this capacity, and I’m eager to hit the ground running as we fight to make Colorado a safer, healthier, and more affordable place to live.”
Senator Hinrichsen began his career as an Army logistics officer, serving five years active duty with deployments to Iraq and Kosovo. He then earned his Master’s of Public Administration from CU Denver in 2017.
Following his service in uniform, Hinrichsen worked in logistics in the trucking industry for two years before moving over to Pueblo Transit. There, he serves as the Operations Supervisor ensuring that Pueblo’s public transit system remains open to riders and runs as effectively as possible.
Hinrichsen lives in Pueblo with his wife Bri and his son Noel.
Bipartisan Senate Resolution Vows Support for Ukraine, Condemns Putin’s ‘unjust and unwarranted invasion’
DENVER, CO – In a bipartisan joint resolution the Colorado State Senate today voiced its unequivocal support for the people of Ukraine and condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin for launching the first violent invasion of a sovereign nation in Europe since 1945.
Joint resolution urges Russia to end its violent, illegal, and immoral assault on Ukraine and return to diplomacy
DENVER, CO – In a bipartisan joint resolution the Colorado State Senate today voiced its unequivocal support for the people of Ukraine and condemned Russian President Vladimir Putin for launching the first violent invasion of a sovereign nation in Europe since 1945.
The resolution, which passed unanimously, also endorsed the sanctions imposed on Russia’s economy by President Joe Biden and called for a swift end to the bloodshed and a return to diplomacy.
“Vladimir Putin’s cruel and reckless attack on Ukraine is an indefensible violation of international law that will cost thousands of lives and cause pain and suffering for millions,” said Senator Chris Hansen (D-Denver), who sponsored the resolution. “We strongly condemn Putin’s needless aggression, as well as anyone who supports him or his despotic regime. Colorado is proud to stand alongside the Ukrainian people as they endure this brutal and senseless war, and we will do everything we can to support Ukraine, encourage diplomacy, and hold Russia and its leaders accountable for their actions.”
The joint resolution was also sponsored by Senate Minority Leader Chris Holbert (R-Douglas County) and Sen. Bob Gardner (R-Colorado Springs), and will be considered by the House on Monday.
The full text of the resolution is below:
WHEREAS, the post-war international security order, led by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), has relied upon diplomacy, peace and open communication over armed conflict to ensure prosperity and stability for over 1 billion people for more than 70 years; and
WHEREAS, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian people voted overwhelmingly to form a nation independent from Russia, building a democracy and a thriving country grounded in the rule of law; and
WHEREAS, in 2014, the pro-Western Euromaidan protest movement in Ukraine led to the resignation of authoritarian president Viktor Yanukovych, a brutal ally of Vladamir Putin, ushering in democratically elected leaders who have sought closer ties to the EU and the United States; and
WHEREAS, the Russian Federation, seeking to block the free will of the Ukrainian people in their pursuit of security, peace and prosperity through closer ties to the EU and the United States, annexed territory from Ukraine in 2014 and instigated, supported and supplied a deadly separatist war in Eastern Ukraine that has destabilized the region and killed thousands of civilians; and
WHEREAS, the Russian Federation deployed military assets to support the separatist militias in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, resulting in the reckless missile attack that downed Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and killed 298 innocent civilians in 2014; and
WHEREAS, Vladimir Putin intentionally lied to his own people and to the global community to create a false pretext to invade and occupy Ukraine based on lies that Ukraine posed a threat to Russians and that falsely connected Ukraine and its political leaders to Nazism; and
WHEREAS, the Russian Federation violated international peace and security agreements that sought a peaceful solution in Eastern Ukraine and instead amassed hundreds of thousands of troops on Ukraine’s border; and
WHEREAS, Vladimir Putin has now launched an unjust and unwarranted invasion upon the peaceful nation of Ukraine; and
WHEREAS, Russian soldiers are currently sweeping through the country, inflicting violence and terror upon millions of civilians and destroying homes, businesses, and property; and
WHEREAS, Ukraine is a proud and honorable nation under siege and the brutality of this unnecessary and violent war is an affront to both international law and common decency; and
WHEREAS, Ukraine has been a bulwark against Russian military aggression in Europe and Vladimir Putin has said his goal is to recreate the Soviet Union and may have intentions to threaten NATO allies with military force; and
WHEREAS, Vladimir Putin has sought to destabilize countries across Europe and interfere in other countries’ elections and democracies including the United States; and
WHEREAS, The United States has galvanized the international community and our allies to impose the strongest possible sanctions on Russia and its financial institutions in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine; and
WHEREAS, Colorado is home to thousands of Ukrainian Americans and to millions who care deeply for and stand strongly in support of the Ukrainian people; and
WHEREAS, Ukraine deserves the support of every American and the entire international community as it defends itself from this unprovoked Russian invasion, the largest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War II; therefore
Be It Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Seventy-third General Assembly of the State of Colorado:
That we, the members of the Colorado General Assembly:
(1) Proudly stand alongside Ukraine, its people, and its leaders during this horrific and unnecessary war, and vow to support Ukraine and hold Russia fully accountable for its catastrophic decision to invade;
(2) Condemn, in the strongest possible terms, Vladimir Putin’s violent attack on the people of Ukraine, and strongly endorse the swift and severe economic sanctions and stringent export controls President Biden's administration has imposed on Russia; and
(3) Urge Russia to immediately cease its violent, illegal, and immoral assault upon Ukraine, end the needless bloodshed, and return to diplomacy and the rules-based international order that has ensured peace and prosperity for so many.
Be It Further Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, the Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, the President of the United States Senate, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, the Minority Leader of the United States Senate, and all members of the Colorado Congressional delegation.
Rodriguez Bipartisan Clean Slate Bill to Help Coloradans Rebuild Their Lives, Access Work & Housing Clears Committee
DENVER, CO – Today, the Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver) and Senator Dennis Hisey (R-Fountain) that seeks to reform the way criminal records are sealed to help Coloradans get jobs and access housing.
Legislation would help redevelop state’s workforce & bolster economy
DENVER, CO – Today, the Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver) and Senator Dennis Hisey (R-Fountain) that seeks to reform the way criminal records are sealed to help Coloradans get jobs and access housing.
Currently, criminal records can be an obstacle for folks in search of jobs or housing, further punishing Coloradans after they have served their time while also harming the state’s workforce. The bill, SB22-099, would remove this initial barrier to housing and employment by making the process automatic.
“Minor offenses should not be an obstacle to a person's ability to find a job or a place to live in Colorado, but that is unfortunately the case in our state,” said Sen. Rodriguez. “Automatically sealing criminal records will help Coloradans who have paid their debt to society access the jobs and housing they need to rebuild their lives while strengthening our workforce as we work to rebuild our economy and move Colorado forward.”
The pandemic has made it harder for employers to hire and retain employees, and for Coloradans to find adequate housing.
Under the bill, criminal records that are currently eligible for sealing upon petition, including civil infractions, will now be automatically sealed. This includes the records of victims of human trafficking who have been convicted or charged with prostitution.
SB22-099 now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Pettersen’s Bipartisan Bill to Streamline Professional License Portability Program Advances
DENVER, CO – The Senate Business, Labor, and Technology Committee today voted to advance Senator Brittany Pettersen’s (D-Lakewood) bipartisan legislation that would make it easier for qualified individuals to get professional licenses in Colorado.
Legislation to bolster Colorado workforce by cutting red tape around credential transfer process passes out of committee
DENVER, CO – The Senate Business, Labor, and Technology Committee today voted to advance Senator Brittany Pettersen’s (D-Lakewood) bipartisan legislation that would make it easier for qualified individuals to get professional licenses in Colorado.
SB22-116, cosponsored by Minority Leader Chris Holbert (R-Douglas County), would strengthen Colorado’s workforce by further increasing the efficiency of the existing credential portability program.
“If we want Colorado’s workforce to continue to grow and thrive, we need to make it as easy as possible to get a professional license,” Pettersen said. “This bill will cut the red tape currently slowing these processes down and help us attract highly qualified candidates and good businesses, ensuring Colorado remains the best place to work.”
The bill would also add a military occupational specialty, allowing those having served in certain military roles to qualify for a credential through the program.
The bill expands on the progress of HB20-1326, which created the occupational credential portability program within the Department of Regulatory Agencies. The program was created to enable regulators to more quickly and easily approve licensure for qualified individuals.
SB22-116 will now head to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Bipartisan Education Bill to Set Students Up for Success, Help Schools Get Back on Track Clears Committee
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Education Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) and Senator Don Coram (R-Montrose) to allow students more time to recover from pandemic-related learning loss and help schools transition back to the state’s accountability system.
Legislation pushes back implementation of school performance framework to help students catch up from pandemic-related learning loss
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Education Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) and Senator Don Coram (R-Montrose) to allow students more time to recover from pandemic-related learning loss and help schools transition back to the state’s accountability system.
The bill, SB22-137, gives schools a clear path to get back on track in measuring performance by delaying the application of the performance framework by one year and adding a new reporting mechanism to determine the number of students that took standardized tests last year.
"If we want the state’s accountability system to work properly, we need to apply it appropriately, with an onramp that takes us smoothly back to the efficiencies and effectiveness that we enjoyed pre-COVID," Zenzinger said. "In deference to the pandemic last year, we paused the accountability system; but we can’t now just flip a switch. Senate Bill 22-137 gives us a thoughtful transition and allows us to preserve the integrity of our achievement data with an accurate perspective that considers the number of students who were missing from the tests a year ago."
Last year, the legislature passed HB21-1161, which temporarily paused Colorado’s state accountability system. Given the low student participation numbers in last year’s Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) tests, launching the accountability system without a transition process would be problematic. The integrity of achievement data and calculation of growth data would be compromised and subject to significant inaccuracies because such a high number of students were missing from the testing due to pandemic-related factors.
The legislation aligns with the State Board of Education’s resolution to ensure districts will not advance on the accountability clock for the 2022-2023 school year. Districts currently on the accountability clock, however, may submit local data through the request for reconsideration process to provide additional evidence of improvement and progress that may have been made over the past two years during the COVID interruption with assessments.
In addition, the bill adds a new set of data to the District and School Performance Frameworks to include the percentage of students who contributed to growth data, which will provide the context for understanding the school’s growth ratings and overall ratings. The added growth data set provides much-needed transparency and ensures improved accuracy in decision-making as a result of growth calculations.
The bill now moves to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senate Approves Bipartisan Coleman Bill to Help Incarcerated Prepare to Re-enter Society,Reduce Recidivism
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator James Coleman (D-Denver) and Senator Dennis Hisey (R-Fountain) that aims to help Coloradans in the criminal justice system prepare to reintegrate back into society and reduce recidivism.
Legislation would allow Department of Corrections to create programs that focus on rehabilitation, reintegration and re-entry for incarcerated individuals
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator James Coleman (D-Denver) and Senator Dennis Hisey (R-Fountain) that aims to help Coloradans in the criminal justice system prepare to reintegrate back into society and reduce recidivism.
“Without adequate access to housing, education and especially employment, 50 percent of Colorado's formerly incarcerated are reverted back to the system shortly after release. In order for these individuals to be able to rebuild, they must have access to programs that focus on preparing them for re-entry into society, not recidivism,” said Sen. Coleman. “This bill will give folks more opportunities to receive skilled training, accountability, responsibility and higher wages, and better promote successful rehabilitation, re-entry, and reintegration into their communities.”
The Department of Corrections (DOC) currently prioritizes financial profit rather than focusing on efforts to promote successful reintegration. SB22-050 removes the requirement for Colorado Correctional Industries (CCi) to make a profit, which will allow the DOC to focus on work programs that benefit the reentry and reintegration of the incarcerated population, rather than focusing on programs that create revenue.
The legislation ensures that the Take TWO (Transitional Work Opportunity) program and CCi programs function under the same division at DOC, and gives DOC greater flexibility to recruit, organize, and create meaningful work programs that provide skilled training, accountability, responsibility and higher wages.
The bill will also allow DOC to reorganize work programs with the aim of raising wages for those incarcerated without the use of tax dollars.
SB22-050 now moves to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Colorado Senate Officially Elects Steve Fenberg to Serve as Senate President
DENVER, CO – The Colorado State Senate today formally elected Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) to serve as the next Senate President.
Sen. Dominick Moreno takes over position as Majority Leader
DENVER, CO – The Colorado State Senate today formally elected Steve Fenberg (D-Boulder) to serve as the next Senate President.
The election follows the departure of President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo) who is leaving the legislature to serve as the Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs within the Department of Defense at the Pentagon.
“I’m honored to have the support of my colleagues as I step into this new role, and I am humbled by this opportunity to serve the state of Colorado as the next President of the Senate,” Fenberg said. “I am committed to steering the Senate to accomplish the goals laid out in January: to make Colorado a more affordable place to live, build safer and healthier communities, and set our students up for success. Together we will make every one of the remaining days of session count, and we will deliver results for the people of Colorado.”
Following Fenberg’s election, Sen. Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City) subsequently stepped into the role of Majority Leader.
“Serving the people of Colorado has been my life’s work, and I am incredibly excited to continue serving in my new role as Majority Leader,” Moreno said. “Our state has seen more than its fair share of challenges lately, and we have much to do to uplift all Coloradans and ensure that Colorado is an affordable, safe, and healthy place for people to live, work and raise a family. I am humbled by the confidence my colleagues have placed in me in choosing me for this new position and I’m eager to help lead our caucus and move Colorado forward together.”
“Serving Pueblo and the people of Colorado has been the honor of a lifetime, and I am incredibly proud of all that we’ve been able to accomplish throughout my tenure,” Garcia said. “While saying goodbye is always difficult, I know that President Fenberg and Majority Leader Moreno will lead this caucus with integrity and tenacity, and I’m eager to watch them continue delivering for Coloradans.”
Senate Passes Sen. Fields’ Bipartisan Bill to Better Support Crime Victims, Update Victim Rights Act
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) and Senator Bob Gardner (R-Colorado Springs) aimed at supporting victims and survivors of crime in Colorado.
Legislation will empower victims and survivors, make it easier to navigate criminal justice system & bring justice to perpetrators
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate passed a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) and Senator Bob Gardner (R-Colorado Springs) aimed at supporting victims and survivors of crime in Colorado.
The bill, SB22-049, updates the Victim Rights Act (VRA) to make it easier for victims to navigate the criminal justice system and bring perpetrators to justice.
“As a crime victim myself, I know how challenging and emotionally draining it can be to navigate the criminal justice system, and I know I’m not alone,” said Sen. Fields. “We’ve heard from folks from all over Colorado about the need to improve our laws to better support and empower crime victims and their families, and that’s what we intend to do with this bill. This bipartisan legislation will not only improve public safety and bring wrongdoers to justice, but help affected families on their path toward healing and recovery.”
The Victim Rights Act is an important section of Colorado code that must periodically be updated to make sure that all Colorado victim’s rights are honored throughout the criminal justice system.
SB22-049 seeks to support and empower crime victims and their families by allowing for virtual participation in court proceedings – allowing victims to be heard without needing to take time off work or arrange childcare or transportation. It also clarifies that when a victim is deceased or incapacitated, more than one family member can represent the interests of the victim.
Additionally, the bill allows victims to opt-in to cold case updates, requires District Attorneys to explain the terms of plea deals and concepts like early release for good behavior to victims, and requires that defendants be present at sentencing for victim impact statements.
This bipartisan legislation was developed hand-in-hand with a variety of stakeholders, including the Attorney General’s office and with input from victims and survivors.
SB22-049 now moves to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senate President-Elect Fenberg Statement on Vacancy Seat Election Results
PUEBLO, CO – Senate President-Elect Steve Fenberg today released a statement following the vacancy committee election in Senate District 3.
PUEBLO, CO – Senate President-Elect Steve Fenberg today released a statement following the vacancy committee election in Senate District 3:
“I offer my sincere congratulations and a huge welcome to Nick Hinrichsen, the next Senator to represent Senate District 3,” Fenberg said. “The people of Pueblo can rest easy knowing they will have a strong voice representing them in the Colorado Senate. I look forward to working alongside Senator-elect Hinrichsen to move Colorado forward by building safer and healthier communities, making Colorado a more affordable place to live, and setting our students up for success.”
Hinrichsen will represent Senate District 3 through the end of the 2022 session. The seat will be up for reelection this November.
Bipartisan Fields Bill to Better Support Survivors of Crime Clears Committee
DENVER, CO – Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) that aims to improve support for crime victims in Colorado. The bill, SB22-057, will increase support for survivors of violent crime who have experienced brain injuries.
Legislation creates task force to improve brain injury screenings for victims of violent crimes in Colorado
DENVER, CO – Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator Rhonda Fields (D-Aurora) that aims to improve support for crime victims in Colorado. The bill, SB22-057, will increase support for survivors of violent crime who have experienced brain injuries.
Co-sponsored by Senator John Cooke (R-Greeley), the bill creates a task force charged with developing a plan for the creation and implementation of a pilot program that would identify and screen victims of violent crimes for symptoms of possible brain injury.
“When someone experiences a traumatic brain injury as a result of a violent crime, their consciousness and ability to function becomes seriously impaired, which means they often can’t advocate for themselves or seek out necessary treatment,” said Sen. Fields. “We need to ensure that every crime victim has the support and resources they need to achieve justice, recover from their trauma, and move forward – that is what this bill aims to accomplish.”
Brain injuries can be consequential and long-lasting types of injuries for survivors of crimes, but are still imperfectly understood. They are also associated with changes in emotions and behaviors and can lead to behavioral health conditions like depression. Survivors of brain injuries may have reduced ability to advocate for themselves and seek treatment due to the nature of the injury itself.
According to a University of Denver study, nearly all survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) reported being struck in the head, and four out of five reported alterations in consciousness as a result.
SB22-057 now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senate Signs Off On Gonzales Bill to Protect Youth from Deceptive Interrogation Tactics
DENVER, CO –The Senate today approved a bill sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver) to protect youth from deceptive interrogation tactics in Colorado. The bill, SB22-023, aims to put an end to practices that deceive kids accused of a crime into making false confessions.
Legislation would prohibit interrogation practices used to coerce youth into falsely confessing to crimes
DENVER, CO –The Senate today approved a bill sponsored by Senator Julie Gonzales (D-Denver) to protect youth from deceptive interrogation tactics in Colorado.
The bill, SB22-023, aims to put an end to practices that deceive kids accused of a crime into making false confessions.
“We cannot allow law enforcement to deceive kids into making false confessions,” said Sen Gonzales. “These interrogation tactics not only unfairly target and harm our youth, they keep law enforcement from bringing the real perpetrators to justice. This issue reveals how our broken criminal legal system takes advantage of the most vulnerable, and I’m proud to carry this policy which will end these deceptive practices.”
Currently, it is completely legal for law enforcement to lie to kids during an interrogation to get them to confess to crimes in Colorado. Falsely telling a suspect that physical evidence or eyewitnesses establish their guilt is likely to produce a confession, even if the child is innocent. Youth are uniquely vulnerable to these coercive techniques.
“The numbers are clear: youth are highly vulnerable, which is why they are statistically overrepresented in false confession cases nationwide,” said Dr Saul Kassin, City University of New York. “Children and adolescents are more easily manipulated than adults; more compliant to figures of authority; more suggestible when confronted with false evidence; and more intensely focused on the present, especially under stress. Subjecting children to the kinds of interrogation trickery and deceit built for adults substantially increases the risk of a false confession.”
SB22-023 enhances transparency by requiring all juvenile interrogations to be recorded. The bill also requires a confession obtained using deception to be declared inadmissible at trial, unless a judge finds the statement or confession was given voluntarily despite the deception.
Kids are more likely to give false confessions when the police claim to have evidence of their guilt. According to the National Registry of Exonerations, in the last 25 years, 38 percent of youth who were exonerated after being convicted of crimes gave false confessions.
“Confessions obtained using the false evidence ploy weaken their reliability and voluntariness. Any investigator would prefer to obtain information through a more transparent and rapport-based approach,” said Dave Thompson, a former law enforcement officer and current President of Wicklander-Zulawksi & Associates. “The use of deception in interrogations is not only unnecessary, but also damning to the interviewer’s credibility and strategy. Fostering community relationships, creating trust with residents and encouraging cooperation in investigations must be based on transparency, honesty and credibility.”
The bill is supported by the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado,Together Colorado, and the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar
SB22-023 now moves to the House of Representatives for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senate Boosts K-12 Support, Sends FY21-22 Budget Supplemental Package to Governor’s Desk
The Senate today voted to send the FY21-22 supplemental budget package to Governor Polis’ desk. The package – worth more than $80 million – will boost funding for Colorado’s K-12 schools, invest in Colorado’s health care system, reduce the amount the state owes school districts, and get the Colorado Department of Early Childhood up and running ahead of schedule.
Legislation will also provide resources to support Marshall fire survivors and first responders, jumpstart new Department of Early Childhood
DENVER, CO – The Senate today voted to send the FY21-22 supplemental budget package to Governor Polis’ desk.
The package – worth more than $80 million – will boost funding for Colorado’s K-12 schools, invest in Colorado’s health care system, reduce the amount the state owes school districts, and get the Colorado Department of Early Childhood up and running ahead of schedule.
“Budgets reflect priorities, and this budget package will move Colorado forward and deliver real, transformational change to address the challenges folks are seeing in their everyday lives,” said JBC Vice Chair Dominick Moreno (D-Commerce City). “This package will boost support for Colorado’s public schools, ensure first responders and health care providers have the resources they need, mitigate impacts from the Marshall Fire, and help more Colorado families thrive.”
“Colorado’s schools and students have faced numerous challenges in recent years, and we have worked hard to address funding levels and support our schools,” said JBC member Chris Hansen (D-Denver). “This budget package will make critical investments to get the Department of Early Childhood up and running ahead of schedule, further reduce the Budget Stabilization Factor, and set Colorado students up for success.”
Increased Funding for Colorado’s K-12 Schools, At-Risk Students
HB22-1186 will buy down the Budget Stabilization Factor by $68 million and provide an additional $91 million to help school districts better serve and support at-risk students.
Support for Counties Impacted by the Marshall Fire
HB22-1183 provides $3.7 million to help make up for lost property taxes as a result of diminished property values in areas impacted by the Marshall Fire. The funding will be transferred from the General Fund to the Treasury Department, and then distributed to affected counties. These funds will be used to make up for lost revenue as a result of decreased property values due to the fire.
Investments in Urban Indian Health Care
HB22-1190 provides increased funding to urban Indian organizations to address health-care disparities among the urban Indian community.
$5 Million for Firefighters
HB22-1194 provides $5 million to help Colorado firefighters purchase critical firefighting equipment and PPE.
The package now heads to the Governor's desk for final approval.
Bill to Help Colorado Small Businesses Save Money Through Sales Tax Relief Clears Committee Hurdle
DENVER, CO – As part of the Senate Democrats' ongoing effort to support Colorado small businesses, the Senate Finance Committee today approved SB22-006, which will improve small businesses’ bottom line by allowing them to retain more of the sales tax revenue they collect.
Legislation will cut red tape, help small businesses’ bottom line by allowing them to retain more of the sales tax revenue they collect
DENVER, CO – As part of the Senate Democrats' ongoing effort to support Colorado small businesses, the Senate Finance Committee today approved SB22-006, which will improve small businesses’ bottom line by allowing them to retain more of the sales tax revenue they collect.
The bill, sponsored by Senator Chris Kolker (D-Centennial) and Senator Robert Rodriguez (D-Denver), cleared the committee unanimously.
“As a small business owner myself, I know that every little bit helps,” Sen. Kolker said. “This is a commonsense bill that will save business owners time and put more money in their pockets so they can continue serving their communities.”
“Colorado’s small businesses are the backbone of our economy, but they’ve been hit hard by the pandemic and we must do everything we can to support them,” Sen. Rodriguez said. “I’m proud of this legislation which will make it easier for businesses to get by as we continue to recover and will set them up for even more success down the road, and I look forward to getting it signed into law.”
SB22-006 increases the state vendor fee – which is the amount that small businesses can keep – in 2023 from 4.0 percent to 5.3 percent for retailers with less than $100,000 in taxable sales per filing period. This will allow small businesses to use those funds to deal with rising rents, improve wages and benefits for their employees, and keep their businesses afloat as we continue dealing with the pandemic.
The bill will now move to Senate Appropriations for further consideration. You can track SB22-006's progress HERE.
Education Committee Advances Zenzinger Bill to Increase Colorado Special Education Funding By More Than $93 Million
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Education Committee unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) and Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer (R-Weld County) that would increase funding for special education students by more than $93 million per year.
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate Education Committee unanimously approved a bill sponsored by Senator Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) and Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer (R-Weld County) that would increase funding for special education students by more than $93 million per year. The bill, SB22-127, would help ensure that every Colorado student has the resources and support they need to thrive.
“Every Colorado student deserves a quality, public education, but the current level of state support for schools just isn’t getting the job done,” said Sen. Zenzinger. “We’ve been working to fix that, and this legislation will help us get critical resources to the classrooms that need them most while making sure every student, regardless of ability, has what they need to succeed.”
SB22-127 will dramatically increase funding for more than 100,000 Colorado special education students, from about $220 million per year currently to more than $313 million per year moving forward. This increase will bring down student-teacher ratios, decrease class sizes, and help schools provide the tailored assistance and support special education students need to learn and receive the quality education they deserve.
The bill now moves to the Appropriations Committee for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Bipartisan Coleman Bill to Help Incarcerated Prepare to Re-enter Society, Reduce Recidivism Moves Forward
DENVER, CO – Today, the Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator James Coleman (D-Denver) that aims to help Coloradans in the criminal justice system prepare to reintegrate back into society and reduce recidivism.
Legislation would allow Department of Corrections to create programs that focus on rehabilitation, reintegration and re-entry for incarcerated individuals
DENVER, CO – Today, the Judiciary Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senator James Coleman (D-Denver) that aims to help Coloradans in the criminal justice system prepare to reintegrate back into society and reduce recidivism.
“Without adequate access to housing, education and especially employment, 50 percent of Colorado's formerly incarcerated are reverted back to the system shortly after release. In order for these individuals to be able to rebuild, they must have access to programs that focus on preparing them for re-entry into society, not recidivism,” said Sen. Coleman. “This bill will give folks more opportunities to receive skilled training, accountability, responsibility and higher wages, and better promote successful rehabilitation, re-entry, and reintegration into their communities.”
The Department of Corrections (DOC) currently prioritizes financial profit rather than focusing on efforts to promote successful reintegration. SB22-050 removes the requirement for Colorado Correctional Industries (CCi) to make a profit, which will allow the DOC to focus on work programs that benefit the reentry and reintegration of the incarcerated population, rather than focusing on programs that create revenue.
The legislation ensures that the Take TWO (Transitional Work Opportunity) program and CCi programs function under the same division at DOC, and gives DOC greater flexibility to recruit, organize, and create meaningful work programs that provide skilled training, accountability, responsibility and higher wages.
The bill will also allow DOC to reorganize work programs with the aim of raising wages for those incarcerated without the use of tax dollars.
SB22-050 now moves to the Senate floor for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senate Passes Bipartisan Bill to Reduce Prescription Drug Misuse
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously approved Senator Robert Rodriguez’s (D-Denver) bipartisan legislation directing the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) to take steps to reduce prescription drug misuse.
Legislation would implement recommendations to update the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously approved Senator Robert Rodriguez’s (D-Denver) bipartisan legislation directing the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) to take steps to reduce prescription drug misuse.
Cosponsored by Senator Jim Smallwood (R-Parker), SB22-027 would require prescribers to conduct a check with the PDMP prior to prescribing any opioid or benzodiazepine. Currently, prescribers are only required to check before prescribing a second dose fill of any opioid or benzodiazepine.
“Ongoing prescription drug misuse across Colorado requires us to take steps to improve our prescription drug practices,” Rodriguez said. “This bill will help reduce prescription drug misuse by giving the Prescription Drug Monitoring program the tools it needs to support safe prescription practices, which will help us enhance public safety and build healthier communities.”
Rodriguez’s bill makes recommended modifications to the PDMP in accordance with a March 2021 report from the State Auditor.
Additional modifications include requiring prescribers licensed in Colorado who hold a DEA registration to have a user account with the PDMP, and requiring the PDMP Task Force to make recommendations to the Department of Regulatory Agencies regarding the balance between the PDMP as a health care tool and as a tool for identifying and reporting potential overprescription and misuse of prescription drugs.
SB22-027 now moves to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of the bill here.
Senate Passes Bills to Address Health Care Workforce Shortage with Unanimous Support
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously approved legislation that would create better pathways for students to enter the medical field, help address the healthcare workforce shortage throughout Colorado, and improve patient outcomes – especially in underserved communities.
DENVER, CO – Today, the Senate unanimously approved legislation that would create better pathways for students to enter the medical field, help address the healthcare workforce shortage throughout Colorado, and improve patient outcomes – especially in underserved communities.
SB22-003, sponsored by Senator Janet Buckner (D-Aurora) and Senate President Pro Tem Kerry Donovan (D-Vail), would allow community colleges to offer full bachelor’s degrees to certain nursing students to address the state’s health care provider shortage and create more high-paying jobs.
“Colorado continues to face a critical health care workforce shortage, impacting patients’ ability to access the care they need, and the situation has worsened since the pandemic began,” said Sen. Buckner. “This bill will help more students pursue their dream and land a good-paying job in nursing while giving Colorado hospitals more qualified and better trained health care professionals to hire. By expanding educational opportunities for students, we can strengthen our workforce and improve health care access for all Coloradans.”
“Both rural and urban areas have felt the effects of our state’s shortage of nurses in hospitals,” said Sen. Donovan. “This bill will be a step towards providing hospitals with the staffing they need while saving people money on their education.”
This bill would allow more students to enroll in BSN nursing programs, which will enable employers to grow internal talent who are familiar with their workplace’s culture and needs and allow students to earn a bachelors in nursing at a faster pace than in a traditional program, saving thousands in tuition and fees and addressing the nursing shortage head-on.
SB22-056, a bipartisan bill sponsored by Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo) and Senator Jerry Sonnenberg (R-Logan), would permit the University of Northern Colorado to offer doctoral degree programs in osteopathic medicine. Currently, the University of Colorado has exclusive authority in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and physical therapy. This bill amends the university’s role and mission to include programs in osteopathic medicine.
“Every Coloradan, regardless of where they live, should be able to access the health care they need, but folks in rural and other underserved areas continue to be heavily impacted by the ongoing doctor shortage,” said Senate President Garcia. “With this bill, we will be able to address the shortage, strengthen our workforce, and help more patients access needed care.”
According to the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, only 34.6 percent of the state’s need for physicians is currently being met, negatively affecting access to care, especially in rural and other underserved communities. SB22-056 would help address this shortage, especially in primary care, and ensure that more providers can see more patients, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.
Both bills now move to the House for further consideration. Track the progress of SB22-003 here and SB22-056 here.
Senate Education Committee Advances Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Colorado Students’ Reading Comprehension
DENVER, CO –The Senate Education Committee voted yesterday to advance Senator Jeff Bridges’ (D-Greenwood Village) bipartisan legislation that would support equal reading comprehension and improve literacy learning outcomes and opportunities.
Legislation will help improve learning, set students up for success
DENVER, CO –The Senate Education Committee voted yesterday to advance Senator Jeff Bridges’ (D-Greenwood Village) bipartisan legislation that would support equal reading comprehension and improve literacy learning outcomes and opportunities.
SB22-004, cosponsored by Senator Bob Rankin (R-Carbondale), would require elementary school administrators to be trained in scientific, evidence-based reading instruction to better support teachers and students in kindergarten through third grade classrooms.
“Every student deserves the chance to succeed, no matter where they come from. Learning to read is the most critical part of a student's public education, and it's on us to make sure we deliver. Right now, we're not. Even before the pandemic, more than half of third graders couldn't read at grade level,” Bridges said. “We've started to address this with the READ Act by requiring evidence-based instruction in the science of reading, and teachers have raved about their training. We're now expanding that training to include administrators so they can provide better support and partnership to their teachers, to make sure that all of our public school kids learn the skills they need to thrive."
“I believe that nothing is more important to the process of education than learning to read by third grade,” Rankin said. “I appreciate the unanimous bipartisan legislative support for this bill and preceding bills to promote the Science of Reading. Colorado's 23,000 teachers from kindergarten to third grade are responding. This bill calls on administrators to join them.”
The bill expands on the goal of the Colorado READ Act to ensure the mastery of reading for third grade students before they advance to fourth grade. The 2012 bill requires kindergarten through third grade teachers to complete an evidence-based reading instruction program to get students reading at grade level before fourth grade.
SB22-004 will now head to the Appropriations Committee. Track the progress of the bill here.